Example #1
BOOL CEncrypt::AesEncrypt(const char* szInDataBuff, uint32_t nInDataSize, 
	char* szOutDataBuff, uint32_t& nOutDataSize)
	assert(m_stAesEncryCtx.n_rnd != 0);
	assert(nOutDataSize >= 

	nOutDataSize = 0;
	int lnDataLen = nInDataSize - nInDataSize % AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
	while (nOutDataSize < lnDataLen)
		aes_enc_blk((unsigned char *)(szInDataBuff + nOutDataSize),
			(unsigned char *)(szOutDataBuff + nOutDataSize),&m_stAesEncryCtx);
		nOutDataSize += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;

	if (lnDataLen < nInDataSize)
		char lszTmpBuff[AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0};
		memcpy(lszTmpBuff,szInDataBuff + nOutDataSize,nInDataSize % AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
		aes_enc_blk((unsigned char *)lszTmpBuff,
			(unsigned char *)(szOutDataBuff + nOutDataSize),&m_stAesEncryCtx);
		nOutDataSize += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
	return TRUE;
Example #2
ret_type CCM_decrypt(const unsigned char imsg[],    /* the plaintext input message      */ 
                unsigned char omsg[],       /* the encrypted output message     */
                const mlen_type len,        /* the length of this block (bytes) */
                CCM_ctx ctx[1])             /* the CCM context                  */
{   mlen_type   cnt = (mlen_type)-1, t_cnt = ctx->cnt, hi = ctx->md_len - t_cnt;
    if(len > hi)
        if(len != hi + ctx->af_len)
            return CCM_msg_length_error;
        hi = len;
    while(++cnt < hi)
        omsg[cnt] = imsg[cnt] ^ ctx->sii[t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK];   /* decrypt message  */ 
        ctx->cbc[t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK] ^= omsg[cnt];              /* update the CBC   */
        if(!(++t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK)) /* if the current encryption block is full  */
            aes_enc_blk(ctx->blk, ctx->sii, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt the CTR value    */
            aes_enc_blk(ctx->cbc, ctx->cbc, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt the running CBC  */

    if(t_cnt == ctx->md_len)            /* if at end of message         */
        if(t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK)          /* if a partial block remains   */
            aes_enc_blk(ctx->cbc, ctx->cbc, ctx->aes);

        set_ctr(ctx, 0);                            /* set CTR to zero  */
        aes_enc_blk(ctx->blk, ctx->sii, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt the CTR  */

        /* store the encrypted authentication value */
        for(t_cnt = 0; t_cnt < ctx->af_len; ++t_cnt)
            if(imsg[cnt + t_cnt] != (ctx->cbc[t_cnt] ^ ctx->sii[t_cnt]))
                /* if bad clear the message and authentication field    */
                memset(omsg, 0, (size_t)cnt + ctx->af_len);
                return CCM_auth_failure;
        ctx->cnt = t_cnt;

    return (ret_type)cnt;
Example #3
static void
ecb_enc (unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, unsigned int len)
    unsigned int i, r;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 16) {
	r = aes_enc_blk (in + i, out + i, &ctx);
	if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    if (i != len) abort ();
Example #4
ret_type CCM_encrypt(const unsigned char imsg[],    /* the plaintext input message      */ 
                unsigned char omsg[],       /* the encrypted output message     */
                const mlen_type len,        /* the length of this block (bytes) */
                CCM_ctx ctx[1])             /* the CCM context                  */

{   mlen_type   cnt = (mlen_type)-1, t_cnt = ctx->cnt;

    if(len > ctx->md_len - t_cnt)
        return CCM_msg_length_error;
    while(++cnt < len)
        ctx->cbc[t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK] ^= imsg[cnt];              /* update the CBC   */
        omsg[cnt] = imsg[cnt] ^ ctx->sii[t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK];   /* encrypt message  */

        if(!(++t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK)) /* if the current encryption block is full  */
            aes_enc_blk(ctx->blk, ctx->sii, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt the CTR value    */
            aes_enc_blk(ctx->cbc, ctx->cbc, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt the running CBC  */

    if(t_cnt == ctx->md_len)    /* if at end of message         */
        if(t_cnt & BLOCK_MASK)  /* if a partial block remains   */
            aes_enc_blk(ctx->cbc, ctx->cbc, ctx->aes);

        set_ctr(ctx, 0);                            /* set CTR to zero  */
        aes_enc_blk(ctx->blk, ctx->sii, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt the CTR  */

        /* encrypt and store the authentication value   */
        for(t_cnt = 0; t_cnt < ctx->af_len; ++t_cnt)
            omsg[cnt + t_cnt] = ctx->cbc[t_cnt] ^ ctx->sii[t_cnt];

        cnt += ctx->af_len;
        ctx->cnt = t_cnt; 
    return (ret_type)cnt;
Example #5
static void
cts_enc (unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *iv,
	 unsigned int len)
    int r;
    unsigned int len2;
    unsigned char pn1[B], pn[B], cn[B], cn1[B];

    if (len < B + 1) abort ();
    len2 = (len - B - 1) & ~(B-1);
    cbc_enc (out, in, iv, len2);
    out += len2;
    in += len2;
    len -= len2;
    if (len2)
	iv = out - B;
    if (len <= B || len > 2 * B)
	abort ();
    printf ("(did CBC mode for %d)\n", len2);

    xor (pn1, in, iv);
    r = aes_enc_blk (pn1, cn, &ctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    memset (pn, 0, sizeof(pn));
    memcpy (pn, in+B, len-B);
    xor (pn, pn, cn);
    r = aes_enc_blk (pn, cn1, &ctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    memcpy(out, cn1, B);
    memcpy(out+B, cn, len-B);
Example #6
static void
cbc_enc (unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *iv,
	 unsigned int len)
    unsigned int i, r;
    unsigned char tmp[B];
    memcpy (tmp, iv, B);
    for (i = 0; i < len; i += B) {
	xor (tmp, tmp, in + i);
	r = aes_enc_blk (tmp, out + i, &ctx);
	if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
	memcpy (tmp, out + i, B);
    if (i != len) abort ();
Example #7
static void fips_test ()
    static const unsigned char fipskey[16] = {
	0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
    static const unsigned char input[16] = {
	0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,
	0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff,
    static const unsigned char expected[16] = {
	0x69, 0xc4, 0xe0, 0xd8, 0x6a, 0x7b, 0x04, 0x30,
	0xd8, 0xcd, 0xb7, 0x80, 0x70, 0xb4, 0xc5, 0x5a,
    unsigned char output[16];
    unsigned char tmp[16];
    aes_ctx fipsctx;
    int r;

    printf ("FIPS test:\nkey:");
    hexdump (fipskey, 16);
    printf ("\ninput:");
    hexdump (input, 16);
    r = aes_enc_key (fipskey, sizeof(fipskey), &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    r = aes_enc_blk (input, output, &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    printf ("\noutput:");
    hexdump (output, 16);
    printf ("\n");
    if (memcmp(expected, output, 16))
	fprintf(stderr, "wrong results!!!\n"), exit (1);
    r = aes_dec_key (fipskey, sizeof(fipskey), &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    r = aes_dec_blk (output, tmp, &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    if (memcmp(input, tmp, 16))
	fprintf(stderr, "decryption failed!!\n"), exit(1);
    printf ("ok.\n\n");
Example #8
static void aes_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src)
	aes_enc_blk(crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm), dst, src);
Example #9
void crypto_aes_encrypt_x86(struct crypto_aes_ctx *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src)
	aes_enc_blk(ctx, dst, src);
Example #10
static inline void enc(char *out, const char *in, aes_ctx *ctx)
    if (aes_enc_blk((const unsigned char *)in, (unsigned char *)out, ctx)
	!= aes_good)
Example #11
int encfile(FILE *fin, FILE *fout, aes_ctx *ctx, const char* ifn, const char* ofn)
{   char            buf[BLOCK_LEN], dbuf[2 * BLOCK_LEN];
    fpos_t          flen;
    unsigned long   i, len, rlen;

    // set a random IV

    fillrand(dbuf, BLOCK_LEN);

    // find the file length

    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
    fgetpos(fin, &flen); 
    rlen = file_len(flen);
    // reset to start
    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET);

    if(rlen <= BLOCK_LEN)               
    {   // if the file length is less than or equal to 16 bytes
        // read the bytes of the file into the buffer and verify length
        len = (unsigned long) fread(dbuf + BLOCK_LEN, 1, BLOCK_LEN, fin);
        rlen -= len;        
        if(rlen > 0) 
            return READ_ERROR;

        // pad the file bytes with zeroes
        for(i = len; i < BLOCK_LEN; ++i)
            dbuf[i + BLOCK_LEN] = 0;

        // xor the file bytes with the IV bytes
        for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN; ++i)
            dbuf[i + BLOCK_LEN] ^= dbuf[i];

        // encrypt the top 16 bytes of the buffer
        aes_enc_blk(dbuf + BLOCK_LEN, dbuf + len, ctx);

        len += BLOCK_LEN;
        // write the IV and the encrypted file bytes
        if(fwrite(dbuf, 1, len, fout) != len)
            return WRITE_ERROR;
    {   // if the file length is more 16 bytes
        // write the IV
        if(fwrite(dbuf, 1, BLOCK_LEN, fout) != BLOCK_LEN)
            return WRITE_ERROR;

        // read the file a block at a time 
        while(rlen > 0 && !feof(fin))
            // read a block and reduce the remaining byte count
            len = (unsigned long)fread(buf, 1, BLOCK_LEN, fin);
            rlen -= len;

            // verify length of block 
            if(len != BLOCK_LEN) 
                return READ_ERROR;

            // do CBC chaining prior to encryption
            for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN; ++i)
                buf[i] ^= dbuf[i];

            // encrypt the block
            aes_enc_blk(buf, dbuf, ctx);

            // if there is only one more block do ciphertext stealing
            if(rlen > 0 && rlen < BLOCK_LEN)
                // move the previous ciphertext to top half of double buffer
                // since rlen bytes of this are output last
                for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN; ++i)
                    dbuf[i + BLOCK_LEN] = dbuf[i];

                // read last part of plaintext into bottom half of buffer
                if(fread(dbuf, 1, rlen, fin) != rlen)
                    return READ_ERROR;

                // clear the remainder of the bottom half of buffer
                for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN - rlen; ++i)
                    dbuf[rlen + i] = 0;

                // do CBC chaining from previous ciphertext
                for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN; ++i)
                    dbuf[i] ^= dbuf[i + BLOCK_LEN];

                // encrypt the final block
                aes_enc_blk(dbuf, dbuf, ctx);

                // set the length of the final write
                len = rlen + BLOCK_LEN; rlen = 0;

            // write the encrypted block
            if(fwrite(dbuf, 1, len, fout) != len)
                return WRITE_ERROR;

    return 0;
Example #12
ret_type CCM_init(
    const unsigned char key[], const unsigned long key_len, /* the key value to be used             */
    const unsigned char nonce[],                            /* the nonce value                      */
    const unsigned char auth[], const unsigned long ad_len, /* the additional authenticated data    */
    const mlen_type msg_len,                                /* message data length                  */
    const unsigned long auth_field_len,                     /* the authentication field length      */
    CCM_ctx ctx[1])                                         /* the CCM context                      */
{   aes_32t    cnt;

    if(aes_enc_key(key, key_len, ctx->aes) == aes_bad)
        return CCM_bad_key;                 /* bad key value                        */

    if(auth_field_len < 2 || auth_field_len > 16 || (auth_field_len & 1))
        return CCM_bad_auth_field_length;   /* illegal authentication field size    */

    if(ad_len >= 65536ul - 256ul)
        return CCM_bad_auth_data_length;    /* too much added authetication data    */

    /* save length values and compile the blocks for the running CBC and CTR values */
    ctx->md_len = msg_len;
    ctx->af_len = auth_field_len;

    ctx->blk[0] = (ctx->md_len & 0xff000000 ? 3 : 
                   ctx->md_len & 0xffff0000 ? 2 : 1);
    ctx->blk[0] = (ctx->md_len & 0xff00000000000000 ? 7 : 
                   ctx->md_len & 0xffff000000000000 ? 6 : 
                   ctx->md_len & 0xffffff0000000000 ? 5 : 
                   ctx->md_len & 0xffffffff00000000 ? 4 : 
                   ctx->md_len & 0xffffffffff000000 ? 3 : 
                   ctx->md_len & 0xffffffffffff0000 ? 2 : 1);

    /* move the nonce into the block    */
    for(cnt = 0; cnt < (aes_32t)BLOCK_SIZE - ctx->blk[0] - 2; ++cnt)
        ctx->blk[cnt + 1] = nonce[cnt];

    set_ctr(ctx, ctx->md_len);              /* set message length value     */
    memcpy(ctx->cbc, ctx->blk, BLOCK_SIZE); /* and copy into running CBC    */
    ctx->cbc[0] |= (ad_len ? 0x40 : 0) + ((auth_field_len - 2) << 2);
    set_ctr(ctx, 1);                        /* initial counter value = 1    */

    aes_enc_blk(ctx->cbc, ctx->cbc, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt the cbc block    */
    aes_enc_blk(ctx->blk, ctx->sii, ctx->aes);  /* encrypt counter block    */

    if(ad_len)              /* if there is additional authentication data   */
        cnt = 0;            /* set the two byte length field for the data   */
        ctx->cbc[0] ^= (aes_08t)(ad_len >> 8);
        ctx->cbc[1] ^= (aes_08t) ad_len;
        while(cnt < ad_len) /* perform the CBC calculation on the data      */
            /* xor data into the running CBC block                          */
            ctx->cbc[(cnt + 2) & BLOCK_MASK] ^= auth[cnt];

            /* if CBC block is full or at end of the authentication data    */
            if(!((++cnt + 2) & BLOCK_MASK) || cnt == ad_len)
                aes_enc_blk(ctx->cbc, ctx->cbc, ctx->aes); 

    ctx->cnt = 0;
    return CCM_ok;