Example #1
  void spline1dfitpenalizedw(/* Real    */ ae_vector* x,
			     /* Real    */ ae_vector* y,
			     /* Real    */ ae_vector* w,
			     ae_int_t n,
			     ae_int_t m,
			     double rho,
			     ae_int_t* info,
			     spline1dinterpolant* s,
			     spline1dfitreport* rep,
			     ae_state *_state)
    ae_frame _frame_block;
    ae_vector _x;
    ae_vector _y;
    ae_vector _w;
    ae_int_t i;
    ae_int_t j;
    ae_int_t b;
    double v;
    double relcnt;
    double xa;
    double xb;
    double sa;
    double sb;
    ae_vector xoriginal;
    ae_vector yoriginal;
    double pdecay;
    double tdecay;
    ae_matrix fmatrix;
    ae_vector fcolumn;
    ae_vector y2;
    ae_vector w2;
    ae_vector xc;
    ae_vector yc;
    ae_vector dc;
    double fdmax;
    double admax;
    ae_matrix amatrix;
    ae_matrix d2matrix;
    double fa;
    double ga;
    double fb;
    double gb;
    double lambdav;
    ae_vector bx;
    ae_vector by;
    ae_vector bd1;
    ae_vector bd2;
    ae_vector tx;
    ae_vector ty;
    ae_vector td;
    spline1dinterpolant bs;
    ae_matrix nmatrix;
    ae_vector rightpart;
    fblslincgstate cgstate;
    ae_vector c;
    ae_vector tmp0;

    ae_frame_make(_state, &_frame_block);
    ae_vector_init_copy(&_x, x, _state, ae_true);
    x = &_x;
    ae_vector_init_copy(&_y, y, _state, ae_true);
    y = &_y;
    ae_vector_init_copy(&_w, w, _state, ae_true);
    w = &_w;
    *info = 0;
    ae_vector_init(&xoriginal, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&yoriginal, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_matrix_init(&fmatrix, 0, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&fcolumn, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&y2, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&w2, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&xc, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&yc, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&dc, 0, DT_INT, _state, ae_true);
    ae_matrix_init(&amatrix, 0, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_matrix_init(&d2matrix, 0, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&bx, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&by, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&bd1, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&bd2, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&tx, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&ty, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&td, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    _spline1dinterpolant_init(&bs, _state, ae_true);
    ae_matrix_init(&nmatrix, 0, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&rightpart, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    _fblslincgstate_init(&cgstate, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&c, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);
    ae_vector_init(&tmp0, 0, DT_REAL, _state, ae_true);

    ae_assert(n>=1, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: N<1!", _state);
    ae_assert(m>=4, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: M<4!", _state);
    ae_assert(x->cnt>=n, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Length(X)<N!", _state);
    ae_assert(y->cnt>=n, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Length(Y)<N!", _state);
    ae_assert(w->cnt>=n, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Length(W)<N!", _state);
    ae_assert(isfinitevector(x, n, _state), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: X contains infinite or NAN values!", _state);
    ae_assert(isfinitevector(y, n, _state), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Y contains infinite or NAN values!", _state);
    ae_assert(isfinitevector(w, n, _state), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Y contains infinite or NAN values!", _state);
    ae_assert(ae_isfinite(rho, _state), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Rho is infinite!", _state);
     * Prepare LambdaV
    v = -ae_log(ae_machineepsilon, _state)/ae_log(10, _state);
    if( ae_fp_less(rho,-v) )
        rho = -v;
    if( ae_fp_greater(rho,v) )
        rho = v;
    lambdav = ae_pow(10, rho, _state);
     * Sort X, Y, W
    heapsortdpoints(x, y, w, n, _state);
     * Scale X, Y, XC, YC
    lsfitscalexy(x, y, w, n, &xc, &yc, &dc, 0, &xa, &xb, &sa, &sb, &xoriginal, &yoriginal, _state);
     * Allocate space
    ae_matrix_set_length(&fmatrix, n, m, _state);
    ae_matrix_set_length(&amatrix, m, m, _state);
    ae_matrix_set_length(&d2matrix, m, m, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&bx, m, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&by, m, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&fcolumn, n, _state);
    ae_matrix_set_length(&nmatrix, m, m, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&rightpart, m, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&tmp0, ae_maxint(m, n, _state), _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&c, m, _state);
     * Fill:
     * * FMatrix by values of basis functions
     * * TmpAMatrix by second derivatives of I-th function at J-th point
     * * CMatrix by constraints
    fdmax = 0;
    for (b=0; b<=m-1; b++)
         * Prepare I-th basis function
        for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
            bx.ptr.p_double[j] = (double)(2*j)/(double)(m-1)-1;
            by.ptr.p_double[j] = 0;
        by.ptr.p_double[b] = 1;
	//spline1dgriddiff2cubic(&bx, &by, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, &bd1, &bd2, _state);
	test_gridDiff2Cubic(&bx, &by, m, &bd1, &bd2, _state);

        // spline1dbuildcubic(&bx, &by, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, &bs, _state);
        test_buildCubic(&bx, &by, m, &bs, _state);
         * Calculate B-th column of FMatrix
         * Update FDMax (maximum column norm)
        spline1dconvcubic(&bx, &by, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, x, n, &fcolumn, _state);
        ae_v_move(&fmatrix.ptr.pp_double[0][b], fmatrix.stride, &fcolumn.ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,n-1));
        v = 0;
        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
	  //fprintf(stderr, "fcoll %d %f\n", i, fcolumn.ptr.p_double[i]);
	  v = v+ae_sqr(w->ptr.p_double[i]*fcolumn.ptr.p_double[i], _state);
        fdmax = ae_maxreal(fdmax, v, _state);
         * Fill temporary with second derivatives of basis function
        ae_v_move(&d2matrix.ptr.pp_double[b][0], 1, &bd2.ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,m-1));
     * * calculate penalty matrix A
     * * calculate max of diagonal elements of A
     * * calculate PDecay - coefficient before penalty matrix
    for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
        for(j=i; j<=m-1; j++)
             * calculate integral(B_i''*B_j'') where B_i and B_j are
             * i-th and j-th basis splines.
             * B_i and B_j are piecewise linear functions.
            v = 0;
            for(b=0; b<=m-2; b++)
                fa = d2matrix.ptr.pp_double[i][b];
                fb = d2matrix.ptr.pp_double[i][b+1];
                ga = d2matrix.ptr.pp_double[j][b];
                gb = d2matrix.ptr.pp_double[j][b+1];
                v = v+(bx.ptr.p_double[b+1]-bx.ptr.p_double[b])*(fa*ga+(fa*(gb-ga)+ga*(fb-fa))/2+(fb-fa)*(gb-ga)/3);
            amatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][j] = v;
            amatrix.ptr.pp_double[j][i] = v;
    admax = 0;
    for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
        admax = ae_maxreal(admax, ae_fabs(amatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][i], _state), _state);
    pdecay = lambdav*fdmax/admax;
     * Calculate TDecay for Tikhonov regularization
    tdecay = fdmax*(1+pdecay)*10*ae_machineepsilon;
     * Prepare system
     * NOTE: FMatrix is spoiled during this process
    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
        v = w->ptr.p_double[i];
        ae_v_muld(&fmatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][0], 1, ae_v_len(0,m-1), v);
    rmatrixgemm(m, m, n, 1.0, &fmatrix, 0, 0, 1, &fmatrix, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, &nmatrix, 0, 0, _state);
    for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
        for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
            nmatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][j] = nmatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][j]+pdecay*amatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][j];
    for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
        nmatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][i] = nmatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][i]+tdecay;
    for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
        rightpart.ptr.p_double[i] = 0;
    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
        v = y->ptr.p_double[i]*w->ptr.p_double[i];
        ae_v_addd(&rightpart.ptr.p_double[0], 1, &fmatrix.ptr.pp_double[i][0], 1, ae_v_len(0,m-1), v);
     * Solve system
    if( !spdmatrixcholesky(&nmatrix, m, ae_true, _state) )
        *info = -4;
    fblscholeskysolve(&nmatrix, 1.0, m, ae_true, &rightpart, &tmp0, _state);
    ae_v_move(&c.ptr.p_double[0], 1, &rightpart.ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,m-1));
     * add nodes to force linearity outside of the fitting interval
    spline1dgriddiffcubic(&bx, &c, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, &bd1, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&tx, m+2, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&ty, m+2, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&td, m+2, _state);
    ae_v_move(&tx.ptr.p_double[1], 1, &bx.ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(1,m));
    ae_v_move(&ty.ptr.p_double[1], 1, &rightpart.ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(1,m));
    ae_v_move(&td.ptr.p_double[1], 1, &bd1.ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(1,m));
    tx.ptr.p_double[0] = tx.ptr.p_double[1]-(tx.ptr.p_double[2]-tx.ptr.p_double[1]);
    ty.ptr.p_double[0] = ty.ptr.p_double[1]-td.ptr.p_double[1]*(tx.ptr.p_double[2]-tx.ptr.p_double[1]);
    td.ptr.p_double[0] = td.ptr.p_double[1];
    tx.ptr.p_double[m+1] = tx.ptr.p_double[m]+(tx.ptr.p_double[m]-tx.ptr.p_double[m-1]);
    ty.ptr.p_double[m+1] = ty.ptr.p_double[m]+td.ptr.p_double[m]*(tx.ptr.p_double[m]-tx.ptr.p_double[m-1]);
    td.ptr.p_double[m+1] = td.ptr.p_double[m];
    spline1dbuildhermite(&tx, &ty, &td, m+2, s, _state);
    spline1dlintransx(s, 2/(xb-xa), -(xa+xb)/(xb-xa), _state);
    spline1dlintransy(s, sb-sa, sa, _state);
    *info = 1;
     * Fill report
    rep->rmserror = 0;
    rep->avgerror = 0;
    rep->avgrelerror = 0;
    rep->maxerror = 0;
    relcnt = 0;
    spline1dconvcubic(&bx, &rightpart, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, x, n, &fcolumn, _state);
    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
        v = (sb-sa)*fcolumn.ptr.p_double[i]+sa;
        rep->rmserror = rep->rmserror+ae_sqr(v-yoriginal.ptr.p_double[i], _state);
        rep->avgerror = rep->avgerror+ae_fabs(v-yoriginal.ptr.p_double[i], _state);
        if( ae_fp_neq(yoriginal.ptr.p_double[i],0) )
            rep->avgrelerror = rep->avgrelerror+ae_fabs(v-yoriginal.ptr.p_double[i], _state)/ae_fabs(yoriginal.ptr.p_double[i], _state);
            relcnt = relcnt+1;
        rep->maxerror = ae_maxreal(rep->maxerror, ae_fabs(v-yoriginal.ptr.p_double[i], _state), _state);
    rep->rmserror = ae_sqrt(rep->rmserror/n, _state);
    rep->avgerror = rep->avgerror/n;
    if( ae_fp_neq(relcnt,0) )
        rep->avgrelerror = rep->avgrelerror/relcnt;
Internal initialization subroutine
static void odesolver_odesolverinit(ae_int_t solvertype,
     /* Real    */ ae_vector* y,
     ae_int_t n,
     /* Real    */ ae_vector* x,
     ae_int_t m,
     double eps,
     double h,
     odesolverstate* state,
     ae_state *_state)
    ae_int_t i;
    double v;


     * Prepare RComm
    ae_vector_set_length(&state->rstate.ia, 5+1, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&state->rstate.ba, 0+1, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&state->rstate.ra, 5+1, _state);
    state->rstate.stage = -1;
    state->needdy = ae_false;
     * check parameters.
    if( (n<=0||m<1)||ae_fp_eq(eps,(double)(0)) )
        state->repterminationtype = -1;
    if( ae_fp_less(h,(double)(0)) )
        h = -h;
     * quick exit if necessary.
     * after this block we assume that M>1
    if( m==1 )
        state->repnfev = 0;
        state->repterminationtype = 1;
        ae_matrix_set_length(&state->ytbl, 1, n, _state);
        ae_v_move(&state->ytbl.ptr.pp_double[0][0], 1, &y->ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,n-1));
        ae_vector_set_length(&state->xg, m, _state);
        ae_v_move(&state->xg.ptr.p_double[0], 1, &x->ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,m-1));
     * check again: correct order of X[]
    if( ae_fp_eq(x->ptr.p_double[1],x->ptr.p_double[0]) )
        state->repterminationtype = -2;
    for(i=1; i<=m-1; i++)
        if( (ae_fp_greater(x->ptr.p_double[1],x->ptr.p_double[0])&&ae_fp_less_eq(x->ptr.p_double[i],x->ptr.p_double[i-1]))||(ae_fp_less(x->ptr.p_double[1],x->ptr.p_double[0])&&ae_fp_greater_eq(x->ptr.p_double[i],x->ptr.p_double[i-1])) )
            state->repterminationtype = -2;
     * auto-select H if necessary
    if( ae_fp_eq(h,(double)(0)) )
        v = ae_fabs(x->ptr.p_double[1]-x->ptr.p_double[0], _state);
        for(i=2; i<=m-1; i++)
            v = ae_minreal(v, ae_fabs(x->ptr.p_double[i]-x->ptr.p_double[i-1], _state), _state);
        h = 0.001*v;
     * store parameters
    state->n = n;
    state->m = m;
    state->h = h;
    state->eps = ae_fabs(eps, _state);
    state->fraceps = ae_fp_less(eps,(double)(0));
    ae_vector_set_length(&state->xg, m, _state);
    ae_v_move(&state->xg.ptr.p_double[0], 1, &x->ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,m-1));
    if( ae_fp_greater(x->ptr.p_double[1],x->ptr.p_double[0]) )
        state->xscale = (double)(1);
        state->xscale = (double)(-1);
        ae_v_muld(&state->xg.ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,m-1), -1);
    ae_vector_set_length(&state->yc, n, _state);
    ae_v_move(&state->yc.ptr.p_double[0], 1, &y->ptr.p_double[0], 1, ae_v_len(0,n-1));
    state->solvertype = solvertype;
    state->repterminationtype = 0;
     * Allocate arrays
    ae_vector_set_length(&state->y, n, _state);
    ae_vector_set_length(&state->dy, n, _state);