int libvirt_open() { conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly("xen:///"); if(conn == NULL) { printf("libvirt connection open error on uri \n"); return 0; } int n; n = virConnectNumOfDomains(conn); if(n < 0) { printf("Error reading number of domains \n"); return -1; } int i; int *domids; domids = malloc(sizeof(int) * n); if(domids == 0) { printf("libvirt domain ids malloc failed"); return -1; } n = virConnectListDomains(conn, domids, n); if(n < 0) { printf("Error reading list of domains \n"); free(domids); return -1; } free_block_devices(); free_interface_devices(); free_domains(); for (i = 0; i < n ; ++i) { virDomainPtr dom = NULL; const char *name; char *xml = NULL; xmlDocPtr xml_doc = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj = NULL; int j; //printf("Publishing Domain Id : %d \n ", domids[i]); dom = virDomainLookupByID(conn, domids[i]); if(dom == NULL) { printf("Domain no longer active or moved away .. \n"); } name = virDomainGetName(dom); //printf("Publishing Domain Name : %s \n ", name); if(name == NULL) { printf("Domain name not valid .. \n"); goto cont; } if(add_domain(dom) < 0) { printf("libvirt plugin malloc failed .. \n"); goto cont; } xml = virDomainGetXMLDesc(dom, 0); if(!xml) { printf("Virt domain xml description error ..\n"); goto cont; } //printf("Publishing XML : \n %s \n ", xml); xml_doc = xmlReadDoc((xmlChar *) xml, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_NONET); if(xml_doc == NULL) { printf("XML read doc error ..\n"); goto cont; } xpath_ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(xml_doc); xpath_obj = xmlXPathEval((xmlChar *) "/domain/devices/disk/target[@dev]", xpath_ctx); if(xpath_obj == NULL || xpath_obj->type != XPATH_NODESET || xpath_obj->nodesetval == NULL) { goto cont; } for(j = 0; j < xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeNr; ++j) { xmlNodePtr node; char *path = NULL; node = xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[j]; if(!node) continue; path = (char *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "dev"); if(!path) continue; add_block_device(dom, path); } xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj); xpath_obj = xmlXPathEval((xmlChar *) "/domain/devices/interface/target[@dev]", xpath_ctx); if(xpath_obj == NULL || xpath_obj->type != XPATH_NODESET || xpath_obj->nodesetval == NULL) { goto cont; } for(j = 0; j < xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeNr; ++j) { xmlNodePtr node; char *path = NULL; node = xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[j]; if(!node) continue; path = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *) "dev"); if(!path) continue; add_interface_device(dom, path); } cont: if(xpath_obj) xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj); if(xpath_ctx) xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_ctx); if(xml_doc) xmlFreeDoc(xml_doc); if(xml) free(xml); } free(domids); return 0; }
static int refresh_lists (void) { int n; n = virConnectNumOfDomains (conn); if (n < 0) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "reading number of domains"); return -1; } if (n > 0) { int i; int *domids; /* Get list of domains. */ domids = malloc (sizeof (*domids) * n); if (domids == NULL) { ERROR (PLUGIN_NAME " plugin: malloc failed."); return -1; } n = virConnectListDomains (conn, domids, n); if (n < 0) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "reading list of domains"); sfree (domids); return -1; } free_block_devices (); free_interface_devices (); free_domains (); /* Fetch each domain and add it to the list, unless ignore. */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { virDomainPtr dom = NULL; const char *name; char *xml = NULL; xmlDocPtr xml_doc = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj = NULL; int j; dom = virDomainLookupByID (conn, domids[i]); if (dom == NULL) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "virDomainLookupByID"); /* Could be that the domain went away -- ignore it anyway. */ continue; } name = virDomainGetName (dom); if (name == NULL) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "virDomainGetName"); goto cont; } if (il_domains && ignorelist_match (il_domains, name) != 0) goto cont; if (add_domain (dom) < 0) { ERROR (PLUGIN_NAME " plugin: malloc failed."); goto cont; } /* Get a list of devices for this domain. */ xml = virDomainGetXMLDesc (dom, 0); if (!xml) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "virDomainGetXMLDesc"); goto cont; } /* Yuck, XML. Parse out the devices. */ xml_doc = xmlReadDoc ((xmlChar *) xml, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_NONET); if (xml_doc == NULL) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "xmlReadDoc"); goto cont; } xpath_ctx = xmlXPathNewContext (xml_doc); /* Block devices. */ xpath_obj = xmlXPathEval ((xmlChar *) "/domain/devices/disk/target[@dev]", xpath_ctx); if (xpath_obj == NULL || xpath_obj->type != XPATH_NODESET || xpath_obj->nodesetval == NULL) goto cont; for (j = 0; j < xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeNr; ++j) { xmlNodePtr node; char *path = NULL; node = xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[j]; if (!node) continue; path = (char *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "dev"); if (!path) continue; if (il_block_devices && ignore_device_match (il_block_devices, name, path) != 0) goto cont2; add_block_device (dom, path); cont2: if (path) xmlFree (path); } xmlXPathFreeObject (xpath_obj); /* Network interfaces. */ xpath_obj = xmlXPathEval ((xmlChar *) "/domain/devices/interface[target[@dev]]", xpath_ctx); if (xpath_obj == NULL || xpath_obj->type != XPATH_NODESET || xpath_obj->nodesetval == NULL) goto cont; xmlNodeSetPtr xml_interfaces = xpath_obj->nodesetval; for (j = 0; j < xml_interfaces->nodeNr; ++j) { char *path = NULL; char *address = NULL; xmlNodePtr xml_interface; xml_interface = xml_interfaces->nodeTab[j]; if (!xml_interface) continue; xmlNodePtr child = NULL; for (child = xml_interface->children; child; child = child->next) { if (child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (xmlStrEqual(child->name, (const xmlChar *) "target")) { path = (char *) xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar *) "dev"); if (!path) continue; } else if (xmlStrEqual(child->name, (const xmlChar *) "mac")) { address = (char *) xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar *) "address"); if (!address) continue; } } if (il_interface_devices && (ignore_device_match (il_interface_devices, name, path) != 0 || ignore_device_match (il_interface_devices, name, address) != 0)) goto cont3; add_interface_device (dom, path, address, j+1); cont3: if (path) xmlFree (path); if (address) xmlFree (address); } cont: if (xpath_obj) xmlXPathFreeObject (xpath_obj); if (xpath_ctx) xmlXPathFreeContext (xpath_ctx); if (xml_doc) xmlFreeDoc (xml_doc); sfree (xml); } sfree (domids); } return 0; }