int ReadGHeader(struct picinfo *gif, struct GIFGLB *GifGlb, int *ReaPal) { unsigned int glb_pix,glb_pal; int len_pal, nr, i; *ReaPal = 0; filx = a_fast_open(gif->filename,O_BINARY|O_RDONLY,0); if(filx <= 0) return 2; nr = a_read(filx, GifGlb, 13); /* Nacteni hlavicky .GIF */ if(nr < 13) return 4; if(strncmp((char *)GifGlb->sigGIF,"GIF",3) != 0) { return 6; } if(!gif->palismap) memset(gif->pal,0,768); glb_pix = (GifGlb->global & 0x07) + 1; /* Global pixel size */ glb_pal = (GifGlb->global & 0x80); /* Globalni paleta */ if(glb_pal != 0) { len_pal = ( 1<<glb_pix ); if(!gif->palismap) { gif->npal=len_pal; nr = a_read(filx,gif->pal,len_pal*3); if(nr < len_pal) return( 8 ); for(i=0; i<3*gif->npal; i++) gif->pal[i]>>=2; *ReaPal = 1; }
static int read_permissions(attrib * a, void *owner, struct storage *store) { attrib *attr = NULL; a_read(store, &attr, NULL); a_free(attr); return AT_READ_OK; }
static int read_permissions(attrib * a, void *owner, struct storage *store) { assert(!a); a_read(store, &a, owner); a_remove(&a, a); return AT_READ_OK; }
long calcexe(char *exename,long offset) { long x=0; int i=0,step[5]={7,3,1,2,7},j=0; int f=a_open(exename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); char *buf=farmalloc(CHECKBUF+1); if(buf) { if(f>=0) { lseek(f, offset, SEEK_SET); a_read(f,buf,CHECKBUF); while(j<CHECKBUF) { x+=buf[j]; j+=step[i++]; if(i==4)i=0; } a_close(f); return x; } farfree(buf); } puts("?!"); exit(0); }
static void async_test(const char *fname, int block_size, int nblocks, int rsize) { int fd; struct aio_ring *ring; off_t offset=0; char buf[rsize]; int i=0; offset=0; start_timer(); fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { perror(fname); exit(1); } ring = a_init(fd, block_size, nblocks); if (ring == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "a_init faild\n"); exit(1); } while (a_read(ring, buf, sizeof(buf), offset) > 0) { offset += sizeof(buf); if (++i % 5 == 0) { offset -= 2*sizeof(buf); } } printf("async: %.3f MByte/sec\n", 1.0e-6 * offset / end_timer()); a_close(ring); }
static int read_permissions(attrib * a, void *owner, struct gamedata *data) { assert(!a); a_read(data, &a, owner); a_remove(&a, a); return AT_READ_OK; }
void read_groups(struct storage *store, faction * f) { for (;;) { ally **pa; group *g; int gid; char buf[1024]; READ_INT(store, &gid); if (gid == 0) break; READ_STR(store, buf, sizeof(buf)); g = new_group(f, buf, gid); pa = &g->allies; for (;;) { ally *a; variant fid; READ_INT(store, &fid.i); if (fid.i <= 0) break; a = ally_add(pa, findfaction(fid.i)); READ_INT(store, &a->status); if (!a->faction) ur_add(fid, &a->faction, resolve_faction); } a_read(store, &g->attribs, g); } }
void read_groups(struct storage *store, faction * f) { for (;;) { ally **pa; group *g; int gid; char buf[1024]; READ_INT(store, &gid); if (gid == 0) break; READ_STR(store, buf, sizeof(buf)); g = new_group(f, buf, gid); pa = &g->allies; for (;;) { ally *a; variant fid; READ_INT(store, &fid.i); if (fid.i <= 0) break; if (global.data_version < STORAGE_VERSION && fid.i == 0) break; a = malloc(sizeof(ally)); *pa = a; pa = &a->next; READ_INT(store, &a->status); a->faction = findfaction(fid.i); if (!a->faction) ur_add(fid, &a->faction, resolve_faction); } *pa = 0; a_read(store, &g->attribs, g); } }
// Accept an incoming TCP connection void net::tcp_accept(int tmp_socket, cbsb cb) { struct sockaddr_in sin; uint32_t sinlen = sizeof(sin); fd_ = accept(tmp_socket, (struct sockaddr*) &sin, &sinlen); tcp_nodelay(fd_); if (fd_ < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) fatal << "accept() failed. errno = " << errno << "\n"; a_read(cb); }
int cmain(void) { /* test the a_create() and a_close() functions */ int fd, i, j; char buffer[TESTDATA_SIZE]; fd = a_create ("to-curie-test-data", 0660); if (fd < 0) return 1; i = a_close(fd); if (i < 0) return 2; /* test the a_write() and a_open_write() functions */ fd = a_open_write ("to-curie-test-data"); if (fd < 0) return 3; i = a_write(fd, TESTDATA, (unsigned int)TESTDATA_SIZE); if (i < 0) return 4; if (i != TESTDATA_SIZE) return 5; /* close file descriptor */ i = a_close(fd); if (i < 0) return 6; /* test the a_read() and a_open_read() functions */ fd = a_open_read ("to-curie-test-data"); if (fd < 0) return 7; i = a_read (fd, buffer, (unsigned int)TESTDATA_SIZE); if (i < 0) return 8; if (i != TESTDATA_SIZE) return 9; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (buffer[j] != TESTDATA[j]) return 10; } return 0; }
int ftpsession(struct Url *url,struct HTTPrecord *cache,char *uploadfile) { longword host; char str[256]; char buffer[BUFLEN+2]; tcp_Socket datasocket; word dataport=0; int rv=0,len; char *ptr,*datahostptr,datahost[80]; char isdir=0,retry=0;//,ascii=0; long total=0; //!!glennmcc: Nov 11, 2007 -- for 'dblp code' below int dblp=0; //!!glennmcc: end //!!glennmcc: Nov 13, 2007 -- for EZNOS2 fix below int eznos2=0; //!!glennmcc: end int log; if(!tcpip)return 0; free_socket(); if((!url->file[0] || url->file[strlen(url->file)-1]=='/') && !uploadfile) isdir=1; sprintf(str,msg_askdns,url->host); outs(str); GlobalLogoStyle=0; //SDL set resolve animation host=resolve_fn( url->host, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc ); //SDL // host=resolve( url->host ); if(!host) { DNSerr(url->host); return 0; } // if(!uploadfile) //!glennmcc: Oct 20, 2012 - commented-out to make upload log more verbose log=a_open("FTP.LOG",O_BINARY|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE); GlobalLogoStyle=2; //SDL set connect animation if (!tcp_open( socket, locport(), host, url->port, NULL )) { sprintf(str,msg_errcon,url->host); outs(str); return 0; } sprintf(str,msg_con,url->host,url->port); outs(str); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); sock_wait_established(socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status); //SDL GlobalLogoStyle=1; //SDL set data animation sock_mode( socket, TCP_MODE_ASCII ); outs(MSG_LOGIN); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); // printf("FTP daemon said>"); // puts(buffer); if ( *buffer != '2' && buffer[0]!=' ') goto quit; } while(buffer[3]=='-' || buffer[0]==' '); //continued message! if(!url->user[0]) ptr="anonymous"; else ptr=url->user; sprintf( str, "USER %s", ptr); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); // printf("FTP daemon said>"); // puts(buffer); //!!glennmcc: May 11, 2005 //removed due to the fact that not all sites use '3' //see additional info below with respect to anonymous password // if ( *buffer != '3' ) goto quit; //!!glennmcc: end //open cache filename: //!glennmcc: Oct 20, 2012 - commented-out to make upload log more verbose // if(uploadfile) // strcpy(cache->locname,"FTP.LOG"); // else //!glennmcc end: Oct 20, 2012 { //!!glennmcc: Oct 22, 2008 -- strchr() was preventing the use of 'CachePath .\cache\' // ptr=strchr(cache->locname,'.'); ptr=strrchr(cache->locname,'.'); //!!glennmcc: end if(ptr) { strcpy(&ptr[1],"FTP"); strcpy(cache->rawname,cache->locname); } } cache->handle=a_open(cache->locname,O_BINARY|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE); if(cache->handle<0) goto quit; strcpy(cache->mime,"text/plain"); if(url->password[0]) ptr=url->password; else { if(url->user[0] && !strcmp(url->host,AUTHENTICATION->host) && !strcmp(AUTHENTICATION->realm,"$ftp")) ptr=AUTHENTICATION->password; else { ptr=configvariable(&ARACHNEcfg,"FakeFTPeMail",NULL); if(!ptr || !strchr(ptr,'@')) { ptr=configvariable(&ARACHNEcfg,"eMail",NULL); if(!ptr) ptr="@"; } } } //!!glennmcc: May 11, 2005 //some sites do not require a password after 'anonymous' //therefer, this entire block is now within this 'if()' so that //the password (email address), will only be sent if asked for //!!glennmcc: Nov 13, 2007 -- EZNOS2 says "Enter PASS command" if (strstr(buffer,"sword") || strstr(buffer,"Enter PASS command")) //if (strstr(buffer,"sword"))//original line { sprintf( str, "PASS %s", ptr); sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); }//!!glennmcc: inserted Mar 02, 2008 //Some servers need the following 'do/while' section, //therefore, only the section above for sending the password needs to be //'blocked' when no password was requested. do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); // printf("FTP daemon said>"); // puts(buffer); if (strstr(buffer,"Enter PASS command")) eznos2=1; if (*buffer != '2' && buffer[0]!=' ' && !eznos2) { write(cache->handle,buffer,strlen(buffer)); rv=1; goto quit; } else if ((buffer[3]=='-' || buffer[0]==' ') && (isdir || uploadfile)) { strcat(buffer,"\r\n"); rv=1; write(cache->handle,buffer,strlen(buffer)); } } while(buffer[3]=='-' || buffer[0]==' ' || buffer[0]=='3'); //continued message! //}//!!glennmcc: end May 11, 2005 -- removed on Mar 02, 2008 //ask server where we have to connect: sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"PASV"); sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); // printf("FTP daemon said>"); // puts(buffer); //2xx Entering passive mode (a,b,c,d,x,y) if ( *buffer != '2' ) goto quit; datahostptr=strchr(buffer,'('); //!!glennmcc: Nov 13, 2007 -- EZNOS2 doesn't enclose the info in () //therefore, if '(' is not found... look for the last 'space'. if(!datahostptr) {datahostptr=strrchr(buffer,' '); eznos2=1;} //if that still fails... 'quit' //!!glennmcc: end if(!datahostptr) goto quit;//original line ptr=++datahostptr; { int carka=0; char *portptr=NULL; while(*ptr) { if(*ptr==',') { carka++; if(carka<4) *ptr='.'; else if(carka==4) { *ptr='\0'; portptr=ptr+1; } else if (carka==5) { *ptr='\0'; dataport=256*(word)atoi(portptr); // ,x,y -> 256*x+y portptr=ptr+1; //!!glennmcc: Nov 13, 2007 -- part of above fix for EZNO2 info not in () if(eznos2) dataport+=atoi(portptr); // ,x,y -> 256*x+y //!!glennmcc: end } } else if(*ptr==')' && portptr) { //!!glennmcc: Nov 11, 2007 -- some servers have double ')' // at the end of the port address info... // this 'dblp code' will prevent that from adding the final set twice //eg: (99,167,219,186,234,255)) instead of.... (99,167,219,186,234,255) //without this fix ... 255 gets added a 2nd time and //we end-up-with... port 60414 instead of the correct port of 60159 *ptr='\0'; if(!dblp)//!!glennmcc: Nov 11, 2007 dataport+=atoi(portptr); // ,x,y -> 256*x+y dblp=1;//!!glennmcc: Nov 11, 2007 } ptr++; } } if(!dataport) goto quit; //!!glennmcc: Aug 31, 2009 //EZNOS2 sends the IP of the machine on a router as datahost //therefore we need to go back to the original host if(eznos2) { makestr(datahost,url->host,79); outs(datahost); Piip(); } else //!!glennmcc:end makestr(datahost,datahostptr,79);//original line retry: if(isdir) { if(url->file[0]) { //!!glennmcc: Oct 15, 2007 -- fix problems with CWD on FTP servers //which interpret the leading '/' as an attempted CD to 'root' if(url->file[0]=='/') sprintf( str, "CWD %s", url->file+1); else //!!glennmcc: end Oct 15, 2007 sprintf( str, "CWD %s", url->file); sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); //!!glennmcc: Apr 08, 2005 -- commented-out this block // to fix the problem of 'broken dir listing' when the // 'FTP welcome message' contains linefeeds // such as at /* if ( *buffer != '2' && buffer[0]!=' ') { write(cache->handle,buffer,strlen(buffer)); rv=1; goto quit; } else if (buffer[3]=='-' || buffer[0]==' ') */ //!!glennmcc: end { strcat(buffer,"\r\n"); rv=1; write(cache->handle,buffer,strlen(buffer)); } } //!!glennmcc: Apr 08, 2005 -- added a test for !=' ' which is also // needed for the same fix at while(buffer[3]=='-' || buffer[3]!=' ' || buffer[0]==' '); //continued message! // while(buffer[3]=='-' || buffer[0]==' '); //continued message! //!!glennmcc: end } strcpy(cache->mime,"ftp/list"); sprintf( str, "LIST"); } else { char *fnameptr; char mimestr[80]="ftp/binary"; fnameptr=strrchr(url->file,'/'); if(!fnameptr) { fnameptr=strrchr(url->file,'\\'); if(!fnameptr) fnameptr=url->file; else fnameptr++; } else fnameptr++; sprintf( str, "TYPE I"); if(fnameptr) { char ext[5]; strcpy(mimestr,"file/"); strncat(mimestr,fnameptr,70); mimestr[79]='\0'; get_extension(mimestr,ext); if(!strncmpi(ext,"TXT",3) || !strncmpi(ext,"HTM",3)) { //!!glennmcc: begin June 09, 2002 //optionally upload TXT and HTM in binary mode ptr=configvariable(&ARACHNEcfg,"UseBinaryFTP",NULL); if(!ptr || toupper(*ptr)=='N') //!!glennmcc: end sprintf( str, "TYPE A"); // ascii=1; } } strcpy(cache->mime,mimestr); sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); // printf("FTP daemon said>"); // puts(buffer); if ( *buffer != '2' || uploadfile) { strcat(buffer,"\n"); write(cache->handle,buffer,strlen(buffer)); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) { rv=1; goto quit; } if(!uploadfile) //!!glennmcc: Oct 17, 2007 -- fix problems with FTP servers //which interpret the leading '/' as an attempted CD to 'root' if(url->file[0]=='/') sprintf( str, "RETR %s", url->file+1); else sprintf( str, "RETR %s", url->file); //original single line above this comment //!!glennmcc: end else sprintf( str, "STOR %s", url->file); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); //!!glennmcc: Oct 19, 2008 -- back to original fix //!!glennmcc: Nov 15, 2007 -- always 'close' the connection when done //with both dir listings and file downloads //Apr 10, 2007 fix did it only for dir listings if(isdir || strstr(str,"RETR")) //if(isdir) sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"QUIT");//!!glennmcc: Apr 10, 2007 //!!glennmcc: end if(!retry) { //get file using datahost & dataport GlobalLogoStyle=0; //SDL set resolve animation host=resolve_fn( datahost, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc ); //SDL // host=resolve( datahost ); if(!host) goto quit; GlobalLogoStyle=2; //SDL set connect animation if (!tcp_open( &datasocket, locport(), host, dataport, NULL )) { sprintf(str,msg_errcon,datahost); outs(str); goto quit; } sprintf(str,msg_con,datahost,dataport); outs(str); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); //wait for datasocket to open: sock_wait_established(&datasocket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status); //SDL //!!glennmcc: Sep 27, 2008 -- increase D/L speed on cable & DSL //many thanks to 'mik' for pointing me in the right direction. :) { #ifdef DEBUG char sp[80]; sprintf(sp,"Available stack = %u bytes",_SP); outs(sp); Piip(); Piip(); #endif if(_SP>(1024*SETBUFSIZE)) { char setbuf[1024*SETBUFSIZE]; sock_setbuf(&datasocket, (unsigned char *)setbuf, 1024*SETBUFSIZE); } } //!!glennmcc: end GlobalLogoStyle=1; //SDL set data animation } //wait for "110 openning connection" (or "550 ....error....") sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); // printf("FTP daemon said>"); // puts(buffer); if ( *buffer != '1' || uploadfile) { strcat(buffer,"\n"); write(cache->handle,buffer,strlen(buffer)); } if ( *buffer != '1' ) { if(!strncmp(buffer,"550",3) && !retry) { retry=1; isdir=1-isdir; if(isdir) strcat(url->file,"/"); else { int i=strlen(url->file); if(i>0 && url->file[i-1]=='/') url->file[i-1]='\0'; } goto retry; } strcpy(cache->mime,"text/plain"); rv=1; goto dataquit; } if(!uploadfile) //-------------------------------------- download --------------- { while ( 1 ) { xChLogoTICK(1); if(GUITICK()) if(GLOBAL.gotolocation || GLOBAL.abort) goto dataquit; if (sock_dataready( &datasocket )) { len = sock_fastread( &datasocket, (unsigned char*)buffer, BUFLEN ); write(cache->handle,buffer,len); total+=len; sprintf(str,MSG_BYTESR,MSG_DOWNLD,total); outs(str); } else sock_tick( &datasocket, &status ); //shift TCP/IP } } else //-------------------------------------- upload ------------------ { int f,lenread,done; long length; char pom[256]; /* if(ascii) f=a_sopen(uploadfile,O_RDONLY|O_TEXT, SH_DENYNO, S_IREAD); else*/ f=a_sopen(uploadfile,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, SH_DENYNO, S_IREAD); if(f<0) goto dataquit; lenread=done=0; length=0l; { long filel=a_filelength(f); while(1) { sprintf(pom,MSG_UPLOAD,length,filel); outs(pom); //!!glennmcc:Oct 23, 2008 -- 'reversed the logic' // to keep from overflowing at 21megs if(filel>100) percentbar((int)(length/(filel/100))); // percentbar((int)(100*length/filel)); lenread=a_read(f,buffer,BUFLEN); length+=lenread; if(lenread<=0) done=1; //wait until we can write to socket: while(sock_tbleft(&datasocket)<lenread) //SDL // while( datasocket.datalen > 1024) { sock_tick(&datasocket,&status); xChLogoTICK(1); // animation of logo if(GUITICK()) goto dataquit; } if(done) { sock_close( &datasocket ); a_close(f); goto dataclose; } sock_fastwrite(&datasocket,(unsigned char *)buffer,lenread); sock_tick(&datasocket,&status); }//loop } } dataquit: //!!glennmcc: Nov 15, 2007 -- removed sock_abort because it was // sometimes preventing the connection from being closed, // therefore preventing access to several files within a short time // due to too many connections open from the same IP // sock_abort( &datasocket );//original line //!!glennmcc: end dataclose: outs(MSG_CLOSE); sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"QUIT");//!!glennmcc: Dec 04, 2006 sock_wait_closed( &datasocket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL if(uploadfile) { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); } quit: sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"QUIT"); sock_close( socket ); closing[socknum]=1; sock_keepalive[socknum][0]='\0'; // sock_wait_closed( socket, sock_delay, NULL, &status ); //we will better wait because we are about to deallocate datasocket sock_err: switch (status) { case 1 : /* foreign host closed */ write(log,MSG_CLOSE,strlen(MSG_CLOSE)); write(log,"\r\n",2); close(log); break; case -1: /* timeout */ sprintf(str,MSG_TCPERR, sockerr(socket)); outs(str); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); close(log); break; } if(total) { cache->knowsize=1; cache->size=total; rv=1; } if(cache->handle>=0) { a_close(cache->handle); rv=1; } return rv; }
// open/load from disk //. Load binary structures from the disk. Used only by cache.idx int ie_openbin(struct bin_file *fajl) //load, or open, 1. or 2. { int i,f=-1,rv; fajl->len=0; // fajl->firstswap=0; fajl->lineadr=farmalloc((sizeof(XSWAP))*(IE_MAXLINES+2)); if(fajl->lineadr==NULL) return 2; fajl->linesize=farmalloc((sizeof(unsigned short))*(IE_MAXLINES+2)); if(fajl->linesize==NULL) return 2; i=0; while (i<IE_MAXLINES) { fajl->lineadr[i]=IE_NULL; fajl->linesize[i]=0; i++; }//loop if (swapstr == NULL ) return 2; if(fajl->filename[0]) #ifdef POSIX f=a_open(fajl->filename,O_RDONLY, 0); #else f=a_sopen(fajl->filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,SH_COMPAT | SH_DENYNONE, S_IREAD); #endif if(f==-1) { //if(strlen(fajl->filename)==0) strcpy(fajl->filename,"NONAME.BIN"); fajl->modified=0; //!!! return 1; } else { unsigned short linelen; char *inbuf; inbuf=farmalloc(16001); if(!inbuf)return 2; rv=1; fajl->modified=0; //!!! // load file while (1) { if(a_read(f,&linelen,sizeof(unsigned short))!=sizeof(unsigned short)) goto exit_load; //end of file if(linelen>16000) {rv=6;goto exit_load;} if(a_read(f,inbuf,linelen)!=linelen) {rv=6;goto exit_load;} fajl->lineadr[fajl->len]=ie_putswap(inbuf,linelen,CONTEXT_SYSTEM); fajl->linesize[fajl->len]=linelen; if(fajl->len>IE_MAXLINES) {rv=5;goto exit_load;} //too many line, too large file fajl->len++; }//loop exit_load: farfree(inbuf); a_close (f); return rv; }//end if }//end sub
int xsendmail(struct Url *url, char helo, char logfile) { longword host; long length; //!!glennmcc: Feb 05, 2008 -- increased from 128 to 512 char str[512/*128*/],pom[512/*128*/]; //!!glennmcc Apr 30, 2004 -- for AuthSMTP char AuthSMTPusername[128]="",AuthSMTPpassword[128]=""; //!!glennmcc: end char buffer[BUFLEN]; struct ffblk ff; char filename[80]; int rv=0; //default return value == error int f,nomoremail; int done,lenread,i,j,lastcarka,carka,field,success,u,z; int status,err=0; char *ptr; int log; //!!glennmcc & Ray: Dec 14, 2006 int bcc=0; //!!glennmcc & Ray: end if(!tcpip) return 0; nomoremail=findfirst(&url->file[1],&ff,0); if(nomoremail) return 1; if(logfile) log= a_open( "SMTP.LOG" , O_BINARY|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE ); else log=-1; free_socket(); //reset requests on IDENT port: reset_detected=0; tcp_listen(sock[1-socknum], 113, 0, 0, (dataHandler_t) resetport , 0); sprintf(str,msg_askdns,url->host); outs(str); GlobalLogoStyle=0; //SDL set resolve animation host = resolve_fn(url->host, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc); //SDL // host = resolve(url->host); if(!host) { DNSerr(url->host); return 0; } sprintf(str,msg_con,url->host,url->port); outs(str); GlobalLogoStyle=2; //SDL set connect animation if (!tcp_open( socket, locport(), host, url->port, NULL )) { sprintf(str,msg_errcon,url->host); outs(str); return 0; } sock_wait_established( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status); //SDL GlobalLogoStyle=1; //SDL set data animation sock_mode( socket, TCP_MODE_ASCII ); outs(MSG_SMTP); //wait for daemon to appear: do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) goto quit; } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! if(log!=-1 && reset_detected) { strcpy(str,MSG_IDENT); write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if(helo) // if(helo!=0) { //HELO protocol char *mydomain=strchr(url->user,'@'); if(mydomain) mydomain++; // xx@->yyy else //!!glennmcc: Feb 22, 2006 -- use host domain instead of user { mydomain=strchr(url->host,'.'); mydomain++; // xx@->yyy } // mydomain=url->user; //!!glennmcc: end //!!glennmcc: begin Nov 09, 2003 --- EHLO == Authenticated SMTP //finally finished it on Apr 30, 2004 ;-) if(helo==2) { //!!glennmcc: Feb 14, 2006 -- use 'authuser' for AuthSMTP mydomain=strrchr(url->authuser,'@'); if(mydomain) mydomain++; // xx@->yyy else //!!glennmcc: Feb 22, 2006 -- use host domain instead of authuser { mydomain=strchr(url->host,'.'); mydomain++; // xx@->yyy } // mydomain=url->authuser; //!!glennmcc: end sprintf( str, "EHLO %s", mydomain); outs(str); if(log!=-1) { write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) goto quit; } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! sprintf( str, "AUTH LOGIN"); outs(str); if(log!=-1) { write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '3' ) goto quit; } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! //!!glennmcc: Sept 17, 2004 // changed so that "email" will always get used for "mail from" // base64code((unsigned char *)url->user,AuthSMTPusername); base64code((unsigned char *)url->authuser,AuthSMTPusername); //!!glennmcc: end sprintf( str, AuthSMTPusername); outs(str); if(log!=-1) { write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '3' ) goto quit; } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! //!!glennmcc: Feb 17, 2006 -- switch to new variable 'authpassword' base64code((unsigned char *)url->authpassword,AuthSMTPpassword); // base64code((unsigned char *)url->password,AuthSMTPpassword); sprintf( str, AuthSMTPpassword); outs(str); if(log!=-1) { write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) goto quit; } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! } else //begin else HELO { //!!glennmcc: end sprintf( str, "HELO %s", mydomain); outs(str); if(log!=-1) { write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) goto quit; } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! }//!!glennmcc: end of else HELO } //do for all messages while (!nomoremail) { //process msg body if(err) { outs("RSET"); if(log!=-1) { write(log,"RSET\r\n",6); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"RSET"); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) goto quit; //cannot reset ?? } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! err=0; } strcpy(filename,&url->file[1]); ptr=strrchr(filename,'\\'); if(ptr) ptr++; //point after "\" else ptr=filename; //current dir ? (not likelky case) strcpy(ptr,ff.ff_name); //open file f=a_fast_open(filename, O_TEXT|O_RDONLY,0); if(f<0) goto cont; //go to next message! //start SMTP sprintf( str, "MAIL FROM: <%s>", url->user); outs(str); if(log!=-1) { write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); do { sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) goto quit; //I am not accepted ?! } while(buffer[3]=='-'); //continued message! //process msg header done=lenread=j=lastcarka=carka=field=success=u=z=0; i=1; //force reading! do { if(i>=lenread) { lenread=a_read(f,buffer,BUFLEN); if(lenread<=0) done=1; i=0; } str[j]=buffer[i++]; if(str[j]=='\"')u=1-u; else if(str[j]=='(')z=1; else if(str[j]==')')z=0; else if(str[j]==',' && !u && !z)carka=1; if(j>=127 || str[j]=='\n' || carka || done) { str[j]='\0'; if(!str[0] && !lastcarka) //empty line -> end of message header { done=1; field=0; } else if(!strncmpi("TO:",str,3) || !strncmpi("CC:",str,3)) { ptr=&str[3]; field=1; } else if(!strncmpi("BCC:",str,4)) { //!!glennmcc & Ray: Dec 14, 2006 bcc=1; //!!glennmcc & Ray: end ptr=&str[4]; field=1; } else if(field && (lastcarka || str[0]==' ')) ptr=str; else field=0; if(field) { struct ib_editor expandlist; int rcpt; if(ptr[0]==' ' && ptr[1]=='@') //expand mailing list { makestr(expandlist.filename,&ptr[2],79); if(ie_openf(&expandlist,CONTEXT_TMP)==1) field=-1; else { field=0; expandlist.filename[0]='\0'; } } else expandlist.filename[0]='\0'; if(field!=0) rcpt=1; else rcpt=0; while(rcpt) { if(field==1) //address in ptr rcpt=0; else { ptr=ie_getline(&expandlist,expandlist.y++); if(expandlist.y>=expandlist.lines) { rcpt=0; field=0; } } cutaddress(ptr); if(*ptr) { //add SMTP recipient sprintf( pom, "RCPT TO: <%s>", ptr); outs(pom); if(log!=-1) { write(log,pom,strlen(pom)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)pom); sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)pom, sizeof( pom )); outs(pom); if(log!=-1) { write(log,pom,strlen(pom)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if(*pom == '2') success++; } }//loop if(expandlist.filename[0]) { ie_killcontext(CONTEXT_TMP); //clear temporary file // ie_closef(&expandlist); } }//end temp variables lastcarka=carka; carka=0; j=0; } else j++; } while(!done); if(!success) //cannot send to any recipient ? { err=1; goto cont; } //process msg body outs("DATA"); if(log!=-1) { write(log,"DATA\r\n",6); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"DATA"); sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '3') { err=1; goto cont; //failed ? try next message! } a_lseek(f,0L,SEEK_SET); //reset file j=lenread=done=0; i=1; length=0; { long fll=a_filelength(f); do { if(i>=lenread) { sprintf(pom,MSG_SEND,length,fll); outs(pom); /* //!!glennmcc:Oct 23, 2008 -- 'reversed the logic' // to keep from overflowing at 21megs if(fll>100) percentbar((int)(length/(fll/100))); */ percentbar((int)(100*length/fll)); lenread=a_read(f,buffer,BUFLEN); length+=lenread; if(lenread<=0) done=1; i=0; // printf("\nlenread=%d \n",lenread); //!!glennmcc & Ray: Dec 14, 2006 -- bypass Bcc: if(bcc) { char *ptr = strstr(buffer, "Bcc:");//Ray if(ptr) { //Ray's method replaces the address(s) with spaces //it also looks for '\r' (carrage return) as the end of the Bcc line // ptr += 4; // PASS 'Bcc:' // while(*ptr && *ptr != '\r') // *ptr++ = ' '; //printf("After: \n\n%40s", ptr); getch(); // SEE THE RESULT //!!glennmcc: this method works better by 'nulling-out' the Bcc line and //looking for '\n' (new line) as the end of the Bcc line /* method #1 */ /**/ if(*ptr--=='\n')*ptr='\0';//remove previous '\r\n' if it exists do {*ptr='\0'; ptr++;} while( *ptr && *ptr!='\n'); /**/ /* end method #1 */ /* method *2 */ /* if(*ptr--=='\n')*ptr='\0';//remove previous '\r\n' if it exists while(*ptr && *ptr!='\n') *ptr++ ='\0'; *ptr='\0';//also remove this '\n' */ /* end method #2 */ bcc=0; } } //!!glennmcc & Ray: end } str[j]=buffer[i++]; //!!glennmcc: Feb 05, 2008 -- prevent character from being lost at line break //by breaking at a space instead of 127 explicitly //also increased line length limit to the next space past 200 //instead of just 127 explicitly if((j>=200 && str[j]==' ') || str[j]=='\n' || done) // if(j>=127 || str[j]=='\n' || done) //original line //!!glennmcc: end { str[j]='\0'; length++; //ASCI mode !!! //wait until we can write to socket: while(sock_tbleft(socket)<j+1) //SDL // while( socket->datalen > 1024) { sock_tick(socket,&status); xChLogoTICK(1); // animace loga if(GUITICK()) goto quit; } if (str[0]=='.') //SDL always double up sock_putc(socket,'.'); //SDL leading periods sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)str); if(log!=-1) { write(log,str,strlen(str)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } sock_tick(socket,&status); j=0; } else j++; } while(!done); } a_close(f); sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"."); if(log!=-1) { write(log,".\r\n",3); } sock_wait_input( socket, sock_delay, (sockfunct_t) TcpIdleFunc, &status ); //SDL sock_gets( socket, (unsigned char *)buffer, sizeof( buffer )); outs(buffer); if(log!=-1) { write(log,buffer,strlen(buffer)); write(log,"\r\n",2); } if ( *buffer != '2' ) { err=1; } else { //delete or rename ptr=strrchr(filename,'\\'); if(!ptr) ptr=filename; else ptr++; if(*ptr=='!') unlink(filename); else { strcpy(str,filename); ptr=strrchr(str,'.'); if(ptr) strcpy(&ptr[1],"SNT"); rename(filename,str); } }//endif cont: nomoremail=findnext(&ff); }//loop - next message rv=1; quit: outs("QUIT"); if(log!=-1) { write(log,"QUIT\r\n",6); close(log); } sock_puts(socket,(unsigned char *)"QUIT"); sock_close( socket ); closing[socknum]=1; sock_keepalive[socknum][0]='\0'; sock_err: switch (status) { case 1 : /* foreign host closed */ break; case -1: /* timeout */ sprintf(str,MSG_TCPERR, sockerr(socket)); outs(str); break; } return rv; }
//kresleni bitmapy //1 ok, 2 err //sizeonly a palonly jako u GIFu int XCHdrawBMP(struct picinfo *bmp) { unsigned char *buf=NULL; char *obuf=NULL; int rv=2,i,j,k; //err char px[7]={10,26,38,50,54,59,62};//prah char cx[6]={ 15,30,46,52,58,61}; //color int col; char *Palin[2]; int Npalin[2]; int *Mmapio[2]; int *mapio=NULL; char *Savecols=NULL; int npalout; int ret; int xz,yz,imgx; int allx=1,obufx=4; int relstartx,relendx,linebytes; char type; char *buf0=NULL,*buf1=NULL; short *obuf2=NULL; //16bit - hicolor int palindex; unsigned char *realpal=NULL; unsigned char *bufscl =NULL; unsigned int *bufscl2; int file, nlin, x1bmp, dxbmp, x1b, kk, nibble=0; // HARO : open z drawGif() file = a_fast_open(bmp->filename,O_BINARY|O_RDONLY,0); if(file <= 0) return( rv ); buf=farmalloc(6601l); if(!buf) goto err; i = a_read(file, buf, 13); if(i < 13) goto err; i=a_read(file,buf,41); //1 bajt z hlavicky a bitmapinfoheader if(*(long *)&buf[1]!=40l || i!=41) //takovou bitmapu bohuzel neumim || eof { #ifdef POSIX printf("Unsupported BMP marker %d or header size %d!=41...\n",*(long *)&buf[1],i); #endif goto err; } //============================== bmp->size_x=(int)(*(long *)&buf[5]); bmp->size_y=(int)(*(long *)&buf[9]); if(bmp->sizeonly) goto ok; //============================== type=*(int*)&buf[15]; if(type==4) { k=bmp->size_x%8; //!!glennmcc: May 07, 2004 -- Michal Tyc pointed out this error in rounding //which causes some BMPs to be 'skewed' when displayed linebytes=(bmp->size_x+k)/2; // linebytes=bmp->size_x/2; } else if(type==8) { k=bmp->size_x%4; linebytes=bmp->size_x; } else if(type==24) { k=(bmp->size_x*3)%4; linebytes=3*bmp->size_x; } else { #ifdef POSIX printf("Unsupported number o BMP bit planes: %d\n",type); #endif goto err; } if(k) linebytes+=4-k; if(type!=24) //bitCount = Palette { int offset=(int)(a_filelength(file)-54l-(long)linebytes*(long)bmp->size_y); bmp->npal=offset/4; if(bmp->npal>256) bmp->npal=256; i=a_read(file,buf,offset); if(i!=offset) goto err; if(!bmp->palismap || bmp->palonly || xg_256==MM_Hic) { //mp!!begin if(egamode) { for(i=0; i<bmp->npal; i++) //convert rgb quad { bmp->pal[3*i] = egafilter(buf[4*i+2]>>2); bmp->pal[3*i+1] = egafilter(buf[4*i+1]>>2); bmp->pal[3*i+2] = egafilter(buf[4*i]>>2); } } else if(vga16mode && !vgamono) { for(i=0; i<bmp->npal; i++) //convert rgb quad { bmp->pal[3*i] = vgafilter(buf[4*i+2]>>2); bmp->pal[3*i+1] = vgafilter(buf[4*i+1]>>2); bmp->pal[3*i+2] = vgafilter(buf[4*i]>>2); } } else { for(i=0; i<bmp->npal; i++) //convert rgb quad
int read_borders(struct storage *store) { for (;;) { int bid = 0; char zText[32]; connection *b; region *from, *to; border_type *type; READ_TOK(store, zText, sizeof(zText)); if (!strcmp(zText, "end")) break; READ_INT(store, &bid); if (global.data_version < UIDHASH_VERSION) { int fx, fy, tx, ty; READ_INT(store, &fx); READ_INT(store, &fy); READ_INT(store, &tx); READ_INT(store, &ty); from = findregion(fx, fy); to = findregion(tx, ty); } else { int fid, tid; READ_INT(store, &fid); READ_INT(store, &tid); from = findregionbyid(fid); to = findregionbyid(tid); } type = find_bordertype(zText); if (type == NULL) { log_error("[read_borders] unknown connection type '%s' in %s\n", zText, regionname(from, NULL)); assert(type || !"connection type not registered"); } if (to == from && type && from) { direction_t dir = (direction_t) (rng_int() % MAXDIRECTIONS); region *r = rconnect(from, dir); log_error("[read_borders] invalid %s in %s\n", type->__name, regionname(from, NULL)); if (r != NULL) to = r; } b = new_border(type, from, to); nextborder--; /* new_border erhöht den Wert */ b->id = bid; assert(bid <= nextborder); if (type->read) type->read(b, store); if (global.data_version < NOBORDERATTRIBS_VERSION) { attrib *a = NULL; int result = a_read(store, &a, b); if (border_convert_cb) border_convert_cb(b, a); while (a) { a_remove(&a, a); } if (result < 0) return result; } if ((type->read && !type->write) || !to || !from) { log_warning("erase invalid border '%s' between '%s' and '%s'\n", type->__name, regionname(from, 0), regionname(to, 0)); erase_border(b); } } return 0; }