void send_data(void *host, char *beadomain, char *databuf, char **items) { bea_idx_t *idxwalk; strbuffer_t *msgbuf; char *p; int i; msgbuf = newstrbuffer(0); for (idxwalk = bea_idxhead; (idxwalk); idxwalk = idxwalk->next) { sprintf(msgline, "data %s.bea\n\n", commafy(bbh_item(host, BBH_HOSTNAME))); addtobuffer(msgbuf, msgline); if (beadomain && *beadomain) { sprintf(msgline, "DOMAIN:%s\n", beadomain); addtobuffer(msgbuf, msgline); } for (i=0; (items[i]); i++) { p = getstring(databuf, idxwalk->idx, items[i]); sprintf(msgline, "%s\n", p); addtobuffer(msgbuf, msgline); } sendmessage(STRBUF(msgbuf), NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, NULL); clearstrbuffer(msgbuf); } freestrbuffer(msgbuf); }
char *htmlquoted(char *s) { /* * This routine converts a plain string into an html-quoted string */ static strbuffer_t *result = NULL; char *inp, *endp; char c; if (!result) result = newstrbuffer(4096); clearstrbuffer(result); inp = s; do { endp = inp + strcspn(inp, "\"&<> "); c = *endp; if (endp > inp) addtobufferraw(result, inp, endp-inp); switch (c) { case '"': addtobuffer(result, """); break; case '&': addtobuffer(result, "&"); break; case '<': addtobuffer(result, "<"); break; case '>': addtobuffer(result, ">"); break; case ' ': addtobuffer(result, " "); break; default: break; } inp = (c == '\0') ? NULL : endp+1; } while (inp); return STRBUF(result); }
static void zvse_paging_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *pagingstr) { char *p; int ipagerate, pagingyellow, pagingred; float fpagerate=0.0; char pagingresult[100]; int pagingcolor = COL_GREEN; char msgline[4096]; strbuffer_t *upmsg; if (!pagingstr) return; /* * Looking for Paging rate in message * Page Rate=0.00 /sec */ *pagingresult = '\0'; ipagerate=0; p = strstr(pagingstr, "Page Rate=") + 10; if (p) { if (sscanf(p, "%f", &fpagerate) == 1) { ipagerate=fpagerate + 0.5; /* Rounding up */ sprintf(pagingresult, "z/VSE Paging Rate %d per second\n", ipagerate); } } else sprintf(pagingresult, "Can not find page rate value in:\n%s\n", pagingstr); get_paging_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &pagingyellow, &pagingred); upmsg = newstrbuffer(0); if (ipagerate > pagingred) { pagingcolor = COL_RED; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Paging Rate is CRITICAL\n"); } else if (ipagerate > pagingyellow) { pagingcolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Paging Rate is HIGH\n"); } init_status(pagingcolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.paging %s %s %s %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(pagingcolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"), pagingresult, pagingstr); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) { addtostrstatus(upmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(upmsg); }
static void result_ntp(myconn_t *rec, strbuffer_t *txt) { char msgline[4096]; snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "NTPstratum: %d\n", rec->ntpstratum); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "NTPoffset: %12.6f\n", rec->ntpoffset); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); }
static void result_subqueue(char *id, myconn_t *rec, strbuffer_t *txt) { char msgline[4096]; if (rec->textlog) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "%slog: %d\n", id, STRBUFLEN(rec->textlog)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->textlog); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); } }
static void zvm_paging_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *cpuutilstr) { char *p; int pagerate, pagingyellow, pagingred; char pagingresult[100]; int pagingcolor = COL_GREEN; char msgline[256]; strbuffer_t *upmsg; if (!cpuutilstr) return; /* * Looking for Paging rate info in 'IND' command response * PAGING-0000/SEC */ *pagingresult = '\0'; /* Skip past three newlines in message to the PAGING text */ p=strstr(cpuutilstr,"PAGING-") + 7; if (sscanf(p, "%d/SEC", &pagerate) == 1) { sprintf(pagingresult, "z/VM Paging Rate %d per second\n", pagerate); } get_paging_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &pagingyellow, &pagingred); upmsg = newstrbuffer(0); if (pagerate > pagingred) { pagingcolor = COL_RED; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Paging Rate is CRITICAL\n"); } else if (pagerate > pagingyellow) { pagingcolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Paging Rate is HIGH\n"); } init_status(pagingcolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.paging %s %s %s %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(pagingcolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"), pagingresult, cpuutilstr); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) { addtostrstatus(upmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(upmsg); }
static int prepare_fromfile(char *hostsfn, char *extrainclude) { static void *hostfiles = NULL; FILE *hosts; strbuffer_t *inbuf; /* First check if there were no modifications at all */ if (hostfiles) { if (!stackfmodified(hostfiles)){ return 1; } else { stackfclist(&hostfiles); hostfiles = NULL; } } if (!contentbuffer) contentbuffer = newstrbuffer(0); clearstrbuffer(contentbuffer); hosts = stackfopen(hostsfn, "r", &hostfiles); if (hosts == NULL) return -1; inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); while (stackfgets(inbuf, extrainclude)) { sanitize_input(inbuf, 0, 0); addtostrbuffer(contentbuffer, inbuf); addtobuffer(contentbuffer, "\n"); } stackfclose(hosts); freestrbuffer(inbuf); return 0; }
static void zvm_mdc_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *cpuutilstr) { char *p; int mdcreads, mdcwrites, mdchitpct; char mdcresult[100]; char msgline[256]; strbuffer_t *msg; if (!cpuutilstr) return; msg = newstrbuffer(0); /* * Looking for MDC info in 'IND' command response * MDC READS-000001/SEC WRITES-000001/SEC HIT RATIO-098% */ *mdcresult = '\0'; /* Skip past three newlines in message to the PAGING text */ p=strstr(cpuutilstr,"READS-"); if (p) { p += 6; sscanf(p, "%d/SEC", &mdcreads); p=strstr(cpuutilstr,"WRITES-") + 7; sscanf(p, "%d/SEC", &mdcwrites); p=strstr(cpuutilstr,"RATIO-") + 6; sscanf(p, "%d", &mdchitpct); sprintf(msgline, "data %s.mdc\n%s\n%d:%d:%d\n", commafy(hostname), osname(os), mdcreads, mdcwrites, mdchitpct); addtobuffer(msg, msgline); sendmessage(STRBUF(msg), NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, NULL); } freestrbuffer(msg); }
static void result_plain(myconn_t *rec, strbuffer_t *txt) { char msgline[4096]; if (dontsendmessages >= 1) { if (rec->textlog) clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); return; } if (rec->textlog) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "PLAINlog: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->textlog)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->textlog); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); } }
static void add_to_sub_queue(myconn_t *rec, char *moduleid, char *location, ...) { va_list extraparams; char *s; strbuffer_t *extrastr = newstrbuffer(0); if (!rec || !moduleid) return; va_start(extraparams, location); while ((s = va_arg(extraparams, char *)) != NULL) { if (STRBUFLEN(extrastr) > 0) addtobuffer(extrastr, "\t"); addtobuffer(extrastr, s); } va_end(extraparams); xymon_sqldb_netmodule_additem(moduleid, location, xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME), rec->netparams.destinationip, rec->testspec, STRBUF(extrastr), rec->interval*1000, rec->timeout*1000); freestrbuffer(extrastr); }
void combo_start(void) { combo_params(); if (xymonmsg == NULL) xymonmsg = newstrbuffer(0); clearstrbuffer(xymonmsg); addtobuffer(xymonmsg, "combo\n"); xymonmsgqueued = 0; }
static void result_http(myconn_t *rec, strbuffer_t *txt) { char msgline[4096]; snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPstatus: %d\n", rec->httpstatus); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); if (dontsendmessages >= 2) { if (rec->textlog) clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); if (rec->httpheaders) clearstrbuffer(rec->httpheaders); if (rec->httpbody) clearstrbuffer(rec->httpbody); return; } if (rec->redircount) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "Redirects: %d\n", rec->redircount); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); } if (rec->textlog) { char *authtoken; snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPrequest: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->textlog)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); /* * If there is an authentication header, it is best to obscure it here. * Otherwise, anyone who can view the "client data" will be able to see * the login. */ authtoken = strstr(STRBUF(rec->textlog), "\nAuthorization:"); if (authtoken) { authtoken += 15; while (*authtoken != '\r') { *authtoken = '*'; authtoken++; } } addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->textlog); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); } if (rec->httpheaders) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPheaders: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->httpheaders)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->httpheaders); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->httpheaders); } if (rec->httpbody) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPbody: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->httpbody)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->httpbody); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->httpbody); } }
static const unsigned char *display_question(const unsigned char *aptr, const unsigned char *abuf, int alen, dns_resp_t *response) { char *name; int type, dnsclass, status; long len; /* Parse the question name. */ status = ares_expand_name(aptr, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; aptr += len; /* Make sure there's enough data after the name for the fixed part * of the question. */ if (aptr + QFIXEDSZ > abuf + alen) { xfree(name); return NULL; } /* Parse the question type and class. */ type = DNS_QUESTION_TYPE(aptr); dnsclass = DNS_QUESTION_CLASS(aptr); aptr += QFIXEDSZ; /* * Display the question, in a format sort of similar to how we will * display RRs. */ sprintf(msg, "\t%-15s.\t", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); if (dnsclass != C_IN) { sprintf(msg, "\t%s", class_name(dnsclass)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); } sprintf(msg, "\t%s\n", type_name(type)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); return aptr; }
static char *preprocess(char *buf) { /* Expands config-file macros */ static strbuffer_t *result = NULL; char *inp; if (result == NULL) result = newstrbuffer(8192); clearstrbuffer(result); inp = buf; while (inp) { char *p; p = strchr(inp, '$'); if (p == NULL) { addtobuffer(result, inp); inp = NULL; } else { token_t *twalk; char savech; int n; *p = '\0'; addtobuffer(result, inp); p = (p+1); n = strcspn(p, "\t $.,|%!()[]{}+?/&@:;*"); savech = *(p+n); *(p+n) = '\0'; for (twalk = tokhead; (twalk && strcmp(p, twalk->name)); twalk = twalk->next) ; *(p+n) = savech; if (twalk) addtobuffer(result, twalk->value); inp = p+n; } } return STRBUF(result); }
static void meta_add(strbuffer_t *buf) { /* Check if there is room for the message + 2 newlines */ if (maxmsgspercombo && (xymonmetaqueued >= maxmsgspercombo)) { /* Nope ... flush buffer */ meta_flush(); } else { /* Yep ... add delimiter before new status (but not before the first!) */ if (xymonmetaqueued) addtobuffer(metamsg, "\n\n"); } addtostrbuffer(metamsg, buf); xymonmetaqueued++; }
char *clientdata(char *cpath) { char *res = NULL; int ressz = 0; DIR *cdir; struct dirent *d; char fn[PATH_MAX]; struct stat st; int n; FILE *fd; char buf[4096]; cdir = opendir(cpath); while ((d = readdir(cdir)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(d->d_name, "client_", 7) != 0) continue; sprintf(fn, "%s/%s", cpath, d->d_name); if (stat(fn, &st) == -1) continue; fd = fopen(fn, "r"); if (fd == NULL) continue; sprintf(buf, "[%s]\n", d->d_name+7); addtobuffer(&res, &ressz, buf); while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf)-1, fd)) > 0) { *(buf+n) = '\0'; addtobuffer(&res, &ressz, buf); } fclose(fd); } closedir(cdir); if (!res) res = strdup(""); return res; }
void grabdata(conn_t *conn) { int n; char buf[8192]; /* Read data from a peer connection (client or server) */ n = read(conn->sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (n == -1) { /* Read failure */ time_t now = time(NULL); if (debug || (conn->client->nexterrortxt < now)) { errprintf("Connection lost during read from %s (req %lu): %s\n", addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq, strerror(errno)); conn->client->nexterrortxt = now + errorloginterval; } flag_cleanup(conn); } else if (n > 0) { /* Save the data */ dbgprintf("Got %d bytes of data from %s (req %lu)\n", n, addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq); buf[n] = '\0'; addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, buf); } else if (n == 0) { /* Done reading. Process the data. */ dbgprintf("Done reading data from %s (req %lu)\n", addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq); shutdown(conn->sockfd, SHUT_RDWR); flag_cleanup(conn); switch (conn->ctype) { case C_CLIENT: process_clientdata(conn); break; case C_SERVER: process_serverdata(conn); break; } } }
void printholidays(char *key, strbuffer_t *buf, int mfirst, int mlast) { int day; char *fmt; char oneh[1024]; char dstr[1024]; fmt = xgetenv("HOLIDAYFORMAT"); for (day = 0; (day < 366); day++) { char *desc = isholiday(key, day); if (desc) { struct tm tm; time_t t; /* * mktime() ignores the tm_yday parameter, so to get the * actual date for the "yday'th" day of the year we just set * tm_mday to the yday value, and month to January. mktime() * will figure out that the 56th of January is really Feb 25. * * Note: tm_yday is zero-based, but tm_mday is 1-based! */ tm.tm_mon = 0; tm.tm_mday = day+1; tm.tm_year = current_year; tm.tm_hour = 12; tm.tm_min = 0; tm.tm_sec = 0; tm.tm_isdst = -1; t = mktime(&tm); if ((tm.tm_mon >= mfirst) && (tm.tm_mon <= mlast)) { strftime(dstr, sizeof(dstr), fmt, localtime(&t)); sprintf(oneh, "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>\n", desc, dstr); addtobuffer(buf, oneh); } } } }
void sendresult(void) { struct req_t *rwalk; struct oid_t *owalk; char msgline[1024]; char *currdev, *currhost; mibdef_t *mib; strbuffer_t *clientmsg = newstrbuffer(0); int havemsg = 0; int itemcount = 0; currhost = ""; for (rwalk = reqhead; (rwalk); rwalk = rwalk->next) { if (strcmp(rwalk->hostname, currhost) != 0) { /* Flush buffer */ if (havemsg) { sprintf(msgline, "\n.<!-- linecount=%d -->\n", itemcount); addtobuffer(clientmsg, msgline); sendmessage(STRBUF(clientmsg), NULL, XYMON_TIMEOUT, NULL); } clearstrbuffer(clientmsg); havemsg = 0; itemcount = 0; sprintf(msgline, "client/snmpcollect %s.snmpcollect snmp\n\n", rwalk->hostname); addtobuffer(clientmsg, msgline); } currdev = ""; for (mib = first_mib(); (mib); mib = next_mib()) { clearstrbuffer(mib->resultbuf); mib->haveresult = 0; sprintf(msgline, "\n[%s]\nInterval=%d\nActiveIP=%s\n\n", mib->mibname, atoi(xgetenv("TASKSLEEP")), rwalk->hostip[rwalk->hostipidx]); addtobuffer(mib->resultbuf, msgline); } for (owalk = rwalk->oidhead; (owalk); owalk = owalk->next) { if (strcmp(currdev, owalk->devname)) { currdev = owalk->devname; /* OK, because ->devname is permanent */ if (*owalk->devname && (*owalk->devname != '-') ) { addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, "\n<"); addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, owalk->devname); addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, ">\n"); itemcount++; } } addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, "\t"); addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, owalk->oiddef->dsname); addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, " = "); if (owalk->result) { int ival; unsigned int uval; switch (owalk->oiddef->conversion) { case OID_CONVERT_U32: ival = atoi(owalk->result); memcpy(&uval, &ival, sizeof(uval)); sprintf(msgline, "%u", uval); addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, msgline); break; default: addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, owalk->result); break; } } else addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, "NODATA"); addtobuffer(owalk->mib->resultbuf, "\n"); owalk->mib->haveresult = 1; } for (mib = first_mib(); (mib); mib = next_mib()) { if (mib->haveresult) { addtostrbuffer(clientmsg, mib->resultbuf); havemsg = 1; } } } if (havemsg) { sendmessage(STRBUF(clientmsg), NULL, XYMON_TIMEOUT, NULL); } freestrbuffer(clientmsg); }
void add_http_test(testitem_t *t) { http_data_t *httptest; char *dnsip = NULL; ssloptions_t *sslopt = NULL; char *sslopt_ciphers = NULL; int sslopt_version = SSLVERSION_DEFAULT; char *sslopt_clientcert = NULL; int httpversion = HTTPVER_11; cookielist_t *ck = NULL; int firstcookie = 1; char *decodedurl; strbuffer_t *httprequest = newstrbuffer(0); /* Allocate the private data and initialize it */ httptest = (http_data_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(http_data_t)); t->privdata = (void *) httptest; decodedurl = decode_url(t->testspec, &httptest->weburl); if (!decodedurl) { errprintf("Invalid URL for http check: %s\n", t->testspec); return; } httptest->url = strdup(decodedurl); httptest->contlen = -1; httptest->parsestatus = (httptest->weburl.proxyurl ? httptest->weburl.proxyurl->parseerror : httptest->weburl.desturl->parseerror); /* If there was a parse error in the URL, dont run the test */ if (httptest->parsestatus) return; if (httptest->weburl.proxyurl && (httptest->weburl.proxyurl->ip == NULL)) { dnsip = dnsresolve(httptest->weburl.proxyurl->host); if (dnsip) { httptest->weburl.proxyurl->ip = strdup(dnsip); } else { dbgprintf("Could not resolve URL hostname '%s'\n", httptest->weburl.proxyurl->host); } } else if (httptest->weburl.desturl->ip == NULL) { dnsip = dnsresolve(httptest->weburl.desturl->host); if (dnsip) { httptest->weburl.desturl->ip = strdup(dnsip); } else { dbgprintf("Could not resolve URL hostname '%s'\n", httptest->weburl.desturl->host); } } switch (httptest->weburl.testtype) { case WEBTEST_PLAIN: case WEBTEST_STATUS: httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NONE; break; case WEBTEST_CONTENT: { FILE *contentfd; char contentfn[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(contentfn, "%s/content/%s.substring", xgetenv("XYMONHOME"), commafy(t->host->hostname)); contentfd = fopen(contentfn, "r"); if (contentfd) { char l[MAX_LINE_LEN]; char *p; if (fgets(l, sizeof(l), contentfd)) { p = strchr(l, '\n'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; }; httptest->weburl.expdata = strdup(l); } else { httptest->contstatus = STATUS_CONTENTMATCH_NOFILE; } fclose(contentfd); } else { httptest->contstatus = STATUS_CONTENTMATCH_NOFILE; } httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_REGEX; } break; case WEBTEST_CONT: httptest->contentcheck = ((*httptest->weburl.expdata == '#') ? CONTENTCHECK_DIGEST : CONTENTCHECK_REGEX); break; case WEBTEST_NOCONT: httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NOREGEX; break; case WEBTEST_POST: case WEBTEST_SOAP: if (httptest->weburl.expdata == NULL) { httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NONE; } else { httptest->contentcheck = ((*httptest->weburl.expdata == '#') ? CONTENTCHECK_DIGEST : CONTENTCHECK_REGEX); } break; case WEBTEST_NOPOST: case WEBTEST_NOSOAP: if (httptest->weburl.expdata == NULL) { httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NONE; } else { httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NOREGEX; } break; case WEBTEST_TYPE: httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_CONTENTTYPE; break; } /* Compile the hashes and regex's for those tests that use it */ switch (httptest->contentcheck) { case CONTENTCHECK_DIGEST: { char *hashfunc; httptest->exp = (void *) strdup(httptest->weburl.expdata+1); hashfunc = strchr(httptest->exp, ':'); if (hashfunc) { *hashfunc = '\0'; httptest->digestctx = digest_init(httptest->exp); *hashfunc = ':'; } } break; case CONTENTCHECK_REGEX: case CONTENTCHECK_NOREGEX: { int status; httptest->exp = (void *) malloc(sizeof(regex_t)); status = regcomp((regex_t *)httptest->exp, httptest->weburl.expdata, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (status) { errprintf("Failed to compile regexp '%s' for URL %s\n", httptest->weburl.expdata, httptest->url); httptest->contstatus = STATUS_CONTENTMATCH_BADREGEX; } } break; case CONTENTCHECK_CONTENTTYPE: httptest->exp = httptest->weburl.expdata; break; } if (httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts) { if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "3")) sslopt_version = SSLVERSION_V3; else if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "2")) sslopt_version = SSLVERSION_V2; if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "h")) sslopt_ciphers = ciphershigh; else if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "m")) sslopt_ciphers = ciphersmedium; if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "10")) httpversion = HTTPVER_10; else if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "11")) httpversion = HTTPVER_11; } /* Get any cookies */ load_cookies(); /* Generate the request */ addtobuffer(httprequest, (httptest->weburl.postdata ? "POST " : "GET ")); switch (httpversion) { case HTTPVER_10: addtobuffer(httprequest, (httptest->weburl.proxyurl ? httptest->url : httptest->weburl.desturl->relurl)); addtobuffer(httprequest, " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); break; case HTTPVER_11: /* * Experience shows that even though HTTP/1.1 says you should send the * full URL, some servers (e.g. SunOne App server 7) choke on it. * So just send the good-old relative URL unless we're proxying. */ addtobuffer(httprequest, (httptest->weburl.proxyurl ? httptest->url : httptest->weburl.desturl->relurl)); addtobuffer(httprequest, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); addtobuffer(httprequest, "Connection: close\r\n"); break; } addtobuffer(httprequest, "Host: "); addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->weburl.desturl->host); if ((httptest->weburl.desturl->port != 80) && (httptest->weburl.desturl->port != 443)) { char hostporthdr[20]; sprintf(hostporthdr, ":%d", httptest->weburl.desturl->port); addtobuffer(httprequest, hostporthdr); } addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n"); if (httptest->weburl.postdata) { char hdr[100]; int contlen = strlen(httptest->weburl.postdata); if (strncmp(httptest->weburl.postdata, "file:", 5) == 0) { /* Load the POST data from a file */ FILE *pf = fopen(httptest->weburl.postdata+5, "r"); if (pf == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot open POST data file %s\n", httptest->weburl.postdata+5); xfree(httptest->weburl.postdata); httptest->weburl.postdata = strdup(""); contlen = 0; } else { struct stat st; if (fstat(fileno(pf), &st) == 0) { int n; xfree(httptest->weburl.postdata); httptest->weburl.postdata = (char *)malloc(st.st_size + 1); *(httptest->weburl.postdata) = '\0'; n = fread(httptest->weburl.postdata, 1, st.st_size, pf); if (n == st.st_size) { *(httptest->weburl.postdata+n) = '\0'; contlen = n; } else { errprintf("Cannot read file %s: %s\n", httptest->weburl.postdata+5, strerror(errno)); contlen = 0; } } else { errprintf("Cannot stat file %s\n", httptest->weburl.postdata+5); httptest->weburl.postdata = strdup(""); contlen = 0; } fclose(pf); } } addtobuffer(httprequest, "Content-type: "); if (httptest->weburl.postcontenttype) addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->weburl.postcontenttype); else if ((httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_SOAP) || (httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_NOSOAP)) addtobuffer(httprequest, "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"); else addtobuffer(httprequest, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n"); sprintf(hdr, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", contlen); addtobuffer(httprequest, hdr); } { char useragent[100]; void *hinfo; char *browser = NULL; hinfo = hostinfo(t->host->hostname); if (hinfo) browser = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_BROWSER); if (browser) { sprintf(useragent, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", browser); } else { sprintf(useragent, "User-Agent: Xymon xymonnet/%s\r\n", VERSION); } addtobuffer(httprequest, useragent); } if (httptest->weburl.desturl->auth) { if (strncmp(httptest->weburl.desturl->auth, "CERT:", 5) == 0) { sslopt_clientcert = httptest->weburl.desturl->auth+5; } else { addtobuffer(httprequest, "Authorization: Basic "); addtobuffer(httprequest, base64encode(httptest->weburl.desturl->auth)); addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n"); } } if (httptest->weburl.proxyurl && httptest->weburl.proxyurl->auth) { addtobuffer(httprequest, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic "); addtobuffer(httprequest, base64encode(httptest->weburl.proxyurl->auth)); addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n"); } for (ck = cookiehead; (ck); ck = ck->next) { int useit = 0; if (ck->tailmatch) { int startpos = strlen(httptest->weburl.desturl->host) - strlen(ck->host); if (startpos > 0) useit = (strcmp(httptest->weburl.desturl->host+startpos, ck->host) == 0); } else useit = (strcmp(httptest->weburl.desturl->host, ck->host) == 0); if (useit) useit = (strncmp(ck->path, httptest->weburl.desturl->relurl, strlen(ck->path)) == 0); if (useit) { if (firstcookie) { addtobuffer(httprequest, "Cookie: "); firstcookie = 0; } addtobuffer(httprequest, ck->name); addtobuffer(httprequest, "="); addtobuffer(httprequest, ck->value); addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n"); } } /* Some standard stuff */ addtobuffer(httprequest, "Accept: */*\r\n"); addtobuffer(httprequest, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); if ((httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_SOAP) || (httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_NOSOAP)) { /* Must provide a SOAPAction header */ addtobuffer(httprequest, "SOAPAction: "); addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->url); addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n"); } /* The final blank line terminates the headers */ addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n"); /* Post data goes last */ if (httptest->weburl.postdata) addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->weburl.postdata); /* Pickup any SSL options the user wants */ if (sslopt_ciphers || (sslopt_version != SSLVERSION_DEFAULT) || sslopt_clientcert){ sslopt = (ssloptions_t *) malloc(sizeof(ssloptions_t)); sslopt->cipherlist = sslopt_ciphers; sslopt->sslversion = sslopt_version; sslopt->clientcert = sslopt_clientcert; } /* Add to TCP test queue */ if (httptest->weburl.proxyurl == NULL) { httptest->tcptest = add_tcp_test(httptest->weburl.desturl->ip, httptest->weburl.desturl->port, httptest->weburl.desturl->scheme, sslopt, t->srcip, t->testspec, t->silenttest, grabstrbuffer(httprequest), httptest, tcp_http_data_callback, tcp_http_final_callback); } else { httptest->tcptest = add_tcp_test(httptest->weburl.proxyurl->ip, httptest->weburl.proxyurl->port, httptest->weburl.proxyurl->scheme, sslopt, t->srcip, t->testspec, t->silenttest, grabstrbuffer(httprequest), httptest, tcp_http_data_callback, tcp_http_final_callback); } }
void grabdata(conn_t *conn) { int n; char buf[8192]; int pollid = 0; /* Get data from the connection socket - we know there is some */ n = read(conn->sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if (n <= -1) { /* Read failure */ errprintf("Connection lost during read: %s\n", strerror(errno)); conn->action = C_DONE; return; } if (n > 0) { /* Got some data - store it */ buf[n] = '\0'; addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, buf); return; } /* Done reading - process the data */ if (STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) == 0) { /* No data ? We're done */ conn->action = C_DONE; return; } /* * See what kind of message this is. If it's a "pullclient" message, * save the contents of the message - this is the client configuration * that we'll return the next time a client sends us the "client" message. */ if (strncmp(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), "pullclient", 10) == 0) { char *clientcfg; int idnum; /* Access check */ if (!oksender(serverlist, NULL, conn->caddr.sin_addr, STRBUF(conn->msgbuf))) { errprintf("Rejected pullclient request from %s\n", inet_ntoa(conn->caddr.sin_addr)); conn->action = C_DONE; return; } dbgprintf("Got pullclient request: %s\n", STRBUF(conn->msgbuf)); /* * The pollid is unique for each Xymon server. It is to allow * multiple servers to pick up the same message, for resiliance. */ idnum = atoi(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf) + 10); if ((idnum <= 0) || (idnum > 31)) { pollid = 0; } else { pollid = (1 << idnum); } conn->ctype = C_SERVER; conn->action = C_WRITING; /* Save any client config sent to us */ clientcfg = strchr(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), '\n'); if (clientcfg) { clientcfg++; if (client_response) xfree(client_response); client_response = strdup(clientcfg); dbgprintf("Saved client response: %s\n", client_response); } } else if (strncmp(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), "client ", 7) == 0) { /* * Got a "client" message. Return the client-response saved from * earlier, if there is any. If not, then we're done. */ conn->ctype = C_CLIENT_CLIENT; conn->action = (client_response ? C_WRITING : C_DONE); } else { /* Message from a client, but not the "client" message. So no response. */ conn->ctype = C_CLIENT_OTHER; conn->action = C_DONE; } /* * Messages we receive from clients are stored on our outbound queue. * If it's a local "client" message, respond with the queued response * from the Xymon server. Other client messages get no response. * * Server messages get our outbound queue back in response. */ if (conn->ctype != C_SERVER) { /* Messages from clients go on the outbound queue */ msgqueue_t *newq = calloc(1, sizeof(msgqueue_t)); dbgprintf("Queuing outbound message\n"); newq->tstamp = conn->tstamp; newq->msgbuf = conn->msgbuf; conn->msgbuf = NULL; if (qtail) { qtail->next = newq; qtail = newq; } else { qhead = qtail = newq; } if ((conn->ctype == C_CLIENT_CLIENT) && (conn->action == C_WRITING)) { /* Send the response back to the client */ conn->msgbuf = newstrbuffer(0); addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, client_response); /* * Dont drop the client response data. If for some reason * the "client" request is repeated, he should still get * the right answer that we have. */ } } else { /* A server has asked us for our list of messages */ time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL); msgqueue_t *mwalk; if (!qhead) { /* No queued messages */ conn->action = C_DONE; } else { /* Build a message of all the queued data */ clearstrbuffer(conn->msgbuf); /* Index line first */ for (mwalk = qhead; (mwalk); mwalk = mwalk->next) { if ((mwalk->sentto & pollid) == 0) { char idx[20]; sprintf(idx, "%d:%ld ", STRBUFLEN(mwalk->msgbuf), (long)(now - mwalk->tstamp)); addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, idx); } } if (STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) > 0) addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, "\n"); /* Then the stream of messages */ for (mwalk = qhead; (mwalk); mwalk = mwalk->next) { if ((mwalk->sentto & pollid) == 0) { if (pollid) mwalk->sentto |= pollid; addtostrbuffer(conn->msgbuf, mwalk->msgbuf); } } if (STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) == 0) { /* No data for this server */ conn->action = C_DONE; } } } }
char *unlimfgets(strbuffer_t *buffer, FILE *fd) { fgetsbuf_t *fg; size_t n; char *eoln = NULL; for (fg = fgetshead; (fg && (fg->fd != fd)); fg = fg->next) ; if (!fg) { errprintf("umlimfgets() called with bad input FD\n"); return NULL; } /* End of file ? */ if (!(fg->moretoread) && (*(fg->inbufp) == '\0')) { if (fg == fgetshead) { fgetshead = fgetshead->next; free(fg); } else { fgetsbuf_t *prev; for (prev = fgetshead; (prev->next != fg); prev = prev->next) ; prev->next = fg->next; free(fg); } return NULL; } /* Make sure the output buffer is empty */ clearstrbuffer(buffer); while (!eoln && (fg->moretoread || *(fg->inbufp))) { int continued = 0; if (*(fg->inbufp)) { /* Have some data in the buffer */ eoln = strchr(fg->inbufp, '\n'); if (eoln) { /* See if there's a continuation character just before the eoln */ char *contchar = eoln-1; while ((contchar > fg->inbufp) && isspace((int)*contchar) && (*contchar != '\\')) contchar--; continued = (*contchar == '\\'); if (continued) { *contchar = '\0'; addtobuffer(buffer, fg->inbufp); fg->inbufp = eoln+1; eoln = NULL; } else { char savech = *(eoln+1); *(eoln+1) = '\0'; addtobuffer(buffer, fg->inbufp); *(eoln+1) = savech; fg->inbufp = eoln+1; } } else { /* No newline in buffer, so add all of it to the output buffer */ addtobuffer(buffer, fg->inbufp); /* Input buffer is now empty */ *(fg->inbuf) = '\0'; fg->inbufp = fg->inbuf; } } if (!eoln && !continued) { /* Get data for the input buffer */ char *inpos = fg->inbuf; size_t insize = sizeof(fg->inbuf); /* If the last byte we read was a continuation char, we must do special stuff. * * Mike Romaniw discovered that if we hit an input with a newline exactly at * the point of a buffer refill, then strlen(*buffer) is 0, and contchar then * points before the start of the buffer. Bad. But this can only happen when * the previous char WAS a newline, and hence it is not a continuation line. * So the simple fix is to only do the cont-char stuff if **buffer is not NUL. * Hence the test for both *buffer and **buffer. */ if (STRBUF(buffer) && *STRBUF(buffer)) { char *contchar = STRBUF(buffer) + STRBUFLEN(buffer) - 1; while ((contchar > STRBUF(buffer)) && isspace((int)*contchar) && (*contchar != '\\')) contchar--; if (*contchar == '\\') { /* * Remove the cont. char from the output buffer, and stuff it into * the input buffer again - so we can check if there's a new-line coming. */ strbufferchop(buffer, 1); *(fg->inbuf) = '\\'; inpos++; insize--; } } n = fread(inpos, 1, insize-1, fd); *(inpos + n) = '\0'; fg->inbufp = fg->inbuf; if (n < insize-1) fg->moretoread = 0; } } return STRBUF(buffer); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *hwalk; char *hostsfn = NULL; char *netstring = NULL; char *include2 = NULL; int extras = 1; int testuntagged = 0; int nodownhosts = 0; int onlypreferredentry = 0; char *p; char **lookv; int argi, lookc; strbuffer_t *wantedtags; if ((argc <= 1) || (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)) { printf("Usage:\n%s test1 [test1] [test2] ... \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } lookv = (char **)malloc(argc*sizeof(char *)); lookc = 0; hostsfn = xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"); conncolumn = xgetenv("PINGCOLUMN"); for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--noextras") == 0) { extras = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--test-untagged") == 0) { testuntagged = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--no-down")) { char *p; nodownhosts = 1; p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); if (p) testcolumn = strdup(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") == 0) { printf("xymongrep version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--net") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[argi], "--bbnet") == 0)) { include2 = "netinclude"; onlypreferredentry = 0; } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--web") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[argi], "--bbdisp") == 0)) { include2 = "dispinclude"; onlypreferredentry = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--hosts=")) { hostsfn = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; } else { lookv[lookc] = strdup(argv[argi]); lookc++; } } lookv[lookc] = NULL; if ((hostsfn == NULL) || (strlen(hostsfn) == 0)) { errprintf("Environment variable HOSTSCFG is not set - aborting\n"); exit(2); } load_hostnames(hostsfn, include2, get_fqdn()); if (first_host() == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot load %s, or file is empty\n", hostsfn); exit(3); } /* If we must avoid downed or disabled hosts, let's find out what those are */ if (nodownhosts) load_hoststatus(); /* Each network test tagged with NET:locationname */ p = xgetenv("XYMONNETWORK"); if ((p == NULL) || (strlen(p) == 0)) p = xgetenv("BBLOCATION"); if (p && strlen(p)) netstring = strdup(p); hwalk = first_host(); wantedtags = newstrbuffer(0); while (hwalk) { char hostip[IP_ADDR_STRLEN]; char *curnet = xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_NET); char *curname = xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME); /* * Only look at the hosts whose NET: definition matches the wanted one. * Must also check if the host is currently down (not responding to ping). * And if the host is OK with knownhost(), because it may be time-limited. */ if (netok(netstring, curnet, testuntagged) && downok(curname, nodownhosts) && knownhost(curname, hostip, GH_IGNORE)) { char *item; clearstrbuffer(wantedtags); for (item = xmh_item_walk(hwalk); (item); item = xmh_item_walk(NULL)) { int i; char *realitem = item + strspn(item, "!~?"); for (i=0; lookv[i]; i++) { char *outitem = NULL; if (lookv[i][strlen(lookv[i])-1] == '*') { if (strncasecmp(realitem, lookv[i], strlen(lookv[i])-1) == 0) { outitem = (extras ? item : realitem); } } else if (strcasecmp(realitem, lookv[i]) == 0) { outitem = (extras ? item : realitem); } if (outitem) { int needquotes = ((strchr(outitem, ' ') != NULL) || (strchr(outitem, '\t') != NULL)); addtobuffer(wantedtags, " "); if (needquotes) addtobuffer(wantedtags, "\""); addtobuffer(wantedtags, outitem); if (needquotes) addtobuffer(wantedtags, "\""); } } } if (STRBUF(wantedtags) && (*STRBUF(wantedtags) != '\0') && extras) { if (xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_FLAG_DIALUP)) addtobuffer(wantedtags, " dialup"); if (xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_FLAG_TESTIP)) addtobuffer(wantedtags, " testip"); } if (STRBUF(wantedtags) && *STRBUF(wantedtags)) { printf("%s %s #%s\n", xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_IP), xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME), STRBUF(wantedtags)); } } do { hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 1); } while (hwalk && onlypreferredentry && (strcmp(curname, xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME)) == 0)); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *hostwalk, *clonewalk; int argi; char *envarea = NULL; strbuffer_t *outbuf; char msgline[4096]; char oneurl[10240]; int gotany = 0; enum { OP_INITIAL, OP_YES, OP_NO } gotonepage = OP_INITIAL; /* Tracks if all matches are on one page */ char *onepage = NULL; /* If gotonepage==OP_YES, then this is the page */ /*[wm] regex support */ #define BUFSIZE 256 regex_t re; char re_errstr[BUFSIZE]; int re_status; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); loadenv(p+1, envarea); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); envarea = strdup(p+1); } } redirect_cgilog("findhost"); cgidata = cgi_request(); if (cgidata == NULL) { /* Present the query form */ sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL); printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE")); showform(stdout, "findhost", "findhost_form", COL_BLUE, getcurrenttime(NULL), NULL, NULL); return 0; } parse_query(); if ( (re_status = regcomp(&re, pSearchPat, re_flag)) != 0 ) { regerror(re_status, &re, re_errstr, BUFSIZE); print_header(); printf("<tr><td align=left><font color=red>%s</font></td>\n", pSearchPat); printf("<td align=left><font color=red>%s</font></td></tr>\n", re_errstr); print_footer(); return 0; } outbuf = newstrbuffer(0); load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn()); hostwalk = first_host(); while (hostwalk) { /* * [wm] - Allow the search to be done on the hostname * also on the "displayname" and the host comment * Maybe this should be implemented by changing the HTML form, but until than.. * we're supposing that hostname will NEVER be null */ char *hostname, *displayname, *comment, *ip; hostname = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME); displayname = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_DISPLAYNAME); comment = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_COMMENT); ip = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_IP); if ( regexec (&re, hostname, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0 || (regexec(&re, ip, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0) || (displayname && regexec (&re, displayname, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0) || (comment && regexec (&re, comment, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0) ) { /* match */ addtobuffer(outbuf, "<tr>\n"); sprintf(msgline, "<td align=left> %s </td>\n", displayname ? displayname : hostname); addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline); sprintf(oneurl, "%s/%s/#%s", xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH), hostname); sprintf(msgline, "<td align=left> <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n", oneurl, xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATHTITLE)); addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline); gotany++; /* See if all of the matches so far are on one page */ switch (gotonepage) { case OP_INITIAL: gotonepage = OP_YES; onepage = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH); break; case OP_YES: if (strcmp(onepage, xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH)) != 0) gotonepage = OP_NO; break; case OP_NO: break; } clonewalk = next_host(hostwalk, 1); while (clonewalk && (strcmp(xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME), xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_HOSTNAME)) == 0)) { sprintf(msgline, "<br><a href=\"%s/%s/#%s\">%s</a>\n", xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_PAGEPATH), xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_HOSTNAME), xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_PAGEPATHTITLE)); addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline); clonewalk = next_host(clonewalk, 1); gotany++; } addtobuffer(outbuf, "</td>\n</tr>\n"); hostwalk = clonewalk; } else { hostwalk = next_host(hostwalk, 0); } } regfree (&re); /*[wm] - free regex compiled patern */ if (dojump) { if (gotany == 1) { printf("Location: %s%s\n\n", xgetenv("XYMONWEBHOST"), oneurl); return 0; } else if ((gotany > 1) && (gotonepage == OP_YES)) { printf("Location: %s%s/%s/\n\n", xgetenv("XYMONWEBHOST"), xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), onepage); return 0; } } print_header(); if (!gotany) { printf("<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=left>Not found</td></tr>\n", pSearchPat); } else { printf("%s", grabstrbuffer(outbuf)); } print_footer(); /* [wm] - Free the strdup allocated memory */ if (pSearchPat) xfree(pSearchPat); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *hwalk; int argi; strbuffer_t *statusmsg, *jrockout, *qout; for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--help") == 0)) { printf("beastat version %s\n\n", VERSION); printf("Usage:\n%s [--debug] [--no-update] [--port=SNMPPORT] [--community=SNMPCOMMUNITY]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") == 0)) { printf("beastat version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0)) { debug = 1; } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-update") == 0)) { dontsendmessages = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--timeout=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); extcmdtimeout = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--port=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); default_port = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--community=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); default_community = strdup(p+1); } } load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), "netinclude", get_fqdn()); if (first_host() == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot load bb-hosts\n"); return 1; } if (xgetenv("BBLOCATION")) location = strdup(xgetenv("BBLOCATION")); init_timestamp(); combo_start(); statusmsg = newstrbuffer(0); jrockout = newstrbuffer(0); qout = newstrbuffer(0); for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) { char *tspec = bbh_custom_item(hwalk, "bea="); char *snmpcommunity = default_community; char *beadomain = ""; int snmpport = default_port; char *p; char pipecmd[4096]; int jrockres, qres; clearstrbuffer(statusmsg); clearstrbuffer(jrockout); clearstrbuffer(qout); /* Check if we have a "bea" test for this host, and it is a host we want to test */ if (!tspec || !wanted_host(hwalk, location)) continue; /* Parse the testspec: bea=[SNMPCOMMUNITY@]BEADOMAIN[:SNMPPORT] */ tspec = strdup(tspec+strlen("bea=")); p = strchr(tspec, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; snmpport = atoi(p+1); } p = strchr(tspec, '@'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; snmpcommunity = strdup(tspec); beadomain = strdup(p+1); } else { beadomain = strdup(tspec); } /* Prepare for the host status */ statuscolor = COL_GREEN; /* Setup the snmpwalk pipe-command for jrockit stats */ sprintf(pipecmd, "snmpwalk -m BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB -c %s@%s -v 1 %s:%d enterprises.140.625.302.1", snmpcommunity, beadomain, bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport); jrockres = run_command(pipecmd, NULL, jrockout, 0, extcmdtimeout); if (jrockres == 0) { find_idxes(STRBUF(jrockout), "BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB::jrockitRuntimeIndex."); send_data(hwalk, beadomain, STRBUF(jrockout), jrockitems); } else { if (statuscolor < COL_YELLOW) statuscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "Could not retrieve BEA jRockit statistics from %s:%d domain %s (code %d)\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport, beadomain, jrockres); addtobuffer(statusmsg, msgline); } /* Setup the snmpwalk pipe-command for executeQueur stats */ sprintf(pipecmd, "snmpwalk -m BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB -c %s@%s -v 1 %s:%d enterprises.140.625.180.1", snmpcommunity, beadomain, bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport); qres = run_command(pipecmd, NULL, qout, 0, extcmdtimeout); if (qres == 0) { find_idxes(STRBUF(qout), "BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB::executeQueueRuntimeIndex."); send_data(hwalk, beadomain, STRBUF(qout), qitems); } else { if (statuscolor < COL_YELLOW) statuscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "Could not retrieve BEA executeQueue statistics from %s:%d domain %s (code %d)\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport, beadomain, qres); addtobuffer(statusmsg, msgline); } /* FUTURE: Have the statuscolor/statusmsg be updated to check against thresholds */ /* Right now, the "bea" status is always green */ init_status(statuscolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.%s %s %s\n\n", commafy(bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME)), "bea", colorname(statuscolor), timestamp); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(statusmsg) == 0) addtobuffer(statusmsg, "All BEA monitors OK\n"); addtostrstatus(statusmsg); finish_status(); } combo_end(); freestrbuffer(statusmsg); freestrbuffer(jrockout); freestrbuffer(qout); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *msg; int running; int argi, seq; struct timespec *timeout = NULL; pcre *hostexp = NULL; pcre *exhostexp = NULL; pcre *testexp = NULL; pcre *extestexp = NULL; pcre *colorexp = NULL; const char *errmsg = NULL; int errofs = 0; FILE *logfd = stdout; int batchtimeout = 30; char *batchcmd = NULL; strbuffer_t *batchbuf = NULL; time_t lastmsgtime = 0; /* Handle program options. */ for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { /* * A global "debug" variable is available. If * it is set, then "dbgprintf()" outputs debug messages. */ debug = 1; } else if (strncmp(argv[argi], "--timeout=", 10) == 0) { /* * You can have a timeout when waiting for new * messages. If it happens, you will get a "@@idle\n" * message with sequence number 0. * If you dont want a timeout, just pass a NULL for the timeout parameter. */ timeout = (struct timespec *)(malloc(sizeof(struct timespec))); timeout->tv_sec = (atoi(argv[argi]+10)); timeout->tv_nsec = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--hosts=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; hostexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (hostexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--exhosts=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; exhostexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (exhostexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--tests=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; testexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (testexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--extests=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; extestexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (extestexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--colors=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; colorexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (colorexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--outfile=")) { char *fn = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; logfd = fopen(fn, "a"); if (logfd == NULL) { printf("Cannot open logfile %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); logfd = stdout; } } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--batch-timeout=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); batchtimeout = atoi(p+1); timeout = (struct timespec *)(malloc(sizeof(struct timespec))); timeout->tv_sec = batchtimeout; timeout->tv_nsec = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--batch-command=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); batchcmd = strdup(p+1); batchbuf = newstrbuffer(0); } else { printf("Unknown option %s\n", argv[argi]); printf("Usage: %s [--hosts=EXP] [--tests=EXP] [--exhosts=EXP] [--extests=EXP] [--color=EXP] [--outfile=FILENAME] [--batch-timeout=N] [--batch-command=COMMAND]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } } signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); running = 1; while (running) { char *eoln, *restofmsg, *p; char *metadata[MAX_META+1]; int metacount; msg = get_hobbitd_message(C_LAST, argv[0], &seq, timeout); if (msg == NULL) { /* * get_hobbitd_message will return NULL if hobbitd_channel closes * the input pipe. We should shutdown when that happens. */ running = 0; continue; } /* * Now we have a message. So do something with it. * * The first line of the message is always a '|' separated * list of meta-data about the message. After the first * line, the content varies by channel. */ /* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */ eoln = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (eoln) { *eoln = '\0'; restofmsg = eoln+1; } else { restofmsg = ""; } /* * Now parse the meta-data into elements. * We use our own "gettok()" routine which works * like strtok(), but can handle empty elements. */ metacount = 0; memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); p = gettok(msg, "|"); while (p && (metacount < MAX_META)) { metadata[metacount++] = p; p = gettok(NULL, "|"); } metadata[metacount] = NULL; /* * A "shutdown" message is sent when the master daemon * terminates. The child workers should shutdown also. */ if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) { printf("Shutting down\n"); running = 0; continue; } /* * A "logrotate" message is sent when the Hobbit logs are * rotated. The child workers must re-open their logfiles, * typically stdin and stderr - the filename is always * provided in the HOBBITCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME environment. */ else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { char *fn = xgetenv("HOBBITCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME"); if (fn && strlen(fn)) { freopen(fn, "a", stdout); freopen(fn, "a", stderr); } continue; } /* * An "idle" message appears when get_hobbitd_message() * exceeds the timeout setting (ie. you passed a timeout * value). This allows your worker module to perform * some internal processing even though no messages arrive. */ else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) { dbgprintf("Got an 'idle' message\n"); } /* * The "drophost", "droptest", "renamehost" and "renametst" * indicates that a host/test was deleted or renamed. If the * worker module maintains some internal storage (in memory * or persistent file-storage), it should act on these * messages to maintain data consistency. */ else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'drophost' message for host '%s'\n", metadata[3]); } else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@dropstate", 11) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'dropstate' message for host '%s'\n", metadata[3]); } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'droptest' message for host '%s' test '%s'\n", metadata[3], metadata[4]); } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'renamehost' message for host '%s' -> '%s'\n", metadata[3], metadata[4]); } else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'renametest' message for host '%s' test '%s' -> '%s'\n", metadata[3], metadata[4], metadata[5]); } /* * Process this message. */ else { int ovector[30]; int match, i; char *hostname = metadata[4]; char *testname = metadata[5]; char *color = metadata[7]; /* See if we should handle the batched messages we've got */ if (batchcmd && ((lastmsgtime + batchtimeout) < gettimer()) && (STRBUFLEN(batchbuf) > 0)) { pid_t childpid = fork(); int childres = 0; if (childpid < 0) { /* Fork failed! */ errprintf("Fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else if (childpid == 0) { /* Child */ FILE *cmdpipe = popen(batchcmd, "w"); if (cmdpipe) { /* Write the data to the batch command pipe */ int n, bytesleft = STRBUFLEN(batchbuf); char *outp = STRBUF(batchbuf); while (bytesleft) { n = fwrite(outp, 1, bytesleft, cmdpipe); if (n >= 0) { bytesleft -= n; outp += n; } else { errprintf("Error while writing data to batch command\n"); bytesleft = 0; } } childres = pclose(cmdpipe); } else { errprintf("Could not open pipe to batch command '%s'\n", batchcmd); childres = 127; } exit(childres); } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent continues */ } clearstrbuffer(batchbuf); } if (hostexp) { match = (pcre_exec(hostexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (!match) continue; } if (exhostexp) { match = (pcre_exec(exhostexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (match) continue; } if (testexp) { match = (pcre_exec(testexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (!match) continue; } if (exhostexp) { match = (pcre_exec(extestexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (match) continue; } if (colorexp) { match = (pcre_exec(colorexp, NULL, color, strlen(color), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (!match) continue; } lastmsgtime = gettimer(); if (batchcmd) { addtobuffer(batchbuf, "## "); for (i=0; (i < metacount); i++) { addtobuffer(batchbuf, metadata[i]); addtobuffer(batchbuf, " "); } addtobuffer(batchbuf, "\n"); addtobuffer(batchbuf, restofmsg); addtobuffer(batchbuf, "\n"); } else { fprintf(logfd, "## "); for (i=0; (i < metacount); i++) fprintf(logfd, "%s ", metadata[i]); fprintf(logfd, "\n"); fprintf(logfd, "%s\n", restofmsg); } } } return 0; }
static const unsigned char *display_rr(const unsigned char *aptr, const unsigned char *abuf, int alen, dns_resp_t *response) { const unsigned char *p; char *name; int type, dnsclass, ttl, dlen, status; long len; struct in_addr addr; /* Parse the RR name. */ status = ares_expand_name(aptr, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; aptr += len; /* Make sure there is enough data after the RR name for the fixed * part of the RR. */ if (aptr + RRFIXEDSZ > abuf + alen) { xfree(name); return NULL; } /* Parse the fixed part of the RR, and advance to the RR data field. */ type = DNS_RR_TYPE(aptr); dnsclass = DNS_RR_CLASS(aptr); ttl = DNS_RR_TTL(aptr); dlen = DNS_RR_LEN(aptr); aptr += RRFIXEDSZ; if (aptr + dlen > abuf + alen) { xfree(name); return NULL; } /* Display the RR name, class, and type. */ sprintf(msg, "\t%-15s.\t%d", name, ttl); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); if (dnsclass != C_IN) { sprintf(msg, "\t%s", class_name(dnsclass)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); } sprintf(msg, "\t%s", type_name(type)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); /* Display the RR data. Don't touch aptr. */ switch (type) { case T_CNAME: case T_MB: case T_MD: case T_MF: case T_MG: case T_MR: case T_NS: case T_PTR: /* For these types, the RR data is just a domain name. */ status = ares_expand_name(aptr, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%s.", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); break; case T_HINFO: /* The RR data is two length-counted character strings. */ p = aptr; len = *p; if (p + len + 1 > aptr + dlen) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%.*s", (int) len, p + 1); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); p += len + 1; len = *p; if (p + len + 1 > aptr + dlen) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%.*s", (int) len, p + 1); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); break; case T_MINFO: /* The RR data is two domain names. */ p = aptr; status = ares_expand_name(p, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%s.", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); p += len; status = ares_expand_name(p, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%s.", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); break; case T_MX: /* The RR data is two bytes giving a preference ordering, and then a domain name. */ if (dlen < 2) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%d", (aptr[0] << 8) | aptr[1]); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); status = ares_expand_name(aptr + 2, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%s.", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); break; case T_SOA: /* * The RR data is two domain names and then five four-byte * numbers giving the serial number and some timeouts. */ p = aptr; status = ares_expand_name(p, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%s.\n", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); p += len; status = ares_expand_name(p, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t\t\t\t\t\t%s.\n", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); p += len; if (p + 20 > aptr + dlen) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t\t\t\t\t\t( %d %d %d %d %d )", (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3], (p[4] << 24) | (p[5] << 16) | (p[6] << 8) | p[7], (p[8] << 24) | (p[9] << 16) | (p[10] << 8) | p[11], (p[12] << 24) | (p[13] << 16) | (p[14] << 8) | p[15], (p[16] << 24) | (p[17] << 16) | (p[18] << 8) | p[19]); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); break; case T_TXT: /* The RR data is one or more length-counted character strings. */ p = aptr; while (p < aptr + dlen) { len = *p; if (p + len + 1 > aptr + dlen) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%.*s", (int)len, p + 1); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); p += len + 1; } break; case T_A: /* The RR data is a four-byte Internet address. */ if (dlen != 4) return NULL; memcpy(&addr, aptr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); sprintf(msg, "\t%s", inet_ntoa(addr)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); break; case T_WKS: /* Not implemented yet */ break; case T_SRV: /* * The RR data is three two-byte numbers representing the * priority, weight, and port, followed by a domain name. */ sprintf(msg, "\t%d", DNS__16BIT(aptr)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); sprintf(msg, " %d", DNS__16BIT(aptr + 2)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); sprintf(msg, " %d", DNS__16BIT(aptr + 4)); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); status = ares_expand_name(aptr + 6, abuf, alen, &name, &len); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) return NULL; sprintf(msg, "\t%s.", name); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); xfree(name); break; default: sprintf(msg, "\t[Unknown RR; cannot parse]"); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); } sprintf(msg, "\n"); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); return aptr + dlen; }
void dns_detail_callback(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, unsigned char *abuf, int alen) { int id, qr, opcode, aa, tc, rd, ra, rcode; unsigned int qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount, i; const unsigned char *aptr; dns_resp_t *response = (dns_resp_t *) arg; clearstrbuffer(response->msgbuf); response->msgstatus = status; /* * Display an error message if there was an error, but only stop if * we actually didn't get an answer buffer. */ switch (status) { case ARES_SUCCESS: break; case ARES_ENODATA: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "No data returned from server\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_EFORMERR: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Server could not understand query\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_ESERVFAIL: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Server failed\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_ENOTFOUND: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Name not found\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_ENOTIMP: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Not implemented\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_EREFUSED: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Server refused query\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_EBADNAME: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Invalid name in query\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_ETIMEOUT: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Timeout\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_ECONNREFUSED: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Server unavailable\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_ENOMEM: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Out of memory\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; case ARES_EDESTRUCTION: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Timeout (channel destroyed)\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; default: addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Undocumented ARES return code\n"); if (!abuf) return; break; } /* Won't happen, but check anyway, for safety. */ if (alen < HFIXEDSZ) return; /* Parse the answer header. */ id = DNS_HEADER_QID(abuf); qr = DNS_HEADER_QR(abuf); opcode = DNS_HEADER_OPCODE(abuf); aa = DNS_HEADER_AA(abuf); tc = DNS_HEADER_TC(abuf); rd = DNS_HEADER_RD(abuf); ra = DNS_HEADER_RA(abuf); rcode = DNS_HEADER_RCODE(abuf); qdcount = DNS_HEADER_QDCOUNT(abuf); ancount = DNS_HEADER_ANCOUNT(abuf); nscount = DNS_HEADER_NSCOUNT(abuf); arcount = DNS_HEADER_ARCOUNT(abuf); /* Display the answer header. */ sprintf(msg, "id: %d\n", id); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); sprintf(msg, "flags: %s%s%s%s%s\n", qr ? "qr " : "", aa ? "aa " : "", tc ? "tc " : "", rd ? "rd " : "", ra ? "ra " : ""); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); sprintf(msg, "opcode: %s\n", opcodes[opcode]); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); sprintf(msg, "rcode: %s\n", rcodes[rcode]); addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, msg); /* Display the questions. */ addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Questions:\n"); aptr = abuf + HFIXEDSZ; for (i = 0; i < qdcount; i++) { aptr = display_question(aptr, abuf, alen, response); if (aptr == NULL) return; } /* Display the answers. */ addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Answers:\n"); for (i = 0; i < ancount; i++) { aptr = display_rr(aptr, abuf, alen, response); if (aptr == NULL) return; } /* Display the NS records. */ addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "NS records:\n"); for (i = 0; i < nscount; i++) { aptr = display_rr(aptr, abuf, alen, response); if (aptr == NULL) return; } /* Display the additional records. */ addtobuffer(response->msgbuf, "Additional records:\n"); for (i = 0; i < arcount; i++) { aptr = display_rr(aptr, abuf, alen, response); if (aptr == NULL) return; } return; }
static void zvm_users_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *psstr) { int pscolor = COL_GREEN; int pchecks; int cmdofs = -1; char msgline[4096]; strbuffer_t *monmsg; static strbuffer_t *countdata = NULL; int anycountdata = 0; char *group; if (!want_msgtype(hinfo, MSG_PROCS)) return; if (!psstr) return; if (!countdata) countdata = newstrbuffer(0); clearalertgroups(); monmsg = newstrbuffer(0); sprintf(msgline, "data %s.proccounts\n", commafy(hostname)); addtobuffer(countdata, msgline); cmdofs = 0; /* Command offset for z/VM isn't necessary */ pchecks = clear_process_counts(hinfo, clientclass); if (pchecks == 0) { /* Nothing to check */ sprintf(msgline, "&%s No process checks defined\n", colorname(noreportcolor)); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); pscolor = noreportcolor; } else if (cmdofs >= 0) { /* Count how many instances of each monitored process is running */ char *pname, *pid, *bol, *nl; int pcount, pmin, pmax, pcolor, ptrack; bol = psstr; while (bol) { nl = strchr(bol, '\n'); /* Take care - the ps output line may be shorter than what we look at */ if (nl) { *nl = '\0'; if ((nl-bol) > cmdofs) add_process_count(bol+cmdofs); *nl = '\n'; bol = nl+1; } else { if (strlen(bol) > cmdofs) add_process_count(bol+cmdofs); bol = NULL; } } /* Check the number found for each monitored process */ while ((pname = check_process_count(&pcount, &pmin, &pmax, &pcolor, &pid, &ptrack, &group)) != NULL) { char limtxt[1024]; if (pmax == -1) { if (pmin > 0) sprintf(limtxt, "%d or more", pmin); else if (pmin == 0) sprintf(limtxt, "none"); } else { if (pmin > 0) sprintf(limtxt, "between %d and %d", pmin, pmax); else if (pmin == 0) sprintf(limtxt, "at most %d", pmax); } if (pcolor == COL_GREEN) { sprintf(msgline, "&green %s (found %d, req. %s)\n", pname, pcount, limtxt); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); } else { if (pcolor > pscolor) pscolor = pcolor; sprintf(msgline, "&%s %s (found %d, req. %s)\n", colorname(pcolor), pname, pcount, limtxt); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); addalertgroup(group); } if (ptrack) { /* Save the count data for later DATA message to track process counts */ if (!pid) pid = "default"; sprintf(msgline, "%s:%u\n", pid, pcount); addtobuffer(countdata, msgline); anycountdata = 1; } } } else { pscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "&yellow Expected string not found in ps output header\n"); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); } /* Now we know the result, so generate a status message */ init_status(pscolor); group = getalertgroups(); if (group) sprintf(msgline, "status/group:%s ", group); else strcpy(msgline, "status "); addtostatus(msgline); sprintf(msgline, "%s.procs %s %s - Processes %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(pscolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<No timestamp data>"), ((pscolor == COL_GREEN) ? "OK" : "NOT ok")); addtostatus(msgline); /* And add the info about what's wrong */ if (STRBUFLEN(monmsg)) { addtostrstatus(monmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } /* And the full virtual machine names output for those who want it */ if (pslistinprocs) { /* * Format the list of virtual machines into four per line, * this list could be fairly long. */ char *tmpstr, *tok, *nm[4]; int nmidx = 0; /* Make a copy of psstr, strtok() will be changing it */ tmpstr = strdup(psstr); /* Use strtok() to split string into pieces delimited by newline */ tok = strtok(tmpstr, "\n"); while (tok) { nm[nmidx++] = tok; if (nmidx == 4) { sprintf(msgline, "%-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s\n", nm[0], nm[1], nm[2], nm[3]); addtostatus(msgline); nmidx = 0; nm[0] = nm[1] = nm[2] = nm[3] = " "; } tok = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } /* Print any remaining names */ if (nmidx > 0) { sprintf(msgline, "%-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s\n", nm[0], nm[1], nm[2], nm[3]); addtostatus(msgline); } free(tmpstr); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(monmsg); if (anycountdata) sendmessage(STRBUF(countdata), NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, NULL); clearstrbuffer(countdata); }
static void zvm_cpu_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *cpuutilstr, char *uptimestr) { char *p; float load1, loadyellow, loadred; int recentlimit, ancientlimit, maxclockdiff; int uphour, upmin; char loadresult[100]; char myupstr[100]; long uptimesecs = -1; long upday; int cpucolor = COL_GREEN; char msgline[1024]; strbuffer_t *upmsg; if (!want_msgtype(hinfo, MSG_CPU)) return; if (!cpuutilstr) return; if (!uptimestr) return; uptimesecs = 0; /* * z/VM: "Uptime: 1 Days, 13 Hours, 38 Minutes" */ sscanf(uptimestr,"Uptime: %ld Days, %d Hours, %d Minutes", &upday, &uphour, &upmin); uptimesecs = upday * 86400; uptimesecs += 60*(60*uphour + upmin); sprintf(myupstr, "%s\n", uptimestr); /* * Looking for average CPU Utilization in 'IND' command response * AVGPROC-000% */ *loadresult = '\0'; p = strstr(cpuutilstr, "AVGPROC-") + 8 ; if (p) { if (sscanf(p, "%f%%", &load1) == 1) { sprintf(loadresult, "z/VM CPU Utilization %3.0f%%\n", load1); } } get_cpu_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &loadyellow, &loadred, &recentlimit, &ancientlimit, &maxclockdiff); upmsg = newstrbuffer(0); if (load1 > loadred) { cpucolor = COL_RED; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Load is CRITICAL\n"); } else if (load1 > loadyellow) { cpucolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Load is HIGH\n"); } if ((uptimesecs != -1) && (recentlimit != -1) && (uptimesecs < recentlimit)) { if (cpucolor == COL_GREEN) cpucolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Machine recently rebooted\n"); } if ((uptimesecs != -1) && (ancientlimit != -1) && (uptimesecs > ancientlimit)) { if (cpucolor == COL_GREEN) cpucolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "&yellow Machine has been up more than %d days\n", (ancientlimit / 86400)); addtobuffer(upmsg, msgline); } init_status(cpucolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.cpu %s %s %s %s %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(cpucolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"), loadresult, myupstr, cpuutilstr); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) { addtostrstatus(upmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(upmsg); }