qt_tm_widget_rep::install_main_menu () {
  main_menu_widget = waiting_main_menu_widget;
  QMenu* src = main_menu_widget->get_qmenu();
  if (!src) return;

    // REMARK: We do not want the menubar shared across windows as suggested
    // in http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qmainwindow.html#menuBar
    // e.g. :
    //     QMenuBar *dest = new QMenuBar(0);
    //     mainwindow()->setMenuBar(dest);
    // as the default behavior on MacOS. The main reason is that in TeXmacs
    // different windows can have different main menus so that it is indeed
    // appropriate to change the main menu as the window focus changes.
    // So we kindly ask to each window to give us its own menu and we install
    // there our actions.
    // So we do:
  QMenuBar* dest = mainwindow()->menuBar();
    // and everything is fine.
    // Also please note that we have to do the replacement and not simply
    // install the menu returned by get_qmenu() since the main menu there
    // could contain some default items appropriate for the given OS (like the
    // service menu on MacOS) which are not present in our menu widget.
    // UPDATE: But replaceActions() *does remove* all actions (!?)
    // It looks more like the reason is that we have to "flatten out" the first
    // level of the QMenu returned... ?
  replaceActions (dest, src);
  QList<QAction*> list = dest->actions();
  for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
    QAction* a = list[i];
    if (a->menu()) {
      QObject::connect (a->menu(),         SIGNAL (aboutToShow()),
                        the_gui->gui_helper, SLOT (aboutToShowMainMenu()));
      QObject::connect (a->menu(),         SIGNAL (aboutToHide()),
                        the_gui->gui_helper, SLOT (aboutToHideMainMenu()));

Example #2
qt_tm_widget_rep::install_main_menu () {
  if (main_menu_widget == waiting_main_menu_widget) return;
  main_menu_widget = waiting_main_menu_widget;
  QList<QAction*>* src = main_menu_widget->get_qactionlist();
  if (!src) return;
  QMenuBar* dest = mainwindow()->menuBar();
  for (int i = 0; i < src->count(); i++) {
    QAction* a = (*src)[i];
    if (a->menu()) {
      //TRICK: Mac native QMenuBar accepts only menus which are already populated
      // this will cause a problem for us, since menus are lazy and populated only after triggering
      // this is the reason we add a dummy action before inserting the menu
      a->menu()->addAction("native menubar trick");
      QObject::connect (a->menu(),         SIGNAL (aboutToShow()),
                        the_gui->gui_helper, SLOT (aboutToShowMainMenu()));
      QObject::connect (a->menu(),         SIGNAL (aboutToHide()),
                        the_gui->gui_helper, SLOT (aboutToHideMainMenu()));