Example #1
unsigned int
airParseStrE(int *out, const char *_s, const char *ct, unsigned int n, ...)
  unsigned int i;
  char *tmp, *s, *last;
  airArray *mop;
  va_list ap;
  airEnum *enm;

  /* grab the enum every time, prior to error checking */
  va_start(ap, n);
  enm = va_arg(ap, airEnum *);

  /* if we got NULL, there's nothing to do */
  if (!(out && _s && ct))
    return 0;

  mop = airMopNew();
  /* copy the input so that we don't change it */
  s = airStrdup(_s);
  airMopMem(mop, &s, airMopAlways);

  if (1 == n)
    /* Because it should be permissible to have spaces in what is
       intended to be only a single string from an airEnum, we treat
       1==n differently, and do NOT use airStrtok to tokenize the
       input string s into spaces.  We check the whole s string */
    out[0] = airEnumVal(enm, s);
    if (airEnumUnknown(enm) == out[0])
      return 0;
    /* keep calling airStrtok() until we have everything */
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      tmp = airStrtok(i ? NULL : s, ct, &last);
      if (!tmp)
        return i;
      out[i] = airEnumVal(enm, tmp);
      if (airEnumUnknown(enm) == out[i])
        return i;
  return n;
Example #2
nrrdGetenvBool(int *val, char **envStr, const char *envVar) {
  char *env;
  int tmp;

  if (!(val && envVar)) {
    return -1;
  env = getenv(envVar);
  if (envStr) {
    *envStr = env;
  if (!env) {
    return -1;
  if (!strlen(env)) {
    /* for bools, being merely set (but not to any string) means "true" */
    *val = AIR_TRUE;
    return AIR_TRUE;
  tmp = airEnumVal(airBool, env);
  if (airEnumUnknown(airBool) == tmp) {
    return AIR_FALSE;
  } else {
    *val = tmp;
    return AIR_TRUE;
Example #3
unsigned int
airParseStrB(int *out, const char *_s, const char *ct, unsigned int n, ...)
  unsigned int i;
  char *tmp, *s, *last;

  /* if we got NULL, there's nothing to do */
  if (!(out && _s && ct))
    return 0;

  /* copy the input so that we don't change it */
  s = airStrdup(_s);

  /* keep calling airStrtok() until we have everything */
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    tmp = airStrtok(i ? NULL : s, ct, &last);
    if (!tmp)
      return i;
    out[i] = airEnumVal(airBool, tmp);
    if (airEnumUnknown(airBool) == out[i])
      return i;
  return n;
Example #4
airEnumVal(const airEnum *enm, const char *str) {
  char *strCpy, test[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];
  unsigned int ii;

  if (!str) {
    return airEnumUnknown(enm);
  strCpy = airStrdup(str);
  if (!enm->sense) {

  if (enm->strEqv) {
    /* want strlen and not airStrlen here because the strEqv array
       should be terminated by a non-null empty string */
    for (ii=0; strlen(enm->strEqv[ii]); ii++) {
      strncpy(test, enm->strEqv[ii], AIR_STRLEN_SMALL);
      test[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL-1] = '\0';
      if (!enm->sense) {
      if (!strcmp(test, strCpy)) {
        return enm->valEqv[ii];
  } else {
    /* enm->strEqv NULL */
    for (ii=1; ii<=enm->M; ii++) {
      strncpy(test, enm->str[ii], AIR_STRLEN_SMALL);
      test[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL-1] = '\0';
      if (!enm->sense) {
      if (!strcmp(test, strCpy)) {
        return enm->val ? enm->val[ii] : (int)ii; /* HEY scrutinize cast */

  /* else we never matched a string */
  return airEnumUnknown(enm);
Example #5
******** airEnumFmtDesc()
** Formats a description line for one element "val" of airEnum "enm",
** and puts the result in a NEWLY ALLOCATED string which is the return
** of this function.  The formatting is done via sprintf(), as governed
** by "fmt", which should contain to "%s" conversion sequences, the
** first for the string version "val", and the second for the
** description If "canon", then the canonical string representation
** will be used (the one in enm->str[]), otherwise the shortest string
** representation will be used (which differs from the canonical one
** when there is a strEqv[]/valEqv[] pair defining a shorter string)
char *
airEnumFmtDesc(const airEnum *enm, int val, int canon, const char *fmt) {
  const char *desc;
  char *buff, ident[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];
  const char *_ident;
  int i;
  size_t len;

  if (!(enm && enm->desc && fmt)) {
    return airStrdup("(airEnumDesc: invalid args)");
  if (airEnumValCheck(enm, val)) {
    val = airEnumUnknown(enm);
  _ident = airEnumStr(enm, val);
  if (!canon && enm->strEqv) {
    len = airStrlen(_ident);
    for (i=0; airStrlen(enm->strEqv[i]); i++) {
      if (val != enm->valEqv[i]) {
        /* this isn't a string representing the value we care about */
      if (airStrlen(enm->strEqv[i]) < len) {
        /* this one is shorter */
        len = airStrlen(enm->strEqv[i]);
        _ident = enm->strEqv[i];
  strncpy(ident, _ident, AIR_STRLEN_SMALL);
  ident[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL-1] = '\0';
  if (!enm->sense) {
  desc = enm->desc[_airEnumIndex(enm, val)];
  buff = AIR_CALLOC(airStrlen(fmt) + airStrlen(ident) +
                    airStrlen(desc) + 1, char);
  if (buff) {
    sprintf(buff, fmt, ident, desc);
  return buff;
Example #6
nrrdGetenvEnum(int *val, char **envStr, const airEnum *enm,
               const char *envVar) {
  char *env;
  int tmp;

  if (!(val && envVar)) {
    return -1;
  env = getenv(envVar);
  if (envStr) {
    *envStr = env;
  if (!env) {
    return -1;
  tmp = airEnumVal(enm, env);
  if (airEnumUnknown(enm) == tmp) {
    return AIR_FALSE;
  } else {
    *val = tmp;
    return AIR_TRUE;