void createtable(){
char buf1[64],buf2[64],c;
int i,r,pos1=0,pos2=0;

for(i=0;i<256;i++) hash[i]=NULL;

FILE* f1=fopen("table.txt","r");


  pos1=pos2=0; //to push a new word into buf
  while(c!=' ' && c!='\n'&& c!= EOF){ //used to fetch a word from table file
  while(c!=' ' && c!='\n' && c!= EOF){ //used to fetch a word from table file
  int val1=calchash(buf1);
  int val2=calchash(buf2);

}//read until end of table file

}//createtable() close
Example #2
void impCubeTables::makeTriStripPatterns(){
	int i, j, k;
	int currentvertex;
	int currentedge;
	bool vertices[8];  // true if on low side of gradient (outside of surface)
	bool edges[12];
	bool edgesdone[12];
	int edgelist[7];  // final list of egdes used in a triangle strip
	int edgecount;

	// Set cubetable values to zero
	// A zero will indicate that there are no more triangle strips to build
	for(i=0; i<256; i++){
		for(j=0; j<17; j++){
			triStripPatterns[i][j] = 0;
	// For each vertex combination
	for(i=0; i<256; i++){
		// identify the vertices on the low side of the gradient
		int andbit;
		for(j=0; j<8; j++){
			andbit = 1;
			for(k=0; k<j; k++)
				andbit *= 2;
			if(i & andbit)
				vertices[j] = 1;
				vertices[j] = 0;

		// Identify the edges that cross threshold value
		// These are edges that connect 1 turned-on and 1 turned-off vertex
		for(j=0; j<12; j++){
			if((vertices[ec[j][0]] + vertices[ec[j][1]]) == 1)
				edges[j] = 1;
				edges[j] = 0;
			edgesdone[j] = 0;  // no edges have been used yet

		// Construct lists of edges that form triangle strips
		// try starting from each edge (no need to try last 2 edges)
		for(j=0; j<10; j++){
			currentedge = j;
			edgecount = 0;
			// if this edge contains a surface vertex and hasn't been used
			while(edges[currentedge] && !edgesdone[currentedge]){
				// add edge to list
				edgelist[edgecount] = currentedge;
				edgecount ++;
				edgesdone[currentedge] = 1;
				// find that edge's vertex on low side of gradient
					currentvertex = ec[currentedge][0];
					currentvertex = ec[currentedge][1];
				// move along gradiant boundary to find next edge
				currentedge = nextedge(currentvertex, currentedge);
					if(currentvertex != ec[currentedge][0])
						currentvertex = ec[currentedge][0];
						currentvertex = ec[currentedge][1];
					currentedge = nextedge(currentvertex, currentedge);
			// if a surface has been created add it to the table
			// and start over to try to make another surface
				addtotable(i, edgecount, edgelist);
Example #3
void genobj( void )
    value_size  token_size;
    action_n    *actions, *parent, *other;
    base_n      *base;
    token_n     *p, *q, *r, *s;
    token_n     *tokens, *same, *diff, *test, *best;
    set_size    *mp;
    token_n     tokval, dtoken, ptoken, ntoken;
    action_n    actval, error, redun, new_action;
    a_sym       *sym;
    a_pro       *pro;
    an_item     *item;
    a_state     *x;
    a_shift_action *tx;
    a_reduce_action *rx;
    index_n     i, j;
    set_size    savings, min, *size;
    set_size    shift;
    token_n     parent_base;
    unsigned    num_default, num_parent;

    if( fastflag ) {
    if( bigflag || compactflag ) {
        token_size = FITS_A_WORD;
    } else {
        token_size = FITS_A_BYTE;
    num_default = 0;
    num_parent = 0;

    ntoken = FirstNonTerminalTokenValue();
    dtoken = ntoken++;
    ptoken = ntoken++;
    for( i = nterm; i < nsym; ++i ) {
        symtab[i]->token = ntoken++;
    actions = CALLOC( ntoken, action_n );
    error = nstate + npro;
    for( i = 0; i < ntoken; ++i ) {
        actions[i] = error;
    tokens = CALLOC( ntoken, token_n );
    test = CALLOC( ntoken, token_n );
    best = CALLOC( ntoken, token_n );
    other = CALLOC( nstate, action_n );
    parent = CALLOC( nstate, action_n );
    size = CALLOC( nstate, set_size );
    base = CALLOC( nstate, base_n );
    same = NULL;
    r = NULL;
    diff = NULL;
    used = 0;
    avail = 0;
    table = NULL;
    shift = 0;
    parent_base = 0;
    for( i = nstate; i > 0; ) {
        x = statetab[i];
        q = tokens;
        for( tx = x->trans; (sym = tx->sym) != NULL; ++tx ) {
            *q++ = sym->token;
            actions[sym->token] = tx->state->sidx;
        savings = 0;
        for( rx = x->redun; (pro = rx->pro) != NULL; ++rx ) {
            redun = pro->pidx + nstate;
            mp = Members( rx->follow );
            if( (set_size)( mp - setmembers ) > savings ) {
                savings = (set_size)( mp - setmembers );
                r = q;
            while( mp != setmembers ) {
                tokval = symtab[*mp]->token;
                *q++ = tokval;
                actions[tokval] = redun;
        if( savings ) {
            actval = actions[*r];
            other[i] = actval;
            *q++ = dtoken;
            actions[dtoken] = actval;
            p = r;
            while( savings-- > 0 )
                actions[*p++] = error;
            while( p < q )
                *r++ = *p++;
            q = r;
        } else {
            other[i] = error;
        r = q;
        min = (set_size)( q - tokens );
        size[i] = min;
        parent[i] = nstate;
        for( j = nstate; --j > i; ) {
            if( abs( size[j] - size[i] ) < min ) {
                x = statetab[j];
                p = test;
                q = test + ntoken;
                for( tx = x->trans; (sym = tx->sym) != NULL; ++tx ) {
                    if( actions[sym->token] == tx->state->sidx ) {
                       *p++ = sym->token;
                    } else {
                       *--q = sym->token;
                for( rx = x->redun; (pro = rx->pro) != NULL; ++rx ) {
                    redun = pro->pidx + nstate;
                    if( redun == other[j] )
                        redun = error;
                    for( mp = Members( rx->follow ); mp != setmembers; ) {
                        tokval = symtab[*mp]->token;
                        if( actions[tokval] == redun ) {
                            *p++ = tokval;
                        } else {
                            *--q = tokval;
                if( other[j] != error ) {
                    if( other[j] == other[i] ) {
                        *p++ = dtoken;
                    } else {
                        *--q = dtoken;
                savings = (set_size)( size[i] + size[j] - 2 * ( p - test ) );
                if( savings < min ) {
                    min = savings;
                    same = p;
                    diff = q;
                    s = test; test = best; best = s;
                    parent[i] = j;
        if( min >= size[i] ) {
            s = r;
        } else {
            s = tokens;
            p = same;
            while( --p >= best )
                actions[*p] = error;
            for( q = tokens; q < r; ++q ) {
                if( actions[*q] != error ) {
                    *s++ = *q;
            p = best + ntoken;
            while( --p >= diff ) {
                if( actions[*p] == error ) {
                    *s++ = *p;
            actval = parent[i];
            *s++ = ptoken;
            actions[ptoken] = actval;
        base[i] = addtotable( tokens, s, actions, dtoken, ptoken );
        while( --s >= tokens ) {
            actions[*s] = error;
    FREE( actions );
    FREE( tokens );
    FREE( test );
    FREE( best );
    FREE( other );
    FREE( size );

    putambigs( base );

    putnum( "YYNOACTION", error - nstate + used );
    putnum( "YYEOFTOKEN", eofsym->token );
    putnum( "YYERRTOKEN", errsym->token );
    putnum( "YYETOKEN", errsym->token );
    if( compactflag ) {
        parent_base = used + npro;
        putnum( "YYPARENT", parent_base );
        shift = 8;
        for( i = 256; i < used; i <<= 1 ) {
        putnum( "YYPRODSIZE", shift );
    } else {
        putnum( "YYPTOKEN", ptoken );
        putnum( "YYDTOKEN", dtoken );
    putnum( "YYSTART", base[startstate->sidx] );
    putnum( "YYSTOP", base[eofsym->enter->sidx] );
    putnum( "YYERR", base[errstate->sidx] );
    putnum( "YYUSED", used );

    if( compactflag ) {
        begtab( "YYPACKTYPE", "yyacttab" );
        j = nstate;
        for( i = 0; i < used; ++i ) {
            new_action = table[i].action;
            if( i == base[j - 1] ) {
                // First element in each state is default/parent
                if( parent[j] == nstate ) {
                    // No parent state
                    tokval = used + parent_base;
                } else {
                    tokval = base[parent[j]] + parent_base;
                // 0 indicates no default
                if( new_action != 0 ) {
                    if( new_action < nstate ) {
                        // Shift
                        new_action = base[new_action];
                    } else {
                        // Reduce
                        new_action -= nstate;   // convert to 0 based
                        new_action += used;     // now convert to 'used' base
            } else {
                tokval = table[i].token;
                if( new_action < nstate ) {
                    // Shift
                    new_action = base[new_action];
                } else {
                    // Reduce
                    new_action -= nstate;       // convert to 0 based
                    new_action += used;         // now convert to 'used' base
            putcompact( tokval, new_action );
        // Combine lengths & lhs into a single table
        begtab( "YYPRODTYPE", "yyprodtab" );
        for( i = 0; i < npro; ++i ) {
            j = 0;
            for( item = protab[i]->items; item->p.sym != NULL; ++item ) {
            puttab( FITS_A_WORD, (j << shift) + protab[i]->sym->token );
    } else {
        begtab( "YYCHKTYPE", "yychktab" );
        for( i = 0; i < used; ++i ) {
            puttab( token_size, Token( table + i ) );
        begtab( "YYACTTYPE", "yyacttab" );
        for( i = 0; i < used; ++i ) {
            j = Action( table + i );
            if( j < nstate ) {
                puttab( FITS_A_WORD, base[j] );
            } else {
                puttab( FITS_A_WORD, j - nstate + used );
        begtab( "YYPLENTYPE", "yyplentab" );
        for( i = 0; i < npro; ++i ) {
            for( item = protab[i]->items; item->p.sym != NULL; ) {
            puttab( FITS_A_BYTE, (unsigned)( item - protab[i]->items ) );
        begtab( "YYPLHSTYPE", "yyplhstab" );
        for( i = 0; i < npro; ++i ) {
            puttab( token_size, protab[i]->sym->token );
    FREE( table );
    FREE( base );
    FREE( parent );

    dumpstatistic( "bytes used in tables", bytesused );
    dumpstatistic( "states with defaults", num_default );
    dumpstatistic( "states with parents", num_parent );

    puttokennames( dtoken, token_size );

    FREE( protab );
    FREE( symtab );