int main() { struct confModules *foo; int x; foo=newConfModules(); addAlias(foo,"eth0","eepro100",CM_REPLACE); addAlias(foo,"eth0","tulip",CM_COMMENT); addOptions(foo,"eth0","debug=foo",0); addLine(foo,"alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc",CM_COMMENT); writeConfModules(foo,"foomod"); printf("=%s=\n",getAlias(foo,"eth0")); printf("=%s=\n",getAlias(foo,"scuzzy_hostadapter")); freeConfModules(foo); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- StreamAsset::StreamAsset(AssetManagerInterface* man, const string& _name, StreamType _type, string _url, string _username, string _password) : BaseMediaAsset(man) { canSource = true; assetType = MEDIA_ASSET_STREAM; streamType = _type; addAlias(_name); url = _url; username = _username; password = _password; isIpVideo = streamType == STREAM_TYPE_IPCAM; if(isIpVideo) { ipcam = ofPtr<ofxIpVideoGrabber>(new ofxIpVideoGrabber()); ipcam->setURI(url); ipcam->setUsername(username); ipcam->setPassword(password); } else { qtcam = ofPtr<ofVideoPlayer>(new ofVideoPlayer()); qtcam->loadMovie(url); // TODO: construct correct user/pass string } addOscMethod("open"); addOscMethod("close"); }
SphereLoader::SphereLoader() :BaseLoader(), positions(initData(&positions,"position","Sphere centers")), radius(initData(&radius,"listRadius","Radius of each sphere")), d_scale(initData(&d_scale,"scale","Scale applied to sphere positions & radius")), d_translation(initData(&d_translation,"translation","Translation applied to sphere positions")) { addAlias(&positions,"sphere_centers"); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- GrabberAsset::GrabberAsset(AssetManagerInterface* man, const string& _name, int _devId, int _width, int _height) : BaseMediaAsset(man){ canSource = true; assetType = MEDIA_ASSET_GRABBER; addAlias(_name); width = _width; height = _height; devId = _devId; grabber = ofPtr<ofVideoGrabber>(new ofVideoGrabber()); addOscMethod("open"); addOscMethod("close"); // grabber->initGrabber(width, height); }
CDialogIrcSettings::CDialogIrcSettings( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog( parent ), ui( new Ui::CDialogIrcSettings ) { ui->setupUi( this ); setWindowFilePath( tr( "Settings" ) ); //TODO: ui->treeWidgetColors->setItemDelegate(new ColorItemDelegate(ui->treeWidgetColors)); ui->treeWidgetShortcuts->setItemDelegate( new ShortcutItemDelegate( ui->treeWidgetShortcuts ) ); //TODO: ui->treeWidgetColors->header()->setSectionResizeMode(ColorColumns::Message, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); ui->treeWidgetShortcuts->header()->setSectionResizeMode( ShortcutColumns::Description, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents ); ui->treeWidgetShortcuts->expandItem( ui->treeWidgetShortcuts->topLevelItem( 0 ) ); ui->treeWidgetShortcuts->expandItem( ui->treeWidgetShortcuts->topLevelItem( 1 ) ); proxyModel = new SortFilterProxyModel( ui->treeViewAliases ); sourceModel = new QStandardItemModel( proxyModel ); proxyModel->setSourceModel( sourceModel ); ui->treeViewAliases->setModel( proxyModel ); ui->treeViewAliases->setItemDelegateForColumn( 2, new CloseDelegate( ui->treeViewAliases ) ); loadSettings(); connect( ui->checkBoxConnectOnStartup, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->fontComboBox, SIGNAL( currentFontChanged( QFont ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->spinBoxFontSize, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->checkBoxStripNicks, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->checkBoxHighlightSounds, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->checkBoxTimeStamp, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->checkBoxDarkTheme, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->spinBoxBlockCount, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); //TODO: connect(ui->treeWidgetColors, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(enableApply())); connect( ui->treeWidgetShortcuts, SIGNAL( clicked( QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->toolButtonAddAliases, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addAlias() ) ); connect( ui->treeViewAliases, SIGNAL( clicked( QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( onAliasClicked( QModelIndex ) ) ); connect( ui->treeViewAliases, SIGNAL( activated( QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( enableApply() ) ); connect( ui->lineEditAliasesFilter, SIGNAL( textEdited( QString ) ), proxyModel, SLOT( setFilterWildcard( QString ) ) ); connect( ui->pushButtonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveSettings() ) ); ui->pushButtonApply->setEnabled( false ); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- PlayerAsset::PlayerAsset(AssetManagerInterface* man, const string& _name) : BaseMediaAsset(man), PlayerAssetInterface(man) { canSource = true; assetType = MEDIA_ASSET_PLAYER; addAlias(_name); player = ofPtr<ofxVideoBufferPlayer>(new ofxVideoBufferPlayer()); currentAssetLink = NULL; //addOscMethod("buffer"); addOscMethod("play"); addOscMethod("start"); addOscMethod("stop"); addOscMethod("pause"); addOscMethod("loopmode"); addOscMethod("looppoints"); addOscMethod("looppointstart"); addOscMethod("looppointend"); addOscMethod("looppointsn"); addOscMethod("looppointstartn"); addOscMethod("looppointendn"); addOscMethod("frame"); addOscMethod("framen"); addOscMethod("speed"); addOscMethod("dump"); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QApplication &app, ElementDatabase& db) : QMainWindow(), Ui::MainWindow(), mApp(&app), mCompleter(NULL), mLangPath(":/lang"), mInputData(db), mDB(&db), mDataVisualizer(this, db) { mApp->installTranslator(&mTranslator); #ifdef DEBUG if ( ! mLangPath.exists() ) std::cerr << "Unable to determine language directory !" << std::endl; #endif setupUi(this); mFormulaDefaultPalette = ntrFormula->palette(); tblResult->setModel(&mModel); // action setup (menu bar) menuFile = new QMenu(menubar); menuTools = new QMenu(menubar); menuLang = new QMenu(menubar); menuHelp = new QMenu(menubar); addActions(); connect(actionQuit, SIGNAL(triggered()), &app, SLOT(quit())); connect(&app, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &app, SLOT(quit())); connect(actionAbout_Qt, SIGNAL(triggered()), &app, SLOT(aboutQt())); connect(actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(about())); connect(actionVisualizeData, SIGNAL(triggered()), &mDataVisualizer, SLOT(show())); connect(actionUseSystemLocale, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(useSystemLocaleTriggered())); selectDefaultLang(); actionUseSystemLocale->trigger(); // action setup result table connect(actionExpandAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(expandAll())); connect(actionCollapseAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(collapseAll())); connect(actionSelectAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), tblResult, SLOT(selectAll())); connect(actionCopySelection, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copyResultTableSelection())); connect(tblResult, SIGNAL(expanded(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(expandItem(const QModelIndex&))); connect(tblResult, SIGNAL(collapsed(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(expandItem(const QModelIndex&))); // populate list of all known GUI input fields mFormEntries.append(FormEntry(ntrFormula, "currentText", lblFormula)); mFormEntries.append(FormEntry(ntrDensity, "value", lblDensity)); mFormEntries.append(FormEntry(ntrXrayEn, "value", lblXrayEn)); mFormEntries.append(FormEntry(ntrNeutronWl, "value", lblNeutronWl)); saveInitialInput(); // button connectors connect(btnClear, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(resetInput())); connect(btnAddAlias, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addAlias())); connect(btnCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doCalc())); if (ntrFormula->lineEdit()) { mCompleter = new FormulaCompleter(db, ntrFormula->lineEdit(), btnCalc); connect(ntrFormula->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(returnPressed()), btnCalc, SLOT(animateClick())); } connect(ntrDensity, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), btnCalc, SLOT(animateClick())); connect(ntrXrayEn, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), btnCalc, SLOT(animateClick())); connect(ntrNeutronWl, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), btnCalc, SLOT(animateClick())); connect(lblFormattedFormula, SIGNAL(linkActivated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(showElementData(const QString&))); connect(&mDataVisualizer, SIGNAL(elementLinkActivated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(showElementData(const QString&))); }
void initCmds() { int lastParams; char *lastParamsFlags; char *lastExpr; addNew ("help", "\"\")", 0, "" ); const char * const *helpPages=stringsGetContent("help"); do { if (!**helpPages) continue; char cmd[50], expr[50]; sprintf(cmd, "help %s", *helpPages); sprintf(expr, "\"%s\")", *helpPages); addNew(cmd, expr, 0, "" ); } while (*++helpPages); addNew ("history", "gf.history()", 0, "" ); addNew ("map ", "", -2, "s" ); addNew ("new ", "", 1, "" ); addAlias("n "); addNew ("close", "gf.close()", 0, "" ); addNew ("open ", "", 1, "p" ); addAlias("o "); addNew ("quit", "gf.quit()", 0, "" ); addAlias("q"); addAlias("exit"); addNew ("rotate ", "gf.rotate(%)", -3, "" ); addAlias("rot "); addNew ("reset rotation", "gf.resetRotation()", 0, "" ); addAlias("reset rot"); addNew ("reset colors", "gf.resetColors()", 0, "" ); addNew ("reset boundary", "gf.resetBoundary()", 0, "" ); addNew ("rmap ", "gf.rmap(%)", -3, "s-" ); consoleCmdSetUpdateCmds(); addNew ("source ", "gf.source(%)", 1, "p" ); addAlias("so "); addNew ("vertex add", "gf.vertexSelect(gf.vertexAdd())", 0, "" ); addAlias("vert add"); addNew ("vertex add ", "gf.vertexSelect(gf.vertexAdd(gf.posRotateBack(tuple(([%]+[0]*100)[:gf.get_dimen()]))))", INT_MIN, "" ); addAlias("vert add "); addNew ("vertex deselect", "gf.vertexDeselect()", 0, "" ); addAlias("vertex desel"); addAlias("vert deselect"); addAlias("vert desel"); addNew ("vertex move ", "gf.vertexSetPos(gf.vertexSelected(),tuple(map(sum,zip(gf.posRotateBack(tuple(([%]+[0]*100)[:gf.get_dimen()])),gf.vertexGetPos(gf.vertexSelected())))))", INT_MIN, "" ); addAlias("vert move "); addNew ("vertex next", "gf.vertexNext()", 0, "" ); addAlias("vert next"); addNew ("vertex previous", "gf.vertexPrevious()", 0, "" ); addAlias("vertex prev"); addAlias("vert previous"); addAlias("vert prev"); addNew ("vertex remove", "gf.vertexRemove(gf.vertexSelected())", 0, "" ); addAlias("vertex rm"); addAlias("vert remove"); addAlias("vert rm"); addNew ("vertex select", "gf.vertexSelected()", 0, "" ); addAlias("vertex sel"); addNew ("vertex select ", "gf.vertexSelect(%)", 1, "" ); addAlias("vertex sel "); addAlias("vert select "); addAlias("vert sel "); addNew ("write ", "gf.write(%)", 1, "p" ); addAlias("w "); }
void runInternal(int m){ int result; char *promptBuff; promptBuff = NULL; switch(m){ case 0: home = getenv("HOME"); int i = chdir(home); if(i<0) printf("Couldn't restore\n"); else{ printf("directory changed\n"); printf("HOME: %s\n", home); } exit(0); case 1: /*if(par[1] != NULL){ printf("%s is an Unknown command 2\n", *par); } else{*/ printf("PATH = %s\n", getenv("PATH")); /*}*/ break; case 2: if(par[1] == NULL){ printf("%s is an Unknown command 3\n", *par); } else{ int newPath = setenv(par[1], par[1], 0); printf("%d", newPath); /*const char* path = getenv("PATH"); printf("PATH :%s\n",(path!=NULL)? path : "getenv returned NULL");*/ } break; case 3: result= 0; if(par[1] == NULL){ chdir(".."); } else{ result = chdir(par[1]); if (getcwd(promptBuff, sizeof(par[1])) != NULL); else{ printf("FAILED\n"); } if(result == 0){ printf("Directory changed to %s\n", par[1]); } else{ switch(result){ case EACCES: perror("Permission denied"); break; case EIO: perror("An input output error occured"); break; case ENAMETOOLONG: perror("Path is too long"); break; case ENOTDIR: perror("A component of path not a directory"); break; case ENOENT: perror("No such file or directory"); printf("enoent\n"); default: printf("Couldn't change directory to %s", par[1] ); } } } break; case 4: printHistory(); break; case 5: if(par[1] == NULL || par[2] == NULL) { printAliases(); } else { addAlias(); } } }
void CliArgumentParser::addSwitch(CliArgumentParser::string name, CliArgumentParser::string alias, int parameter, bool optionalParameters) { addSwitch(name, parameter, optionalParameters); addAlias(name, alias); }
void CliArgumentParser::addAlias(CliArgumentParser::string name, CliArgumentParser::string alias, CliArgumentParser::string alias2) { addAlias(name, alias); addAlias(name, alias2); }
void aliasAdd(char* name, char* word) { addAlias(name, word); }
/* * RunBuiltInCmd * * arguments: * commandT *cmd: the command to be run * * returns: none * * Runs a built-in command. */ static void RunBuiltInCmd(commandT* cmd) { if(strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"cd")==0){ changeWorkingDir(cmd->argv[1]); } /* "pwd" command*/ else if(strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"pwd")==0){ char *dir = getCurrentWorkingDir(); printf("%s\n",dir); free(dir); } else if(!strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"jobs")){ bgjobL* job = bgjobs; while (job != NULL){ if (!strcmp(job->status, "Running")){ printf("[%d] %s %s &\n", job->jid, job->status, job->name); } else{ printf("[%d] %s %s\n", job->jid, job->status, job->name); } job = job->next; } } else if (!strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"fg")){ bgjobL* job; if(cmd->argv[1] != NULL){ job = GetJobFromJid(atoi(cmd->argv[1])); } else{ job = GetMRJob(); } //bring bg process to foreground if (job != NULL){ tcsetpgrp(job->pid, STDIN_FILENO); crpid = job->pid; crName = job->name; DeleteJob(job->pid); kill(-crpid, SIGCONT); int status = 0; waitpid(crpid, &status, WUNTRACED); crpid = 0; crName = NULL; } } else if (!strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"bg")){ bgjobL* job; if(cmd->argv[1] != NULL){ job = GetJobFromJid(atoi(cmd->argv[1])); if (job != NULL){ kill(job->pid, SIGCONT); job->status = "Running"; } } else{ job = GetMRJob(); if (job != NULL){ kill(job->pid, SIGCONT); job->status = "Running"; } } } else if(!strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"alias")){ addAlias(cmd); } else if(!strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"unalias")){ deleteAlias(cmd->argv[1]); } else if(!strcmp(cmd->argv[0],"exit")){ return; } } /* RunBuiltInCmd */
/*********************** * * * ProcessCmd cmd * * * ***********************/ int ProcessCmd(PARSE_RESULT *result) { CT_EXPR *ctExpr = NULL; COMB_EXPR *combExpr = NULL; M_INSTR *macroCode = NULL; CT_VAR_BASE *var_base = NULL; ST_TYPE *st_type; ST_KEY funKey; switch (result->tag) { case SETCOMMAND: ge_ProcessSetCommand(result->info.setcommand); break; case COMMAND: return (ge_ProcessCommand(result->info.command)); break; case QUERY: ge_ProcessQuery(result->info.query); break; case DATA: addDatatype(result->; break; case ALIAS: addAlias (result->info.alias); break; case DEF: #if 0 printf("RHS PARSE TREE:\n"); display_PE_EXPR(result->info.def->expr, 0); #endif funKey = st_AddFunction(result->info.def); /* typecheck the term logic parse tree */ tc_open_typechecker(); tc_typecheck_PE_DEF(result->info.def, funKey); /* if this point reached then typecheck of def was successful */ ctExpr = pmTranslate(result->info.def->expr,1); if ( printCT_EXPR ) { printMsg(MSG, "\nCore term logic for the function is: \n"); printMsg(MSG, "def %s{%L} = %V =>", result->info.def->id, result->info.def->macros, var_base); printMsg(MSG, "%r\n", ctExpr); } /* fi */ /* close after typecheck & patt translation are complete */ /* we need to remove DEF if patt translation fails */ tc_close_typechecker(0); ct_TranslateOpen(); /* if function definition contains any macros, we must add the */ /* environment to the variable base */ if (result->info.def->macros) { var_base = VarBasePairNew(parseHeapDesc, vb_pmTranslate(result->info.def->var_base), &ct_vb_env); } else var_base = vb_pmTranslate(result->info.def->var_base); ctExpr = ctPreTranslate (ctExpr); /* [#@] */ combExpr = ctTranslate(result->info.def->id, var_base, ctExpr); printMsg(MSG,"Function added: %s%S",st_KeyToName(funKey),st_GetTypeSig(funKey)); macroCode = Compile(result->info.def->id, combExpr); CodeTableAdd(result->info.def->id, combExpr, macroCode); ct_TranslateClose(); break; case EXPR: #if 0 printf("PARSE TREE:\n"); display_PE_EXPR(result->info.expr, 0); #endif /* typecheck the term logic parse tree */ tc_open_typechecker(); st_type = tc_typecheck_PE_EXPR(result->info.expr); /* if this point reached then typecheck was successful */ /* don't close typechecker until AFTER result st_type is printed below */ ctExpr = pmTranslate(result->info.expr,0); if ( printCT_EXPR ) printMsg(MSG, "\nCore term logic for the expression is: \n%r\n", ctExpr); ct_TranslateOpen(); ctExpr = ctPreTranslate (ctExpr); /* [#@] */ combExpr = ctTranslate(NULL, vb_pmTranslate(VBbang()), ctExpr); mc_MachineOpen(); combExpr = Evaluate(combExpr, st_type); kludge = 1; combExprPrint(combExpr,PP_MAX_SHOW_DEPTH,PP_MAX_RECORD_DEPTH,st_type); mc_MachineClose(); tc_close_typechecker(0); ct_TranslateClose(); break; case EMPTY_INPUT: break; default: printMsg(FATAL_MSG, "ProcessCmd - Invalid tag (%d)", result->tag); break; } return(1); } /* end ProcessCmd */
void* write_handler(void* socket_desc) { int sock = *(int*)socket_desc; int write_size; char message[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; /* Get server message and output */ while(1) { /* get command and send it to server */ fgets(message, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN, stdin); if(message[0] == '\n') continue; message_trim(message); /* local command */ if(!strncmp(message, "alias", 5)) { char cmd[MAX_COMMAND_LEN], ali[MAX_COMMAND_LEN]; if(sscanf(message, "alias %s %s", cmd, ali) == 2) addAlias(cmd, ali); else printf("Format Error: alias <command> <alias>\n"); continue; } /* remote command */ if(mode == MESSAGE_MODE) { convertAlias(message); write_size = write(sock, message, strlen(message)); } if(!(strncmp(message, "download", 8)&&strncmp(message, "dl", 2))) { /* init trans_state */ trans_state = TRANSFER_OK; /* change to download mode => prevent from invoking other commands */ mode = DOWNLOAD_MODE; /* start sync with rthread */ pthread_mutex_lock(&wr_mutex); /* write filename to server */ fgets(savedName, MAX_FILENAME_LEN, stdin); message_trim(savedName); write_size = write(sock, savedName, strlen(savedName)); /* wait rthread for getting file's size */ pthread_cond_wait(&fs_cond, &wr_mutex); if(trans_state == TRANSFER_OK) { /* check existance and ask overwrite */ if(access(savedName, F_OK) != -1) { int overwrite = FALSE; /* check overwrite */ printf("The file has already existed, do you want to overwrite?[y/n] "); char check; do { scanf("%c", &check); if(check == 'y') overwrite = TRUE; } while(check!='n'&&check!='y'); /* send transfer flag to server */ if(overwrite) { fp = fopen(savedName, "w"); trans_state = TRANSFER_OK; write(sock, "TRANSFER_OK", 11); } else { puts("Download Cancel!"); trans_state = TRANSFER_DISCARD; write(sock, "TRANSFER_DISCARD", 16); } } else { fp = fopen(savedName, "w"); trans_state = TRANSFER_OK; write(sock, "TRANSFER_OK", 11); } pthread_cond_signal(&ow_cond); } // else // printf("DISCARD\n"); // DEBUG - CHECK NOT FILE CONDITION pthread_cond_signal(&ow_cond); /* sync over */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wr_mutex); } else if(!strncmp(message, "put", 3)) { /* change to download mode => prevent from invoking other commands */ mode = PUT_MODE; /* strat sync with wthread */ pthread_mutex_lock(&wr_mutex); printf("File name: \n"); char filename[MAX_FILENAME_LEN]; fgets(filename, MAX_FILENAME_LEN-1, stdin); message_trim(filename); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fp) { /* send client file exist flag */ /* Concat filename and file size then send */ struct stat st; int result = stat(filename, &st); long long fsize = st.st_size; memset(message, 0, sizeof(message)); strcpy(message, "FILE_EXIST/"); strcat(message, filename); sprintf(message, "%s/%lld", message, fsize); write(sock, message, strlen(message)); // DEBUG - CHECK INFO MESSAGE // printf("%s\n", message); /* wait for receiving exist flag */ pthread_cond_wait(&ow_cond, &wr_mutex); // File already exist if(trans_state == TRANSFER_WAIT) { int overwrite = FALSE; /* check overwrite */ printf("The file has already existed, do you want to overwrite?[y/n] "); fflush(stdout); char check; do { scanf("%c", &check); if(check == 'y') overwrite = TRUE; } while(check!='n'&&check!='y'); // send overwrite flag if(overwrite) { trans_state = TRANSFER_OK; write(sock, "TRANSFER_OK", 11); } else { trans_state = TRANSFER_DISCARD; write(sock, "TRANSFER_DISCARD", 16); puts("Transfer Cancel!"); } pthread_cond_signal(&cf_cond); // wait READY flag => prevent content being polluted pthread_cond_wait(&rd_cond, &wr_mutex); } // Start transfer if(trans_state == TRANSFER_OK) { int read_size; while(read_size = fread(message, sizeof(uint8_t), MAX_MESSAGE_LEN-1, fp)) { write(sock, message, read_size); // tranfer data to client until EOF } puts("Transfer Findished!"); } fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } else { printf("File doesn't exist\n"); write(sock, "FILE_NOT_EXIST", 14); } /* strat sync with wthread */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wr_mutex); /* resume to MESSAGE_MODE */ mode = MESSAGE_MODE; } } // Free the socket pointer free(socket_desc); }
foreach(Alias alias, AliasManager::defaults()) { addAlias(, alias.expansion); }
void runInternal(int m){ int result; char *promptBuff; promptBuff = NULL; switch(m){ case 0: strcpy(home, getenv("HOME")); int i = chdir(home); if(i<0) printf("Couldn't restore\n"); else{ printf("directory changed\n"); printf("HOME: %s\n", home); } exit(0); case 1: /*if(par[1] != NULL){ printf("%s is an Unknown command 2\n", *par); } else{*/ printf("PATH = %s\n", getenv("PATH")); /*}*/ break; case 2: if(par[1] == NULL){ printf("%s is an Unknown command 3\n", *par); } else{ int newPath = setenv(par[1], par[1], 0); printf("%d", newPath); /*const char* path = getenv("PATH"); printf("PATH :%s\n",(path!=NULL)? path : "getenv returned NULL");*/ } break; case 3: result= 0; if(par[1] == NULL){ chdir(".."); } else{ result = chdir(par[1]); if(result == 0){ printf("\nDirectory changed to %s\n", par[1]); } else{ switch(errno){ case EACCES: perror("Permission denied"); break; case EIO: perror(""); break; case ENAMETOOLONG: perror(""); break; case ENOTDIR: perror(""); break; case ENOENT: perror(""); break; } } } break; case 4: printHistory(); break; case 5: if(par[1] == NULL || par[2] == NULL) { printAliases(); } else { addAlias(); } } }
void DiceAliasModel::appendAlias() { addAlias(new DiceAlias(tr("New Alias%1").arg(m_diceAliasList->size()),"")); }
ZLEncodingConverterInfo::ZLEncodingConverterInfo(const std::string &name, const std::string ®ion) : myName(name), myVisibleName(region + " (" + name + ")") { addAlias(myName); }
static void parseLine(const char *line) { uint16_t pos=0, start, limit, length, cnv; char *converter, *alias; /* skip leading white space */ /* There is no whitespace at the beginning anymore */ /* while(line[pos]!=0 && isspace(line[pos])) { ++pos; } */ /* is there nothing on this line? */ if(line[pos]==0) { return; } /* get the converter name */ start=pos; while(line[pos]!=0 && !isspace((int)line[pos])) { ++pos; } limit=pos; /* store the converter name */ length=(uint16_t)(limit-start); converter=allocString(&stringBlock, line+start, length); /* add the converter to the converter table */ cnv=addConverter(converter); /* The name itself may be tagged, so let's added it to the aliases list properly */ pos = start; /* get all the real aliases */ for(;;) { /* skip white space */ while(line[pos]!=0 && isspace((int)line[pos])) { ++pos; } /* is there no more alias name on this line? */ if(line[pos]==0) { break; } /* get an alias name */ start=pos; while(line[pos]!=0 && line[pos]!='{' && !isspace((int)line[pos])) { ++pos; } limit=pos; /* store the alias name */ length=(uint16_t)(limit-start); if (start == 0) { /* add the converter as its own alias to the alias table */ alias = converter; addAlias(alias, ALL_TAG_NUM, cnv, TRUE); } else { alias=allocString(&stringBlock, line+start, length); addAlias(alias, ALL_TAG_NUM, cnv, FALSE); } addToKnownAliases(alias); /* add the alias/converter pair to the alias table */ /* addAlias(alias, 0, cnv, FALSE);*/ /* skip whitespace */ while (line[pos] && isspace((int)line[pos])) { ++pos; } /* handle tags if they are present */ if (line[pos] == '{') { ++pos; do { start = pos; while (line[pos] && line[pos] != '}' && !isspace((int)line[pos])) { ++pos; } limit = pos; if (start != limit) { /* add the tag to the tag table */ uint16_t tag = getTagNumber(line + start, (uint16_t)(limit - start)); addAlias(alias, tag, cnv, (UBool)(line[limit-1] == '*')); } while (line[pos] && isspace((int)line[pos])) { ++pos; } } while (line[pos] && line[pos] != '}'); if (line[pos] == '}') { ++pos; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unterminated tag list\n", path, lineNum); exit(U_UNMATCHED_BRACES); } } else { addAlias(alias, EMPTY_TAG_NUM, cnv, (UBool)(tags[0].aliasList[cnv].aliasCount == 0)); } } }