int main() { //Stel onderstaande poorten in op Output en laad allemaal enen in DDRA=0xFF; DDRB=0xFF; DDRC=0xFF; PORTA=0xFF; PORTB=0xFF; PORTC=0xFF; //Stel de timer in die een interrupt genereert bij en overflow TCCR0=0x05; TIMSK=0x01; //Stel odnerstaande poorten in op Input en laad allemaal enen in DDRE=0x00; PINE=0xFF; serial.init(); // Aanmaken van de verschillende autolichtobjecten AutoLicht azl(0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFB, ADRESPORTB); AutoLicht azr(0xF7, 0xEF, 0xDF, ADRESPORTB); AutoLicht ahl(0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFB, ADRESPORTC); AutoLicht ahr(0xF7, 0xEF, 0xDF, ADRESPORTC); // Aanmaken van de verschillende voetgangerlichtobjecten VoetgangerLicht vhr(0xFE, 0xFD, ADRESPORTA); VoetgangerLicht vz(0xBF, 0x7F, ADRESPORTB); VoetgangerLicht vhl(0xBF, 0x7F, ADRESPORTC); List<VoetgangerLicht*> l1, l2, l3; List<Scenario*> s; //Lijst l1 vullen l1.push_back(&azl); l1.push_back(&azr); //Lijst l2 vullen l2.push_back(&ahl); l2.push_back(&ahr); //Lijst l3 vullen l3.push_back(&vhr); l3.push_back(&vz); l3.push_back(&vhl); //Scenario's definieren Scenario s1(&l1, &variabelebeheerder); Scenario s2(&l2, &variabelebeheerder); Scenario s3(&l3, &variabelebeheerder); s.push_back(&s1); s.push_back(&s2); s.push_back(&s3); variabelebeheerder.zetAantalScenarios(3); //Scenario's toekennen aan sensoren svz.kenScenarioToe(&s3); svhr.kenScenarioToe(&s3); svhl.kenScenarioToe(&s3); sahr.kenScenarioToe(&s2); sahl.kenScenarioToe(&s2); sazl.kenScenarioToe(&s1); sazr.kenScenarioToe(&s1); VerkeersRegelaar vr(&s, &wachtrijbeheerder, &variabelebeheerder); sei(); //Zet interrupts aan while(1) { vr.kiesFunctie(); } }
std::pair<bool /*success*/, std::string /* message */> ivy_engine::startup( const std::string& output_folder_root, const std::string& test_name, const std::string& ivyscript_filename, const std::string& hosts_string, const std::string& select_available_test_LUNs) { std::string api_log_entry; { std::ostringstream o; o << "ivy engine API startup(" << "output_folder_root = " << output_folder_root << ", test_name = " << test_name << ", ivyscript_filename = " << ivyscript_filename << ", test_hosts = " << hosts_string << ", select = " << select_available_test_LUNs << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); api_log_entry = o.str(); } outputFolderRoot = output_folder_root; testName = test_name; struct stat struct_stat; if( stat(outputFolderRoot.c_str(),&struct_stat)) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> directory \"" << outputFolderRoot << "\" does not exist." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } if(!S_ISDIR(struct_stat.st_mode)) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> \"" << outputFolderRoot << "\" is not a directory." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } testFolder=outputFolderRoot + std::string("/") + testName; if(0==stat(testFolder.c_str(),&struct_stat)) // output folder already exists { if(!S_ISDIR(struct_stat.st_mode)) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> Output folder for this test run \"" << testFolder << "\" already exists but is not a directory." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } // output folder already exists and is a directory, so we delete it to make a fresh one. if (0 == system((std::string("rm -rf ")+testFolder).c_str())) // ugly but easy. { std::ostringstream o; o << " Deleted pre-existing folder \"" << testFolder << "\"." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); } else { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> Failed trying to delete previously existing version of test run output folder \"" << testFolder << "\"." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } } if (mkdir(testFolder.c_str(),S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> Failed trying to create output folder \"" << testFolder << "\" << errno = " << errno << " " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } std::cout << " Created test run output folder \"" << testFolder << "\"." << std::endl; if (mkdir((testFolder+std::string("/logs")).c_str(),S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> - Failed trying to create logs subfolder in output folder \"" << testFolder << "\" << errno = " << errno << " " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } masterlogfile = testFolder + std::string("/logs/log.ivymaster.txt"); ivy_engine_logfile = testFolder + std::string("/logs/ivy_engine_API_calls.txt"); log(masterlogfile, api_log_entry); log(ivy_engine_logfile, api_log_entry); { std::ostringstream o; o << "ivy version " << ivy_version << " build date " << IVYBUILDDATE << " starting." << std::endl << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } if (!routine_logging) { std::ostringstream o; o << "For logging of routine (non-error) events, and to record the conversation with each ivydriver/ivy_cmddev, use the ivy -log command line option, like \"ivy -log a.ivyscript\".\n\n"; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } if (ivyscript_filename.size() > 0) { std::string copyivyscriptcmd = std::string("cp -p ") + ivyscript_filename + std::string(" ") + testFolder + std::string("/") + testName + std::string(".ivyscript"); if (0!=system(copyivyscriptcmd.c_str())) // now getting lazy, but purist maintainers could write C++ code to do this. { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> Failed trying to copy input ivyscript to output folder: \"" << copyivyscriptcmd << "\"." << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } } std::pair<bool,std::string> retval = rollups.initialize(); if (!retval.first) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> Internal programming error - failed initializing rollups in ivymaster.cpp saying: " << retval.second << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } test_start_time.setToNow(); initialize_io_time_clip_levels(); availableControllers[toLower(std::string("measure"))] = &the_dfc; auto rv = random_steady_template.setParameter("iosequencer=random_steady"); if ( ! rv.first) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> dreaded internal programming error - ivymaster startup - failed trying to set the default random steady I/O generator template - " << rv.second << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } rv = random_independent_template.setParameter("iosequencer=random_independent"); if ( !rv.first ) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> dreaded internal programming error - ivymaster startup - failed trying to set the default random independent I/O generator template - " << rv.second << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } rv = sequential_template.setParameter("iosequencer=sequential"); if ( !rv.first ) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> dreaded internal programming error - ivymaster startup - failed trying to set the default sequential I/O generator template - " << rv.second << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } hosts_list test_hosts; if (!test_hosts.compile(hosts_string)) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> failed parsing list of test hosts \"" << hosts_string << "\" - " << test_hosts.message; return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } for (auto& s: test_hosts.hosts) { hosts.push_back(s);} write_clear_script(); // This writes a shell script to run the clear_hung_ivy_threads executable on all involved hosts - handy if you are a developer and you mess things up if (hosts.size() == 0) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> ivy engine startup failed - No hosts specified." << std::endl; return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } JSON_select select; if (!select.compile_JSON_select(select_available_test_LUNs)) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> ivy engine startup failure - invalid select expression for available test LUNs \"" << select_available_test_LUNs << "\" - error message follows: " << select.error_message << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); std::cout << o.str(); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } { std::ostringstream o; o << "select " << select << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } if ( (!select.contains_attribute("serial_number")) && (!select.contains_attribute("vendor")) ) { std::ostringstream o; o << "<Error> ivy engine startup failure - select for available test LUNs \"" << select_available_test_LUNs << "\" - must specify either \"serial_number\" or \"vendor\"." << std::endl; return std::make_pair(false,o.str()); } for ( auto& host : hosts ) { if (routine_logging) { std::cout << "Starting thread for " << host << std::endl; } log( masterlogfile, std::string("Starting thread for ") + host + std::string("\n") ); pipe_driver_subthread* p_pipe_driver_subthread = new pipe_driver_subthread ( host, outputFolderRoot, testName, testFolder+std::string("/logs") ); host_subthread_pointers[host] = p_pipe_driver_subthread; threads.push_back(std::thread(invokeThread,p_pipe_driver_subthread)); } ofstream ahl(testFolder+std::string("/all_discovered_LUNs.txt")); ofstream ahl_csv(testFolder+std::string("/all_discovered_LUNs.csv")); { std::ostringstream o; o << std::endl << "Note:" << std::endl << "Sometimes the ssh command to start up ivydriver on a test host can take a long time when waiting for DNS timeouts. " << "This can be speeded up by editing /etc/nsswitch.conf / resolv.conf to use /etc/hosts first, or options for the sshd daemon can be edited; search for \"ssh login timeout\"." << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } bool first_host {true}; for (auto& pear : host_subthread_pointers) { { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> u_lk(pear.second->master_slave_lk); std::chrono::system_clock::time_point leftnow {std::chrono::system_clock::now()}; if ( pear.second->master_slave_cv.wait_until ( u_lk, leftnow + std::chrono::seconds(ivy_ssh_timeout), [&pear]() { return pear.second->startupComplete || pear.second->dead; } ) ) { if (pear.second->startupSuccessful) { std::ostringstream o; o << "pipe_driver_subthread successful fireup for host " << pear.first << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } else { std::ostringstream o; o << "Aborting - unsuccessful startup for ivydriver on host " << pear.first << ". Reason: \"" << pear.second->commandErrorMessage << "\"." << std::endl; o << std::endl << "Usually if try to run ivy again, it will work the next time. Don\'t know why this happens." << std::endl; o << std::endl << "Run the \"\" script to clear any hung ivy / ivydriver / ivy_cmddev threads on the ivy master host and all test hosts." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); u_lk.unlock(); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); // doesn't return } } else { std::ostringstream o; o << "Aborting - timeout waiting " << timeout_seconds << " seconds for pipe_driver_subthread fireup for host " << pear.first << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); u_lk.unlock(); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); // doesn't return } } {ostringstream o; o << "Subthread for \"" << pear.first << "\" posted startupComplete." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str());} for (auto& pLUN : pear.second->thisHostLUNs.LUNpointers) { allDiscoveredLUNs.LUNpointers.push_back(pLUN); ahl << pLUN->toString() << std::endl; } //*debug*/{ostringstream o; o << "Loop for \"" << pear.first << "\" about to copy on sample LUN." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str());} //*debug*/{ostringstream o; o << "Loop for \"" << pear.first << "\" HostSampleLUN=" << pear.second->HostSampleLUN.toString() << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str());} TheSampleLUN.copyOntoMe(&pear.second->HostSampleLUN); if (first_host) {ahl_csv << pear.second->lun_csv_header;} ahl_csv << pear.second->lun_csv_body.str(); first_host = false; } ahl.close(); ahl_csv.close(); allThreadsSentTheLUNsTheySee=true; /*debug*/ if (routine_logging){ ostringstream o; o <<"allDiscoveredLUNs contains:"<<std::endl<< allDiscoveredLUNs.toString() <<std::endl; //std::cout<<o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } else { ostringstream o; o <<"Discovered " << allDiscoveredLUNs.LUNpointers.size() << " LUNs on the test hosts." << std::endl; //std::cout<<o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } if (0 == allDiscoveredLUNs.LUNpointers.size()) { std::ostringstream o; o << ivyscript_line_number << ": \"" << ivyscript_line << "\"" << std::endl; o << "No LUNs were found on any of the hosts." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log (masterlogfile,o.str()); ivyscriptIfstream.close(); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } allDiscoveredLUNs.split_out_command_devices_into(commandDeviceLUNs); /*debug*/ { ostringstream o; o <<"commandDeviceLUNs contains:"<<std::endl<< commandDeviceLUNs.toString() <<std::endl; //std::cout<<o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } for (LUN* pLUN : allDiscoveredLUNs.LUNpointers) { if (select.matches(pLUN)) { if ( pLUN->attribute_value_matches("ldev", "FF:FF" ) && pLUN->attribute_value_matches("ldev_type", "" ) && ( pLUN->attribute_value_matches("product", "DISK-SUBSYSTEM") || pLUN->attribute_value_matches("product","OPEN-V") ) ) { ; // Ignore "phantom LUNs" that have been deleted on the subsystem but for which a /dev/sdxxx entry still exists. } else if ( pLUN->attribute_value_matches("ldev", "FF:FF") && pLUN->attribute_value_matches("ldev_type", "phantom LUN") ) { ; // Ignore "phantom LUNs" that have been deleted on the subsystem but for which a /dev/sdxxx entry still exists. } else { availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers.push_back(pLUN); } } } if ( 0 == availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers.size() ) { std::ostringstream o; o << "No LUNs matched [hosts] statement [select] clause." << std::endl; //p_Select->display("",o); std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } for (auto& pLUN : availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers) pLUN -> createNicknames(); // Now we create the Subsystem objects for (auto& pLUN : availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers) { std::string serial_number = pLUN->attribute_value(std::string("serial_number")); trim(serial_number); Subsystem* pSubsystem; auto subsystemIt = subsystems.find(serial_number); if (subsystems.end() == subsystemIt) { std::string product = pLUN->attribute_value("product"); trim(product); if (0 =="OPEN-V"))) { pSubsystem = new Hitachi_RAID_subsystem(serial_number, pLUN); } else { pSubsystem = new Subsystem(serial_number); } subsystems[serial_number] = pSubsystem; } else { pSubsystem = (*subsystemIt).second; } pSubsystem->add(pLUN); } // For each subsystem that the available test LUNs map to, // for the first available real-time interface, // start up the appropriate subthread to drive that interface. // Which means - for each Hitachi RAID subsystem, use the first command device // in commandDeviceLUNs that leads to that subsystem and start an // pipe_driver_subthread, which fires up the ivy_cmddev executable remotely via ssh // communicating via stdin/stdout pipes the same way we communicate with remote ivydriver instances. for (auto& pear : subsystems) { Subsystem* pSubsystem = pear.second; if (0 == std::string("Hitachi RAID").compare(pSubsystem->type())) { Hitachi_RAID_subsystem* pRAIDsubsystem {(Hitachi_RAID_subsystem*) pSubsystem}; bool have_cmd_dev_this_subsystem = false; if (m_s.use_command_device) for (auto& pL : commandDeviceLUNs.LUNpointers) // for each command device LUN as candidate to match as first command device for this subsystem. { if (0 == pSubsystem->>attribute_value("serial_number"))) // we have found the first command device for this subsystem { // fire up command device thread std::string cmd_dev_description; { std::ostringstream o; o << "command device for " << pL->attribute_value("Hitachi_product") << " " << pL->attribute_value("HDS_product") << " serial number " << pSubsystem->serial_number << " on host = " << pL->attribute_value("ivyscript_hostname") << ", subsystem port = " << pL->attribute_value("port") << ", LDEV = " << pL->attribute_value("LDEV") << std::endl; cmd_dev_description = o.str(); } std::string cmddevLDEV = pL->attribute_value("LDEV"); if (cmddevLDEV.length() >= 5 && ':' == cmddevLDEV[2]) cmddevLDEV.erase(2,1); std::ostringstream o; o << "Connecting to " << cmd_dev_description << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); pipe_driver_subthread* p_pipe_driver_subthread = new pipe_driver_subthread( pL->attribute_value("ivyscript_hostname") , outputFolderRoot , testName, testFolder+std::string("/logs") ); p_pipe_driver_subthread->pCmdDevLUN = pL; // Seeing this set tells the subthread it's running a command device. p_pipe_driver_subthread->p_Hitachi_RAID_subsystem = pRAIDsubsystem; pRAIDsubsystem->command_device_description = cmd_dev_description; pRAIDsubsystem->pRMLIBthread=p_pipe_driver_subthread; command_device_subthread_pointers[pSubsystem->serial_number] = p_pipe_driver_subthread; ivymaster_RMLIB_threads.push_back(std::thread(invokeThread,p_pipe_driver_subthread)); // Note: I wasn't sure, since std::thread is not copyable but is moveable, how to handle // the case when the command device doesn't start up correctly. So in the interest of // time, I left any unsuccessful-startup command device threads in moribund state // in ivymaster_RMLIB_threads to be joined when ivy shuts down. // wait with timeout for thread status to show "startupComplete", i.e. waiting for command; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> u_lk(p_pipe_driver_subthread->master_slave_lk); std::chrono::system_clock::time_point leftnow {std::chrono::system_clock::now()}; if ( p_pipe_driver_subthread->master_slave_cv.wait_until ( u_lk, leftnow + std::chrono::seconds(ivy_ssh_timeout), [&p_pipe_driver_subthread](){return p_pipe_driver_subthread->startupComplete || p_pipe_driver_subthread->dead;} ) ) { if (p_pipe_driver_subthread->startupSuccessful) { std::ostringstream o; o << "ivy_cmddev pipe_driver_subthread successful fireup for subsystem " << pSubsystem->serial_number << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); haveCmdDev = true; have_cmd_dev_this_subsystem = true; } else { std::ostringstream o; o << "Unsuccessful startup for command device = " << cmd_dev_description << std::endl << "Reason - " << p_pipe_driver_subthread->commandErrorMessage << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); pRAIDsubsystem->command_device_description.clear(); pRAIDsubsystem->pRMLIBthread=nullptr; } } else { std::ostringstream o; o << "Timeout waiting " << timeout_seconds << " seconds for for startup of command device = " << cmd_dev_description << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); pRAIDsubsystem->command_device_description.clear(); pRAIDsubsystem->pRMLIBthread=nullptr; } } if (!have_cmd_dev_this_subsystem) continue; // This command device did not start up OK - try the next one if we have another to the same subsystem. // Maybe there is a command device perhaps on a different host that does have RMLIB installed, // does have a valid license key installed, and does have the ivy_cmddev executable. // Command device reports startup complete // gather config ivytime config_gather_start; config_gather_start.setToNow(); std::chrono::system_clock::time_point start_getconfig_time_point { std::chrono::system_clock::now() }; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> u_lk(p_pipe_driver_subthread->master_slave_lk); p_pipe_driver_subthread->commandString = std::string("get config"); p_pipe_driver_subthread->command=true; p_pipe_driver_subthread->commandComplete=false; p_pipe_driver_subthread->commandSuccess=false; p_pipe_driver_subthread->commandErrorMessage.clear(); { std::ostringstream o; o << "Posted \"get config\" to thread for subsystem serial " << pRAIDsubsystem->serial_number << " managed on host " << p_pipe_driver_subthread->ivyscript_hostname << '.' << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } } p_pipe_driver_subthread->master_slave_cv.notify_all(); { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> u_lk(p_pipe_driver_subthread->master_slave_lk); if ( p_pipe_driver_subthread->master_slave_cv.wait_until ( u_lk, start_getconfig_time_point + std::chrono::seconds(get_config_timeout_seconds /* see ivydefines.h */), [&p_pipe_driver_subthread](){ return p_pipe_driver_subthread->commandComplete || p_pipe_driver_subthread->dead; } ) ) { if (!p_pipe_driver_subthread->commandSuccess) { std::ostringstream o; o << "\"get config\" to thread for subsystem serial " << pRAIDsubsystem->serial_number << " managed on host " << p_pipe_driver_subthread->ivyscript_hostname << " failed. Aborting." << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } ivytime config_gather_complete; config_gather_complete.setToNow(); pRAIDsubsystem->config_gather_time = config_gather_complete - config_gather_start; { std::ostringstream o; o << "\"get config\" reported complete with duration " << pRAIDsubsystem->config_gather_time.format_as_duration_HMMSSns() << " by thread for subsystem serial " << pRAIDsubsystem->serial_number << " managed on host " << p_pipe_driver_subthread->ivyscript_hostname << '.' << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } } else // timeout { std::ostringstream o; o << "Aborting - timeout waiting " << get_config_timeout_seconds << " seconds for pipe_driver_subthread for subsystem " << pRAIDsubsystem->serial_number << " managed on host " << p_pipe_driver_subthread->ivyscript_hostname << " to complete a \"get config\"." << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); u_lk.unlock(); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } } // post process after gather to augment available test LUN attributes with LDEV attributes from the config gather for (auto pLUN : availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers) { if ( 0 == std::string("Hitachi RAID").compare(pSubsystem->type()) && 0 == pSubsystem->>attribute_value("serial_number"))) { // for each test LUN, if we are processing a Hitachi RAID subsystem with a given serial number and the test LUN serial_number matches the subsystem // 1) if CLPR is non-empty add the <CLPR,serial_number> pair to cooldown_WP_watch_set // 2) copy the LDEV's RMLIB attributes to the test LUN. // put a suffix "_RMLIB" if the test LUN already has the attribute name (from the SCSI Inquiry LUN lister tool""). if (0 < pLUN->attribute_value("CLPR").length()) { cooldown_WP_watch_set.insert(std::make_pair(pLUN->attribute_value("CLPR"),pSubsystem)); } // Copy the LDEV attributes obtained from a command device to the corresponding available test LUN, // appending "_RMLIB" upon attribute name collisions. // NOTE - in the LUN object all map keys are first translated to lower case upon insertion. // It is advised to use the LUN's own functions to do lookups, attribute value matching, etc. // as then you won't need to worry about case sensitivity of attribute names. // NOTE2 - The data returned by ivy_cmddev for a "get config" command has attribute names like LDEV // in upper case and the LDEV attribute values like 00:FF are provided in upper case. if (!pLUN->contains_attribute_name(std::string("ldev"))) { std::ostringstream o; o << "Aborting - available test LUN matched on Hitachi RAID subsystem serial number " << pSubsystem->serial_number << ", but the LUN did have the \"ldev\" attribute." << std::endl << " LUN =" << pLUN->toString() << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } std::string LUN_ldev = pLUN->attribute_value(std::string("ldev")); if (0==LUN_ldev.size()) { std::ostringstream o; o << "Aborting - available test LUN matched on Hitachi RAID subsystem serial number " << pSubsystem->serial_number << ", but the LUN's \"ldev\" attribute value was the null string." << std::endl << " LUN =" << pLUN->toString() << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } auto subsystemLDEVit = pRAIDsubsystem->"LDEV")); if (pRAIDsubsystem-> == subsystemLDEVit) { std::ostringstream o; o << "Aborting - available test LUN matched on Hitachi RAID subsystem serial number " << pSubsystem->serial_number << ", but the subsystem configuration data from a command device didn\'t have \"LDEV\" element type." << std::endl << " LUN =" << pLUN->toString() << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } std::string cmddev_LDEV = toUpper(LUN_ldev); auto subsystemLDEVinstanceIt = (*subsystemLDEVit).second.find(cmddev_LDEV); if ((*subsystemLDEVit).second.end() == subsystemLDEVinstanceIt) { std::ostringstream o; o << "Aborting - available test LUN matched on Hitachi RAID subsystem serial number " << pSubsystem->serial_number << ", but the subsystem didn\'t have the \"LDEV\" instance \"" << cmddev_LDEV << "\"." << std::endl << " LUN =" << pLUN->toString() << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); kill_subthreads_and_exit(); } for (auto& pear : (*subsystemLDEVinstanceIt).second) { // To reduce clutter, upon an attribute name collision, meaning that both the SCSI Inquiry-based LUN Lister tool like // and the RMLIB API-based command device data returned an attribute name that when translated to lower case was the same, // then if the attribute values from either side are the same when translated to lower case and with leading/trailing // blanks removed, we don't alter the existing attribute value, and the RMLIB API value is discarded. // If RMLIB returned a substantially different value for the same metric, then we create a new attribute name // by appending "_rmlib" and store the RMLIB value there. // pear is std::map<std::string,metric_value> std::string attribute_name = toLower(pear.first); std::string attribute_value = pear.second.string_value(); std::string trimmed_attribute_value = toLower(attribute_value); trim(trimmed_attribute_value); if (pLUN->contains_attribute_name(attribute_name)) { std::string trimmed_LUN_value = toLower(pLUN->attribute_value(attribute_name)); trim(trimmed_LUN_value); if (0 != { attribute_name += std::string("_rmlib"); pLUN->set_attribute(attribute_name, attribute_value); } } else { pLUN->set_attribute(attribute_name, attribute_value); } } } } // end of augmenting available test LUN attributes with config info from the command device break; // out of loop over command device LUNs as candidates to be first command device for this subsystem } // if we found the first command device for this subsystem } // for each command device LUN as candidate to match as first command device for this subsystem. // back to Hitachi RAID subsystem type if (!have_cmd_dev_this_subsystem) { std::ostringstream o; o << "No command device found for subsystem " << pSubsystem->serial_number << std::endl; std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } else { pRAIDsubsystem->configGatherData.print_csv_file_set ( testFolder, pRAIDsubsystem->serial_number+std::string(".config") ); } } // end for Hitachi RAID subsystem } // end for each subsystem for (auto& pLUN : availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers) { TheSampleLUN.copyOntoMe(pLUN); // add nicknames, and command device LDEV attributes to TheSampleLUN. } for (auto& pLUN : availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers) // populate test config thumbnail data structures { available_LUNs_thumbnail.add(pLUN); } { std::ostringstream o; o << available_LUNs_thumbnail; bool saw_command_device {false}; for (auto& pear : subsystems) { if (0 == std::string("Hitachi RAID").compare(pear.second->type())) { Hitachi_RAID_subsystem* pRAID = (Hitachi_RAID_subsystem*) pear.second; if (pRAID->command_device_description.size() > 0) { saw_command_device = true; o << pRAID->command_device_description; } } } if (saw_command_device) o << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); std::cout << o.str(); ofstream ofs(testFolder+std::string("/available_test_config.txt")); ofs << o.str(); ofs.close(); } if (routine_logging) { ostringstream o; o << "After adding subsystem config attributes, availableTestLUNs contains:" << std::endl << availableTestLUNs.toString() << std::endl; // std::cout << o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } else { ostringstream o; o <<"availableTestLUNs contains " << availableTestLUNs.LUNpointers.size() << " LUNs." << std::endl; //std::cout<<o.str(); log(masterlogfile,o.str()); } ofstream atlcsv(testFolder+std::string("/available_test_LUNs.csv")); availableTestLUNs.print_csv_file(atlcsv); atlcsv.close(); if (cooldown_WP_watch_set.size() == 0) { std::ostringstream o; o << "No command devices for RAID_subsystem LDEVs, so cooldown_by_wp settings will not have any effect." << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); std::cout << o.str(); } else { std::ostringstream o; o << "Cooldown_WP_watch_set contains:"; for (auto& pear : cooldown_WP_watch_set) o << " < " << pear.first << ", " << pear.second->serial_number << " >"; o << std::endl << std::endl; log(masterlogfile,o.str()); std::cout << o.str(); } haveHosts = true; return std::make_pair(true,std::string("hello, whirled!")); }