Example #1
void GrSWMaskHelper::DrawToTargetWithPathMask(GrTexture* texture,
                                              GrDrawTarget* target,
                                              const GrIRect& rect) {
    GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState();

    GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(drawState);
    if (!adcd.succeeded()) {
    enum {
        // the SW path renderer shares this stage with glyph
        // rendering (kGlyphMaskStage in GrBatchedTextContext)
        kPathMaskStage = GrPaint::kTotalStages,
    drawState->createTextureEffect(kPathMaskStage, texture);
    SkScalar w = SkIntToScalar(rect.width());
    SkScalar h = SkIntToScalar(rect.height());
    GrRect maskRect = GrRect::MakeWH(w / texture->width(),
                                     h / texture->height());

    const GrRect* srcRects[GrDrawState::kNumStages] = { NULL };
    srcRects[kPathMaskStage] = &maskRect;
    GrRect dstRect = GrRect::MakeLTRB(
                            SK_Scalar1 * rect.fLeft,
                            SK_Scalar1 * rect.fTop,
                            SK_Scalar1 * rect.fRight,
                            SK_Scalar1 * rect.fBottom);
    target->drawRect(dstRect, NULL, srcRects, NULL);
// return true on success; false on failure
bool GrSoftwarePathRenderer::onDrawPath(const SkPath& path,
                                        GrPathFill fill,
                                        const GrVec* translate,
                                        GrDrawTarget* target,
                                        GrDrawState::StageMask stageMask,
                                        bool antiAlias) {

    if (NULL == fContext) {
        return false;

    GrAutoScratchTexture ast;
    GrIRect pathBounds, clipBounds;
    if (!get_path_and_clip_bounds(target, path, translate,
                                  &pathBounds, &clipBounds)) {
        return true;    // path is empty so there is nothing to do
    if (sw_draw_path_to_mask_texture(path, pathBounds,
                                     fill, fContext,
                                     translate, &ast, antiAlias)) {
        GrTexture* texture = ast.texture();
        GrAssert(NULL != texture);
        GrDrawTarget::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(target, stageMask);
        enum {
            // the SW path renderer shares this stage with glyph
            // rendering (kGlyphMaskStage in GrBatchedTextContext)
            kPathMaskStage = GrPaint::kTotalStages,
        GrAssert(NULL == target->drawState()->getTexture(kPathMaskStage));
        target->drawState()->setTexture(kPathMaskStage, texture);
        GrScalar w = GrIntToScalar(pathBounds.width());
        GrScalar h = GrIntToScalar(pathBounds.height());
        GrRect maskRect = GrRect::MakeWH(w / texture->width(),
                                         h / texture->height());
        const GrRect* srcRects[GrDrawState::kNumStages] = {NULL};
        srcRects[kPathMaskStage] = &maskRect;
        stageMask |= 1 << kPathMaskStage;
        GrRect dstRect = GrRect::MakeLTRB(
                              SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fLeft,
                              SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fTop,
                              SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fRight,
                              SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fBottom);
        target->drawRect(dstRect, NULL, stageMask, srcRects, NULL);
        target->drawState()->setTexture(kPathMaskStage, NULL);
        if (GrIsFillInverted(fill)) {
            draw_around_inv_path(target, stageMask,
                                 clipBounds, pathBounds);
        return true;

    return false;
Example #3
void GrSWMaskHelper::DrawToTargetWithPathMask(GrTexture* texture,
        GrDrawTarget* target,
        const GrIRect& rect) {
    GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState();

    GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(drawState);
    if (!adcd.succeeded()) {
    enum {
        // the SW path renderer shares this stage with glyph
        // rendering (kGlyphMaskStage in GrTextContext)
        // && edge rendering (kEdgeEffectStage in GrContext)
        kPathMaskStage = GrPaint::kTotalStages,

    GrRect dstRect = GrRect::MakeLTRB(
                         SK_Scalar1 * rect.fLeft,
                         SK_Scalar1 * rect.fTop,
                         SK_Scalar1 * rect.fRight,
                         SK_Scalar1 * rect.fBottom);

    // We want to use device coords to compute the texture coordinates. We set our matrix to be
    // equal to the view matrix followed by a translation so that the top-left of the device bounds
    // maps to 0,0, and then a scaling matrix to normalized coords. We apply this matrix to the
    // vertex positions rather than local coords.
    SkMatrix maskMatrix;
    maskMatrix.setIDiv(texture->width(), texture->height());
    maskMatrix.preTranslate(SkIntToScalar(-rect.fLeft), SkIntToScalar(-rect.fTop));


Example #4
bool GrAAConvexPathRenderer::onDrawPath(const SkPath& origPath,
                                        GrPathFill fill,
                                        GrDrawTarget* target,
                                        bool antiAlias) {

    const SkPath* path = &origPath;
    if (path->isEmpty()) {
        return true;
    GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState();

    GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(drawState);
    if (!adcd.succeeded()) {
        return false;
    const GrMatrix* vm = &adcd.getOriginalMatrix();

    GrVertexLayout layout = 0;
    layout |= GrDrawTarget::kEdge_VertexLayoutBit;

    // We use the fact that SkPath::transform path does subdivision based on
    // perspective. Otherwise, we apply the view matrix when copying to the
    // segment representation.
    SkPath tmpPath;
    if (vm->hasPerspective()) {
        origPath.transform(*vm, &tmpPath);
        path = &tmpPath;
        vm = &GrMatrix::I();

    QuadVertex *verts;
    uint16_t* idxs;

    int vCount;
    int iCount;
    enum {
        kPreallocSegmentCnt = 512 / sizeof(Segment),
    SkSTArray<kPreallocSegmentCnt, Segment, true> segments;
    SkPoint fanPt;

    if (!get_segments(*path, *vm, &segments, &fanPt, &vCount, &iCount)) {
        return false;

    GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry arg(target, layout, vCount, iCount);
    if (!arg.succeeded()) {
        return false;
    verts = reinterpret_cast<QuadVertex*>(arg.vertices());
    idxs = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(arg.indices());

    create_vertices(segments, fanPt, verts, idxs);

    GrDrawState::VertexEdgeType oldEdgeType = drawState->getVertexEdgeType();
                        0,        // start vertex
                        0,        // start index

    return true;
Example #5
void GrInOrderDrawBuffer::drawRect(const GrRect& rect,
                                   const GrMatrix* matrix,
                                   StageMask stageMask,
                                   const GrRect* srcRects[],
                                   const GrMatrix* srcMatrices[]) {

    GrAssert(!(NULL == fQuadIndexBuffer && fCurrQuad));
    GrAssert(!(fDraws.empty() && fCurrQuad));
    GrAssert(!(0 != fMaxQuads && NULL == fQuadIndexBuffer));

    GrDrawState* drawState = this->drawState();

    // if we have a quad IB then either append to the previous run of
    // rects or start a new run
    if (fMaxQuads) {

        bool appendToPreviousDraw = false;
        GrVertexLayout layout = GetRectVertexLayout(stageMask, srcRects);
        AutoReleaseGeometry geo(this, layout, 4, 0);
        if (!geo.succeeded()) {
            GrPrintf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");
        GrMatrix combinedMatrix = drawState->getViewMatrix();
        // We go to device space so that matrix changes allow us to concat
        // rect draws. When the caller has provided explicit source rects
        // then we don't want to modify the sampler matrices. Otherwise we do
        // we have to account for the view matrix change in the sampler
        // matrices.
        StageMask devCoordMask = (NULL == srcRects) ? stageMask : 0;
        GrDrawTarget::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(this, devCoordMask);
        if (NULL != matrix) {

        SetRectVertices(rect, &combinedMatrix, srcRects, srcMatrices, layout, geo.vertices());

        // we don't want to miss an opportunity to batch rects together
        // simply because the clip has changed if the clip doesn't affect
        // the rect.
        bool disabledClip = false;
        if (drawState->isClipState() && fClip.isRect()) {

            GrRect clipRect = fClip.getRect(0);
            // If the clip rect touches the edge of the viewport, extended it
            // out (close) to infinity to avoid bogus intersections.
            // We might consider a more exact clip to viewport if this
            // conservative test fails.
            const GrRenderTarget* target = drawState->getRenderTarget();
            if (0 >= clipRect.fLeft) {
                clipRect.fLeft = GR_ScalarMin;
            if (target->width() <= clipRect.fRight) {
                clipRect.fRight = GR_ScalarMax;
            if (0 >= clipRect.top()) {
                clipRect.fTop = GR_ScalarMin;
            if (target->height() <= clipRect.fBottom) {
                clipRect.fBottom = GR_ScalarMax;
            int stride = VertexSize(layout);
            bool insideClip = true;
            for (int v = 0; v < 4; ++v) {
                const GrPoint& p = *GetVertexPoint(geo.vertices(), v, stride);
                if (!clipRect.contains(p)) {
                    insideClip = false;
            if (insideClip) {
                disabledClip = true;
        if (!needsNewClip() && !needsNewState() && fCurrQuad > 0 &&
            fCurrQuad < fMaxQuads && layout == fLastRectVertexLayout) {

            int vsize = VertexSize(layout);

            Draw& lastDraw = fDraws.back();

            GrAssert(lastDraw.fIndexBuffer == fQuadIndexBuffer);
            GrAssert(kTriangles_PrimitiveType == lastDraw.fPrimitiveType);
            GrAssert(0 == lastDraw.fVertexCount % 4);
            GrAssert(0 == lastDraw.fIndexCount % 6);
            GrAssert(0 == lastDraw.fStartIndex);

            GeometryPoolState& poolState = fGeoPoolStateStack.back();
            bool clearSinceLastDraw =
                            fClears.count() && 
                            fClears.back().fBeforeDrawIdx == fDraws.count();

            appendToPreviousDraw =  
                !clearSinceLastDraw &&
                lastDraw.fVertexBuffer == poolState.fPoolVertexBuffer &&
                (fCurrQuad * 4 + lastDraw.fStartVertex) == poolState.fPoolStartVertex;

            if (appendToPreviousDraw) {
                lastDraw.fVertexCount += 4;
                lastDraw.fIndexCount += 6;
                fCurrQuad += 1;
                // we reserved above, so we should be the first
                // use of this vertex reserveation.
                GrAssert(0 == poolState.fUsedPoolVertexBytes);
                poolState.fUsedPoolVertexBytes = 4 * vsize;
        if (!appendToPreviousDraw) {
            this->drawIndexed(kTriangles_PrimitiveType, 0, 0, 4, 6);
            fCurrQuad = 1;
            fLastRectVertexLayout = layout;
        if (disabledClip) {
    } else {
        INHERITED::drawRect(rect, matrix, stageMask, srcRects, srcMatrices);
void GrInOrderDrawBuffer::drawRect(const GrRect& rect,
                                   const SkMatrix* matrix,
                                   const GrRect* srcRects[],
                                   const SkMatrix* srcMatrices[]) {

    GrVertexLayout layout = 0;
    GrDrawState::AutoColorRestore acr;
    GrColor color = this->drawState()->getColor();

    // Using per-vertex colors allows batching across colors. (A lot of rects in a row differing
    // only in color is a common occurrence in tables). However, having per-vertex colors disables
    // blending optimizations because we don't know if the color will be solid or not. These
    // optimizations help determine whether coverage and color can be blended correctly when
    // dual-source blending isn't available. This comes into play when there is coverage. If colors
    // were a stage it could take a hint that every vertex's color will be opaque.
    if (this->getCaps().dualSourceBlendingSupport() ||
        this->getDrawState().hasSolidCoverage(this->getGeomSrc().fVertexLayout)) {
        layout |= GrDrawState::kColor_VertexLayoutBit;;
        // We set the draw state's color to white here. This is done so that any batching performed
        // in our subclass's onDraw() won't get a false from GrDrawState::op== due to a color
        // mismatch. TODO: Once vertex layout is owned by GrDrawState it should skip comparing the
        // constant color in its op== when the kColor layout bit is set and then we can remove this.
        acr.set(this->drawState(), 0xFFFFFFFF);

    uint32_t explicitCoordMask = 0;
    if (NULL != srcRects) {
        for (int s = 0; s < GrDrawState::kNumStages; ++s) {
            int numTC = 0;
            if (NULL != srcRects[s]) {
                layout |= GrDrawState::StageTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(s, numTC);
                explicitCoordMask |= (1 << s);

    AutoReleaseGeometry geo(this, layout, 4, 0);
    if (!geo.succeeded()) {
        GrPrintf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");

    // Go to device coords to allow batching across matrix changes
    SkMatrix combinedMatrix;
    if (NULL != matrix) {
        combinedMatrix = *matrix;
    } else {
    // When the caller has provided an explicit source rects for a stage then we don't want to
    // modify that stage's matrix. Otherwise if the effect is generating its source rect from
    // the vertex positions then we have to account for the view matrix change.
    GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(this->drawState(), explicitCoordMask);
    if (!adcd.succeeded()) {

    int stageOffsets[GrDrawState::kNumStages], colorOffset;
    int vsize = GrDrawState::VertexSizeAndOffsetsByStage(layout, stageOffsets,
                                                         &colorOffset, NULL, NULL);

    geo.positions()->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vsize);
    combinedMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(geo.positions(), vsize, 4);

    SkRect devBounds;
    // since we already computed the dev verts, set the bounds hint. This will help us avoid
    // unnecessary clipping in our onDraw().
    get_vertex_bounds(geo.vertices(), vsize, 4, &devBounds);

    for (int i = 0; i < GrDrawState::kNumStages; ++i) {
        if (explicitCoordMask & (1 << i)) {
            GrAssert(0 != stageOffsets[i]);
            GrPoint* coords = GrTCast<GrPoint*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) +
            coords->setRectFan(srcRects[i]->fLeft, srcRects[i]->fTop,
                               srcRects[i]->fRight, srcRects[i]->fBottom,
            if (NULL != srcMatrices && NULL != srcMatrices[i]) {
                srcMatrices[i]->mapPointsWithStride(coords, vsize, 4);
        } else {
            GrAssert(0 == stageOffsets[i]);

    if (colorOffset >= 0) {
        GrColor* vertColor = GrTCast<GrColor*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) + colorOffset);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            *vertColor = color;
            vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vsize);

    this->drawIndexedInstances(kTriangles_GrPrimitiveType, 1, 4, 6, &devBounds);
Example #7
void GrInOrderDrawBuffer::onDrawRect(const GrRect& rect,
                                     const SkMatrix* matrix,
                                     const GrRect* localRect,
                                     const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {
    GrDrawState::AutoColorRestore acr;

    GrDrawState* drawState = this->drawState();

    GrColor color = drawState->getColor();

    int colorOffset, localOffset;
                          this->caps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport() || drawState->hasSolidCoverage(),
                          NULL != localRect,
                          &colorOffset, &localOffset);
    if (colorOffset >= 0) {
        // We set the draw state's color to white here. This is done so that any batching performed
        // in our subclass's onDraw() won't get a false from GrDrawState::op== due to a color
        // mismatch. TODO: Once vertex layout is owned by GrDrawState it should skip comparing the
        // constant color in its op== when the kColor layout bit is set and then we can remove
        // this.
        acr.set(drawState, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    AutoReleaseGeometry geo(this, 4, 0);
    if (!geo.succeeded()) {
        GrPrintf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");

    // Go to device coords to allow batching across matrix changes
    SkMatrix combinedMatrix;
    if (NULL != matrix) {
        combinedMatrix = *matrix;
    } else {
    // When the caller has provided an explicit source rect for a stage then we don't want to
    // modify that stage's matrix. Otherwise if the effect is generating its source rect from
    // the vertex positions then we have to account for the view matrix change.
    GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(drawState);
    if (!adcd.succeeded()) {

    size_t vsize = drawState->getVertexSize();

    geo.positions()->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vsize);
    combinedMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(geo.positions(), vsize, 4);

    SkRect devBounds;
    // since we already computed the dev verts, set the bounds hint. This will help us avoid
    // unnecessary clipping in our onDraw().
    get_vertex_bounds(geo.vertices(), vsize, 4, &devBounds);

    if (localOffset >= 0) {
        GrPoint* coords = GrTCast<GrPoint*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) + localOffset);
        coords->setRectFan(localRect->fLeft, localRect->fTop,
                           localRect->fRight, localRect->fBottom,
        if (NULL != localMatrix) {
            localMatrix->mapPointsWithStride(coords, vsize, 4);

    if (colorOffset >= 0) {
        GrColor* vertColor = GrTCast<GrColor*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) + colorOffset);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            *vertColor = color;
            vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vsize);

    this->drawIndexedInstances(kTriangles_GrPrimitiveType, 1, 4, 6, &devBounds);

    // to ensure that stashing the drawState ptr is valid
    GrAssert(this->drawState() == drawState);
void GrInOrderDrawBuffer::drawRect(const GrRect& rect,
                                   const SkMatrix* matrix,
                                   const GrRect* srcRects[],
                                   const SkMatrix* srcMatrices[]) {

    GrAssert(!(NULL == fQuadIndexBuffer && fCurrQuad));
    GrAssert(!(fDraws.empty() && fCurrQuad));
    GrAssert(!(0 != fMaxQuads && NULL == fQuadIndexBuffer));

    GrDrawState* drawState = this->drawState();

    // if we have a quad IB then either append to the previous run of
    // rects or start a new run
    if (fMaxQuads) {

        bool appendToPreviousDraw = false;
        GrVertexLayout layout = GetRectVertexLayout(srcRects);

        // Batching across colors means we move the draw color into the
        // rect's vertex colors to allow greater batching (a lot of rects
        // in a row differing only in color is a common occurence in tables).
        bool batchAcrossColors = true;
        if (!this->getCaps().dualSourceBlendingSupport()) {
            for (int s = 0; s < GrDrawState::kNumStages; ++s) {
                if (this->getDrawState().isStageEnabled(s)) {
                    // We disable batching across colors when there is a texture
                    // present because (by pushing the the color to the vertices)
                    // Ganesh loses track of the rect's opacity. This, in turn, can
                    // cause some of the blending optimizations to be disabled. This
                    // becomes a huge problem on some of the smaller devices where
                    // shader derivatives and dual source blending aren't supported.
                    // In those cases paths are often drawn to a texture and then
                    // drawn as a texture (using this method). Because dual source
                    // blending is disabled (and the blend optimizations are short
                    // circuited) some of the more esoteric blend modes can no longer
                    // be supported.
                    // TODO: add tracking of batchAcrossColors's opacity
                    batchAcrossColors = false;

        if (batchAcrossColors) {
            layout |= GrDrawState::kColor_VertexLayoutBit;

        AutoReleaseGeometry geo(this, layout, 4, 0);
        if (!geo.succeeded()) {
            GrPrintf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");
        SkMatrix combinedMatrix = drawState->getViewMatrix();
        // We go to device space so that matrix changes allow us to concat
        // rect draws. When the caller has provided explicit source rects
        // then we don't want to modify the stages' matrices. Otherwise
        // we have to account for the view matrix change in the stage
        // matrices.
        uint32_t explicitCoordMask = 0;
        if (srcRects) {
            for (int s = 0; s < GrDrawState::kNumStages; ++s) {
                if (srcRects[s]) {
                    explicitCoordMask |= (1 << s);
        GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(this->drawState(), explicitCoordMask);
        if (!adcd.succeeded()) {
        if (NULL != matrix) {

        SetRectVertices(rect, &combinedMatrix, srcRects, srcMatrices,
                        this->getDrawState().getColor(), layout, geo.vertices());

        // Now that the paint's color is stored in the vertices set it to
        // white so that the following code can batch all the rects regardless
        // of paint color
        GrDrawState::AutoColorRestore acr(this->drawState(),
                                          batchAcrossColors ? SK_ColorWHITE
                                                            : this->getDrawState().getColor());

        // we don't want to miss an opportunity to batch rects together
        // simply because the clip has changed if the clip doesn't affect
        // the rect.
        bool disabledClip = false;

        if (drawState->isClipState()) {

            GrRect devClipRect;
            bool isIntersectionOfRects = false;
            const GrClipData* clip = this->getClip();

            if (isIntersectionOfRects) {
                // If the clip rect touches the edge of the viewport, extended it
                // out (close) to infinity to avoid bogus intersections.
                // We might consider a more exact clip to viewport if this
                // conservative test fails.
                const GrRenderTarget* target = drawState->getRenderTarget();
                if (0 >= devClipRect.fLeft) {
                    devClipRect.fLeft = SK_ScalarMin;
                if (target->width() <= devClipRect.fRight) {
                    devClipRect.fRight = SK_ScalarMax;
                if (0 >= devClipRect.top()) {
                    devClipRect.fTop = SK_ScalarMin;
                if (target->height() <= devClipRect.fBottom) {
                    devClipRect.fBottom = SK_ScalarMax;
                int stride = GrDrawState::VertexSize(layout);
                bool insideClip = true;
                for (int v = 0; v < 4; ++v) {
                    const GrPoint& p = *GrDrawState::GetVertexPoint(geo.vertices(), v, stride);
                    if (!devClipRect.contains(p)) {
                        insideClip = false;
                if (insideClip) {
                    disabledClip = true;

        if (!this->needsNewClip() &&
            !this->needsNewState() &&
            fCurrQuad > 0 &&
            fCurrQuad < fMaxQuads &&
            layout == fLastRectVertexLayout) {

            int vsize = GrDrawState::VertexSize(layout);

            Draw& lastDraw = fDraws.back();

            GrAssert(lastDraw.fIndexBuffer == fQuadIndexBuffer);
            GrAssert(kTriangles_GrPrimitiveType == lastDraw.fPrimitiveType);
            GrAssert(0 == lastDraw.fVertexCount % 4);
            GrAssert(0 == lastDraw.fIndexCount % 6);
            GrAssert(0 == lastDraw.fStartIndex);

            GeometryPoolState& poolState = fGeoPoolStateStack.back();

            appendToPreviousDraw =
                kDraw_Cmd == fCmds.back() &&
                lastDraw.fVertexBuffer == poolState.fPoolVertexBuffer &&
                (fCurrQuad * 4 + lastDraw.fStartVertex) == poolState.fPoolStartVertex;

            if (appendToPreviousDraw) {
                lastDraw.fVertexCount += 4;
                lastDraw.fIndexCount += 6;
                fCurrQuad += 1;
                // we reserved above, so we should be the first
                // use of this vertex reservation.
                GrAssert(0 == poolState.fUsedPoolVertexBytes);
                poolState.fUsedPoolVertexBytes = 4 * vsize;
        if (!appendToPreviousDraw) {
            this->drawIndexed(kTriangles_GrPrimitiveType, 0, 0, 4, 6);
            fCurrQuad = 1;
            fLastRectVertexLayout = layout;
        if (disabledClip) {
    } else {
        INHERITED::drawRect(rect, matrix, srcRects, srcMatrices);