void HttpFileDownLoadServlet::initImpl(void) throw (mxcore::Exception&)
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator it =

	if (it != params_.end())
		addFilters(allowList_, it->second);

	it = params_.find("denine");

	if (it != params_.end())
		addFilters(denineList_, it->second);
Example #2
FilterView::FilterView( FilterTool *tool, QWidget* parent )
  : AbstractToolWidget( parent ),
    mTool( tool )
    QVBoxLayout *baseLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
    baseLayout->setMargin( 0 );

    // filter
    QHBoxLayout *operationLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
    QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18nc("@label:listbox operation to use by the filter","Operation:"), this );
    mOperationComboBox = new KComboBox( this );
    connect( mOperationComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
             SLOT(onOperationChange(int)) );

    label->setBuddy( mOperationComboBox );
    const QString operationToolTip =
        i18nc("@info:tooltip","The operation to use for the filter.");
    label->setToolTip( operationToolTip );
    mOperationComboBox->setToolTip( operationToolTip );
    const QString operationWhatsThis =
        i18nc("@info:whatsthis","Select the operation to use for the filter.");
    label->setWhatsThis( operationWhatsThis );
    mOperationComboBox->setWhatsThis( operationWhatsThis );

    operationLayout->addWidget( label );
    operationLayout->addWidget( mOperationComboBox, 10 );
    baseLayout->addLayout( operationLayout );

    QGroupBox *parameterSetBox = new QGroupBox( i18nc("@title:group","Parameters"), this );
    baseLayout->addWidget( parameterSetBox );

    QVBoxLayout *parameterSetLayout = new QVBoxLayout;

    parameterSetBox->setLayout( parameterSetLayout );

    mParameterSetEditStack = new QStackedWidget( parameterSetBox );

    parameterSetLayout->addWidget( mParameterSetEditStack );

    // filter button
    QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
    buttonLayout->addStretch( 10 );
    mFilterButton = new KPushButton( KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button","&Filter"),
                      i18nc("@info:tooltip","Executes the filter for the bytes in the selected range."),
                            "If you press the <interface>Filter</interface> button, the operation you selected "
                            "above is executed for the bytes in the selected range with the given options.")), this );
    mFilterButton->setEnabled( mTool->hasWriteable() );
    connect( mTool, SIGNAL(hasWriteableChanged(bool)), SLOT(onHasWriteableChanged(bool)) );
    connect( mTool, SIGNAL(charCodecChanged(QString)), SLOT(onCharCodecChanged(QString)) );
    connect( mFilterButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onFilterClicked()) );
    addButton( mFilterButton, AbstractToolWidget::Default );
    buttonLayout->addWidget( mFilterButton );
    baseLayout->addLayout( buttonLayout );
    baseLayout->addStretch( 10 );

    // automatically set focus to the parameters if a operation has been selected
    QAbstractItemView* operationComboBoxListView = mOperationComboBox->view();
    QObject::connect( operationComboBoxListView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)),
             mParameterSetEditStack, SLOT(setFocus()) );
    // TODO: is a workaround for Qt 4.5.1 which doesn't emit activated() for mouse clicks
    QObject::connect( operationComboBoxListView, SIGNAL(pressed(QModelIndex)),
             mParameterSetEditStack, SLOT(setFocus()) );
    // TODO: goto filter button if there are no parameters
