Example #1
/** Checks that the files exist. The filenames of any files that dont exist
 *  are returned in an error message, else the message is "".
 *  @param values :: a vector of vectors of file names
 *  @returns An error message to display to users or an empty string on no error
std::string MultiFileValidator::checkValidity(
    const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &values) const {
  if (values.empty())
    return m_fileValidator.isValid("");

  std::string accumulatedErrors("");

  typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>::const_iterator
  typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator VecString_cIt;

  for (VecVecString_cIt rowIt = values.begin(); rowIt != values.end();
       ++rowIt) {
    std::vector<std::string> row = (*rowIt);
    for (VecString_cIt valueIt = row.begin(); valueIt != row.end(); ++valueIt) {
      // For each filename value, check its validity, and and accumulate any
      // errors.
      std::string error = m_fileValidator.isValid(*valueIt);
      if (!error.empty()) {
        if (accumulatedErrors.empty())
          accumulatedErrors =
              "Could not validate the following file(s): " + (*valueIt);
          accumulatedErrors = accumulatedErrors + ", " + (*valueIt);

  return accumulatedErrors;
/** Checks that the files exist. The filenames of any files that dont exist
 *  are returned in an error message, else the message is "".
 *  @param values :: a vector of vectors of file names
 *  @returns An error message to display to users or an empty string on no error
std::string MultiFileValidator::checkValidity(
    const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &values) const {
  if (values.empty())
    return m_fileValidator.isValid("");

  std::string accumulatedErrors("");

  for (auto row : values) {
    for (const auto &valueIt : row) {
      // For each filename value, check its validity, and and accumulate any
      // errors.
      std::string error = m_fileValidator.isValid(valueIt);
      if (!error.empty()) {
        if (accumulatedErrors.empty())
          accumulatedErrors =
              "Could not validate the following file(s): " + valueIt;
          accumulatedErrors = accumulatedErrors + ", " + valueIt;

  return accumulatedErrors;