Example #1
void cheat_drugsuse()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.narkouser)
		static int time = 0;
		if (actor_info_get(-1, 0) != NULL && actor_info_get(-1, 0)->hitpoints <= set.narkohits && GetTickCount() - time > (set.narkotime * 1000))
			say("/usedrugs %d", set.narkokolvo);
			time = GetTickCount();
Example #2
void cheat_handle_emo ( struct vehicle_info *vehicle_info, struct actor_info *actor_info, float time_diff )
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_handle_emo()" );

	struct vehicle_info *vtemp;

	if ( !isBadPtr_GTA_pPed(actor_info) )
		if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_self_destruct) )
			actor_info->hitpoints = 0.0f;
	else if ( !isBadPtr_GTA_pVehicle(vehicle_info) )
		actor_info = actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, 0);
		if ( actor_info->state == ACTOR_STATE_DRIVING && actor_info->vehicle->passengers[0] == actor_info )
			if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_self_destruct) )
				for ( vtemp = vehicle_info; vtemp != NULL; vtemp = vtemp->trailer )
					if(vtemp == NULL) return;

					vtemp->hitpoints = 1.0f;
					cheat_vehicle_tires_set( vtemp, 1 );
					if ( !set.trailer_support )
Example #3
void cheat_skillup()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.skill)
		static DWORD dwTime = 0;
		if (GetTickCount() - dwTime > iNetModeFiringSendRate)
			actor_info *self = actor_info_get(-1, 0);
			if (self == NULL)

			if (self->weapon_slot != 0)
				if (self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo_clip == 0)
					if (self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo > 7)
						self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo_clip += 7;
						self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo_clip = self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo;
				if (self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo_clip > 0)
					self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo_clip -= 1;
					self->weapon[self->weapon_slot].ammo -= 1;
			float vect3_null[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
			g_RakClient->SendFakeBulletSyncData(&self->base.matrix[12], vect3_null, &self->base.matrix[12], 0, -1);
			dwTime = GetTickCount();
Example #4
void cheat_syncfcar()

	if(cheat_state->state != CHEAT_STATE_VEHICLE)

	static DWORD dwCount = 0;

	if (GetTickCount() < dwCount)

	float fPosition[3] = {

	float fSpeed[3] = { 0, 0, 0	};
	fPosition[2] -= 40.0f;
	g_RakClient->SendFakeOnfootSyncData(fPosition, actor_info_get(-1, 1)->hitpoints, fSpeed);

	dwCount = GetTickCount() + 500;
Example #5
void cheat_pickchecker()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.pickchecker)
		for (int i = 0; i < SAMP_MAX_PICKUPS; i++)
			if (g_SAMP->pPools->pPickup->pickup[i].iModelID == set.model_pickup)
				struct actor_info *self = actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, 0);
				float pPos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
				vect3_copy(g_SAMP->pPools->pPickup->pickup[i].fPosition, pPos);

				if (vect3_near_zero(pPos))

				if (cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_VEHICLE)  
					cheat_actor_teleport(self, pPos, 0);
					cheat_state->_generic.coordmaster = 0;
					cheat_state->_generic.pickchecker = 0;
					if (cheat_state->_generic.buyhouse)
Example #6
void cheat_mexbot()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.mexbot)
		if (cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_VEHICLE)
			actor_info *self = actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, NULL);
			float last_pos[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
			static uint16_t last_id = 0;
			static uint8_t refill = 0;
			getPlayerPos(last_id, last_pos);
			if (vect3_dist(last_pos, &self->base.matrix[12]) > 15.0f)
				last_id = 0;
				refill = 0;
			actor_info *info = actor_info_get(actor_find_nearest(ACTOR_ALIVE + ACTOR_STATE_DRIVING), NULL);
			if (vect3_dist(&info->base.matrix[12], &self->base.matrix[12]) < 5.0f)
				uint16_t samp_id = getSAMPPlayerIDFromGTAPed(info);
				uint16_t veh_id = getPlayerSAMPVehicleID(samp_id);
				if (veh_id != NULL)
					static uint32_t tick = 0;
					if (GetTickCount() > tick)
						if (samp_id != last_id || refill)
							if (!refill)
								last_id = samp_id;
								say("/repair %d %d", samp_id, set.mex_price);
								refill = 1;
								say("/refill %d", samp_id);
								refill = 0;
						tick = GetTickCount() + 1000;
Example #7
void cheat_handle_weapon_disable ( void )
	struct actor_info	*self = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, 0 );
	struct actor_info	*info;
	int					bad_weapon_ids[] =
		16, /* Grenade */
		17, /* Teargas */
		18, /* Molotov Cocktail */
		35, /* Rocket Launcher */
		36, /* Heat Seeking RPG */
		39, /* Remote Explosives */
		40, /* Detonator */
	int					i, j;

	if ( !cheat_state->_generic.weapon_disable )

	for ( i = 0; i < pool_actor->size; i++ )
		if ( (info = actor_info_get(i, ACTOR_ALIVE)) == NULL )

		if ( info == self )

		if ( info->weapon_slot > 12 )

		if ( (int)info->weapon[info->weapon_slot].id > 46 ) /* invalid weapon ID */
			goto bad_weapon;

		/* filter disallowed weapons */
		for ( j = 0; bad_weapon_ids[j] != -1; j++ )
			if ( (int)info->weapon[info->weapon_slot].id == bad_weapon_ids[j] )
				goto bad_weapon;

bad_weapon: ;
		info->weapon_slot = 0;
Example #8
void cheat_hppuls()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.hppuls)
		struct actor_info *info = actor_info_get(-1, 0x01);
		if (info == NULL)
		info->hitpoints = (rand() % 99) + 1.0f;
Example #9
void OrigRakClient::SendFakeDriverSyncData(uint16_t VehicleID, float fPos[3], float HealthCar, float Speed[3])
	stInCarData picSync;
	ZeroMemory(&picSync, sizeof(picSync));
	RakNet::BitStream bsVehicleSync;
	picSync.sVehicleID = VehicleID;
	picSync.fPosition[0] = fPos[0];
	picSync.fPosition[1] = fPos[1];
	picSync.fPosition[2] = fPos[2];
	picSync.fVehicleHealth = HealthCar;
	picSync.fMoveSpeed[0] = Speed[0];
	picSync.fMoveSpeed[1] = Speed[1];
	picSync.fMoveSpeed[2] = Speed[2];
	picSync.bytePlayerHealth = actor_info_get(-1, 0x01)->hitpoints;
	picSync.byteArmor = actor_info_get(-1, 0x01)->armor;
	bsVehicleSync.Write((PCHAR)&picSync, sizeof(stInCarData));
	g_RakClient->Send(&bsVehicleSync, HIGH_PRIORITY, UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED, 0);
Example #10
void cheat_handle_spoof_weapon ( void )
	struct actor_info	*info = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, ACTOR_ALIVE );

	/*struct samp_info *spl = samp_info_get();*/
	if ( info != NULL )
		if ( cheat_state->_generic.spoof_weapon != -1 )
			info->weapon_hit_type = ( uint8_t ) cheat_state->_generic.spoof_weapon;
Example #11
void cheat_lsamats()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.lsamats && cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_ACTOR)
		static bool take = 1;
		static DWORD dwTime = 0;
		if (GetTickCount() - dwTime > 1000)
			if (take == 1)
				float mPos[3] = { 2728.30, -2451.53, 18.95 };
				g_RakClient->SendFakeOnfootSyncData(mPos, actor_info_get(-1, 0)->hitpoints, actor_info_get(-1, 0)->speed);
				say("/materials get");
			else say("/materials put");
			take ^= 1;
			dwTime = GetTickCount();
Example #12
// sa-mp only
void cheat_handle_antiHijack ( actor_info *ainfo, vehicle_info *veh, float time_diff )
	if ( g_SAMP == NULL )
	//	return;

	traceLastFunc( "cheat_handle_antiHijack()" );

	if ( set.anti_carjacking && veh == NULL )
		if ( cheat_state->_generic.got_vehicle_id )
			cheat_state->_generic.got_vehicle_id = false;
		if ( cheat_state->_generic.anti_carjackTick
		 &&	 cheat_state->_generic.anti_carjackTick < (GetTickCount() - 500)
		 &&	 cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked )
			if ( cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked_last_vehicle_id == 0 )
				showGameText( "~r~Unable To Unjack~w~!", 1000, 5 );
				cheat_state->_generic.anti_carjackTick = 0;
				cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked = false;

			cheat_state->_generic.anti_carjackTick = 0;
			cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked = false;
			cheat_state->_generic.unrelatedToAnything = 1337;
			cheat_state->_generic.unrelatedToAnything = 0x1337;

			struct vehicle_info *veh = GetVehicleByGtaId( cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked_last_vehicle_id );
			//if ( veh != NULL )
			//	vect3_copy( cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked_lastPos, &veh->base.matrix[4 * 3] );
			showGameText( "~r~Car Unjacked~w~!", 1000, 5 );
	else if ( set.anti_carjacking )
		if ( veh->passengers[0] == actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, 0) )
			if ( !cheat_state->_generic.got_vehicle_id )
				cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked_last_vehicle_id = getPlayerVehicleGTAScriptingID( ACTOR_SELF );
				if ( cheat_state->_generic.car_jacked_last_vehicle_id > 0 )
					cheat_state->_generic.got_vehicle_id = true;
Example #13
void cheat_autodriver()
	static bool action = true;
	static DWORD dwTime = 0;
	if (cheat_state->_generic.autodriver == 1)
		if (GetTickCount() - 2500 > dwTime && action == false)
			float cpos[3] = { pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fX, pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fY, pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fZ };
			g_RakClient->SendFakeOnfootSyncData(cpos, actor_info_get(-1, 0)->hitpoints, actor_info_get(-1, 0)->speed);
			dwTime = GetTickCount();
			action = true;
		else if (GetTickCount() - 250 > dwTime && action == true)
			float cpos[3] = { pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fX, pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fY, pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fZ };
			g_RakClient->SendEnterPlayerVehicle(g_Players->pLocalPlayer->sCurrentVehicleID, 0);
			g_RakClient->SendFakeDriverSyncData(g_Players->pLocalPlayer->sCurrentVehicleID, cpos, vehicle_info_get(-1, 0)->hitpoints, vehicle_info_get(-1, 0)->speed);
			dwTime = GetTickCount();
			action = false;
Example #14
void cheat_boxer()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.boxer)
		static int time = 0;
		if (GetTickCount() - time > iNetModeNormalOnfootSendRate)
			struct actor_info *self = actor_info_get(-1, 0x01);
			stOnFootData ofSync;
			ZeroMemory(&ofSync, sizeof(ofSync));
			RakNet::BitStream bsOnfootSync;
			ofSync.sKeys = 144;
			ofSync.byteHealth = actor_info_get(-1, 0)->hitpoints;
			ofSync.byteCurrentWeapon = 0;
			ofSync.fMoveSpeed[0] = 0.01f;
			vect3_copy(&self->base.matrix[12], ofSync.fPosition);
			ofSync.sCurrentAnimationID = 471 + rand() % 3;
			bsOnfootSync.Write((PCHAR)&ofSync, sizeof(stOnFootData));
			g_RakClient->Send(&bsOnfootSync, HIGH_PRIORITY, UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED, 0);
			time = GetTickCount();
Example #15
void cheat_teleport ( const float pos[3], int interior_id )
	if ( cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_ACTOR
		|| GTAfunc_RemoveActorFromCarAndPutAt_requestingTeleport )
		GTAfunc_RemoveActorFromCarAndPutAt_requestingTeleport = false;
		cheat_actor_teleport( actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, 0), pos, interior_id );
	else if ( cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_VEHICLE ) //&& !set.teleport_slow )
		cheat_vehicle_teleport( vehicle_info_get(VEHICLE_SELF, 0), pos, interior_id );
	/*else if ( cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_VEHICLE && set.teleport_slow )
		vect3_copy(pos, cheat_state->vehicle.tele_coords);
		cheat_state->vehicle.tele_on = 1;
Example #16
void cheat_handle_weapon ( void )
	struct actor_info	*actor_info = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, ACTOR_ALIVE );
	int					i;

	if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_weapon) )
		cheat_state->_generic.weapon ^= 1;	/* toggle weapon cheat */

	if ( cheat_state->_generic.weapon )
		if ( actor_info != NULL )
			for ( i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
				if ( set.weapon[i] == NULL )

				if ( set.ammo_random )
					if ( actor_info->weapon[set.weapon[i]->slot].id != set.weapon[i]->id
					 ||	 (
							 actor_info->weapon[set.weapon[i]->slot].ammo == 0
					 &&	 actor_info->weapon[set.weapon[i]->slot].ammo_clip == 0
					 ) )
						int randammo = ( rand() % set.ammo ) + 1;
						int randammoclip = ( rand() % set.ammo_clip ) + 1;
						gta_weapon_set( actor_info, set.weapon[i]->slot, set.weapon[i]->id, randammo, randammoclip );
					gta_weapon_set( actor_info, set.weapon[i]->slot, set.weapon[i]->id, set.ammo, set.ammo_clip );
		else if ( !set.restore_weapons_after_death )
			cheat_state->_generic.weapon = 0;
Example #17
static void cheat_main_actor ( double time_diff )
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_main_actor()" );

	struct actor_info	*info = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, 0 );
	if ( info == NULL )
		Log( "wtf, actor_info_get() returned NULL." );

	cheat_handle_antiHijack( info, NULL, time_diff );

	vect3_copy( &info->base.matrix[4 * 3], cheat_state->actor.coords );
	cheat_handle_freeze_vehicles( NULL, info );
	cheat_handle_hp( NULL, info, time_diff );
	cheat_handle_teleport( NULL, info, time_diff );
	cheat_handle_unfreeze( NULL, info, time_diff );
	cheat_handle_emo( NULL, info, time_diff );

	// the following functions can be found in cheat_actor.cpp
	cheat_handle_actor_air_brake( info, time_diff );
	cheat_handle_stick( NULL, info, time_diff );
	cheat_handle_actor_autoaim( info, time_diff );

	// cheat_handle_SpiderFeet(info, time_diff);
	cheat_handle_actor_fly(info, time_diff);

	if ( set.custom_runanimation_enabled )
		pPedSelf_setMoveAnimation__array( set.custom_runanimation_id );

	// these NEED to stay last, because they can remove the player from the vehicle
	if ( info->pedFlags.bInVehicle )
		cheat_handle_vehicle_fast_exit( NULL, time_diff );
	cheat_handle_exit_vehicle ( NULL, info );
Example #18
void cheat_farm()
	if (cheat_state->_generic.farm)
		static DWORD time = 0;
		if (g_SAMPMisc->iCheckpointEnabled && vect3_dist(g_SAMPMisc->fCheckpointPos, 
			&actor_info_get(-1, 0x01)->base.matrix[12]) > g_SAMPMisc->fCheckpointSize[0])
			float spd[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
			for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++)
				float x = *(float *)(0xC7DD58 + 48 + 160 * i);
				float y = *(float *)(0xC7DD58 + 52 + 160 * i);
				float z = *(float *)(0xC7DD58 + 56 + 160 * i);
				if ((x > 2695 && x < 2696 && y > -1705 && y < -1704) || (x > 1099 && x < 1100 && y > 1601 && y < 1602) || (x == 0 && y == 0) || *(WORD *)(0xC7DD58 + 80 + 160 * i) != 1) continue;
					float pos[3] = { x, y, z + 1.0f };
					cheat_teleport(pos, 0);
		else if (!g_SAMPMisc->iCheckpointEnabled && 
			GetTickCount() - time > 1000)
			float curPos[3] = { pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fX, pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fY, pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fZ };
			int iPic = getPickup(curPos, 50, 19197);
			g_RakClient->SendFakeOnfootSyncData(g_SAMP->pPools->pPickup->pickup[iPic].fPosition, actor_info_get(-1, 0)->hitpoints, actor_info_get(-1, 0)->speed);
			RakNet::BitStream bs;
			g_RakClient->RPC(RPC_PickedUpPickup, &bs, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED, 0, 0);
			time = GetTickCount();
Example #19
void cheat_handle_stick ( struct vehicle_info *vehicle_info, struct actor_info *actor_info, float time_diff )
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_handle_stick()" );

	struct object_base	*base_stick, *base_self;
	struct actor_info	*actor_stick;
	struct vehicle_info *vehicle_stick;
	float				*speed_stick, *speed_self;
	float				*spin_stick, *spin_self;
	static int			id = -1;
	int					i;

	if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_stick) )
		if ( vehicle_info != NULL )
			cheat_state->vehicle.stick ^= 1;
			cheat_state->actor.stick ^= 1;
		id = actor_find( id - 1, 1, ACTOR_ALIVE | ACTOR_NOT_SAME_VEHICLE );

	if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_stick_nearest) )
		if ( vehicle_info != NULL )
			cheat_state->vehicle.stick ^= 1;
			cheat_state->actor.stick ^= 1;
		id = actor_find_nearest( ACTOR_ALIVE | ACTOR_NOT_SAME_VEHICLE );

	if ( (vehicle_info != NULL && cheat_state->vehicle.stick) || (actor_info != NULL && cheat_state->actor.stick) )
		// remove any bad vehicle or actor stuffs
		if ( isBadPtr_GTA_pVehicle(vehicle_info) )
			vehicle_info = NULL;
		if ( isBadPtr_GTA_pPed(actor_info) )
			actor_info = NULL;

		/* check if actor has disappeared.. and if it has, switch to teh nearest */
		if ( id != -1 && actor_info_get(id, ACTOR_ALIVE) == NULL )
			id = actor_find_nearest( ACTOR_ALIVE | ACTOR_NOT_SAME_VEHICLE );

		if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_stick_prev) )
			id = actor_find( id, -1, ACTOR_ALIVE | ACTOR_NOT_SAME_VEHICLE );

		if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_stick_next) )
			id = actor_find( id, 1, ACTOR_ALIVE | ACTOR_NOT_SAME_VEHICLE );

		/* no actors to stick to */
		if ( id == -1 )
			cheat_state_text( "No players found; stick disabled." );
			cheat_state->vehicle.stick = 0;
			cheat_state->actor.stick = 0;

		/* get actor struct for the actor we're sticking to */
		actor_stick = actor_info_get( id, ACTOR_ALIVE | ACTOR_NOT_SAME_VEHICLE );
		if ( actor_stick == NULL )

		/* is this actor in a vehicle? */
		vehicle_stick = actor_vehicle_get( actor_stick );

		base_stick = vehicle_stick ? &vehicle_stick->base : &actor_stick->base;
		base_self = vehicle_info ? &vehicle_info->base : &actor_info->base;

		speed_stick = vehicle_stick ? vehicle_stick->speed : actor_stick->speed;
		speed_self = vehicle_info ? vehicle_info->speed : actor_info->speed;

		spin_stick = vehicle_stick ? vehicle_stick->spin : actor_stick->spin;
		spin_self = vehicle_info ? vehicle_info->spin : actor_info->spin;

		/* allow warping to work + always warp towards whatever we're sticking to...
         but only when we're in a vehicle */
		if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_warp_mod) && vehicle_info != NULL )
			float	out[4];

			/* multiply the matrix of whatever we're sticking to with the user supplied vector */
			matrix_vect4_mult( base_stick->matrix, set.stick_vect, out );

			/* multiply the result with the negative warp-speed value, and put it in the speed vector
            (negative because we want to warp towards teh target, not away from it */
			vect3_mult( out, -set.warp_speed, speed_self );

		if ( !KEY_DOWN(set.key_warp_mod) )
			float	d[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
			float	accel_mult = 1.0f;
			float	out[4];

			/* handle stick movement keys */
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_forward) )
				d[1] += 1.0f;
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_backward) )
				d[1] -= 1.0f;
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_left) )
				d[0] -= 1.0f;
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_right) )
				d[0] += 1.0f;
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_up) )
				d[2] += 1.0f;
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_down) )
				d[2] -= 1.0f;
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_in) )
				d[3] -= 1.0f;
			if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_stick_out) )
				d[3] += 1.0f;

			if ( !near_zero(set.stick_accel_time) )
				static uint32_t time_start;

				if ( !vect4_near_zero(d) )
					time_start = ( time_start == 0 ) ? time_get() : time_start;
					time_start = 0;			/* no keys pressed */

				/* acceleration */
				if ( time_start != 0 )
					float	t = TIME_TO_FLOAT( time_get() - time_start );
					if ( t < set.stick_accel_time )
						accel_mult *= t / set.stick_accel_time;

			/* calculate new vector + dist */
			if ( !vect3_near_zero(d) && !vect3_near_zero(set.stick_vect) )
				for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
					d[i] = set.stick_vect[i] * set.stick_vect_dist + d[i] * time_diff * 8.0f * accel_mult;

				set.stick_vect_dist = vect3_length( d );
				vect3_normalize( d, set.stick_vect );

			/* move towards/away from the center */
			if ( !near_zero(d[3]) )
				set.stick_vect_dist += d[3] * time_diff * 40.0f * accel_mult;

			/* Teleport vehicle detachables */
			if ( vehicle_info != NULL )
				vehicle_detachables_teleport( vehicle_info, &base_self->matrix[4 * 3], &base_stick->matrix[4 * 3] );

			matrix_copy( base_stick->matrix, base_self->matrix );
			vect3_copy( speed_stick, speed_self );
			vect3_copy( spin_stick, spin_self );

			/*base_self->interior_id = base_stick->interior_id;
			/* multiply the matrix of the target with the user supplied vector */
			matrix_vect4_mult( base_stick->matrix, set.stick_vect, out );

			/* multiply the result with the user supplied vector distance */
			vect3_mult( out, set.stick_vect_dist, out );

			/* and add it to our position */
			vect3_vect3_add( &base_self->matrix[4 * 3], out, &base_self->matrix[4 * 3] );

			if ( vehicle_info != NULL )
				/* Teleport detachables again :p */
				vehicle_detachables_teleport( vehicle_info, &base_stick->matrix[4 * 3], &base_self->matrix[4 * 3] );
				vehicle_prevent_below_height( vehicle_info, set.stick_min_height );
			else if ( actor_info != NULL )
				// new pedFlags
				actor_info->pedFlags.bIsStanding = true;
				actor_info->pedFlags.bWasStanding = true;
				actor_info->pedFlags.bStayInSamePlace = true;
Example #20
void cheat_handle_hp ( struct vehicle_info *vehicle_info, struct actor_info *actor_info, float time_diff )
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_handle_hp()" );

	static float	prev_pos[3];

	if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_hp_cheat) )
		cheat_state->_generic.hp_cheat ^= 1;	/* toggle hp cheat */

	// this will make SP enemies invulnerable
	// now checking for a valid SAMP game
	if (g_SAMP)
		if ( cheat_state->_generic.hp_cheat && cheat_state->actor.invulnerable && !set.hp_disable_inv_sp_enemies )
			patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp_extraInv );
			patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp_extraInv );
	if ( cheat_state->_generic.hp_cheat && cheat_state->actor.invulnerable )
		patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp );
	//patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp2 );
	//patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp3 );
		patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp );
	//patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp2 );
	//patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp3 );

	if ( cheat_state->_generic.hp_cheat && cheat_state->vehicle.invulnerable )
		patcher_install( &patch_vehicle_hp );
		patcher_remove( &patch_vehicle_hp );

	if ( vehicle_info != NULL )
		struct vehicle_info *info = vehicle_info;
		struct vehicle_info *temp;

		// actor_info is NULL, if vehicle_info is not ( we need the actor though )
		actor_info = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, 0 );

		if ( cheat_state->_generic.hp_cheat )

			for ( temp = info; temp != NULL; temp = temp->trailer )
				if(temp == NULL) return;

				/* minimum hp */
				if ( cheat_state->vehicle.hp_minimum_on && temp->hitpoints < set.hp_minimum )
					temp->hitpoints = set.hp_minimum;

				if ( set.hp_keep_vehicleHPsane )
					// actor_info was NULL duh
					if ( temp->passengers[0] == actor_info && temp->hitpoints > 1000.0f )
						if ( set.hp_minimum <= 1000.0f )
							temp->hitpoints = 1000.0f;
						else if ( temp->hitpoints > set.hp_minimum )
							temp->hitpoints = set.hp_minimum;

				/* regen */
				if ( temp->hitpoints < 1000.0f )
					temp->hitpoints += time_diff * set.hp_regen;

				if ( cheat_state->vehicle.invulnerable )
					temp->m_nVehicleFlags.bCanBeDamaged = false;
					//temp->flags |= VEHICLE_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE;	/* invulnerable to most things */
					temp->flags &= ~2; /* make sure we're not frozen :p */
					//if ( temp->pulling_truck != NULL )
					//	temp->hitpoints = 1000.0f;
					temp->m_nVehicleFlags.bCanBeDamaged = true;
					//temp->flags &= ~VEHICLE_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE;

				if ( cheat_state->vehicle.hp_tire_support )
					cheat_vehicle_tires_set( temp, 0 );

				if(cheat_state->vehicle.is_engine_on == 1)
					temp->m_nVehicleFlags.bEngineOn = 1;
				else if((cheat_state->vehicle.is_engine_on == 0))
					temp->m_nVehicleFlags.bEngineOn = 0;
				// temp->engine_state |= 16; // protect against engine stalls
				if ( !set.trailer_support )
			for ( temp = info; temp != NULL; temp = temp->trailer )
				if(temp == NULL) return;

				// HP cheat disabled - keep HP value sane
				if ( set.hp_keep_vehicleHPsane )
					if ( temp->hitpoints > 1000.0f )
						temp->hitpoints = 1000.0f;

				temp->m_nVehicleFlags.bCanBeDamaged = true;
				//temp->flags &= ~VEHICLE_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE;

				if ( !set.trailer_support )

	if ( actor_info != NULL )
		struct actor_info	*info = actor_info;

		if ( cheat_state->_generic.hp_cheat )
			if ( info->hitpoints < 100.0f )
				info->hitpoints += time_diff * set.hp_regen_onfoot;

		if ( cheat_state->_generic.hp_cheat && cheat_state->actor.invulnerable )
			// invulnerability is on - at least be
			//  invulnerable against non explosive projectiles
			info->flags |= 4;
			if ( set.hp_actor_explosion_inv )
				info->flags |= 8;
			if ( set.hp_actor_fall_inv )
				info->flags |= 64;
			if ( set.hp_actor_fire_inv )
				info->flags |= 128;
			//info->flags |= ACTOR_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE;
			info->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE;
const char *debug_classify_pointer ( const void *ptr )
	const struct classify_pool	*pools = classify_pool;
	static char					str[4][64];
	static int					idx = -1;
	int							i;

	idx = ( idx + 1 ) % 4;

	strcpy( str[idx], "" );

	for ( i = 0; pools[i].pool_ptr != NULL; i++ )
		struct pool					*pool = (struct pool *)( UINT_PTR ) * (uint32_t *)pools[i].pool_ptr;
		const struct classify_table *table = pools[i].table;
		int							item_size = pools[i].item_size;
		const char					*pool_name = pools[i].name;
		void						*pool_end;

		if ( pool == NULL )

		if ( pool->size <= 0 || pool->start == NULL )

		pool_end = (void *)( (uint8_t *)pool->start + item_size * pool->size );

		if ( ptr >= pool->start && ptr < pool_end )
			int offset = (int)( (uint8_t *)ptr - (uint8_t *)pool->start );
			int item_offset = offset % item_size;
			int id = offset / item_size;

			snprintf( str[idx], sizeof(str[0]), "pool(%s)[%d]+%d", pool_name, id, item_offset );

			// actor (peds) pool
			if( g_SAMP != NULL )
				if ( pools[i].pool_ptr == (void *)ACTOR_POOL_POINTER )
					int			samp_id = getSAMPPlayerIDFromGTAPed( actor_info_get(id, 0) );
					const char	*samp_name = getPlayerName( samp_id );

					if ( samp_name != NULL )
						snprintf( str[idx] + strlen(str[idx]), sizeof(str[0]) - strlen(str[idx]), " %d:\"%s\"", samp_id,
								  samp_name );

			if ( table != NULL )
				strlcat( str[idx], ": ", sizeof(str[0]) );
				while ( table->descr != NULL )
					if ( item_offset >= table->offset && item_offset < table->offset + table->len )
						strlcat( str[idx], table->descr, sizeof(str[0]) );


				if ( table->descr == NULL )
					strlcat( str[idx], "Unknown", sizeof(str[0]) );

			return str[idx];

	if ( g_SAMP != NULL && (void *)g_SAMP >= ptr && (uint8_t *) (g_SAMP + 1) < ptr )
		return "SPL (SA:MP Player List)";

	if ( g_Players != NULL )
		for ( i = 0; i < SAMP_MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
			if ( g_Players->iIsListed[i] != 1 )

			if ( (void *)g_Players->pRemotePlayer >= ptr && (void *)(g_Players->pRemotePlayer + 1) < ptr )
				snprintf( str[idx], sizeof(str[0]), "SPL %d:\"%s\"", i, getPlayerName(i) );
				return str[idx];

	return "-";
Example #22
void cheat_hook ( HWND wnd )
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_hook()" );

	// get the time
	static uint64_t time_last;
	__time_current = __time_get();
	g_timeDiff = TIME_TO_DOUBLE(time_get() - time_last);

	// for looping
	int i;

	// install keyhook
	keyhook_maybe_install( wnd );

	// setup menu
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_hook()" );

	/* initialize state */
	if ( cheat_state == NULL )
		// set default cheat_state variables
		cheat_state = &__cheat_state;
		cheat_state->_generic.spoof_weapon = -1;
		cheat_state->_generic.money = set.money_enabled;
		cheat_state->_generic.weapon = set.weapon_enabled;
		cheat_state->_generic.vehicles_unlock = false;
		cheat_state->_generic.vehicles_warp_invert = true;
		cheat_state->actor.invulnerable = true;
		cheat_state->vehicle.invulnerable = true;
		cheat_state->vehicle.hp_tire_support = true;
		cheat_state->vehicle.hp_minimum_on = 1;
		cheat_state->vehicle.hp_regen_on = 1;
		cheat_state->actor.hp_regen_on = 1;
		cheat_state->vehicle.brkdance = 0;
		cheat_state->game_speed = 1.0f;
		cheat_state->vehicle.is_engine_on = 1;
		cheat_state->_generic.interior_patch_enabled = 0;

		// refreshes any cheat_state stuff set from the INI

		/* install patches from the .ini file */
		for ( i = 0; i < INI_PATCHES_MAX; i++ )
			if ( set.patch[i].name != NULL && set.patch[i].ini_auto )
				patcher_install( &set.patch[i] );

		if ( g_dwSAMP_Addr != NULL )
			for ( i = 0; i < INI_SAMPPATCHES_MAX; i++ )
				if ( set.sampPatch[i].name != NULL && set.sampPatch[i].ini_auto )
					patcher_install( &set.sampPatch[i] );
	}	/* end initialize state */

	// set cheat state to "off"
	cheat_state->state = CHEAT_STATE_NONE;

	/* setup & refresh actor pool */
	pool_actor = *(struct pool **)ACTOR_POOL_POINTER;
	if ( pool_actor == NULL || pool_actor->start == NULL || pool_actor->size <= 0 )

	/* setup & refresh vehicle pool */
	pool_vehicle = *(struct pool **)VEHICLE_POOL_POINTER;
	if ( pool_vehicle == NULL || pool_vehicle->start == NULL || pool_vehicle->size <= 0 )

	// looks like we have pools so continue //
	struct actor_info	*actor_info;
	struct vehicle_info *vehicle_info;
	actor_info = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, ACTOR_ALIVE );
	vehicle_info = vehicle_info_get( VEHICLE_SELF, 0 );

	/* no vehicle, and no actor. exit. */
	if ( vehicle_info == NULL && actor_info == NULL )
		if ( cheat_state->actor.air_brake
		 ||	 cheat_state->actor.stick
		 ||	 cheat_state->vehicle.air_brake
		 ||	 cheat_state->vehicle.stick )
			cheat_state->actor.air_brake = 0;
			cheat_vehicle_air_brake_set( 0 );
			cheat_state->actor.stick = 0;
			cheat_state->vehicle.stick = 0;
			cheat_state_text( "Air brake / stick disabled" );
		if ( vehicle_info == NULL )
			if ( cheat_state->vehicle.air_brake || cheat_state->vehicle.stick )
				cheat_vehicle_air_brake_set( 0 );
				cheat_state->vehicle.stick = 0;
				cheat_state_text( "Air brake / stick disabled" );

			cheat_state->state = CHEAT_STATE_ACTOR;

			// reset infinite NOS toggle state
			if ( cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on )
				cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on = false;
				patcher_remove( &patch_vehicle_inf_NOS );
			if ( cheat_state->actor.air_brake || cheat_state->actor.stick )
				cheat_state->actor.air_brake = 0;
				cheat_state->actor.stick = 0;
				cheat_state_text( "Air brake / stick disabled" );

			cheat_state->state = CHEAT_STATE_VEHICLE;

		// post GTA initialization initizalization routines
		if ( m_InitStages == 0 )
			// setup CGame & friends
			pGameInterface = new CGameSA();
			pPools = pGameInterface->GetPools();

			//pGameInterface->Initialize(); // all this does so far is disable modshops and pay&sprays
			// this seems to fix SAMP's load hang bug

			// we have to add ourself to the pool first so that we are always the 1st ref
			// NEW --> use the global external: pPedSelf
			pPedSelf = pGameInterface->GetPools()->AddPed( (DWORD *)actor_info );
			pPedSelfSA = pPedSelf->GetPedInterface();

			// install all startup hooks

			// increment stage
		else if ( m_InitStages == 1 )
			// load all the weapon models

			// get funky

			// increment stage

	if ( cheat_state->state != CHEAT_STATE_NONE )
		// keep this updated, cos something is switching it now
		pPedSelf = pPools->GetPedFromRef( CPOOLS_PED_SELF_REF );
		pPedSelfSA = pPedSelf->GetPedInterface();

	static bool chat_set_once = false;
	if ( !chat_set_once && set.d3dtext_chat )
		if ( g_Chat != NULL && g_Chat->iChatWindowMode )
			//Log("Disabling SA:MP chat text.");
			g_Chat->iChatWindowMode = 0;
			chat_set_once = true;

	// sets kill text to s0beit mode if enabled from INI
	static bool kill_set_once = false;
	if ( !kill_set_once && set.d3dtext_kill )
		if ( g_DeathList != NULL && g_DeathList->iEnabled )
			g_DeathList->iEnabled = 0;
			kill_set_once = true;

	// more random than random
	if ( rand() % 5000 == 0 )
		srand( rand() + time_get() );

	if ( cheat_panic() )
		cheat_state->state = CHEAT_STATE_NONE;
		goto out;

	// menus are good

	// install volatile patches from the .ini file
	for ( i = 0; i < INI_PATCHES_MAX; i++ )
		if ( set.patch[i].name != NULL && set.patch[i].has_volatile && set.patch[i].installed )
			patcher_install( &set.patch[i] );

	// generic stuff - these want to run even though we're dead
	cheat_handle_debug( wnd );
	gta_game_speed_set( cheat_state->game_speed );

	if ( cheat_state->state != CHEAT_STATE_NONE )
		// generic stuff

		// this should be removed after reworking weapon cheat function //
		//if ( set.restore_weapons_after_death )
		//	* (uint8_t *)0x5E6320 = 0xC3;


		// do stuff :p
		if ( cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_VEHICLE )
			cheat_main_vehicle( g_timeDiff );
		else if ( cheat_state->state == CHEAT_STATE_ACTOR )
			cheat_main_actor( g_timeDiff );

		if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_disable_Wall_Collisions) )
			cheat_state->_generic.nocols_walls_enabled ^= 1;
			if ( cheat_state->_generic.nocols_walls_enabled )
				patcher_install( &patch_NoColsWalls );
				patcher_remove( &patch_NoColsWalls );

		for ( i = 0; i < INI_PATCHES_MAX; i++ )
			if ( set.patch[i].name != NULL && KEY_PRESSED(set.patch[i].ini_hotkey) )
				if ( set.patch[i].installed || set.patch[i].failed )
					patcher_remove( &set.patch[i] );
					patcher_install( &set.patch[i] );

		for ( i = 0; i < INI_SAMPPATCHES_MAX; i++ )
			if ( set.sampPatch[i].name != NULL && KEY_PRESSED(set.sampPatch[i].ini_hotkey) )
				if ( set.sampPatch[i].installed || set.sampPatch[i].failed )
					patcher_remove( &set.sampPatch[i] );
					patcher_install( &set.sampPatch[i] );

		if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_vehicle_jumper) )
			int iVehicleID = vehicle_find_nearest( VEHICLE_ALIVE + VEHICLE_NOTBURNING );
			vehicleJumper( iVehicleID );

		if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_vehicle_occupied_jumper) )
			int iVehicleID = vehicle_find_nearest( VEHICLE_ALIVE + VEHICLE_NOTBURNING + VEHICLE_OCCUPIED );
			vehicleJumper( iVehicleID );
	}	// cheat_state->state != CHEAT_STATE_NONE

	// hack some SA:MP, shall we?
	if ( g_SAMP && g_renderSAMP_initSAMPstructs )

out: ;
	if (gta_menu_active()) {
		*(BYTE *)0xB7CB49 = 0; // game not paused even if we are in the menu.
	time_last = time_get();
Example #23
int cheat_panic ( void )
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_panic()" );

	static int	pstate_map = 0, // m0d's map
		pstate_d3dtext_hud = 0, // hud bar
		pstate_actor_hp_nSP = 0, // "Extra actor invincibility" patch (invulnerable single player enemies)
		pstate_actor_hp_SP = 0, // "Extra actor invincibility2" patch (no problems in SP)
		pstate_vehicle_hp = 0, // vehicle hp patch
		pstate_generic_menu = 0, // m0d's menu
		pstate_infnos = 0, // infinite NOS
		pstate_dummy_aligner; // this should all be a structure, static = DOING IT WRONG
	int			i;

	// sa-mp related
	static int	pstate_chat = 0, // chat
		pstate_deathlist = 0; // deathlist

	if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_panic) )
		// toggle panic
		cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled ^= 1;

		if ( cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled )
			struct actor_info	*actor_info = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, ACTOR_ALIVE );

			if ( actor_info )
				actor_info->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE;
				actor_info->weapon_slot = 0;

			// remove infinite NOS
			pstate_infnos = cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on;
			cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on = false;
			patcher_remove( &patch_vehicle_inf_NOS );

			if ( pPedSelf->GetVehicle() )
				CVehicle	*pVehicleSelf = pPedSelf->GetVehicle();
				CVehicle	*pVehicleTemp = NULL;

				for ( pVehicleTemp = pVehicleSelf; pVehicleTemp != NULL; pVehicleTemp = pVehicleTemp->GetTowedVehicle() )
					pVehicleTemp->SetGravity( &CVector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) );
					pVehicleTemp->SetCanBeDamaged( true );

					if ( !set.trailer_support )

				// remove inf NOS
				if ( pstate_infnos )
					pVehicleSelf->RemoveVehicleUpgrade( 1010 );
					//pVehicleSelf->AddVehicleUpgrade( 1010 );

				// reset overrideLights, pstate not needed, will be reactivated on demand
				if ( set.enable_car_lights_at_day_time )
					pVehicleSelf->SetOverrideLights( 0 );

			// hud bar, this should probably become a cheat_state
			pstate_d3dtext_hud = set.d3dtext_hud;
			set.d3dtext_hud = 0;

			// m0d's map
			pstate_map = cheat_state->_generic.map;
			cheat_state->_generic.map = 0;

			// m0d's menu
			pstate_generic_menu = cheat_state->_generic.menu;
			cheat_state->_generic.menu = 0;

			// remove "Extra actor invincibility" patch
			pstate_actor_hp_nSP = patch_actor_hp_extraInv.installed;
			patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp_extraInv );
			pstate_actor_hp_SP = patch_actor_hp.installed;
			patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp );

			// remove vehicle hp patch
			pstate_vehicle_hp = patch_vehicle_hp.installed;
			patcher_remove( &patch_vehicle_hp );

			// just call with null vehicle info to disable
			cheat_handle_vehicle_fly( NULL, 0.0f );

			for ( i = 0; i < INI_PATCHES_MAX; i++ )
				// added to not remove volatile patches
				if ( !set.patch[i].has_volatile )
					pstate_ini[i] = set.patch[i].installed;
					patcher_remove( &set.patch[i] );

			// turn off kill & chat
			if ( g_DeathList != NULL )
				pstate_deathlist = g_DeathList->iEnabled;
				g_DeathList->iEnabled = 1;
			if ( g_Chat != NULL )
				pstate_chat = g_Chat->iChatWindowMode;
				g_Chat->iChatWindowMode = 2;
			// restore infinite NOS
			if ( pstate_infnos )
				cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on = true;
				patcher_install( &patch_vehicle_inf_NOS );

			// vehicle stuff
			CPed	*pPedSelf = pPools->GetPedFromRef( CPOOLS_PED_SELF_REF );
			if ( pPedSelf->GetVehicle() )
				CVehicle	*pVehicleSelf = pPedSelf->GetVehicle();
				// restore inf NOS
				if ( pstate_infnos )
					pVehicleSelf->AddVehicleUpgrade( 1010 );

			// restore "Extra actor invincibility" patch
			if ( pstate_actor_hp_nSP )
				patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp_extraInv );
			if ( pstate_actor_hp_SP )
				patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp );

			// restore vehicle hp patch
			if ( pstate_vehicle_hp )
				patcher_install( &patch_vehicle_hp );

			// restore some cheat_states
			set.d3dtext_hud = pstate_d3dtext_hud;
			cheat_state->_generic.map = pstate_map;
			cheat_state->_generic.menu = pstate_generic_menu;

			// restore patches
			for ( i = 0; i < INI_PATCHES_MAX; i++ )
				if ( pstate_ini[i] )
					patcher_install( &set.patch[i] );

			// restore kill & chat
			if ( g_DeathList != NULL )
				g_DeathList->iEnabled = pstate_deathlist;
			if ( g_Chat != NULL )
				g_Chat->iChatWindowMode = pstate_chat;

			// clear cheat state text
			cheat_state_text( NULL );

	return cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled;