// returns new buffer length
static int addKeyValueDouble(char** buf, int bufLen, const char* key, double value, const char* format) {
    char valueStr[30];
    snprintf(valueStr, 30, format, value);

    return addKeyValueString(buf, bufLen, key, valueStr);
static jstring getAttributes(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jstring jfilename)
    ALOGE("******************************** getAttributes\n");
    const char* filename = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jfilename, NULL);
    loadExifInfo(filename, FALSE);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jfilename, filename);

    attributeCount = 0;
    int bufLen = 5;
    int bufLen = 1000;
    char* buf = malloc(bufLen);
    if (buf == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    *buf = 0;   // start the string out at zero length

    // save a fake "hasThumbnail" tag to pass to the java ExifInterface
    bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "hasThumbnail",
        ImageInfo.ThumbnailOffset == 0 || ImageInfo.ThumbnailAtEnd == FALSE || ImageInfo.ThumbnailSize == 0 ?
            "false" : "true");
    if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.CameraMake[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "Make", ImageInfo.CameraMake);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
    if (ImageInfo.CameraModel[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "Model", ImageInfo.CameraModel);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
    if (ImageInfo.DateTime[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "DateTime", ImageInfo.DateTime);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
    if (ImageInfo.DigitizedTime[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "DateTimeDigitized", ImageInfo.DigitizedTime);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
    if (ImageInfo.SubSecTime[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "SubSecTime", ImageInfo.SubSecTime);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
    if (ImageInfo.SubSecTimeOrig[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "SubSecTimeOriginal", ImageInfo.SubSecTimeOrig);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
    if (ImageInfo.SubSecTimeDig[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "SubSecTimeDigitized", ImageInfo.SubSecTimeDig);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "ImageWidth", ImageInfo.Width);
    if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "ImageLength", ImageInfo.Height);
    if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "Orientation", ImageInfo.Orientation);
    if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.FlashUsed >= 0) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "Flash", ImageInfo.FlashUsed);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.FocalLength.num != 0 && ImageInfo.FocalLength.denom != 0) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueRational(&buf, bufLen, "FocalLength", ImageInfo.FocalLength);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.DigitalZoomRatio > 1.0){
        // Digital zoom used.  Shame on you!
        bufLen = addKeyValueDouble(&buf, bufLen, "DigitalZoomRatio", ImageInfo.DigitalZoomRatio, "%1.3f");
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.ExposureTime){
        const char* format;
        if (ImageInfo.ExposureTime < 0.010){
            format = "%6.4f";
        } else {
            format = "%5.3f";

        bufLen = addKeyValueDouble(&buf, bufLen, "ExposureTime", (double)ImageInfo.ExposureTime, format);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.ApertureFNumber){
        bufLen = addKeyValueDouble(&buf, bufLen, "FNumber", (double)ImageInfo.ApertureFNumber, "%3.3f");
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.Distance){
        bufLen = addKeyValueDouble(&buf, bufLen, "SubjectDistance", (double)ImageInfo.Distance, "%4.2f");
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.ISOequivalent){
        bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "ISOSpeedRatings", ImageInfo.ISOequivalent);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.ExposureBias){
        // If exposure bias was specified, but set to zero, presumably its no bias at all,
        // so only show it if its nonzero.
        bufLen = addKeyValueDouble(&buf, bufLen, "ExposureBiasValue", (double)ImageInfo.ExposureBias, "%4.2f");
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.Whitebalance >= 0) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "WhiteBalance", ImageInfo.Whitebalance);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "LightSource", ImageInfo.LightSource);
    if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.MeteringMode) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "MeteringMode", ImageInfo.MeteringMode);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.ExposureProgram) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "ExposureProgram", ImageInfo.ExposureProgram);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.ExposureMode) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "ExposureMode", ImageInfo.ExposureMode);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.GpsInfoPresent) {
        if (ImageInfo.GpsLatRaw[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "GPSLatitude", ImageInfo.GpsLatRaw);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
        if (ImageInfo.GpsLatRef[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "GPSLatitudeRef", ImageInfo.GpsLatRef);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
        if (ImageInfo.GpsLongRaw[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "GPSLongitude", ImageInfo.GpsLongRaw);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
        if (ImageInfo.GpsLongRef[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "GPSLongitudeRef", ImageInfo.GpsLongRef);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
        if (ImageInfo.GpsAlt[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueRational(&buf, bufLen, "GPSAltitude", ImageInfo.GpsAltRaw);
            bufLen = addKeyValueInt(&buf, bufLen, "GPSAltitudeRef", ImageInfo.GpsAltRef);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
        if (ImageInfo.GpsDateStamp[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "GPSDateStamp", ImageInfo.GpsDateStamp);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
        if (ImageInfo.GpsTimeStamp[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "GPSTimeStamp", ImageInfo.GpsTimeStamp);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;
        if (ImageInfo.GpsProcessingMethod[0]) {
            bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "GPSProcessingMethod", ImageInfo.GpsProcessingMethod);
            if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    if (ImageInfo.Comments[0]) {
        bufLen = addKeyValueString(&buf, bufLen, "UserComment", ImageInfo.Comments);
        if (bufLen == 0) return NULL;

    // put the attribute count at the beginnnig of the string
    int finalBufLen = strlen(buf) + 20;
    char* finalResult = malloc(finalBufLen);
    if (finalResult == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    snprintf(finalResult, finalBufLen, "%d %s", attributeCount, buf);
    int k;
    for (k = 0; k < finalBufLen; k++)
        if (!isascii(finalResult[k]))
            finalResult[k] = '?';

    ALOGE("*********Returning result \"%s\"", finalResult);
    jstring result = ((*env)->NewStringUTF(env, finalResult));
    return result;
// returns new buffer length
static int addKeyValueInt(char** buf, int bufLen, const char* key, int value) {
    char valueStr[20];
    snprintf(valueStr, 20, "%d", value);

    return addKeyValueString(buf, bufLen, key, valueStr);
// Returns new buffer length. Rational value will be appended as "numerator/denominator".
static int addKeyValueRational(char** buf, int bufLen, const char* key, rat_t value) {
    char valueStr[25];
    snprintf(valueStr, sizeof(valueStr), "%u/%u", value.num, value.denom);
    return addKeyValueString(buf, bufLen, key, valueStr);