Main::Main(QGraphicsScene& c, QWidget* parent, const char* name, Qt::WindowFlags f) : Q3MainWindow(parent,name,f), canvas(c) { editor = new FigureEditor(canvas,this); QMenuBar* menu = menuBar(); Q3PopupMenu* file = new Q3PopupMenu( menu ); file->insertItem("&Fill canvas", this, SLOT(init()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F); file->insertItem("&Erase canvas", this, SLOT(clear()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E); file->insertItem("&New view", this, SLOT(newView()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_N); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("&Print...", this, SLOT(print()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_P); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Q); menu->insertItem("&File", file); Q3PopupMenu* edit = new Q3PopupMenu( menu ); edit->insertItem("Add &Circle", this, SLOT(addCircle()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_C); edit->insertItem("Add &Hexagon", this, SLOT(addHexagon()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_H); edit->insertItem("Add &Polygon", this, SLOT(addPolygon()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_P); edit->insertItem("Add Spl&ine", this, SLOT(addSpline()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_I); edit->insertItem("Add &Text", this, SLOT(addText()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_T); edit->insertItem("Add &Line", this, SLOT(addLine()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_L); edit->insertItem("Add &Rectangle", this, SLOT(addRectangle()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_R); edit->insertItem("Add &Sprite", this, SLOT(addSprite()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_S); edit->insertItem("Create &Mesh", this, SLOT(addMesh()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_M ); edit->insertItem("Add &Alpha-blended image", this, SLOT(addButterfly()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_A); menu->insertItem("&Edit", edit); Q3PopupMenu* view = new Q3PopupMenu( menu ); view->insertItem("&Enlarge", this, SLOT(enlarge()), Qt::SHIFT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Plus); view->insertItem("Shr&ink", this, SLOT(shrink()), Qt::SHIFT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Minus); view->insertSeparator(); view->insertItem("&Rotate clockwise", this, SLOT(rotateClockwise()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_PageDown); view->insertItem("Rotate &counterclockwise", this, SLOT(rotateCounterClockwise()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_PageUp); view->insertItem("&Zoom in", this, SLOT(zoomIn()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Plus); view->insertItem("Zoom &out", this, SLOT(zoomOut()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Minus); view->insertItem("Translate left", this, SLOT(moveL()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Left); view->insertItem("Translate right", this, SLOT(moveR()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Right); view->insertItem("Translate up", this, SLOT(moveU()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Up); view->insertItem("Translate down", this, SLOT(moveD()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Down); view->insertItem("&Mirror", this, SLOT(mirror()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Home); menu->insertItem("&View", view); menu->insertSeparator(); Q3PopupMenu* help = new Q3PopupMenu( menu ); help->insertItem("&About", this, SLOT(help()), Qt::Key_F1); help->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE); menu->insertItem("&Help",help); statusBar(); setCentralWidget(editor); printer = 0; init(); }
void TrajectoryVisualization::updateDataIntern(const std::vector<base::Trajectory>& data) { //delete old trajectory points.clear(); for(std::vector<base::Trajectory>::const_iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++) { addSpline(it->spline, it->speed >= 0? color : backwardColor); } }
void DRW_Hatch::parseCode(int code, dxfReader *reader){ switch (code) { case 2: name = reader->getString(); break; case 70: solid = reader->getInt32(); break; case 71: associative = reader->getInt32(); break; case 72: /*edge type*/ if (ispol){ //if is polyline is a as_bulge flag break; } else if (reader->getInt32() == 1){ //line addLine(); } else if (reader->getInt32() == 2){ //arc addArc(); } else if (reader->getInt32() == 3){ //elliptic arc addEllipse(); } else if (reader->getInt32() == 4){ //spline addSpline(); } break; case 10: if (pt) pt->basePoint.x = reader->getDouble(); else if (pline) { plvert = pline->addVertex(); plvert->x = reader->getDouble(); } break; case 20: if (pt) pt->basePoint.y = reader->getDouble(); else if (plvert) plvert ->y = reader->getDouble(); break; case 11: if (line) line->secPoint.x = reader->getDouble(); else if (ellipse) ellipse->secPoint.x = reader->getDouble(); break; case 21: if (line) line->secPoint.y = reader->getDouble(); else if (ellipse) ellipse->secPoint.y = reader->getDouble(); break; case 40: if (arc) arc->radious = reader->getDouble(); else if (ellipse) ellipse->ratio = reader->getDouble(); break; case 41: scale = reader->getDouble(); break; case 42: if (plvert) plvert ->bulge = reader->getDouble(); break; case 50: if (arc) arc->staangle = reader->getDouble(); else if (ellipse) ellipse->staparam = reader->getDouble(); break; case 51: if (arc) arc->endangle = reader->getDouble(); else if (ellipse) ellipse->endparam = reader->getDouble(); break; case 52: angle = reader->getDouble(); break; case 73: if (arc) arc->isccw = reader->getInt32(); else if (pline) pline->flags = reader->getInt32(); break; case 75: hstyle = reader->getInt32(); break; case 76: hpattern = reader->getInt32(); break; case 77: doubleflag = reader->getInt32(); break; case 78: deflines = reader->getInt32(); break; case 91: loopsnum = reader->getInt32(); looplist.reserve(loopsnum); break; case 92: loop = new DRW_HatchLoop(reader->getInt32()); looplist.push_back(loop); if (reader->getInt32() & 2) { ispol = true; clearEntities(); pline = new DRW_LWPolyline; loop->objlist.push_back(pline); } else ispol = false; break; case 93: if (pline) pline->vertexnum = reader->getInt32(); else loop->numedges = reader->getInt32();//aqui reserve break; case 98: //seed points ?? clearEntities(); break; default: DRW_Point::parseCode(code, reader); break; } }
Main::Main(QCanvas& c, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent,name,f), canvas(c) { editor = new FigureEditor(canvas,this); // 繼承canvas view而來 QMenuBar* menu = menuBar(); QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu( menu ); // 當parent被刪除,則子類別也會被刪除 file->insertItem("&Fill canvas", this, SLOT(init()), CTRL+Key_F); file->insertItem("&Erase canvas", this, SLOT(clear()), CTRL+Key_E); file->insertItem("&New view", this, SLOT(newView()), CTRL+Key_N); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("&Print...", this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q); menu->insertItem("&File", file); // 建立一個工具列名為File的label QPopupMenu* edit = new QPopupMenu( menu ); edit->insertItem("Add &Circle", this, SLOT(addCircle()), ALT+Key_C); edit->insertItem("Add &Hexagon", this, SLOT(addHexagon()), ALT+Key_H); edit->insertItem("Add &Polygon", this, SLOT(addPolygon()), ALT+Key_P); edit->insertItem("Add Spl&ine", this, SLOT(addSpline()), ALT+Key_I); edit->insertItem("Add &Text", this, SLOT(addText()), ALT+Key_T); edit->insertItem("Add &Line", this, SLOT(addLine()), ALT+Key_L); edit->insertItem("Add &Rectangle", this, SLOT(addRectangle()), ALT+Key_R); edit->insertItem("Add &Sprite", this, SLOT(addSprite()), ALT+Key_S); edit->insertItem("Create &Mesh", this, SLOT(addMesh()), ALT+Key_M ); edit->insertItem("Add &Alpha-blended image", this, SLOT(addButterfly()), ALT+Key_A); menu->insertItem("&Edit", edit); QPopupMenu* view = new QPopupMenu( menu ); view->insertItem("&Enlarge", this, SLOT(enlarge()), SHIFT+CTRL+Key_Plus); view->insertItem("Shr&ink", this, SLOT(shrink()), SHIFT+CTRL+Key_Minus); view->insertSeparator(); view->insertItem("&Rotate clockwise", this, SLOT(rotateClockwise()), CTRL+Key_PageDown); view->insertItem("Rotate &counterclockwise", this, SLOT(rotateCounterClockwise()), CTRL+Key_PageUp); view->insertItem("&Zoom in", this, SLOT(zoomIn()), CTRL+Key_Plus); view->insertItem("Zoom &out", this, SLOT(zoomOut()), CTRL+Key_Minus); view->insertItem("Translate left", this, SLOT(moveL()), CTRL+Key_Left); view->insertItem("Translate right", this, SLOT(moveR()), CTRL+Key_Right); view->insertItem("Translate up", this, SLOT(moveU()), CTRL+Key_Up); view->insertItem("Translate down", this, SLOT(moveD()), CTRL+Key_Down); view->insertItem("&Mirror", this, SLOT(mirror()), CTRL+Key_Home); menu->insertItem("&View", view); options = new QPopupMenu( menu ); dbf_id = options->insertItem("Double buffer", this, SLOT(toggleDoubleBuffer())); options->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE); menu->insertItem("&Options",options); menu->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu( menu ); help->insertItem("&About", this, SLOT(help()), Key_F1); help->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE); // 很奇怪,當TRUE時,把dbf_id打勾,不懂 menu->insertItem("&Help",help); statusBar(); // 返回這個窗口的狀態條。如果沒有的話 // statusBar()會創建一個空的狀態條,並且如果需要也創建一個工具提示組。 setCentralWidget(editor); printer = 0; init(); }
void TrajectoryVisualization::updateDataIntern(const base::geometry::Spline3& data) { //delete old trajectory points.clear(); addSpline(data, color); }
// This method is templated on the implementation of hctMayaSceneExporter::createHkxNodes() void FbxToHkxConverter::addNodesRecursive(hkxScene *scene, FbxNode* fbxNode, hkxNode* node, int animStackIndex) { for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < fbxNode->GetChildCount(); childIndex++) { FbxNode* fbxChildNode = fbxNode->GetChild(childIndex); FbxNodeAttribute* fbxNodeAtttrib = fbxChildNode->GetNodeAttribute(); bool selected = fbxChildNode->GetSelected(); // Ignore nodes(and their descendants) if they're invisible and we ignore invisible objects if ( !(!m_options.m_visibleOnly || fbxNode->GetVisibility()) ) continue; // Ignore nodes(and their descendants) if they're not selected and we ignore deselected objects if ( !(!m_options.m_selectedOnly || selected) ) continue; hkxNode* newChildNode = new hkxNode(); { newChildNode->m_name = fbxChildNode->GetName(); node->m_children.pushBack(newChildNode); } newChildNode->m_selected = selected; // Extract the following types of data from this node (taken from hkxScene.h): if (fbxNodeAtttrib != NULL) { switch (fbxNodeAtttrib->GetAttributeType()) { case FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh: { // Generate hkxMesh and all its dependent data (ie: hkxSkinBinding, hkxMeshSection, hkxMaterial) if (m_options.m_exportMeshes) { addMesh(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode); } break; } case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsCurve: { if (m_options.m_exportSplines) { addSpline(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode); } break; } case FbxNodeAttribute::eCamera: { // Generate hkxCamera if (m_options.m_exportCameras) { addCamera(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode); } break; } case FbxNodeAttribute::eLight: { // Generate hkxLight if (m_options.m_exportLights) { addLight(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode); } break; } case FbxNodeAttribute::eSkeleton: { // Flag this node as a bone if it's associated with a skeleton attribute newChildNode->m_bone = true; break; } default: break; } } // Extract this node's animation data and bind transform extractKeyFramesAndAnnotations(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode, animStackIndex); if (m_options.m_exportAttributes) { addSampledNodeAttributeGroups(scene, animStackIndex, fbxChildNode, newChildNode); } GetCustomVisionData(fbxChildNode, newChildNode->m_userProperties); addNodesRecursive(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode, animStackIndex); newChildNode->removeReference(); } }