Example #1
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::RotateFromTo(const float4 &sourceDirection, const float4 &targetDirection)
#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
	// Best: 12.289 nsecs / 33.144 ticks, Avg: 12.489 nsecs, Worst: 14.210 nsecs
	simd4f cosAngle = dot4_ps(sourceDirection.v, targetDirection.v);
	cosAngle = negate3_ps(cosAngle); // [+ - - -]
	// XYZ channels use the trigonometric formula sin(x/2) = +/-sqrt(0.5-0.5*cosx))
	// The W channel uses the trigonometric formula cos(x/2) = +/-sqrt(0.5+0.5*cosx))
	simd4f half = set1_ps(0.5f);
	simd4f cosSinHalfAngle = sqrt_ps(add_ps(half, mul_ps(half, cosAngle))); // [cos(x/2), sin(x/2), sin(x/2), sin(x/2)]
	simd4f axis = cross_ps(sourceDirection.v, targetDirection.v);
	simd4f recipLen = rsqrt_ps(dot4_ps(axis, axis));
	axis = mul_ps(axis, recipLen); // [0 z y x]
	// Set the w component to one.
	simd4f one = add_ps(half, half); // [1 1 1 1]
	simd4f highPart = _mm_unpackhi_ps(axis, one); // [_ _ 1 z]
	axis = _mm_movelh_ps(axis, highPart); // [1 z y x]
	Quat q;
	q.q = mul_ps(axis, cosSinHalfAngle);
	return q;
	// Best: 19.970 nsecs / 53.632 ticks, Avg: 20.197 nsecs, Worst: 21.122 nsecs
	assume(EqualAbs(sourceDirection.w, 0.f));
	assume(EqualAbs(targetDirection.w, 0.f));
	return Quat::RotateFromTo(sourceDirection.xyz(), targetDirection.xyz());
Example #2
float3x4 &float3x4::operator +=(const float3x4 &rhs)
#ifdef MATH_SIMD
	row[0] = add_ps(row[0], rhs.row[0]);
	row[1] = add_ps(row[1], rhs.row[1]);
	row[2] = add_ps(row[2], rhs.row[2]);
	for(int y = 0; y < Rows; ++y)
		for(int x = 0; x < Cols; ++x)
			v[y][x] += rhs[y][x];

	return *this;
Example #3
float3x4 float3x4::operator +(const float3x4 &rhs) const
#ifdef MATH_SIMD
	float3x4 r;
	r.row[0] = add_ps(row[0], rhs.row[0]);
	r.row[1] = add_ps(row[1], rhs.row[1]);
	r.row[2] = add_ps(row[2], rhs.row[2]);
	float3x4 r = *this;
	r += rhs;

	return r;
Example #4
void AABBTransformAsAABB_SIMD(AABB &aabb, const float4x4 &m)
	simd4f minPt = aabb.minPoint;
	simd4f maxPt = aabb.maxPoint;
	simd4f centerPoint = muls_ps(add_ps(minPt, maxPt), 0.5f);
	simd4f newCenter = mat4x4_mul_vec4(m.row, centerPoint);

	simd4f halfSize = sub_ps(centerPoint, minPt);
	simd4f x = abs_ps(mul_ps(m.row[0], halfSize));
	simd4f y = abs_ps(mul_ps(m.row[1], halfSize));
	simd4f z = abs_ps(mul_ps(m.row[2], halfSize));
	simd4f w = zero_ps();
	simd4f newDir = hadd4_ps(x, y, z, w);
	aabb.minPoint = sub_ps(newCenter, newDir);
	aabb.maxPoint = add_ps(newCenter, newDir);
Example #5
Quat Quat::operator +(const Quat &rhs) const
	return add_ps(q, rhs.q);
	return Quat(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z, w + rhs.w);