std::array<SDL_Color, 8> CCreatureAnimation::genSpecialPalette() { std::array<SDL_Color, 8> ret; ret[0] = genShadow(0); ret[1] = genShadow(64); ret[2] = genShadow(128); ret[3] = genShadow(128); ret[4] = genShadow(128); ret[5] = genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border); ret[6] = addColors(genShadow(128), genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border)); ret[7] = addColors(genShadow(64), genBorderColor(getBorderStrength(elapsedTime), border)); return ret; }
/** Sets the current color */ void ColorCombo::setColor( const QColor &col ) { internalcolor = col; hascolor = true; addColors(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ if(puntos.size()>nPuntosBase) { triangulation.reset(); // mover puntos for(int i=nPuntosBase;i<puntos.size();i++) { puntos[i] += vels[i]; ofPoint pt = puntos[i]-zentro; if(pt.length()>radio) { float angPos = atan2(pt.y, pt.x); puntos[i] = ofPoint(radio*0.95*cos(angPos), radio*0.95*sin(angPos)); puntos[i]+=zentro; // angulo entre veloc y nueva posic float angRel = pt.angle(vels[i]); // degrees (-180,180) vels[i].rotate(2*angRel, ofVec3f(0,0,1));// = ofPoint(-vels[i].y, -vels[i].x); // vels[i] = ofPoint(-vels[i].y, -vels[i].x); } } // update Triang triangulation.addPoints(puntos); triangulation.triangulate(); addColors(); } }
ColorList& ColorList::operator= (const ColorList& list) { clear(); if (!m_retainDoc) m_doc = list.m_doc; addColors(list); return *this; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button){ if(button==2) { puntos.push_back(ofPoint(x,y)); int npts = triangulation.addPoint(ofPoint(x,y)); triangulation.triangulate(); addColors(); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofEnableSmoothing(); ofBackground(0); bFill = true; setupColores(); myMesh.clear(); puntos.clear(); vels.clear(); // poner puntos en circulo nPuntosBase=0; zentro = ofVec2f(ofGetWidth()/2.0, ofGetHeight()/2.0); radio = ofGetHeight()/2.0*0.8; for(int i=0; i<60; i++) { float ang=(float)TWO_PI/60.0*i; puntos.push_back(ofPoint(zentro.x+radio*cos(ang), zentro.y+radio*sin(ang))); vels.push_back(ofPoint(0,0)); nPuntosBase++; } // poner cuadricula de puntos int nLado = 11; float lado = 2*radio; for(int j=0; j<nLado; j++) { for(int i=0; i<nLado; i++) { ofPoint pTmp = ofPoint(-lado/2+i*lado/nLado,-lado/2+j*lado/nLado); if(pTmp.length()<radio) { pTmp+=zentro; puntos.push_back(pTmp); vels.push_back(ofPoint(0,0)); nPuntosBase++; } } } // int nPtsMoviles = 1; // for(int i=0; i<nPtsMoviles; i++) { addPart(); // } // radio1 = ofGetHeight()/2.0*0.25; // for(int i=0; i<60; i++) { // float ang=(float)TWO_PI/60.0*i; // puntos.push_back(ofPoint(zentro.x+radio1*cos(ang), zentro.y+radio1*sin(ang))); // vels.push_back(ofPoint(ofRandom(-2,2), ofRandom(-2,2)) ); // } triangulation.addPoints(puntos); triangulation.triangulate(); addColors(); }
Color hitScene(struct Scene* scene, struct HitRecord* record, Ray ray, int depth){ Color result = {0, 0, 0}; for(int k = 0; k < scene->num_triangles; k++){ hitTriangle(&scene->triangles[k], record, ray); } if(record->has_hit){ result = addColors(result, shadeWithMaterial(scene, record, ray, depth)); } return result; }
void ColorCombo::setColorName( const QString &color ) { QColor c(color); if ( c.isValid() && !color.isEmpty() ) { setColor( c ); } else { hascolor = false; addColors(); } }
ColorCombo::ColorCombo( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QComboBox( parent, name ) { customColor.setRgb( 255, 255, 255 ); internalcolor.setRgb( 255, 255, 255 ); hascolor = false; createStandardPalette(); addColors(); connect( this, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotActivated(int) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( highlighted(int) ), SLOT( slotHighlighted(int) ) ); }
ColorCombo::ColorCombo( ColorScheme colorScheme, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QComboBox( parent, name ) { m_colorScheme = colorScheme; customColor.setRgb( 255, 255, 255 ); internalColor.setRgb( 255, 255, 255 ); createPalettes(); addColors(); connect( this, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotActivated(int) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( highlighted(int) ), SLOT( slotHighlighted(int) ) ); }
Color shadeWithMaterial(struct Scene* scene, struct HitRecord* record, Ray ray, int depth) { Color result = {0,0,0}; Material material = *record->triangle->material; struct HitRecord temp_record = createHitRecord(); Vector position = record->point; Vector new_direction; if(depth == scene->max_depth) { return result; } if(material.is_light) { return material.color; } Vector normal = record->triangle->normal; float costheta = dotVector(normal, ray.direction); if(costheta > 0) { normal = negateVector(normal); } float path = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; // diffuse BRDF if(path < .33) { new_direction = getDiffuseDirection(normal); } // BRDF (which is also diffuse) else if(path < .66) { new_direction = getDiffuseDirection(normal); } // point to light else { new_direction = getLightDirection(scene, position); } Ray new_ray = {position, new_direction}; resetHitRecord(&temp_record); float cosphi = dotVector(normal, new_direction); if(cosphi > 0) { result = addColors(result, multiplyColorByNumber(hitScene(scene, &temp_record, new_ray, depth + 1), cosphi)); } return multiplyColors(result, material.color); }
void renderScene(Scene* scene){ Color final_color; HitRecord record = createHitRecord(); Sample sample = createSample(scene->num_samples); Color black = {0, 0, 0}; int xres = scene->image.width; int yres = scene->image.height; for(int i = 0; i < xres; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < yres; j++){ getSamples(&sample); applyFilter(&sample); final_color = black; int hit_count = 0; for(int k = 0; k < scene->num_samples; k++){ double x = 2 * (i - xres/2. + sample.samples[k].x)/xres; double y = 2 * (j - yres/2. + sample.samples[k].y)/yres; Ray ray = cameraCreateRay(&scene->camera, x, -y); resetHitRecord(&record); Color result = hitScene(scene, &record, ray, 0); if( != 0 || != 0 || != 0){ final_color = addColors(final_color, result); hit_count++; } } if(hit_count > 0){ final_color = multiplyColorByNumber(final_color, 1.0 / (double)hit_count); } setImageColor(&scene->image, i, j, final_color); } } }
void ColorList::copyColors(const ColorList& colorList, bool overwrite) { clear(); addColors(colorList, overwrite); }
void ColorCombo::setColor( const QColor &col ) { internalColor = col; addColors(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxFatLine::add(const vector<ofVec3f> &thePoints, const vector<ofFloatColor> &theColors, const vector<double> &theWeights){ addVertices(thePoints); addColors(theColors); addWeights(theWeights); update(); }
void ColorCombo::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *re ) { QComboBox::resizeEvent( re ); addColors(); }
/** Sets the current color */ void KColorCombo::setColor( const QColor &col ) { internalcolor = col; d->showEmptyList=false; addColors(); }
/** Show an empty list, till the next color is set with setColor */ void KColorCombo::showEmptyList() { d->showEmptyList=true; addColors(); }