Example #1
ComputeTrace::ComputeTrace(int argc, char *argv[])
    : coSimpleModule(argc, argv, "Creates traces from points timestep dependent")
    , m_firsttime(true)
    //the timesteps shall NOT be handled automatically by the coSimpleModule class

    /*Fed in points*/
    p_pointsIn = addInputPort("GridIn0", "Points|Spheres", "a set of points or spheres containing the particle/s to be traced over time");
    p_dataIn = addInputPort("DataIn0", "Float|Byte|Int|Vec2|Vec3|RGBA|Mat3|Tensor", "data mapped associated with spheres");
    p_IDIn = addInputPort("IDIn0", "Int", "ID of each atom");
    /*Boolean that specifies if a particle should be traced or not*/
    p_traceParticle = addBooleanParam("traceParticle", "set if particle should be traced");
    /*Integer that specifies the particle to be traced in Module Parameter window*/
    p_particle = addStringParam("selection", "ranges of selected set elements");
    p_maxParticleNumber = addInt32Param("maxParticleNum", "maximum number of particles to trace");
    /*Integer that specifies the starting point*/
    p_start = addIntSliderParam("start", "Timestep at which the tracing should be started");
    p_start->setValue(0, 0, 0);
    /*Integer that specifies the ending point*/
    p_stop = addIntSliderParam("stop", "Timestep at which the tracing should be stopped");
    p_stop->setValue(0, 0, 0);
    /* Boolean that specifies if the bounding box leaving should be regarded */
    p_regardInterrupt = addBooleanParam("LeavingBoundingBox", "set if leaving bounding box should be taken into account");
    p_animate = addBooleanParam("animate", "disable for static trace");
    /* 3 values specifying the x, y and z dimension of the bounding box */
    p_boundingBoxDimensions = addFloatVectorParam("BoundingBoxDimensions", "x, y, z dimensions of the bounding box");
    p_boundingBoxDimensions->setValue(0, 0, 0);
    /*Output should be a line*/
    p_traceOut = addOutputPort("GridOut0", "Lines", "Trace of a specified particle");
    /*unique index per line mappable as color attribute*/
    p_indexOut = addOutputPort("DataOut0", "Float", "unique index for every specified particle");
    /*fade out value per timestep mappable as color attribute*/
    p_fadingOut = addOutputPort("DataOut1", "Float", "fade out value for per vertex coloring of lines over time");
    p_dataOut = addOutputPort("DataOut2", "Float|Byte|Int|Vec2|Vec3|RGBA|Mat3|Tensor", "data mapped to lines");

    IDs = NULL;

    assert(sizeof(animValues) / sizeof(animValues[0]) == AnimNumValues);
    p_animateViewer = addChoiceParam("animateViewer", "Animate Viewer");
    p_animateViewer->setValue(AnimNumValues, animValues, AnimOff);

    p_animLookAt = addFloatVectorParam("animLookAt", "Animated viewer looks at this point");
    p_animLookAt->setValue(0., 0., 0.);
Example #2
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++
// ++++  Constructor : This will set up module port structure
/// ++++
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ParamTest::ParamTest(int argc, char *argv[])
    : coSimpleModule(argc, argv, "Param Program: Show all parameter types")

    // Immediate-mode String parameter
    stringImm = addStringParam("stringImm", "Immediate string");
    stringImm->setValue("This is an immediate String Parameter");

    // Immediate-mode Boolean parameter, pre-set to FALSE
    boolImm = addBooleanParam("boolImm", "Immediate coBooleanParam");

    iScalImm = addInt32Param("iScalImm", "Immediate coIntScalarParam");

    fScalImm = addFloatParam("fScalImm", "Immediate coFloatParam");

    // integer sliders: immediate and non-immediate
    iSlidImm = addIntSliderParam("iSlidImm", "Immediate coIntSliderParam");
    iSlidImm->setValue(1, 27, 16);

    // float sliders: immediate and non-immediate
    fSlidImm = addFloatSliderParam("fSlidImm", "Immediate coFloatSliderParam");
    fSlidImm->setValue(-10.0, 30.0, 0.0);

    // float vector: use default size of 3 and set with 3D setValue function
    fVectImm = addFloatVectorParam("fVectImm", "Immediate coFloatVectorParam");
    fVectImm->setValue(1.34f, 1.889f, -99.87f);

    // it makes no sense to put a file selector in the switch, since
    // it is not displayed in the control panel
    browseImm = addFileBrowserParam("myFile", "a file browser");
    browseImm->setValue("/var/tmp/whatever.txt", "*.txt");

    browse = addFileBrowserParam("my2File", "a file browser");
    browse->setValue("/var/tmp/whatever2.txt", "*.txt");

    // Now this is a choice : we have the choice between 6 values
    const char *choiceVal[] = {
        "left lower inlet", "left upper inlet",
        "left center inlet", "right center inlet",
        "right lower Inlet", "right upper Inlet"
    choImm = addChoiceParam("choImm", "Nun auch noch Choices");
    choImm->setValue(6, choiceVal, 1);

    // add an input port for 'coDoUnstructuredGrid' objects
    inPortReq = addInputPort("inputReq", "StructuredGrid", "Required input port");

    // add another input port for 'coDoUnstructuredGrid' objects
    inPortNoReq = addInputPort("inputNoReq", "UnstructuredGrid", "Not required input port");

    // tell that this port does not have to be connected

    // add an output port for this type
    outPort = addOutputPort("outPort", "coDoUnstructuredGrid", "Output Port");

    // and that's all ... no init() or anything else ... that's done in the lib