boost::optional<IdfObject> ForwardTranslator::translateScheduleVariableInterval( ScheduleVariableInterval & modelObject )
  IdfObject idfObject( openstudio::IddObjectType::Schedule_Compact );



  boost::optional<ScheduleTypeLimits> scheduleTypeLimits = modelObject.scheduleTypeLimits();
  if (scheduleTypeLimits){
    boost::optional<IdfObject> idfScheduleTypeLimits = translateAndMapModelObject(*scheduleTypeLimits);
    if (idfScheduleTypeLimits){
      idfObject.setString(Schedule_CompactFields::ScheduleTypeLimitsName, idfScheduleTypeLimits->name().get());

  TimeSeries timeseries = modelObject.timeSeries();
  // Check that the time series has at least one point
  if(timeseries.values().size() == 0)
    LOG(Error,"Time series in schedule '" << << "' has no values, schedule will not be translated");
    return boost::optional<IdfObject>();
  DateTime firstReportDateTime = timeseries.firstReportDateTime();
  Vector daysFromFirst = timeseries.daysFromFirstReport();
  std::vector<long> secondsFromFirst = timeseries.secondsFromFirstReport();
  Vector values = timeseries.values();

  // We aren't using this - should we?
  std::string interpolateField = "Interpolate:No";
  if (modelObject.interpolatetoTimestep()){
    interpolateField = "Interpolate:Yes";

  // New version assumes that the interval is less than one day.
  // The original version did not, so it was a bit more complicated.
  // The last date data was written
  Date lastDate =;
  Time dayDelta = Time(1.0);
  // The day number of the date that data was last written relative to the first date
  //double lastDay = 0.0;
  int lastDay = 0;
  // Adjust the floating point day delta to be relative to the beginning of the first day and
  // shift the start of the loop if needed
  int secondShift = firstReportDateTime.time().totalSeconds();
  unsigned int start = 0;
  if(secondShift == 0) {
    start = 1;
  } else {
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<secondsFromFirst.size();i++) {
      secondsFromFirst[i] += secondShift;

  // Start the input into the schedule object
  unsigned fieldIndex = Schedule_CompactFields::ScheduleTypeLimitsName + 1;
  //idfObject.setString(fieldIndex, interpolateField);
  fieldIndex = startNewDay(idfObject,fieldIndex,lastDate);

  for(unsigned int i=start; i < values.size()-1; i++){
    // Loop over the time series values and write out values to the
    // schedule. This version is based on the seconds from the start
    // of the time series, so should not be vulnerable to round-off.
    // It was translated from the day version, so there could be
    // issues associated with that.
    // We still have a potential aliasing problem unless the API has
    // enforced that the times in the time series are all distinct when
    // rounded to the minute. Is that happening?
    int secondsFromStartOfDay = secondsFromFirst[i] % 86400;
    int today = (secondsFromFirst[i]-secondsFromStartOfDay)/86400;
    // Check to see if we are at the end of a day.
    if(secondsFromStartOfDay==0 || secondsFromStartOfDay==86400) {
      // This value is an end of day value, so end the day and set up the next
      // Note that 00:00:00 counts as the end of the previous day - we only write
      // out the 24:00:00 value and not both.
      fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,24,0,values[i]);
      lastDate += dayDelta;
      fieldIndex = startNewDay(idfObject,fieldIndex,lastDate);
    } else {
      // This still could be on a different day
      if(today != lastDay) {
        // We're on a new day, need a 24:00:00 value and set up the next day
        fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,24,0,values[i]);
        lastDate += dayDelta;
        fieldIndex = startNewDay(idfObject,fieldIndex,lastDate);
      if(values[i] == values[i+1]){
        // Bail on values that match the next value
      // Write out the current entry
      Time time(0,0,0,secondsFromStartOfDay);
      int hours = time.hours();
      int minutes = time.minutes() + floor((time.seconds()/60.0) + 0.5);
      // This is a little dangerous, but all of the problematic 24:00
      // times that might need to cause a day++ should be caught above.
        hours += 1;
        minutes = 0;
      fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,hours,minutes,values[i]);
    lastDay = today;
  // Handle the last point a little differently to make sure that the schedule ends exactly on the end of a day
  unsigned int i = values.size()-1;
  // We'll skip a sanity check here, but it might be a good idea to add one at some point
  fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,24,0,values[i]);

  return idfObject;
boost::optional<IdfObject> ForwardTranslator::translateScheduleFixedInterval( ScheduleFixedInterval & modelObject )
  IdfObject idfObject( openstudio::IddObjectType::Schedule_Compact );


  boost::optional<ScheduleTypeLimits> scheduleTypeLimits = modelObject.scheduleTypeLimits();
  if (scheduleTypeLimits){
    boost::optional<IdfObject> idfScheduleTypeLimits = translateAndMapModelObject(*scheduleTypeLimits);
    if (idfScheduleTypeLimits){
      idfObject.setString(Schedule_CompactFields::ScheduleTypeLimitsName, idfScheduleTypeLimits->name().get());

  TimeSeries timeseries = modelObject.timeSeries();
  // Check that the time series has at least one point
  if(timeseries.values().size() == 0)
    LOG(Error,"Time series in schedule '" << << "' has no values, schedule will not be translated");
    return boost::optional<IdfObject>();
  DateTime firstReportDateTime = timeseries.firstReportDateTime();
  Vector daysFromFirst = timeseries.daysFromFirstReport();
  Vector values = timeseries.values();

  // We aren't using this - should we?
  std::string interpolateField;
  if (modelObject.interpolatetoTimestep()){
    interpolateField = "Interpolate:Yes";
    interpolateField = "Interpolate:No";

  // New version assumes that the interval is less than one day.
  // The original version did not, so it was a bit more complicated.
  // 5.787x10^-6 days is a little less than half a second
  double eps = 5.787e-6;
  double intervalDays = modelObject.intervalLength();
  // The last date data was written
  Date lastDate =;
  Time dayDelta = Time(1.0);
  // The day number of the date that data was last written relative to the first date
  double lastDay = 0.0; 
  // Adjust the floating point day delta to be relative to the beginning of the first day and
  // shift the start of the loop if needed
  double timeShift = firstReportDateTime.time().totalDays();
  unsigned int start = 0;
  if(timeShift == 0.0)
    start = 1;
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<daysFromFirst.size();i++)
      daysFromFirst[i] += timeShift;

  // Start the input into the schedule object
  unsigned fieldIndex = Schedule_CompactFields::ScheduleTypeLimitsName + 1;
  fieldIndex = startNewDay(idfObject,fieldIndex,lastDate);

  for(unsigned int i=start; i < values.size()-1; i++)
    // We could loop over the entire array and use the fact that the
    // last entry in the daysFromFirstReport vector should be a round
    // number to avoid logic. However, this whole thing is very, very
    // sensitive to round off issues. We still have a HUGE aliasing
    // problem unless the API has enforced that the times in the 
    // time series are all distinct when rounded to the minute. Is that
    // happening?
    double today = floor(daysFromFirst[i]);
    double hms = daysFromFirst[i]-today;
    // Here, we need to make sure that we aren't nearly the end of a day
    if(fabs(1.0-hms) < eps)
      today += 1;
      hms = 0.0;
    if(hms < eps)
      // This value is an end of day value, so end the day and set up the next
      fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,24,0,values[i]);
      lastDate += dayDelta;
      fieldIndex = startNewDay(idfObject,fieldIndex,lastDate);
      if(today != lastDay)
        // We're on a new day, need a 24:00:00 value and set up the next day
        fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,24,0,values[i]);
        lastDate += dayDelta;
        fieldIndex = startNewDay(idfObject,fieldIndex,lastDate);
      if(values[i] == values[i+1])
        // Bail on values that match the next value
      // Write out the current entry
      Time time(hms);
      int hours = time.hours();
      int minutes = time.minutes() + floor((time.seconds()/60.0) + 0.5);
      // This is a little dangerous, but all of the problematic 24:00 
      // times that might need to cause a day++ should be caught above.
        hours += 1;
        minutes = 0;
      fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,hours,minutes,values[i]);
    lastDay = today;
  // Handle the last point a little differently to make sure that the schedule ends exactly on the end of a day
  unsigned int i = values.size()-1;
  // We'll skip a sanity check here, but it might be a good idea to add one at some point
  fieldIndex = addUntil(idfObject,fieldIndex,24,0,values[i]);
  return idfObject;