Example #1
Service call when we change the state of a goal/plan/action
bool changeState(supervisor_msgs::ChangeState::Request  &req, supervisor_msgs::ChangeState::Response &res){

    if(req.type == "action"){
        return actionState(req.action, req.state);
    }else if(req.type == "plan"){
        if(req.state == "PROGRESS"){
            return newPlan(req.plan, false);
        }else if(req.state == "SHARE"){
            return sharePlan();
        }else if(req.state == "PROGRESS_SHARE"){
            return newPlan(req.plan, true);
        }else if(req.state == "ABORT"){
            return abortPlan(req.agent);

    }else if(req.type == "goal"){
        if(req.state == "NEW"){
            return newGoal(req.goal);
        }else if(req.state == "PROGRESS"){
            return startGoal(req.goal);
        }else if(req.state == "ABORT"){
            return abortGoal(req.goal, req.agent);


/** IDA* Algorithm */
node *iterativeDeepeningAStar(node *Node, int bound, int *tempBound, long long *generatedNodes, long long *expandedNodes,  int *prevBlankPosition)
    /** Iterator */
    int i;
    /** Temporary Node and Result node*/
    node *tempNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
    node *result          = malloc(sizeof(node));

    /** Move list of possible actions */
    int moveList[MAX_POSSIBLE_MOVES];

    /** State after it has been moved */
    int newState[SIZE];

    /** Get the possible moves into move list */
    generateMoves(Node, moveList);

    /** IDA Star algorithm 
      * Loop through maximum actions possible 
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_POSSIBLE_MOVES; i++)
        /** Only perform valid moves */
        if(moveList[i] == INVALID) {continue;}
        /** A node was generated */
        *generatedNodes = *generatedNodes + 1;

        /** Update the state and store it in newState 
          * n'.s = f(a, n.s) 
        tempNode->state = actionState(moveList[i], Node->state, newState, prevBlankPosition);

        /** Increment the cost 
          *  n'.g(n)  = n.g(n) + c(a, n.s)
        tempNode->cost = Node->cost + COST_VALUE;
        /** Update the threshold 
          *  n'.f(n) = n'.g(n) + h(n'.s)
        tempNode->threshold = tempNode->cost + heuristicUnweightedValue(tempNode->state);

        /* Check if the threshold is greater than the bound and set it to the minimum
         * Chek if n'.f(n) > B 
        if(tempNode->threshold > bound) 
        	*tempBound = minimum(tempNode->threshold, *tempBound);

            /* If we have reached our goal, return the node
             * h(n'.s) := 0 
            if(heuristicUnweightedValue(tempNode->state) == 0) {return tempNode;}

            /** A node was expanded upon */
            *expandedNodes = *expandedNodes + 1;
           /*  printf("Expanding: %d TempBound: %d\n", *expandedNodes, *tempBound); */

            /** Recursively repeat */
            result = iterativeDeepeningAStar(tempNode, bound, tempBound, generatedNodes, expandedNodes, prevBlankPosition);

            if(result != NULL) {return result;}

    /** Free the node */

    return NULL;