Example #1
0000   00 05 00 02 00 17 00 06 00 03 00 00 00 00 07 00  ................
0010   01 00 00 08 00 01 01 00 0a 00 14 00 02 00 08 66  ...............f
0020   61 63 65 62 6f 6f 6b 00 06 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65     acebook..google

int CAimProto::aim_request_rights(HANDLE hServerConn,unsigned short &seqno)
	unsigned short offset=0;
	char buf[SNAC_SIZE+50];
	return aim_sendflap(hServerConn,0x02,offset,buf,seqno);
int CAimProto::aim_set_caps(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    int i = 1;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 3 + AIM_CAPS_LENGTH * 50 + sizeof(AIM_MSG_TYPE)];
    char temp[AIM_CAPS_LENGTH * 20];
    memcpy(&temp[AIM_CAPS_LENGTH*i++], AIM_CAP_UTF8, AIM_CAPS_LENGTH);
    if (getByte(AIM_KEY_HF, 0))
        memcpy(&temp[AIM_CAPS_LENGTH*i++], AIM_CAP_HIPTOP, AIM_CAPS_LENGTH);
    aim_writesnac(0x02, 0x04, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x05, (unsigned short)(AIM_CAPS_LENGTH*i), temp, offset, buf);

    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #2
int CAimProto::aim_activate_list(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x13, 0x07, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #3
int CAimProto::aim_request_offline_msgs(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x10, offset, buf); // Subtype for offline messages 0x10
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #4
int CAimProto::aim_request_icbm(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x04, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #5
int CAimProto::aim_admin_account_confirm(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x07, 0x06, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #6
int CAimProto::aim_file_ad(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* sn, char* icbm_cookie, bool deny, unsigned short)
    unsigned short frag_offset = 0;
    char msg_frag[10 + AIM_CAPS_LENGTH + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 2 + 6];
    aim_writeshort(deny ? 1 : 2, frag_offset, msg_frag);              // icbm accept / deny
    aim_writegeneric(8, icbm_cookie, frag_offset, msg_frag);           // icbm cookie
                     AIM_CAP_FILE_TRANSFER, frag_offset, msg_frag);                // uuid

//    if (max_ver > 1)
//        aim_writetlvshort(0x12,2,frag_offset,msg_frag);             // max protocol version

    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE + 21 + frag_offset + sn_length);
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x06, offset, buf);                            // msg to host
    aim_writegeneric(8, icbm_cookie, offset, buf);                     // icbm cookie
    aim_writeshort(2, offset, buf);                                   // icbm channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);             // screen name length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);                      // screen name
    aim_writetlv(0x05, frag_offset, msg_frag, offset, buf);             // icbm tags

    debugLogA("%s a file transfer.", deny ? "Denying" : "Accepting");
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) == 0;
Example #7
int CAimProto::aim_chat_send_message(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char *amsg)
    aimString str(amsg);

    const char* charset = str.isUnicode() ? "unicode-2-0" : "us-ascii";
    const unsigned short chrset_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(charset);

    const char* msg = str.getBuf();
    const unsigned short msg_len = str.getSize();

    unsigned short tlv_offset = 0;
    char* tlv_buf = (char*)alloca(TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 4 + chrset_len + msg_len + 20);
    aim_writetlv(0x04, 13, "text/x-aolrtf", tlv_offset, tlv_buf);   // Format
    aim_writetlv(0x02, chrset_len, charset, tlv_offset, tlv_buf);   // Character Set
    aim_writetlv(0x03, 2, "en", tlv_offset, tlv_buf);			    // Language Encoding
    aim_writetlv(0x01, msg_len, msg, tlv_offset, tlv_buf);			// Message

    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 8 + 2 + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 3 + tlv_offset);
    aim_writesnac(0x0e, 0x05, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf);			// Message Cookie (can be random)
    aim_writeshort(0x03, offset, buf);							// Message Channel (Always 3 for chat)
    aim_writetlv(0x01, 0, NULL, offset, buf);						// Public/Whisper flag
    aim_writetlv(0x06, 0, NULL, offset, buf);						// Enable Reflection flag
    aim_writetlv(0x05, tlv_offset, tlv_buf, offset, buf);			// Message Information TLV

    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #8
int CAimProto::aim_set_avatar_hash(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char flags, unsigned short bart_type, unsigned short &id, char size, const char* hash)
    unsigned short offset = 0;

    char bart_type_txt[8];
    ultoa(bart_type, bart_type_txt, 10);
    unsigned short bart_type_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(bart_type_txt);

    unsigned short req = 0x09;
    if (id == 0) {
        id = get_random();
        req = 0x08;

    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 2 + 20 + size + bart_type_len);
    aim_writesnac(0x13, req, offset, buf, get_random());               // SSI Edit/Add
    aim_writeshort(bart_type_len, offset, buf);                       // name length
    aim_writegeneric(bart_type_len, bart_type_txt, offset, buf);       // name
    aim_writeshort(0, offset, buf);                                   // group id
    aim_writeshort(id, offset, buf);                                  // buddy id
    aim_writeshort(0x14, offset, buf);                                // buddy type: Buddy Icon
    aim_writeshort(2 + size + TLV_HEADER_SIZE, offset, buf);              // length of extra data

    char* buf2 = (char*)alloca(2 + size);
    buf2[0] = flags;
    buf2[1] = (char)size;
    memcpy(&buf2[2], hash, size);
    aim_writetlv(0xd5, 2 + size, buf2, offset, buf);                  // BART

    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #9
int CAimProto::aim_chatnav_request_limits(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x0d, 0x02, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) ? -1 : 0;
Example #10
int CAimProto::aim_chat_invite(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* chat_cookie, unsigned short exchange, unsigned short instance, char* sn, char* msg)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short chat_cookie_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(chat_cookie);
    unsigned short sn_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    unsigned short msg_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(msg);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 64 + chat_cookie_len + sn_len + msg_len);
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x06, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf);		    // ICBM Cookie
    aim_writeshort(2, offset, buf);				                // ICBM Channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_len, offset, buf);		    // Screen Name Length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_len, sn, offset, buf);					    // Screen Name

    aim_writeshort(0x05, offset, buf);						    // Rendezvous Message Data TLV
    aim_writeshort(49 + msg_len + chat_cookie_len, offset, buf);	    // TLV size

    aim_writeshort(0, offset, buf);							    // Message Type (0) - Request
    aim_writegeneric(8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf);		    // ICBM Cookie (same as above)
    aim_writegeneric(16, AIM_CAP_CHAT, offset, buf);			    // Capability

    aim_writetlvshort(0x0a, 1, offset, buf);				        // Sequence Number TLV
    aim_writetlv(0x0f, 0, NULL, offset, buf);					    // Request Host Caps Check TLV
    aim_writetlv(0x0c, msg_len, msg, offset, buf);				    // Invitation Message TLV

    aim_writeshort(0x2711, offset, buf);							// Capability TLV
    aim_writeshort(chat_cookie_len + 5, offset, buf);				// Length
    aim_writeshort(exchange, offset, buf);						// Value - Exchange
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)chat_cookie_len, offset, buf);	// Value - Cookie Length
    aim_writegeneric(chat_cookie_len, chat_cookie, offset, buf);	// Value - Cookie
    aim_writeshort(instance, offset, buf);						// Value - Instance

    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #11
int CAimProto::aim_set_away(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char *amsg, bool set)//user info
	unsigned short offset=0;
	char* html_msg = NULL;
	size_t msg_size = 0;
	if (set)
		if (!amsg) return -1;
		setDword(AIM_KEY_LA, (DWORD)time(NULL));
		html_msg = html_encode(amsg && amsg[0] ? amsg : DEFAULT_AWAY_MSG);
		msg_size = strlen(html_msg);

	aimString str(html_msg);
	const char *charset = str.isUnicode() ? AIM_MSG_TYPE_UNICODE : AIM_MSG_TYPE;
	const unsigned short charset_len = (unsigned short)strlen(charset);

	const char* msg = str.getBuf();
	const unsigned short msg_len = str.getSize();

	char* buf=(char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE+TLV_HEADER_SIZE*3+charset_len+msg_len+1);

	aim_writetlv(0x04,(unsigned short)msg_len,msg,offset,buf);

//	aim_writetlvchar(0x0f,2,offset,buf);

	return aim_sendflap(hServerConn,0x02,offset,buf,seqno);
Example #12
int CAimProto::aim_ssi_update(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, bool start)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x13, start ? 0x11 : 0x12, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) == 0;
Example #13
int CAimProto::aim_ssi_update_preferences(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 4 + 100];
    unsigned short req = 0x09;
    if (m_pref1_id == 0) {
        m_pref1_id = get_random();
        req = 0x08;
    aim_writesnac(0x13, req, offset, buf, get_random()); // SSI Edit/Add
    aim_writeshort(0, offset, buf);                      // group name length
    aim_writeshort(0, offset, buf);                      // group id (root)
    aim_writeshort(m_pref1_id, offset, buf);             // buddy id
    aim_writeshort(5, offset, buf);                      // buddy type: Presence

    unsigned short tlv_len = TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 2 + 8;
    if (m_pref2_len) tlv_len += TLV_HEADER_SIZE + m_pref2_len;
    if (m_pref2_set_len) tlv_len += TLV_HEADER_SIZE + m_pref2_set_len;

    aim_writeshort(tlv_len, offset, buf);                // length of extra data
    aim_writetlvlong(0xc9, m_pref1_flags, offset, buf);  // Update Buddy preferences 1
    aim_writetlvlong(0xd6, m_pref1_set_flags, offset, buf); // Update Buddy preferences 1
    if (m_pref2_len)
        aim_writetlv(0xd7, m_pref2_len, m_pref2_flags, offset, buf); // Update Buddy preferences 2
    if (m_pref2_set_len)
        aim_writetlv(0xd8, m_pref2_set_len, m_pref2_set_flags, offset, buf); // Update Buddy preferences 2
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #14
int CAimProto::aim_activate_mail(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + 17];
    aim_writesnac(0x18, 0x16, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(17, "\x02\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #15
int CAimProto::aim_send_cookie(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, int cookie_size, char * cookie)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 2 + cookie_size);
    aim_writelong(0x01, offset, buf);//protocol version number
    aim_writetlv(0x06, (unsigned short)cookie_size, cookie, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x01, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #16
int CAimProto::aim_accept_rates(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE * 2];
    aim_writesnac(0x01, 0x08, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(10, AIM_SERVICE_RATES, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #17
int CAimProto::aim_set_idle(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, unsigned long seconds)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + 4];
    aim_writesnac(0x01, 0x11, offset, buf);
    aim_writelong(seconds, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #18
int CAimProto::aim_set_status(HANDLE hServerConn,unsigned short &seqno,unsigned long status_type)
	unsigned short offset=0;
	return aim_sendflap(hServerConn,0x02,offset,buf,seqno);
Example #19
int CAimProto::aim_search_by_email(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char* email)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char em_length = (char)mir_strlen(email);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + em_length);
    aim_writesnac(0x0a, 0x02, offset, buf);	                        // Email search
    aim_writegeneric(em_length, email, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #20
int CAimProto::aim_admin_request_info(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const unsigned short &type)
    // types: 0x01 - nickname, 0x11 - email info, 0x13 - registration status
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x07, 0x02, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(type, 0, NULL, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #21
int CAimProto::aim_admin_change_email(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char* email)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short email_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(email);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE + email_len);
    aim_writesnac(0x07, 0x04, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x11, email_len, email, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #22
int CAimProto::aim_admin_format_name(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char* sn)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short sn_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE + sn_len);
    aim_writesnac(0x07, 0x04, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x01, sn_len, sn, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #23
int CAimProto::aim_upload_avatar(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, unsigned short bart_type, const char* avatar, unsigned short avatar_size)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 22 + avatar_size);
    aim_writesnac(0x10, 0x02, offset, buf);
    aim_writeshort(bart_type, offset, buf);                                   // BART id
    aim_writeshort(avatar_size, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(avatar_size, avatar, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #24
int CAimProto::aim_authkey_request(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char *buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 3 + mir_strlen(m_username));
    aim_writesnac(0x17, 0x06, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x01, (unsigned short)mir_strlen(m_username), m_username, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x4B, 0, 0, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x5A, 0, 0, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #25
int CAimProto::aim_new_service_request(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, unsigned short service)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + 2 + TLV_HEADER_SIZE];
    aim_writesnac(0x01, 0x04, offset, buf);
    aim_writeshort(service, offset, buf);
    if (!getByte(AIM_KEY_DSSL, 0))
        aim_writetlv(0x8c, 0, NULL, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #26
int CAimProto::aim_query_profile(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* sn)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 5 + sn_length);
    aim_writesnac(0x02, 0x15, offset, buf);
    aim_writelong(0x01, offset, buf);
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) == 0;
Example #27
int CAimProto::aim_admin_ready(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char buf[SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 4];
    aim_writesnac(0x01, 0x02, offset, buf);
    aim_writefamily(AIM_SERVICE_GENERIC, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(4, AIM_TOOL_VERSION, offset, buf);
    aim_writefamily(AIM_SERVICE_ADMIN, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(4, AIM_TOOL_VERSION, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #28
int CAimProto::aim_admin_change_password(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char* cur_pw, const char* new_pw)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short cur_pw_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(cur_pw);
    unsigned short new_pw_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(new_pw);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 2 * TLV_HEADER_SIZE + cur_pw_len + new_pw_len);
    aim_writesnac(0x07, 0x04, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x02, new_pw_len, new_pw, offset, buf);
    aim_writetlv(0x12, cur_pw_len, cur_pw, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Example #29
void CAimProto::shutdown_chat_conn(void)
	for(int i=0; i<chat_rooms.getCount(); ++i)
		chat_list_item& item = chat_rooms[i];
		if (item.hconn)
Example #30
int CAimProto::aim_request_avatar(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char* sn, unsigned short bart_type, const char* hash, unsigned short hash_size)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned char sn_length = (unsigned char)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + sn_length + hash_size + 12);
    aim_writesnac(0x10, 0x06, offset, buf);
    aim_writechar(sn_length, offset, buf);                            // screen name length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);                      // screen name
    aim_writechar(1, offset, buf);                                    // number of BART ID
    aim_writebartid(bart_type, 0, hash_size, hash, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);