AdvData::Open(const std::string &filename)
    const char *mName = "AdvData::Open: ";


    // If the file is an ".inp" file then we may have more than 1 domain file.
    if(filename.size() >= 3 &&
       filename.substr(filename.size()-3, filename.size()) == "inp")
        // Open the file.
        ifstream ifile(filename.c_str());
        if (
            return false;

        // Process the .inp file
        char line[1024];
        ifile.getline(line, 1024);
        int nDomains = 0;
        int tmp[4];
        if(sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d", &tmp[0], &tmp[1], &tmp[2], &tmp[3]) == 4)
            // This is not a .inp file. Assume it is PATRAN and skip it.
            EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, "This is not an Adventure \".inp\" file");
        if(sscanf(line, "%d", &nDomains) != 1)
            // This is not a .inp file
            EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, "This is not an Adventure \".inp\" file");

        for(int i = 0; i < nDomains; ++i)
            AdvDataSet domain;

            ifile.getline(line, 1024);
            domain.modelFile = FixupPath(filename, line);

            ifile.getline(line, 1024);
            domain.resultFile = FixupPath(filename, line);

            debug4 << "Domain " << i << endl;
            debug4 << "\tmodelFile=" << domain.modelFile << endl;
            debug4 << "\tresultFile=" << domain.resultFile << endl;

        AdvDataSet domain;
        domain.modelFile = filename;

    // Now that we have a set of model and result files, open each of the
    // model files and determine how many subdomains are in them.
    int domainID = 0;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < domainRecords.size(); ++i)
        AdvDocFile *f = adv_dio_file_open(domainRecords[i].modelFile.c_str(), "r");
        if(f == 0)
            debug4 << mName << "Could not open " << domainRecords[i].modelFile
                   << " to determine its domain count." << endl;
            EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, "Could not open Adventure file");

        AdvDocument *doc = adv_dio_open_by_property(f, 0, "label", "HDDM_FEA_Model", 0);
        if(doc == 0)
            debug4 << mName << "Could not get HDDM_FEA_Model" << endl;
            EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, "Adventure file missing HDDM_FEA_Model");

        // We're not currently doing this but if we were, we'd need to change how 
        // we read data in AdvDataSet.
        int nSubDomains = 0;
        if(!adv_dio_get_property_int32(doc, "num_subdomains", &nSubDomains))
            debug4 << mName << "Could not get num_subdomains" << endl;
            EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, "Adventure file missing "
                "num_subdomains property");

        for(int s = 0; s < nSubDomains; ++s)
            domainToRecord[domainID] = i;
            domainRecords[i].SetDomainToSubDomain(domainID, s);
        // Treat all subdomains as one domain
        domainToRecord[domainID] = i;
        domainRecords[i].SetDomainToSubDomain(domainID, 0);

    // Read the file metadata.
    AdvDocFile *f = OpenFile(domainRecords[0].modelFile);
    if(f != 0)
        ReadMetaDataFromFile(f, modelVars, elementType);

        f = OpenFile(domainRecords[0].resultFile);
        if(f != 0)
            AdvDataSet::AdvElementType et;
            ReadMetaDataFromFile(f, resultVars, et);

    return true;
Example #2
vtkDataSet *
AdvDataSet::GetMesh(AdvDocFile *f, int d, AdvDataSet::AdvElementType elementType)
    const char *mName = "AdvDataSet::GetMesh: ";

    AdvDocument *doc = 0;

    // ************************************************************************
    // Read nodes
    // ************************************************************************
    if ( (doc = adv_dio_open_by_property(f, 0, "content_type", "Node", 0)) == 0) 
        debug5 << mName << "No content_type[Node]" << endl; 
        return 0;

    this->nnodes = 0;
    if ( !adv_dio_get_property_int32(doc, "num_items", &this->nnodes))  
        debug4 << mName << "No property num_items" << endl; 
        return 0;
    debug4 << mName << "There are " << this->nnodes << " nodes. " << endl;

    vtkPoints *points = vtkPoints::New();
    double *pts = (double *) points->GetVoidPointer(0);
    adv_off_t offset = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < this->nnodes; ++i)
        offset += adv_dio_read_float64(doc, offset, pts);
        offset += adv_dio_read_float64(doc, offset, pts+1);
        offset += adv_dio_read_float64(doc, offset, pts+2);
        pts += 3;

    // ************************************************************************
    // Read connectivity
    // ************************************************************************
    AdvDocument *nodeIndexDoc = 0;
    if ((nodeIndexDoc = adv_dio_open_by_property(f, 0, 
        "content_type", "HDDM_FEGenericAttribute", 
        "label", "NodeIndex_SubdomainToPart", 0)) == 0)
        return 0;

    if ((doc = adv_dio_open_by_property(f, 0, "content_type", "HDDM_Element", 0)) == 0)
        debug4 << mName << "No content_type[HDDM_Element]" << endl; 
        return 0;

    int num_subdomains = 0;
    if (!adv_dio_get_property_int32(doc, "num_subdomains", &num_subdomains))  
        debug4 << "No property num_subdomains" << endl; 
        return 0;

    int num_nodes_per_element = 0;
    if (!adv_dio_get_property_int32(doc, "num_nodes_per_element", 
        debug4 << "No property num_nodes_per_element" << endl; 
        return 0;

    this->ncells = 0;
    if (!adv_dio_get_property_int32(doc, "sum_items", 
        debug4 << "No property num_nodes_per_element" << endl; 
        return 0;
    debug4 << mName << "ncells = " << this->ncells << endl;

    vtkUnstructuredGrid *ugrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New(); 
    vtkIdType verts[10];
    offset = 0;

    adv_off_t nodeOffset = 0;
    for (int nd = 0; nd < num_subdomains; nd++)
        // Read the mapping of subdomain nodeids to part nodeids.
        int nnode = 0;
        nodeOffset += adv_dio_read_int32(nodeIndexDoc, nodeOffset, &nnode);
        int *subDomainNodeID2PartNodeID = new int[nnode];
//        debug4 << "Subdomain " << nd << " nodeid to part nodeid mapping." << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < nnode; i++)
            nodeOffset += adv_dio_read_int32(nodeIndexDoc, nodeOffset, &subDomainNodeID2PartNodeID[i]);
//            debug4 << i << " -> " << subDomainNodeID2PartNodeID[i] << endl;

        // This is the number of cells in the sub_domain but we can
        // skip over it since we're grouping subdomains for now.
        int element_num_items = 0;
        offset += adv_dio_read_int32(doc, offset, &element_num_items);

        // Read the nodeids for the cell and add the cell to the ugrid.
        debug4 << "Subdomain " << nd << " has " << element_num_items << " cells" << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < element_num_items; i++)
//            debug4 << "    cell " << i << " (";
            for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_element; j++)
                int tmp;
                offset += adv_dio_read_int32(doc, offset, &tmp);
                verts[j] = subDomainNodeID2PartNodeID[tmp];
//                debug4 << " " << verts[j];
//            debug4 << ")\n";

            if(elementType == ADVENTURE_ELEMENT_TET4)
                ugrid->InsertNextCell(VTK_TETRA, 4, verts);
            else if(elementType == ADVENTURE_ELEMENT_TET10)
                // Reorder the connectivity since Adv and VTK use different node ordering.
                vtkIdType conn[10];
                conn[0] = verts[0];
                conn[1] = verts[1];
                conn[2] = verts[2];
                conn[3] = verts[3];
                conn[4] = verts[4];
                conn[5] = verts[7];
                conn[6] = verts[5];
                conn[7] = verts[6];
                conn[8] = verts[9];
                conn[9] = verts[8];
                ugrid->InsertNextCell(VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA, 10, conn);
            else if(elementType == ADVENTURE_ELEMENT_HEX8)
                // NOTE: There could be vertex ordering issues here. I need test data.
                ugrid->InsertNextCell(VTK_HEXAHEDRON, 8, verts);

        delete [] subDomainNodeID2PartNodeID;


    // Add global node ids if they are available.
    AddGlobalNodeIds(ugrid, f);

    return ugrid;