Example #1
static cluster_data* cluster_map(graph_t *mastergraph, graph_t *g)
    /* search meta-graph to find clusters */
    graph_t *mg, *subg;
    node_t *mm, *mn;
    node_t *n;
    edge_t *me;
     /* array of arrays of node indices in each cluster */
    int **cs,*cn;
    int i,j,nclusters=0;
    bool* assigned = N_NEW(agnnodes(g), bool);
    cluster_data *cdata = GNEW(cluster_data);

    cdata->ntoplevel = agnnodes(g);
    mm = mastergraph->meta_node;
    mg = mm->graph;
    for (me = agfstout(mg, mm); me; me = agnxtout(mg, me)) {
        mn = me->head;
        subg = agusergraph(mn);
        if (!strncmp(subg->name, "cluster", 7)) {
    cdata->nclusters = nclusters;
    cs = cdata->clusters = N_GNEW(nclusters,int*);
    cn = cdata->clustersizes = N_GNEW(nclusters,int);
    /* fprintf(stderr,"search %d clusters...\n",nclusters); */
    for (me = agfstout(mg, mm); me; me = agnxtout(mg, me)) {
        mn = me->head;
        subg = agusergraph(mn);
        /* clusters are processed by separate calls to ordered_edges */
        if (!strncmp(subg->name, "cluster", 7)) {
            int *c;

            *cn = agnnodes(subg);
            cdata->nvars += *cn;
            c = *cs++ = N_GNEW(*cn++,int);
            /* fprintf(stderr,"Cluster with %d nodes...\n",agnnodes(subg)); */
            for (n = agfstnode(subg); n; n = agnxtnode(subg, n)) {
                node_t *gn;
                int ind = 0;
                for (gn = agfstnode(g); gn; gn = agnxtnode(g, gn)) {
                    if(gn->id==n->id) break;
                /* fprintf(stderr,"  node=%s, id=%d, ind=%d\n",n->name,n->id,ind); */
Example #2
/** Determine the current active state.
 * Note that there might be multiple active states if there are sub-fsms. It will
 * only consider the active state of the bottom-fsm.
 * @return the current active state
SkillGuiGraphDrawingArea::get_active_state(graph_t *graph)
  if (! graph) {
    return "";

  // Loop through the nodes in the graph/subgraph and find the active node
  for (node_t *n = agfstnode(graph); n; n = agnxtnode(graph, n)) {
      const char *actattr = agget(n, (char *)"active");
      if (actattr && (strcmp(actattr, "true") == 0) ) {
          node_t *mn = agmetanode(graph);
          graph_t *mg = mn->graph;
          // Check to see if the node has an edge going into a subgraph
          for (edge_t *me = agfstout(mg, mn); me; me = agnxtout(mg, me)) {
              graph_t *subgraph = agusergraph(me->head);
              for (edge_t *e = agfstout(graph, n); e; e = agnxtout(graph, e)) {
                  for (node_t *subnode = agfstnode(subgraph); subnode; subnode = agnxtnode(subgraph, subnode)) {
                      if (agnameof(subnode) == agnameof(e->head)) {
                          // The node goes into a subgraph, recursively find and return the active subnode name
                          return get_active_state(subgraph);
          // The node has no subgraph, return the name of the active node
          return agnameof(n);

  return "";
Example #3
File: gc.c Project: aosm/graphviz
static int
eval (Agraph_t* g, int root)
  Agraph_t* mg;
  Agedge_t* me;
  Agnode_t* mn;
  Agraph_t* subg;

  if (root && !(GTYPE(g) & gtype)) return 1;

  if ((flags & CL) && root)
    cl_count (g);

  emit (g, root);
  if (recurse) {
    mg = g->meta_node->graph;
    for (me = agfstout(mg,g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg,me)) {
      mn = me->head;
      subg = agusergraph(mn);
      eval (subg, 0);
  return 0;
Example #4
Agraph_t *agnxtsubg(Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t **lastedge)
  Agedge_t *e;
  Agraph_t *meta = g->meta_node->graph;
  e = agnxtout(meta, *lastedge);
  *lastedge = e;
  if (!e)
    return NULL;
  return agusergraph(e->head);
Example #5
static void add_graph_attr(Agraph_t * g, Agsym_t * attr)
    Agnode_t *n;

    if (g->meta_node) {
	for (n = agfstnode(g->meta_node->graph); n;
	     n = agnxtnode(g->meta_node->graph, n))
	    obj_init_attr(agusergraph(n), attr);
    } else
	obj_init_attr(g, attr);
Example #6
static void add_node_attr(Agraph_t * g, Agsym_t * attr)
    Agnode_t *n;
    Agproto_t *proto;

    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n))
	obj_init_attr(n, attr);
    if (g->meta_node) {
	for (n = agfstnode(g->meta_node->graph); n;
	     n = agnxtnode(g->meta_node->graph, n))
	    for (proto = agusergraph(n)->proto; proto; proto = proto->prev)
		obj_init_attr(proto->n, attr);
    } else
	for (proto = g->proto; proto; proto = proto->prev)
	    obj_init_attr(proto->n, attr);
Example #7
void rm(Agraph_t *g)
    Agedge_t *e;

    if (g->meta_node) {
	for (e = agfstout(g->meta_node->graph, g->meta_node); e;
			e = agnxtout(g->meta_node->graph, e)) {
        if (g == g->root) {
        } else {
            agdelete(g->meta_node->graph, g->meta_node);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "subgraph has no meta_node\n");
Example #8
Agraph_t *firstsupg(Agraph_t *g)
    Agraph_t *mg;
    Agnode_t *n;
    Agedge_t *e;

    if (!g)
	return NULL;
    n = g->meta_node;
    if (!n) 
	return NULL;
    mg = n->graph;
    if (!mg) 
	return NULL;
    e = agfstin(mg, n);
    if (!e) 
	return NULL;
    return agusergraph(e->tail);
Example #9
static void cleanup_subgs(graph_t * g)
    graph_t *mg;
    edge_t *me;
    node_t *mn;
    graph_t *subg;

    mg = g->meta_node->graph;
    for (me = agfstout(mg, g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg, me)) {
	mn = me->head;
	subg = agusergraph(mn);
	if (GD_alg(subg)) {
Example #10
File: gc.c Project: aosm/graphviz
static void
cl_count (Agraph_t* g)
  Agraph_t* mg;
  Agedge_t* me;
  Agnode_t* mn;
  Agraph_t* subg;
  int       sum = 0;

  mg = g->meta_node->graph;
  for (me = agfstout(mg,g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg,me)) {
    mn = me->head;
    subg = agusergraph(mn);
    sum += GD_cl_cnt(subg);
    if (strncmp(subg->name,"cluster",7) == 0) sum++;
  GD_cl_cnt(g) = sum;
Example #11
Agraph_t *nextsupg(Agraph_t *g, Agraph_t *sg)
    Agraph_t *mg;
    Agnode_t *ng, *nsg;
    Agedge_t *e;

    if (!g || !sg)
	return NULL;
    ng = g->meta_node;
    nsg = sg->meta_node;
    if (!ng || !nsg) 
	return NULL;
    mg = ng->graph;
    if (!mg) 
	return NULL;
    e = agfindedge(mg, nsg, ng);
    if (!e) 
	return NULL;
    e = agnxtin(mg, e);
    if (!e) 
	return NULL;
    return agusergraph(e->tail);
Example #12
File: rank.c Project: aosm/graphviz
int rank_set_class(graph_t* g)
	static char	*name[] = {"same","min","source","max","sink",NULL};
	int		val;

	if (is_cluster(g)) return CLUSTER;
	val = maptoken(agget(g,"rank"),name,class);
	GD_set_type(g) = val;
	return val;

/* Execute union commands for "same rank" subgraphs and clusters. */
void collapse_sets(graph_t* g)
	int			c;
	graph_t		*mg,*subg;
	node_t		*mn,*n;
	edge_t		*me;

	mg = g->meta_node->graph;
	for (me = agfstout(mg,g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg,me)) {
		mn = me->head;
		subg = agusergraph(mn);

		c = rank_set_class(subg);
		if (c) {
			if ((c == CLUSTER) && CL_type == LOCAL) collapse_cluster(g,subg);
			else collapse_rankset(g,subg,c);

		/* mark nodes with ordered edges so their leaves are not collapsed */
		if (agget(subg,"ordering"))
			for (n = agfstnode(subg); n; n = agnxtnode(subg,n)) ND_order(n) = 1;
Example #13
static void
write_subg(Agraph_t * g, FILE * fp, Agraph_t * par, int indent,
	   printdict_t * state)
    Agraph_t *subg, *meta;
    Agnode_t *n, *pn;
    Agedge_t *e, *pe;
    Dict_t *save_e, *save_n;

    if (indent) {
	tabover(fp, indent++);
	if (dtsearch(state->subgleft, g->meta_node)) {
	    if (strncmp(g->name, "_anonymous", 10))
		fprintf(fp, "subgraph %s {\n", agcanonical(g->name));
		fprintf(fp, "{\n");	/* no name printed for anonymous subg */
	    write_diffattr(fp, indent, g, par, g->univ->globattr);
	    /* The root node and edge environment use the dictionaries,
	     * not the proto node or edge, so the next level down must
	     * record differences with the dictionaries.
	    if (par == g->root) {
		pn = NULL;
		pe = NULL;
	    } else {
		pn = par->proto->n;
		pe = par->proto->e;
	    write_diffattr(fp, indent, g->proto->n, pn, g->univ->nodeattr);
	    write_diffattr(fp, indent, g->proto->e, pe, g->univ->edgeattr);
	    dtdelete(state->subgleft, g->meta_node);
	} else {
	    fprintf(fp, "subgraph %s;\n", agcanonical(g->name));
    } else
	write_diffattr(fp, ++indent, g, NULL, g->univ->globattr);

    save_n = state->n_insubg;
    save_e = state->e_insubg;
    meta = g->meta_node->graph;
    state->n_insubg = dtopen(&agNamedisc, Dttree);
    state->e_insubg = dtopen(&agOutdisc, Dttree);
    for (e = agfstout(meta, g->meta_node); e; e = agnxtout(meta, e)) {
	subg = agusergraph(e->head);
	write_subg(subg, fp, g, indent, state);
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	if (dtsearch(state->nodesleft, n)) {
	    agwrnode(g, fp, n, TRUE, indent);
	    dtdelete(state->nodesleft, n);
	} else {
	    if (dtsearch(state->n_insubg, n) == NULL) {
		agwrnode(g, fp, n, FALSE, indent);
	dtinsert(save_n, n);

    dtdisc(g->outedges, &agEdgedisc, 0);	/* sort by id */
    for (e = (Agedge_t *) dtfirst(g->outedges); e;
	 e = (Agedge_t *) dtnext(g->outedges, e)) {
	if (dtsearch(state->edgesleft, e)) {
	    tabover(fp, indent);
	    agwredge(g, fp, e, TRUE);
	    dtdelete(state->edgesleft, e);
	} else {
	    if (dtsearch(state->e_insubg, e) == NULL) {
		tabover(fp, indent);
		agwredge(g, fp, e, FALSE);
	dtinsert(save_e, e);
    dtdisc(g->outedges, &agOutdisc, 0);	/* sort by name */
    state->n_insubg = save_n;
    state->e_insubg = save_e;

    if (indent > 1) {
	tabover(fp, indent - 1);
	fprintf(fp, "}\n");
Example #14
/* find_blocks:
static void find_blocks(Agraph_t * g, circ_state * state)
    Agnode_t *n;
    Agnode_t *root = NULL;
    block_t *rootBlock = NULL;
    blocklist_t ublks;
    graph_t *clust_subg;
    graph_t *mg;
    edge_t *me;
    node_t *mm;
    int isRoot;


    /*      check to see if there is a node which is set to be the root
    if (state->rootname) {
	root = agfindnode(g, state->rootname);
    if (!root && state->N_root) {
	for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	    if (late_bool(ORIGN(n), state->N_root, 0)) {
		root = n;
    /* process clusters first */
    /* by construction, all subgraphs are blocks and are non-empty */
    mm = g->meta_node;
    mg = mm->graph;
    for (me = agfstout(mg, mm); me; me = agnxtout(mg, me)) {
	block_t *block;

	clust_subg = agusergraph(me->head);

	isRoot = 0;
	block = mkBlock(clust_subg);
	/* block = makeBlock(g, state); */
	for (n = agfstnode(clust_subg); n; n = agnxtnode(clust_subg, n)) {
	    if (!BCDONE(n)) {	/* test not necessary if blocks disjoint */
		BLOCK(n) = block;
		if (n == root)
		    isRoot = 1;
	if (isRoot) {
	    /* Assume blocks are disjoint, so don't check if rootBlock is
	     * already assigned.
	    rootBlock = block;
	    insertBlock(&state->bl, block);
	} else {
	    appendBlock(&state->bl, block);
    ublks.first = state->bl.first;
    ublks.last = state->bl.last;

    if (!root)
	root = agfstnode(g);
    dfs(g, root, state, !rootBlock);

    /* If g has user-supplied blocks, it may be disconnected.
     * We then fall into the following ugly loop.
     * We are guaranteed !VISITED(n) and PARENT(n) has been
     * set to a visited node.
    if (ublks.first) {
	while (n = findUnvisited(&ublks)) {
	    dfs(g, n, state, 0);
Example #15
						/* could happen with an undirected edge */
						char 	*temp;
						temp = tp; tp = hp; hp = temp;
					if (tp && tp[0]) {
					if (hp && hp[0]) {
	tailptr = SP->list; 
	while (tailptr) {
		freeptr = tailptr;
		tailptr = tailptr->link;
		if (TAG_OF(freeptr->data.obj) == TAG_NODE)
	if (G != SP->subg) abort();
	In_edge_stmt = SP->in_edge_stmt;
	old_SP = SP;
	SP = SP->link;
	In_decl = FALSE;
	Current_class = TAG_GRAPH;

#if 0 /* NOT USED */
static Agraph_t *parent_of(Agraph_t *g)
	Agraph_t		*rv;
	rv = agusergraph(agfstin(g->meta_node->graph,g->meta_node)->tail);
	return rv;
Example #16
/* Execute union commands for "same rank" subgraphs and clusters. */
static void 
collapse_sets(graph_t *rg, graph_t *g)
    int c;
    graph_t  *subg;
    node_t *n;

    graph_t *mg;
    node_t *mn;
    edge_t *me;
    mg = g->meta_node->graph;
    for (me = agfstout(mg, g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg, me)) {
	mn = aghead(me);
	subg = agusergraph(mn);
#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
    for (subg = agfstsubg(g); subg; subg = agnxtsubg(subg)) {
#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
	c = rank_set_class(subg);
	if (c) {
	    if ((c == CLUSTER) && CL_type == LOCAL)
		collapse_cluster(rg, subg);
		collapse_rankset(rg, subg, c);
	else collapse_sets(rg, subg);

 Collapsing leaves is currently obsolete

	/* mark nodes with ordered edges so their leaves are not collapsed */
	if (agget(subg, "ordering"))
	    for (n = agfstnode(subg); n; n = agnxtnode(subg, n))
		ND_order(n) = 1;

static void 
find_clusters(graph_t * g)
    graph_t *subg;
    graph_t *mg;
    node_t *mn;
    edge_t *me;

    mg = g->meta_node->graph;
    for (me = agfstout(mg, g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg, me)) {
	mn = me->head;
	subg = agusergraph(mn);
#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
    for (subg = agfstsubg(agroot(g)); subg; subg = agnxtsubg(subg)) {
#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
	if (GD_set_type(subg) == CLUSTER)
	    collapse_cluster(g, subg);

static void 
set_minmax(graph_t * g)
    int c;

    GD_minrank(g) += ND_rank(GD_leader(g));
    GD_maxrank(g) += ND_rank(GD_leader(g));
    for (c = 1; c <= GD_n_cluster(g); c++)