Example #1
// ---
void DragonWindGame::initialize ()
	QGAMES::ArcadeGame::initialize ();

	// Sets the icon of the game...
	mainScreen () -> setIcon (formBuilder () -> form (__DRAGONWINDICON__));

	// Add to the world its different world...
	// Initially none of them is active!

	// Add to the game its different states...
	addState (new DragonWindPauseState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATEPAUSENAME));
	addState (new DragonWindInitialState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATEINITIALNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindIntroductionState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATEINTRODUCTIONNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindSelectionState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATESELECTONNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindInstructionsState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATEINSTRUCTIONSNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindTrainingState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATETRAININGNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindCountingDownState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATECOUNTDOWNNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindPlayingState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATEPLAYINGNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindEndState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATEENDNAME));
	addState (new DragonWindWinState (this), std::string (__DRAGONSTATEWINNAME));

	// Add to the game its different artists
	// Their visibility will depend on the world and scene the main players are in
	addArtist (_DRAGONNINJAARTIST); // The main character of the game...
	// The other main character of the game...this last one is only used during presentations!

	// The initial state...
	setState (std::string (__DRAGONSTATEINTRODUCTIONNAME));
QTreeWidgetItem *CollectionTreeWidget::addAlbum(QString artist, QString album, unsigned int albumId) {
    // Find id in database if we don't have it
    if (albumId == 0) {
         QSqlTableModel *model = service->collectionModel();

         // SQLite used two single quotes to escape a single quote! :)
         QString filter = "artist = '" + QString(artist).replace("'","''") + "' AND "
                          "album = '" + QString(album).replace("'","''") + "'";

         while (model->canFetchMore()) model->fetchMore();
         int total = model->rowCount();
         if (total > 0) {
            albumId = model->record(0).value(model->fieldIndex("id_album")).toInt();
         else {
             qDebug("ERROR: no album found! -- " + model->filter().toUtf8());
             return NULL;

    // Looks for the artist
    QTreeWidgetItem *newAlbumNode; // The node with the album, whether it exists or not
    QTreeWidgetItem *artistItem;
    artistItem = addArtist(artist);

    // Look for album
    for (int i = 0; i < artistItem->childCount(); i++) {
        if (artistItem->child(i)->text(0) == album) {
            newAlbumNode = artistItem->child(i);
            return newAlbumNode;

    // Create our new album node and add it if it was not found
    newAlbumNode = new CollectionTreeWidgetItem(LevelAlbum, albumId, (QTreeWidget*)0);
    newAlbumNode->setText(0, album);

    // Set icon
    newAlbumNode->setIcon(0, IconFactory::fromTheme("media-cdrom"));

    artistItem->sortChildren(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);

    return newAlbumNode;
ArtistForm::ArtistForm(const QString &name, QWidget *parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    model = new QSqlTableModel(this);
    model->setSort(Artist_Name, Qt::AscendingOrder);
    model->setHeaderData(Artist_Name, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Name"));
    model->setHeaderData(Artist_Country, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Country"));
    connect(model, SIGNAL(beforeInsert(QSqlRecord &)),
            this, SLOT(beforeInsertArtist(QSqlRecord &)));

    tableView = new QTableView;
    tableView->setColumnHidden(Artist_Id, true);

    for (int row = 0; row < model->rowCount(); ++row) {
        QSqlRecord record = model->record(row);
        if (record.value(Artist_Name).toString() == name) {

    addButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Add"));
    deleteButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Delete"));
    closeButton = new QPushButton(tr("Close"));
    connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addArtist()));
    connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
            this, SLOT(deleteArtist()));
    connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));

    QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout;

    QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;

    setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Artists"));
Example #4
//Update an artist
void ArtistIndex::updateArtist(std::string old_artist, std::string new_artist, int old_pos)
     int holdLocation = 0;

    //If new artist does not currently exist...
    if(!matchArtist(new_artist, holdLocation))
        addArtist(new_artist, old_pos);
    } // end if
        //Copy positions to new location

        Node * newNode = head->next;

        //Find new Node
        while(newNode != NULL)
            if(newNode->artist == new_artist)
            } // end if
            newNode = newNode->next;
        } // end while

        //Update count
        newNode->up->pos = newNode->up->pos + 1;

        //Find empty up in newNode
        Node * newUp = newNode->up;
        while(newUp->up != NULL)
            newUp = newUp->up;
        } // end while

        //Add New Up
        Node * p = new Node("~",old_pos);
        p->down = newUp->down;
        p->up = newUp;

    } // end else
    //Delete Old Up
    deleteArtist(old_artist, old_pos);

} // end updateArtist
/// @brief Constructor
    header()->hide(); // hide headers

    service = new CollectionService();

    // Add songs that currently exist on database
    QSqlTableModel *artistModel = service->artistModel();

    // TODO: verify if we can put fetchmore() inside the for loop.
    // TODO: put this task in background... URGENT
    while (artistModel->canFetchMore()) artistModel->fetchMore();
    int total = artistModel->rowCount();

    for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
        QString artist = artistModel->record(i).value(artistModel->fieldIndex("name")).toString();
        unsigned int id = artistModel->record(i).value(artistModel->fieldIndex("id")).toInt();
        addArtist(artist, id);
    delete artistModel;

     * TODO: modify the slots in order to add only the artist, not the music.
     *       The album and song must be shown only if the node is already expanded.
    connect(service, SIGNAL(songAdded(Music*)), this, SLOT(addMusic(Music*)));
    connect(service, SIGNAL(songRemoved(unsigned int)), this, SLOT(removeMusic(uint)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(doubleClickAt(QModelIndex)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(showChildrenOf(QModelIndex)));

     * We shall emit those signals to show or hide the widget that will
     * give the feedback that the collection is being scanned.
    connect(service, SIGNAL(scanning()), this, SIGNAL(scanning()));
    connect(service, SIGNAL(listUpdated()), this, SIGNAL(listUpdated()));

    // Start service to find new songs and remove the inexistent ones
Example #6
 * Function: printArtistComment
 * Parameters: funcName stuct
 * Returns: (void)
 * This function checks if the current user is a librarian or not 
 * so it knows whether the user has permission to add a new artist. 
 * If they don't have permission they will recieve a message stating 
 * they are not privleged to add new artists. The function will then 
 * check that the cgi form was a success and then will add the new artist 
 * by communicating with the database.
static void doAddArtist(void)
    Boolean needAddForm = TRUE;

    int result = 0;

    /* Temporary Struct to store form data */
    artistNode_t *formdata = NULL;
    /* Array to store errors */
    int *errors = NULL;
    Boolean isAdding = FALSE;

    /* Check privileges of current user */
    if (isUserLibrarian(_currUserLogon) == FALSE) {
        fprintf(cgiOut, "You are not privileged to add new Artists\n");

    fprintf(cgiOut, "<div class=\"head1\">Adding New Artist</div>\n");

    /* if adding field is set */
    result = cgiFormIntegerBounded("adding", &isAdding, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
    if (result != cgiFormSuccess) {
        /* Some sort of failure */
        isAdding = FALSE;

    /* Malloc space for form data */
    formdata = malloc(sizeof(artistNode_t));
    if (formdata == NULL) {
        isAdding = FALSE;
    else {
        Boolean formOK = FALSE;

        formdata->name = NULL;

        /* Malloc space for error code of each field */
        errors = malloc(sizeof(int) * 1);
        if (errors == NULL) {
            isAdding = FALSE;
        else {
            /* Set errors to E_NOERROR */
            int i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
                errors[i] = E_NOERROR;

        /* The curr data is ready for processing */
        formOK = processAddForm(errors, formdata);

        if (isAdding == TRUE && formOK == TRUE) {
            int newArtistid = -1;

            /* All form data is good */
            /* Add artist to database */
            newArtistid = addArtist(formdata->name);

            if (newArtistid > 0) {
                /* User added ok */
                needAddForm = FALSE;
                fprintf(cgiOut, "Adding successful<br />\n");
                        "<a href=\"./?page=artist&amp;artistid=%d&amp;hash=%d\">[View Artist]</a><br />\n",
                        newArtistid, _currUserLogon);
                        "<a href=\"./?page=album&amp;func=add&amp;artistid=%d&amp;hash=%d\">[Add Album by this Artist]</a><br />\n",
                        newArtistid, _currUserLogon);
                        "<a href=\"./?page=artist&amp;func=add&amp;hash=%d\">[Add Another Artist]</a>",
            else {
                /* Artist adding error */
                fprintf(cgiOut, "DB Save Error<br />\n");

    if (needAddForm == TRUE) {
        /* Need to print form */
        printAddForm(isAdding, errors, formdata);

    /* Free the memory */
    if (errors != NULL) {
    if (formdata != NULL) {
        if (formdata->name != NULL) {
Example #7
//Read in artists
void ArtistIndex::readSecondary()
    std::ifstream input("artist_index.txt");
    std::string line;
    getline (input,line);
    size = atoi(line.c_str());

    if (input.is_open())
        //Set position to 1
        long position = 1;
        //delimiter is a space
        std::string delimiter = " ";
        //size of string
        size_t pos = 0;
        //Line in file as a string
        std::string line;
        //string of part
        std::string part;
        //Number of keys in line
        int numOfKeys = 0;
        //Artist Name
        std::string artist_name = "";

        while(!input.eof() && position != (int)(size+1))
            //Read in a line from the sequential file
            getline (input,line);

            pos = 0;
            part = "";
            numOfKeys = 0;

            //Get Number of keys
            if ((pos = line.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos)
                part = line.substr(0, pos);
                line.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());
                numOfKeys = atoi(part.c_str());

            //Get artist name
            if ((pos = line.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos)
                part = line.substr(0, pos);
                artist_name = part;
                line.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());

            //Set pos to keys in line
            for(int i = 0; i < numOfKeys; ++i)
                if((pos = line.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos)
                    part = line.substr(0, pos);
                    addArtist(artist_name, atoi(part.c_str()));
                    line.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());
            } // end for

        } // End eof while
    } // end if
} // end readSecondary