Example #1
DockerAPI::stats(const std::string &container, uint64_t &memUsage, uint64_t &netIn, uint64_t &netOut) {
newstats(container, memUsage, netIn, netOut);
	ArgList args;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(args))
		return -1;
	args.AppendArg( "stats" );
	args.AppendArg( "--no-stream" );
	args.AppendArg( container.c_str() );

	MyString displayString;
	TemporaryPrivSentry sentry(PRIV_ROOT);

	args.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );

	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

		// Read from Docker's combined output and error streams.
	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( args, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	const int statLineSize = 256;
	char header[statLineSize];
	char data[statLineSize];
	if( NULL == fgets( header, statLineSize, dockerResults ) ) {
		return -2;

	if( NULL == fgets( data, statLineSize, dockerResults ) ) {
		return -2;

	dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG, "Docker stats data is:\n%s\n", data);
		// condor stats output looks like:
		// Name	cpu%   mem usage/limit  mem%  net i/o   block i/o
		// container  0.00%  0 B / 0 B        0.00% 0 B / 0 B  0 B / 0 B
	char memUsageUnit[2];
	char netInUnit[2];
	char netOutUnit[2];

	double memRaw, netInRaw, netOutRaw;
	int matches = sscanf(data, "%*s %*g%% %lg %s / %*g %*s %*g%% %lg %s / %lg %s", &memRaw, &memUsageUnit[0], &netInRaw, &netInUnit[0], &netOutRaw, &netOutUnit[0]);
	if (matches < 6) {
		return -2;

	memUsage = convertUnits(memRaw, memUsageUnit);
	netIn    = convertUnits(netInRaw, netInUnit);
	netOut   = convertUnits(netOutRaw, netOutUnit);
	dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG, "memUsage is %g (%s), net In is %g (%s), net Out is %g (%s)\n", memRaw, memUsageUnit, netInRaw, netInUnit, netOutRaw, netOutUnit);
	return 0;
Example #2
// FIXME: We have a lot of boilerplate code in this function and file.
int DockerAPI::version( std::string & version, CondorError & /* err */ ) {

	ArgList versionArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(versionArgs))
		return -1;
	versionArgs.AppendArg( "-v" );

	MyString displayString;
	versionArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );

	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( versionArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	char buffer[1024];
	if( NULL == fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
		if( errno ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), strerror( errno ), errno );
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -3;

	if( NULL != fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
		if( strstr( buffer, "Jansens" ) != NULL ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "The DOCKER configuration setting appears to point to OpenBox's docker.  If you want to use Docker.IO, please set DOCKER appropriately in your configuration.\n" );
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Read more than one line (or a very long line) from '%s', which we think means it's not Docker.  The (first line of the) trailing text was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), buffer );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -5;

	int exitCode = my_pclose( dockerResults );
	if( exitCode != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, buffer );
		return -4;

	unsigned end = strlen(buffer) - 1;
	if( buffer[end] == '\n' ) { buffer[end] = '\0'; }
	version = buffer;

	return 0;
Example #3
run_simple_docker_command(const std::string &command, const std::string &container,
			CondorError &)
	ArgList args;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(args))
		return -1;
	args.AppendArg( command );
	args.AppendArg( container.c_str() );

	MyString displayString;
	args.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

	// Read from Docker's combined output and error streams.
	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( args, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	// On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
	char buffer[1024];
	if( NULL == fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
		if( errno ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), strerror( errno ), errno );
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -3;

	int length = strlen( buffer );
	if( length < 1 || strncmp( buffer, container.c_str(), length - 1 ) != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker %s failed, printing first few lines of output.\n", command.c_str() );
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
		while( NULL != fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -4;

	my_pclose( dockerResults );
	return 0;
Example #4
int DockerAPI::detect( CondorError & err ) {
	// FIXME: Remove ::version() as a public API and return it from here,
	// because there's no point in doing this twice.
	std::string version;
	if( DockerAPI::version( version, err ) != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "DockerAPI::detect() failed to detect the Docker version; assuming absent.\n" );
		return -4;

	ArgList infoArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(infoArgs))
		return -1;
	infoArgs.AppendArg( "info" );

	MyString displayString;
	infoArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );

	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( infoArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	// Even if we don't care about the success output, the failure output
	// can be handy for debugging...
	char buffer[1024];
	std::vector< std::string > output;
	while( fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) != NULL ) {
		unsigned end = strlen(buffer) - 1;
		if( buffer[end] == '\n' ) { buffer[end] = '\0'; }
		output.push_back( buffer );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i ) {
		dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "[docker info] %s\n", output[i].c_str() );

	int exitCode = my_pclose( dockerResults );
	if( exitCode != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, output[0].c_str() );
		return -3;

	return 0;
Example #5
run_simple_docker_command(const std::string &command, const std::string &container, int timeout, CondorError &, bool ignore_output)
  ArgList args;
  if ( ! add_docker_arg(args))
    return -1;
  args.AppendArg( command );
  args.AppendArg( container.c_str() );

  MyString displayString;
  args.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
  dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program( args, true, NULL, false ) < 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	if ( ! pgm.wait_and_close(timeout) || pgm.output_size() <= 0) {
		int error = pgm.error_code();
		if( error ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), pgm.error_str(), error );
			if (pgm.was_timeout()) {
				dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Declaring a hung docker\n");
				return DockerAPI::docker_hung;
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -3;

	// On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
	MyString line;
	line.chomp(); line.trim();
	if (!ignore_output && line != container.c_str()) {
		// Didn't get back the result I expected, report the error and check to see if docker is hung.
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker %s failed, printing first few lines of output.\n", command.c_str());
		for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii) {
			if ( ! line.readLine(pgm.output(), false)) break;
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s\n", line.c_str() );
		return -4;

  // Read from Docker's combined output and error streams.
  FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( args, "r", 1 , 0, false);
  if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
    dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
    return -2;

  // On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
  char buffer[1024];
  if( NULL == fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
    if( errno ) {
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), strerror( errno ), errno );
    } else {
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
    my_pclose( dockerResults );
    return -3;

  size_t length = strlen( buffer );
  if (!ignore_output) {
    if( length < 1 || strncmp( buffer, container.c_str(), length - 1 ) != 0 ) {
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker %s failed, printing first few lines of output.\n", command.c_str() );
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
      while( NULL != fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
	dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
      my_pclose( dockerResults );
      return -4;

  my_pclose( dockerResults );
  return 0;
Example #6
int DockerAPI::inspect( const std::string & containerID, ClassAd * dockerAd, CondorError & /* err */ ) {
	if( dockerAd == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "dockerAd is NULL.\n" );
		return -2;

	ArgList inspectArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(inspectArgs))
		return -1;
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( "inspect" );
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( "--format" );
	StringList formatElements(	"ContainerId=\"{{.Id}}\" "
								"Pid={{.State.Pid}} "
								"Name=\"{{.Name}}\" "
								"Running={{.State.Running}} "
								"ExitCode={{.State.ExitCode}} "
								"StartedAt=\"{{.State.StartedAt}}\" "
								"FinishedAt=\"{{.State.FinishedAt}}\" "
								"DockerError=\"{{.State.Error}}\" "
								"OOMKilled=\"{{.State.OOMKilled}}\" " );
	char * formatArg = formatElements.print_to_delimed_string( "\n" );
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( formatArg );
	free( formatArg );
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( containerID );

	MyString displayString;
	inspectArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program(inspectArgs, true, NULL, false) < 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -6;

	MyStringSource * src = NULL;
	if (pgm.wait_and_close(default_timeout)) {
		src = &pgm.output();

	int expected_rows = formatElements.number();
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "exit_status=%d, error=%d, %d bytes. expecting %d lines\n",
		pgm.exit_status(), pgm.error_code(), pgm.output_size(), expected_rows );

	// If the output isn't exactly formatElements.number() lines long,
	// something has gone wrong and we'll at least be able to print out
	// the error message(s).
	std::vector<std::string> correctOutput(expected_rows);
	if (src) {
		MyString line;
		int i=0;
		while (line.readLine(*src,false)) {
			//dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "\t[%2d] %s\n", i, line.c_str() );
			if (i >= expected_rows) {
				if (line.empty()) continue;
			} else {
				correctOutput[i] = line.c_str();
			std::string::iterator first = 
			if (first != correctOutput[i].end()) {
					--correctOutput[i].end(), '\"','\'');
			//dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "\tfix: %s\n", correctOutput[i].c_str() );
	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( inspectArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Unable to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -6;

	// If the output isn't exactly formatElements.number() lines long,
	// something has gone wrong and we'll at least be able to print out
	// the error message(s).
	char buffer[1024];
	std::vector<std::string> correctOutput(formatElements.number());
	for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number(); ++i ) {
		if( fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) != NULL ) {
			correctOutput[i] = buffer;
			std::string::iterator first = 
			if (first != correctOutput[i].end()) {
					-- --correctOutput[i].end(), '\"','\'');
	my_pclose( dockerResults );

	int attrCount = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number(); ++i ) {
		if( correctOutput[i].empty() || dockerAd->Insert( correctOutput[i].c_str() ) == FALSE ) {

	if( attrCount != formatElements.number() ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to create classad from Docker output (%d).  Printing up to the first %d (nonblank) lines.\n", attrCount, formatElements.number() );
		for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number() && ! correctOutput[i].empty(); ++i ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", correctOutput[i].c_str() );
		return -4;

	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "docker inspect printed:\n" );
	for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number() && ! correctOutput[i].empty(); ++i ) {
		dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "\t%s\n", correctOutput[i].c_str() );
	return 0;
Example #7
// FIXME: We have a lot of boilerplate code in this function and file.
int DockerAPI::version( std::string & version, CondorError & /* err */ ) {

	ArgList versionArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(versionArgs))
		return -1;
	versionArgs.AppendArg( "-v" );

	MyString displayString;
	versionArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );

#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program(versionArgs, true, NULL, false) < 0) {
		// treat 'file not found' as not really error
		int d_level = (pgm.error_code() == ENOENT) ? D_FULLDEBUG : (D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE);
		dprintf(d_level, "Failed to run '%s' errno=%d %s.\n", displayString.c_str(), pgm.error_code(), pgm.error_str() );
		return -2;

	int exitCode;
	if ( ! pgm.wait_for_exit(default_timeout, &exitCode)) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), pgm.error_str(), pgm.error_code() );
		return -3;

	if (pgm.output_size() <= 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -3;

	MyStringSource * src = &pgm.output();
	MyString line;
	if (line.readLine(*src, false)) {
		bool jansens = strstr( line.c_str(), "Jansens" ) != NULL;
		bool bad_size = ! src->isEof() || line.size() > 1024 || line.size() < (int)sizeof("Docker version ");
		if (bad_size && ! jansens) {
			// check second line of output for the word Jansens also.
			MyString tmp; tmp.readLine(*src, false);
			jansens = strstr( tmp.c_str(), "Jansens" ) != NULL;
		if (jansens) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "The DOCKER configuration setting appears to point to OpenBox's docker.  If you want to use Docker.IO, please set DOCKER appropriately in your configuration.\n" );
			return -5;
		} else if (bad_size) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Read more than one line (or a very long line) from '%s', which we think means it's not Docker.  The (first line of the) trailing text was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), line.c_str() );
			return -5;

	if( exitCode != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, line.c_str() );
		return -4;

	version = line.c_str();

	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( versionArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	char buffer[1024];
	if( NULL == fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
		if( errno ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), strerror( errno ), errno );
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -3;

	if( NULL != fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
		if( strstr( buffer, "Jansens" ) != NULL ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "The DOCKER configuration setting appears to point to OpenBox's docker.  If you want to use Docker.IO, please set DOCKER appropriately in your configuration.\n" );
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Read more than one line (or a very long line) from '%s', which we think means it's not Docker.  The (first line of the) trailing text was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), buffer );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -5;

	int exitCode = my_pclose( dockerResults );
	if( exitCode != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, buffer );
		return -4;

	size_t end = strlen(buffer);
	if (end > 0 && buffer[end-1] == '\n') { buffer[end-1] = '\0'; }
	version = buffer;
	sscanf(version.c_str(), "Docker version %d.%d", &DockerAPI::majorVersion, &DockerAPI::minorVersion);
	return 0;
Example #8
int DockerAPI::detect( CondorError & err ) {
	// FIXME: Remove ::version() as a public API and return it from here,
	// because there's no point in doing this twice.
	std::string version;
	int rval = DockerAPI::version( version, err );
	if( rval  != 0 ) {
		dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "DockerAPI::detect() failed to detect the Docker version; assuming absent.\n" );
		return -4;

	ArgList infoArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(infoArgs))
		return -1;
	infoArgs.AppendArg( "info" );

	MyString displayString;
	infoArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );

#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program(infoArgs, true, NULL, false) < 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	int exitCode;
	if ( ! pgm.wait_for_exit(default_timeout, &exitCode) || exitCode != 0) {
		MyString line;
		line.readLine(pgm.output(), false); line.chomp();
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, line.c_str());
		return -3;

	if (IsFulldebug(D_ALWAYS)) {
		MyString line;
		do {
			line.readLine(pgm.output(), false);
			dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "[docker info] %s\n", line.c_str() );
		} while (line.readLine(pgm.output(), false));

	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( infoArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	// Even if we don't care about the success output, the failure output
	// can be handy for debugging...
	char buffer[1024];
	std::vector< std::string > output;
	while( fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) != NULL ) {
		size_t end = strlen(buffer);
		if (end > 0 && buffer[end-1] == '\n') { buffer[end-1] = '\0'; }
		output.push_back( buffer );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i ) {
		dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "[docker info] %s\n", output[i].c_str() );

	int exitCode = my_pclose( dockerResults );
	if( exitCode != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, output[0].c_str() );
		return -3;
	return 0;
Example #9
// Because we fork before calling docker, we don't actually
// care if the image is stored locally or not (except to the extent that
// remote image pull violates the principle of least astonishment).
int DockerAPI::run(
	ClassAd &machineAd,
	ClassAd &jobAd,
	const std::string & containerName,
	const std::string & imageID,
	const std::string & command,
	const ArgList & args,
	const Env & env,
	const std::string & sandboxPath,
	const std::list<std::string> extraVolumes,
	int & pid,
	int * childFDs,
	CondorError & /* err */ )
	// We currently assume that the system has been configured so that
	// anyone (user) who can run an HTCondor job can also run docker.  It's
	// also apparently a security worry to run Docker as root, so let's not.
	ArgList runArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(runArgs))
		return -1;
	runArgs.AppendArg( "run" );

	// Write out a file with the container ID.
	// FIXME: The startd can check this to clean up after us.
	// This needs to go into a directory that condor user
	// can write to.

	std::string cidFileName = sandboxPath + "/.cidfile";
	runArgs.AppendArg( "--cidfile=" + cidFileName );

	// Configure resource limits.
	// First cpus
	int  cpus;
	int cpuShare;

	if (machineAd.LookupInteger(ATTR_CPUS, cpus)) {
		cpuShare = 10 * cpus;
	} else {
		cpuShare = 10;
	std::string cpuShareStr;
	formatstr(cpuShareStr, "--cpu-shares=%d", cpuShare);

	// Now memory
	int memory; // in Megabytes
	if (machineAd.LookupInteger(ATTR_MEMORY, memory)) {
		std::string mem;
		formatstr(mem, "--memory=%dm", memory);

	// drop unneeded Linux capabilities
	if (param_boolean("DOCKER_DROP_ALL_CAPABILITIES", true /*default*/,
		true /*do_log*/, &machineAd, &jobAd)) {
		// --no-new-privileges flag appears in docker 1.11
		if (DockerAPI::majorVersion > 1 ||
		    DockerAPI::minorVersion > 10) {

	// Give the container a useful name
	std::string hname = makeHostname(&machineAd, &jobAd);

		// Now the container name
	runArgs.AppendArg( "--name" );
	runArgs.AppendArg( containerName );

	if ( ! add_env_to_args_for_docker(runArgs, env)) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to pass enviroment to docker.\n" );
		return -8;

	// Map the external sanbox to the internal sandbox.
	runArgs.AppendArg( "--volume" );
	runArgs.AppendArg( sandboxPath + ":" + sandboxPath );

	// Now any extra volumes
	for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = extraVolumes.begin(); it != extraVolumes.end(); it++) {
		std::string volume = *it;
	// Start in the sandbox.
	runArgs.AppendArg( "--workdir" );
	runArgs.AppendArg( sandboxPath );

	// Run with the uid that condor selects for the user
	// either a slot user or submitting user or nobody
	uid_t uid = 0;
	uid_t gid = 0;

	// Docker doesn't actually run on Windows, but we compile
	// on Windows because...
#ifndef WIN32
	uid = get_user_uid();
	gid = get_user_gid();
	if ((uid == 0) || (gid == 0)) {
		dprintf(D_ALWAYS|D_FAILURE, "Failed to get userid to run docker job\n");
		return -9;

	std::string uidgidarg;
	formatstr(uidgidarg, "%d:%d", uid, gid);

	// Run the command with its arguments in the image.
	runArgs.AppendArg( imageID );

	// If no command given, the default command in the image will run
	if (command.length() > 0) {
		runArgs.AppendArg( command );

	runArgs.AppendArgsFromArgList( args );

	MyString displayString;
	runArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

	// If we run Docker attached, we avoid a race condition where
	// 'docker logs --follow' returns before 'docker rm' knows that the
	// container is gone (and refuses to remove it).  Of course, we
	// can't block, so we have a proxy process run attached for us.
	FamilyInfo fi;
	fi.max_snapshot_interval = param_integer( "PID_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL", 15 );
	int childPID = daemonCore->Create_Process( runArgs.GetArg(0), runArgs,
		& fi, NULL, childFDs );

	if( childPID == FALSE ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Create_Process() failed.\n" );
		return -1;
	pid = childPID;

	return 0;
Example #10
DockerAPI::rmi(const std::string &image, CondorError &err) {
		// First, try to remove the named image
	run_simple_docker_command("rmi", image, default_timeout, err, true);
		// That may have succeed or failed.  It could have
		// failed if the image doesn't exist (anymore), or
		// if someone else deleted it outside of condor.
		// Check to see if the image still exists.  If it
		// has been removed, return 0.

	ArgList args;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(args))
		return -1;
	args.AppendArg( "images" );
	args.AppendArg( "-q" );
	args.AppendArg( image );

	MyString displayString;
	args.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );

#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program(args, true, NULL, false) < 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	int exitCode;
	if ( ! pgm.wait_for_exit(default_timeout, &exitCode) || exitCode != 0) {
		MyString line;
		line.readLine(pgm.output(), false); line.chomp();
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, line.c_str());
		return -3;

	return pgm.output_size() > 0;
	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( args, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	char buffer[1024];
	std::vector< std::string > output;
	while( fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) != NULL ) {
		size_t end = strlen(buffer);
		if (end > 0 && buffer[end-1] == '\n') { buffer[end-1] = '\0'; }
		output.push_back( buffer );

	int exitCode = my_pclose( dockerResults );
	if( exitCode != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "'%s' did not exit successfully (code %d); the first line of output was '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str(), exitCode, output[0].c_str() );
		return -3;

	if (output.size() == 0) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		return 1;
Example #11
int DockerAPI::rm( const std::string & containerID, CondorError & /* err */ ) {

	ArgList rmArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(rmArgs))
		return -1;
	rmArgs.AppendArg( "rm" );
	rmArgs.AppendArg( "-f" );  // if for some reason still running, kill first
	rmArgs.AppendArg( "-v" );  // also remove the volume
	rmArgs.AppendArg( containerID.c_str() );

	MyString displayString;
	rmArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

	// Read from Docker's combined output and error streams.
#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program( rmArgs, true, NULL, false ) < 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;
	const char * got_output = pgm.wait_and_close(default_timeout);

	// On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
	MyString line;
	if ( ! got_output || ! line.readLine(pgm.output(), false)) {
		int error = pgm.error_code();
		if( error ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), pgm.error_str(), error );
			if (pgm.was_timeout()) {
				dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Declaring a hung docker\n");
				return docker_hung;
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -3;

	line.chomp(); line.trim();
	if (line != containerID.c_str()) {
		// Didn't get back the result I expected, report the error and check to see if docker is hung.
		return check_if_docker_offline(pgm, "Docker remove", -4);
	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( rmArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	// On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
	char buffer[1024];
	if( NULL == fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
		if( errno ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), strerror( errno ), errno );
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -3;

	int length = strlen( buffer );
	if( length < 1 || strncmp( buffer, containerID.c_str(), length - 1 ) != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker remove failed, printing first few lines of output.\n" );
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
		while( NULL != fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -4;

	my_pclose( dockerResults );
	return 0;
Example #12
static int check_if_docker_offline(MyPopenTimer & pgmIn, const char * cmd_str, int original_error_code)
	int rval = original_error_code;
	// this should not be called with a program that is still running.

	MyString line;
	MyStringCharSource * src = NULL;
	if (pgmIn.output_size() > 0) {
		src = &pgmIn.output();

	bool check_for_hung_docker = true; // if no output, we should check for hung docker.
	dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s failed, %s output.\n", cmd_str, src ? "printing first few lines of" : "no" );
	if (src) {
		check_for_hung_docker = false; // if we got output, assume docker is not hung.
		for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii) {
			if ( ! line.readLine(*src, false)) break;
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s\n", line.c_str() );

			// if we got something resembling "/var/run/docker.sock: resource temporarily unavaible" 
			// then we should check for a hung docker.
			const char * p = strstr(line.c_str(), ".sock: resource ");
			if (p && strstr(p, "unavailable")) {
				check_for_hung_docker = true;

	if (check_for_hung_docker) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Checking to see if Docker is offline\n");

		ArgList infoArgs;
		infoArgs.AppendArg( "info" );
		MyString displayString;
		infoArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );

		MyPopenTimer pgm2;
		if (pgm2.start_program(infoArgs, true, NULL, false) < 0) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
			rval = DockerAPI::docker_hung;
		} else {
			int exitCode = 0;
			if ( ! pgm2.wait_for_exit(60, &exitCode) || pgm2.output_size() <= 0) {
				dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to get output from '%s' : %s.\n", displayString.c_str(), pgm2.error_str() );
				rval = DockerAPI::docker_hung;
			} else {
				while (line.readLine(pgm2.output(),false)) {
					dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "[Docker Info] %s\n", line.c_str() );

		if (rval == DockerAPI::docker_hung) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker is not responding. returning docker_hung error code.\n");

	return rval;
Example #13
int DockerAPI::inspect( const std::string & containerID, ClassAd * dockerAd, CondorError & /* err */ ) {
	if( dockerAd == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "dockerAd is NULL.\n" );
		return -2;

	ArgList inspectArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(inspectArgs))
		return -1;
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( "inspect" );
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( "--format" );
	StringList formatElements(	"ContainerId=\"{{.Id}}\" "
								"Pid={{.State.Pid}} "
								"Name=\"{{.Name}}\" "
								"Running={{.State.Running}} "
								"ExitCode={{.State.ExitCode}} "
								"StartedAt=\"{{.State.StartedAt}}\" "
								"FinishedAt=\"{{.State.FinishedAt}}\" "
								"DockerError=\"{{.State.Error}}\" "
								"OOMKilled=\"{{.State.OOMKilled}}\" " );
	char * formatArg = formatElements.print_to_delimed_string( "\n" );
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( formatArg );
	free( formatArg );
	inspectArgs.AppendArg( containerID );

	MyString displayString;
	inspectArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( inspectArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Unable to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -6;

	// If the output isn't exactly formatElements.number() lines long,
	// something has gone wrong and we'll at least be able to print out
	// the error message(s).
	char buffer[1024];
	std::vector<std::string> correctOutput(formatElements.number());
	for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number(); ++i ) {
		if( fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) != NULL ) {
			correctOutput[i] = buffer;
			std::string::iterator first = 
			if (first != correctOutput[i].end()) {
					-- --correctOutput[i].end(), '\"','\'');
	my_pclose( dockerResults );

	int attrCount = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number(); ++i ) {
		if( correctOutput[i].empty() || dockerAd->Insert( correctOutput[i].c_str() ) == FALSE ) {

	if( attrCount != formatElements.number() ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to create classad from Docker output (%d).  Printing up to the first %d (nonblank) lines.\n", attrCount, formatElements.number() );
		for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number() && ! correctOutput[i].empty(); ++i ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", correctOutput[i].c_str() );
		return -4;

	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "docker inspect printed:\n" );
	for( int i = 0; i < formatElements.number() && ! correctOutput[i].empty(); ++i ) {
		dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "\t%s", correctOutput[i].c_str() );

	return 0;