Example #1
void hListBox::addItems(int numItems, string label)
    hGui * gui = hGui::getInstance();

	string name = data->name;
	string itemName;
	int offset, index;

    int xx = 0, yy = 0;

    if(numItems > 0) {
        for(int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) {
			offset = data_buffer.size();
			index  = offset + startIndex;
			itemName = name + "_" + ofToString(index);
			// cout << itemName << endl;

			hListItem *item = new hListItem(itemName, this, HGUI_ABSOLUTE_POSITION, x+xx, y+yy, w, label);
			item->getData()->index  = index;
			item->getData()->offset = offset;

            item->setIndexShift(indexShift1, indexShift10, indexShift100);

            yy += gui->buttonHeight-1;

		// Adapt the size of the panel to the size of all items inside
		int heightOfWidgets = yy+1;
		if(heightOfWidgets > h) h = heightOfWidgets;

    	// Remove the last values of maxX and maxY
#if defined( __WIN32__ ) || defined( _WIN32 )
		addMaxXY(-(gui->scrollBarSize+1), - (gui->buttonHeight-6));
		addMaxXY(-(gui->scrollBarSize+1), - (gui->buttonHeight-5));
		// Set the new values of maxX and maxY
		addMaxXY((w+gui->scrollBarSize), (h));
Example #2
hWidget::hWidget(std::string name, hPanel * parent, int dispMode, int xx, int yy, int width, int height)
	parentPanel = parent;
	data = new hGuiData; // data had to be created before addWidgetToPanel is used
	if(parentPanel != NULL) {
		displayMode = dispMode;
		calcWidgetPosition(); // Remember the position after the last widget of the parent panel
		// Add the widget (and its data) to the panel
	} else displayMode = HGUI_ABSOLUTE_POSITION;
	w = width; h = height;

	// determine the position of the widget
	if(displayMode == HGUI_ABSOLUTE_POSITION) {
		x = xx;
		y = yy;
	else if(displayMode == HGUI_TOP_LEFT) {
		x = parent->x + xx;
		y = parent->y + yy;
	else {
		x = parentPanel->maxX + xx;
		y = parentPanel->maxY + yy;
	addMaxXY(xx, yy);
	// Store the adress of the widget in the object map, for quickly search by hEvents
	if(name.size() > 0) {
		data->name = name;
		hEvents::getInstance()->addObject(name, this);
	// Set default values
	visibleBorder = true;
	visibleBackground = false;
    backgroundColor = -1;
	data->type   = "widget";
    data->index  = 0;
    data->offset = 0;
    data->value  = 0.0;
    data->value2 = 0.0;

    data->selectable = false;
    data->selected = false;
    data->radioEnabled = false;
    data->disabled = false;

    data->selectColor = -1;
    data->indexDisplayFlag = false;
    data->indexShift1 = 0;
    data->indexShift10 = 0,
    data->indexShift100 = 0;

	editable = false;
    focusSendFlag = false; // focusSendFlag is actualy only used by number boxes
    x_extension = 0;       // x_extension is actualy only used by check boxes

	varType   = HGUI_NO_VAR;
	intVar    = NULL;
	floatVar  = NULL;
	doubleVar = NULL;
	boolVar   = NULL;

	/* now done in hGui.cpp
	// Store the adress of the widget in the main widget list
    hGui * gui = hGui::getInstance();