void qq_process_add_buddy_no_auth(PurpleConnection *gc, guint8 *data, gint data_len, guint32 uid) { qq_data *qd; gchar **segments; gchar *dest_uid, *reply; PurpleBuddy *buddy; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL && data_len != 0); g_return_if_fail(uid != 0); qd = (qq_data *) gc->proto_data; purple_debug_info("QQ", "Process buddy add for id [%u]\n", uid); qq_show_packet("buddy_add_no_auth", data, data_len); if (NULL == (segments = split_data(data, data_len, "\x1f", 2))) return; dest_uid = segments[0]; reply = segments[1]; if (strtoul(dest_uid, NULL, 10) != qd->uid) { /* should not happen */ purple_debug_error("QQ", "Add buddy reply is to [%s], not me!", dest_uid); g_strfreev(segments); return; } if (strtol(reply, NULL, 10) == 0) { /* add OK */ qq_buddy_find_or_new(gc, uid); qq_request_buddy_info(gc, uid, 0, 0); if (qd->client_version >= 2007) { qq_request_get_level_2007(gc, uid); } else { qq_request_get_level(gc, uid); } qq_request_get_buddies_online(gc, 0, 0); purple_debug_info("QQ", "Successed adding into %u's buddy list", uid); g_strfreev(segments); return; } /* need auth */ purple_debug_warning("QQ", "Failed adding buddy, need authorize\n"); buddy = qq_buddy_find(gc, uid); if (buddy == NULL) { buddy = qq_buddy_new(gc, uid); } if (buddy != NULL && buddy->proto_data != NULL) { /* Not authorized now, free buddy data */ qq_buddy_data_free(buddy->proto_data); buddy->proto_data = NULL; } add_buddy_authorize_input(gc, uid, NULL, 0); g_strfreev(segments); }
void qq_process_auth_token( PurpleConnection *gc, guint8 *data, gint data_len, guint32 dataptr, qq_buddy_opt_req *opt_req ) { gint bytes; guint8 cmd, reply; guint16 sub_cmd; guint8 *code = NULL; guint16 code_len = 0; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL && data_len != 0); g_return_if_fail(opt_req && opt_req->uid != 0); //qq_show_packet("qq_process_auth_token", data, data_len); bytes = 0; bytes += qq_get8(&cmd, data + bytes); bytes += qq_get16(&sub_cmd, data + bytes); bytes += qq_get8(&reply, data + bytes); /* if reply == 0x01, we need request captcha */ if (reply) { /* if this is end, means you have submitted the wrong captcha */ if (bytes>=data_len) { qq_request_auth_token(gc, QQ_AUTH_INFO_BUDDY, QQ_AUTH_INFO_ADD_BUDDY, 0, opt_req); return; } bytes += qq_get_vstr(&code, NULL, sizeof(guint16), data + bytes); purple_util_fetch_url_request( (gchar *)code, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, auth_token_captcha_input_cb, opt_req); return; } bytes += qq_get16(&opt_req->auth_len, data + bytes); g_return_if_fail(opt_req->auth_len > 0); g_return_if_fail(bytes + opt_req->auth_len <= data_len); opt_req->auth = g_new0(guint8, opt_req->auth_len); bytes += qq_getdata(opt_req->auth, opt_req->auth_len, data + bytes); if (cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_BUDDY && sub_cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_REMOVE_BUDDY) { qq_request_remove_buddy(gc, opt_req); return; } if (sub_cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_ADD_BUDDY) { if (opt_req->auth_type == 0x01) add_buddy_authorize_input(gc, opt_req); else if (opt_req->auth_type == 0x00) qq_request_search_uid(gc, opt_req); return; } if (cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_BUDDY && sub_cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_UPDATE_BUDDY_INFO) { request_change_info(gc, (guint8 *)dataptr, code, code_len); return; } purple_debug_info("QQ", "Got auth info cmd 0x%x, sub 0x%x, reply 0x%x\n", cmd, sub_cmd, reply); }
void qq_process_auth_code(PurpleConnection *gc, guint8 *data, gint data_len, guint32 uid) { qq_data *qd; gint bytes; guint8 cmd, reply; guint16 sub_cmd; guint8 *code = NULL; guint16 code_len = 0; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL && data_len != 0); g_return_if_fail(uid != 0); qd = (qq_data *) gc->proto_data; qq_show_packet("qq_process_auth_code", data, data_len); bytes = 0; bytes += qq_get8(&cmd, data + bytes); bytes += qq_get16(&sub_cmd, data + bytes); bytes += qq_get8(&reply, data + bytes); g_return_if_fail(bytes + 2 <= data_len); bytes += qq_get16(&code_len, data + bytes); g_return_if_fail(code_len > 0); g_return_if_fail(bytes + code_len <= data_len); code = g_newa(guint8, code_len); bytes += qq_getdata(code, code_len, data + bytes); if (cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_BUDDY && sub_cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_REMOVE_BUDDY) { request_remove_buddy_ex(gc, uid, code, code_len); return; } if (cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_BUDDY && sub_cmd == QQ_AUTH_INFO_ADD_BUDDY) { add_buddy_authorize_input(gc, uid, code, code_len); return; } purple_debug_info("QQ", "Got auth info cmd 0x%x, sub 0x%x, reply 0x%x\n", cmd, sub_cmd, reply); }