/* read_win_bminfoheader:
 *  Reads information from a BMP file header.
static int read_win_bminfoheader(ALLEGRO_FILE *f, BMPINFOHEADER *infoheader)
   WINBMPINFOHEADER win_infoheader;

   win_infoheader.biWidth = al_fread32le(f);
   win_infoheader.biHeight = al_fread32le(f);
   win_infoheader.biPlanes = al_fread16le(f);
   win_infoheader.biBitCount = al_fread16le(f);
   win_infoheader.biCompression = al_fread32le(f);
   win_infoheader.biSizeImage = al_fread32le(f);
   win_infoheader.biXPelsPerMeter = al_fread32le(f);
   win_infoheader.biYPelsPerMeter = al_fread32le(f);
   win_infoheader.biClrUsed = al_fread32le(f);
   win_infoheader.biClrImportant = al_fread32le(f);

   infoheader->biWidth = win_infoheader.biWidth;
   infoheader->biHeight = win_infoheader.biHeight;
   infoheader->biBitCount = win_infoheader.biBitCount;
   infoheader->biCompression = win_infoheader.biCompression;
   infoheader->biClrUsed = win_infoheader.biClrUsed;

   if (al_feof(f) || al_ferror(f)) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("Failed to read file header\n");
      return -1;

   return 0;
static ALLEGRO_FILE *get_next_chunk(ALLEGRO_FILE *file)
   /* Reads the length of the next chunk, and if not at end of file, returns a 
      slice that represents that portion of the file. */ 
   const uint32_t length = al_fread32le(file);
   return !al_feof(file) ? al_fopen_slice(file, length, "rw") : NULL;
Example #3
	bool File::eof() const
			return true;
			return al_feof(m_file);
/* read_bmfileheader:
 *  Reads a BMP file header and check that it has the BMP magic number.
static int read_bmfileheader(ALLEGRO_FILE *f, BMPFILEHEADER *fileheader)
   fileheader->bfType = al_fread16le(f);
   fileheader->bfSize = al_fread32le(f);
   fileheader->bfReserved1 = al_fread16le(f);
   fileheader->bfReserved2 = al_fread16le(f);
   fileheader->bfOffBits = al_fread32le(f);

   if (fileheader->bfType != 19778) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("Not BMP format\n");
      return -1;

   if (al_feof(f) || al_ferror(f)) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("Failed to read file header\n");
      return -1;

   return 0;
Example #5
ConfigFile::ConfigFile( std::string Filename )
	std::string document;
	char buf[1024];

	fileHnd = al_fopen( Filename.c_str(), "r" );
	if( fileHnd != 0 )
		while( !al_feof( fileHnd ) )
			al_fgets( fileHnd, (char*)&buf, 1024 );
			document.append( (char*)&buf );
			memset( (void*)buf, 0, 1024 );
		ParseFile( document );
		al_fclose( fileHnd );
/* read_os2_bminfoheader:
 *  Reads information from an OS/2 format BMP file header.
static int read_os2_bminfoheader(ALLEGRO_FILE *f, BMPINFOHEADER *infoheader)
   OS2BMPINFOHEADER os2_infoheader;

   os2_infoheader.biWidth = al_fread16le(f);
   os2_infoheader.biHeight = al_fread16le(f);
   os2_infoheader.biPlanes = al_fread16le(f);
   os2_infoheader.biBitCount = al_fread16le(f);

   infoheader->biWidth = os2_infoheader.biWidth;
   infoheader->biHeight = os2_infoheader.biHeight;
   infoheader->biBitCount = os2_infoheader.biBitCount;
   infoheader->biCompression = BIT_RGB;
   infoheader->biClrUsed = 0; /* default */

   if (al_feof(f) || al_ferror(f)) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("Failed to read file header\n");
      return -1;

   return 0;
Example #7
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *_al_load_voc_f(ALLEGRO_FILE *file)
   AL_VOC_DATA *vocdata;
   size_t pos = 0; /* where to write in the buffer */
   size_t read = 0; /*bytes read during last operation */
   char* buffer;

   size_t bytestoread = 0;
   bool endofvoc = false;

   vocdata = al_malloc(sizeof(AL_VOC_DATA));
   memset(vocdata, 0, sizeof(*vocdata));
    * Open file and populate VOC DATA, then create a buffer for the number of
    * samples of the frst block.
    * Iterate on the following blocks till EOF or terminator block
   vocdata = voc_open(file);
   if (!vocdata) return NULL;

   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("channels %d\n", vocdata->channels);
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("word_size %d\n", vocdata->sample_size);
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("rate %d\n", vocdata->samplerate);
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("first_block_samples %d\n", vocdata->samples);
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("first_block_size %d\n", vocdata->samples * vocdata->sample_size);

    * Let's allocate at least the first block's bytes;
   buffer = al_malloc(vocdata->samples * vocdata->sample_size);
   if (!buffer) {
      return NULL;
    * We now need to iterate over data blocks till either we hit end of file
    * or we find a terminator block.
   bytestoread = vocdata->samples * vocdata->sample_size;
   while(!endofvoc && !al_feof(vocdata->file)) {
      uint32_t blocktype = 0;
      uint32_t x = 0, len = 0;
      read = al_fread(vocdata->file, buffer, bytestoread);
      pos += read;
      READNBYTES(vocdata->file, blocktype, 1, NULL);   // read next block type
      if (al_feof(vocdata->file)) break;
      switch (blocktype) {
         case 0:{  /* we found a terminator block */
            endofvoc = true;
         case 2:{  /*we found a continuation block: unlikely but handled */
            x = 0;
            bytestoread = 0;
            READNBYTES(vocdata->file, bytestoread, 2, NULL);
            READNBYTES(vocdata->file, x, 1, NULL);
            bytestoread += x<<16;
            /* increase subsequently storage */
            buffer = al_realloc(buffer, sizeof(buffer) + bytestoread);
         case 1:   // we found a NEW data block starter, I assume this is wrong
         case 8:   // and let the so far read sample data correctly in the
         case 9:{   // already allocated buffer.
            endofvoc = true;
         case 3:     /* we found a pause block */
         case 4:     /* we found a marker block */
         case 5:     /* we found an ASCII c-string block */
         case 6:     /* we found a repeat block */
         case 7:{    /* we found an end repeat block */
                     /* all these blocks will be skipped */
            unsigned int ii;
            len = 0;
            x = 0;
            READNBYTES(vocdata->file, len, 2, NULL);
            READNBYTES(vocdata->file, x, 1, NULL);
            len += x<<16;  // this is the length what's left to skip */
            for (ii = 0; ii < len ; ++ii) {
            bytestoread = 0;  //should let safely check for the next block */

   sample = al_create_sample(buffer, pos, vocdata->samplerate,
   if (!sample)


   return sample;
Example #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   ALLEGRO_PATH *tmp_path = NULL;
   int prev = 0;
   bool is_recording = false;
   int n = 0; /* number of samples written to disk */
   (void) argc;
   (void) argv;

   if (!al_init()) {
      abort_example("Could not init Allegro.\n");
   if (!al_init_primitives_addon()) {
      abort_example("Unable to initialize primitives addon");
   if (!al_install_keyboard()) {
      abort_example("Unable to install keyboard");
   if (!al_install_audio()) {
      abort_example("Unable to initialize audio addon");
   if (!al_init_acodec_addon()) {
      abort_example("Unable to initialize acodec addon");
   /* Note: increasing the number of channels will break this demo. Other
    * settings can be changed by modifying the constants at the top of the
    * file.
   r = al_create_audio_recorder(1000, samples_per_fragment, frequency,
      audio_depth, ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_1);
   if (!r) {
      abort_example("Unable to create audio recorder");
   s = al_create_audio_stream(playback_fragment_count,
      playback_samples_per_fragment, frequency, audio_depth,
   if (!s) {
      abort_example("Unable to create audio stream");
   al_set_audio_stream_playing(s, false);
   al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer(s, al_get_default_mixer());
   q = al_create_event_queue();
   /* Note: the following two options are referring to pixel samples, and have
    * nothing to do with audio samples. */
   al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, 1, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST);
   al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_SAMPLES, 8, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST);
   d = al_create_display(320, 256);
   if (!d) {
      abort_example("Error creating display\n");
   al_set_window_title(d, "SPACE to record. P to playback.");
   al_register_event_source(q, al_get_audio_recorder_event_source(r));
   al_register_event_source(q, al_get_audio_stream_event_source(s));
   al_register_event_source(q, al_get_display_event_source(d));
   al_register_event_source(q, al_get_keyboard_event_source());
   while (true) {

      al_wait_for_event(q, &e);
         /* We received an incoming fragment from the microphone. In this
          * example, the recorder is constantly recording even when we aren't
          * saving to disk. The display is updated every time a new fragment
          * comes in, because it makes things more simple. If the fragments
          * are coming in faster than we can update the screen, then it will be
          * a problem.
         ALLEGRO_AUDIO_RECORDER_EVENT *re = al_get_audio_recorder_event(&e);
         audio_buffer_t input = (audio_buffer_t) re->buffer;
         int sample_count = re->samples; 
         const int R = sample_count / 320;
         int i, gain = 0;
         /* Calculate the volume, and display it regardless if we are actively
          * recording to disk. */
         for (i = 0; i < sample_count; ++i) {
            if (gain < abs(input[i] - sample_center))
               gain = abs(input[i] - sample_center);
         if (is_recording) {
            /* Save raw bytes to disk. Assumes everything is written
             * succesfully. */
            if (fp && n < frequency / (float) samples_per_fragment * 
               max_seconds_to_record) {
               al_fwrite(fp, input, sample_count * sample_size);

            /* Draw a pathetic visualization. It draws exactly one fragment
             * per frame. This means the visualization is dependent on the 
             * various parameters. A more thorough implementation would use this
             * event to copy the new data into a circular buffer that holds a
             * few seconds of audio. The graphics routine could then always
             * draw that last second of audio, which would cause the
             * visualization to appear constant across all different settings.
            for (i = 0; i < 320; ++i) {
               int j, c = 0;
               /* Take the average of R samples so it fits on the screen */
               for (j = i * R; j < i * R + R && j < sample_count; ++j) {
                  c += input[j] - sample_center;
               c /= R;
               /* Draws a line from the previous sample point to the next */
               al_draw_line(i - 1, 128 + ((prev - min_sample_val) /
                  (float) sample_range) * 256 - 128, i, 128 +
                  ((c - min_sample_val) / (float) sample_range) * 256 - 128,
                  al_map_rgb(255,255,255), 1.2);
               prev = c;
         /* draw volume bar */
         al_draw_filled_rectangle((gain / (float) max_sample_val) * 320, 251,
            0, 256, al_map_rgba(0, 255, 0, 128));
      else if (e.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_AUDIO_STREAM_FRAGMENT) {
         /* This event is received when we are playing back the audio clip.
          * See ex_saw.c for an example dedicated to playing streams.
         if (fp) {
            audio_buffer_t output = al_get_audio_stream_fragment(s);
            if (output) {
               /* Fill the buffer from the data we have recorded into the file.
                * If an error occurs (or end of file) then silence out the
                * remainder of the buffer and stop the playback.
               const size_t bytes_to_read =
                  playback_samples_per_fragment * sample_size;
               size_t bytes_read = 0, i;
               do {
                  bytes_read += al_fread(fp, (uint8_t *)output + bytes_read,
                     bytes_to_read - bytes_read);                  
               } while (bytes_read < bytes_to_read && !al_feof(fp) &&
               /* silence out unused part of buffer (end of file) */
               for (i = bytes_read / sample_size;
                  i < bytes_to_read / sample_size; ++i) {
                     output[i] = sample_center;
               al_set_audio_stream_fragment(s, output);
               if (al_ferror(fp) || al_feof(fp)) {
                  fp = NULL;
      else if (e.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) {
      else if (e.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_CHAR) {
         if (e.keyboard.unichar == 27) {
            /* pressed ESC */
         else if (e.keyboard.unichar == ' ') {
            if (!is_recording) {
               /* Start the recording */
               is_recording = true;
               if (al_get_audio_stream_playing(s)) {
               /* Reuse the same temp file for all recordings */
               if (!tmp_path) {
                  fp = al_make_temp_file("alrecXXX.raw", &tmp_path);
               else {
                  if (fp) al_fclose(fp);
                  fp = al_fopen(al_path_cstr(tmp_path, '/'), "w");
               n = 0;
            else {
               is_recording = false;
               if (fp) {
                  fp = NULL;
         else if (e.keyboard.unichar == 'p') {
            /* Play the previously recorded wav file */
            if (!is_recording) {
               if (tmp_path) {
                  fp = al_fopen(al_path_cstr(tmp_path, '/'), "r");
                  if (fp) {
                     al_set_audio_stream_playing(s, true);
   /* clean up */
   if (fp)
   if (tmp_path) {
      al_remove_filename(al_path_cstr(tmp_path, '/'));
   return 0;
Example #9
     Checks if the EOF indicator has been set.
     @return true if set.
 bool isEOF() const {
     return al_feof(get());
/* get_xdg_path - locate an XDG user dir
static ALLEGRO_PATH *_get_xdg_path(const char *location)
   ALLEGRO_PATH *location_path = NULL;
   ALLEGRO_PATH *xdg_config_path = NULL;
   ALLEGRO_FILE *xdg_config_file = NULL;   
   const char *xdg_config_home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
   int fd;

   if (xdg_config_home) {
      /* use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME since it exists */
      xdg_config_path = al_create_path_for_directory(xdg_config_home);
   else {
      /* the default XDG location is ~/.config */
      xdg_config_path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_HOME_PATH);
      if (!xdg_config_path) return NULL;      
      al_append_path_component(xdg_config_path, ".config");
   al_set_path_filename(xdg_config_path, "user-dirs.dirs");
   fd = open(al_path_cstr(xdg_config_path, '/'), O_RDONLY);
   if (fd != -1) {
     xdg_config_file = al_fopen_fd(fd, "r");
   if (!xdg_config_file) return NULL;
   while (!al_feof(xdg_config_file)) {
      char line[XDG_MAX_PATH_LEN];      /* one line of the config file */
      const char *p = line;             /* where we're at in the line */
      char component[XDG_MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* the path component being parsed */      
      int i = 0;                        /* how long the current component is */

      al_fgets(xdg_config_file, line, XDG_MAX_PATH_LEN);
      /* skip leading white space */
      while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++;
      /* skip the line if it does not begin with XDG_location_DIR */            
      if (strncmp(p, "XDG_", 4)) continue;
      p += 4;
      if (strncmp(p, location, strlen(location))) continue;
      p += strlen(location);
      if (strncmp(p, "_DIR", 4)) continue;
      p += 4;
      /* skip past the =", allowing for white space */
      while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++;      
      if (*p++ != '=') continue;
      while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++;
      if (*p++ != '"') continue;
      /* We've found the right line. Now parse it, basically assuming
         that it is in a sane format. 
      if (!strncmp(p, "$HOME", 5)) {
         /* $HOME is the only environment variable that the path is 
            allowed to use, and it must be first, by specification. */
         location_path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_HOME_PATH);
         p += 5;
      else {
         location_path = al_create_path("/");
      while (*p) {
         if (*p == '"' || *p == '/') {
            /* add the component (if non-empty) to the path */
            if (i > 0) {
               component[i] = 0;
               al_append_path_component(location_path, component);
               i = 0;
            if (*p == '"') break;
         else {
            if (*p == '\\') {
               /* treat any escaped character as a literal */
               if (!*p) break;
            component[i++] = *p;
      /* Finished parsing the path. */
   return location_path;
Example #11
void WorldStage::LoadMapFromFileOrCreateNewMap()
	const int MAP_WIDTH = 80;
	const int MAP_HEIGHT = 80;
	const int VALID_VERSION = 0;
	currentMap = new RegionalMap();
	currentMap->InitToField(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, 0);

	//Determine map player is on
	int mapX = 0, mapY = 0;
	auto player = actorList.GetActor(1);
		mapX = player->x/MAP_WIDTH;
		mapY = player->y/MAP_HEIGHT;

	//Load that one
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << "region." << mapX << "." << mapY;
	//Try to load the region by that name
	ALLEGRO_FILE *file = al_fopen(ss.str().c_str(), "r");
		const int BUF_SIZE = 512;
		char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
		bool isValid = true;

		if(!al_fgets(file, buffer, BUF_SIZE))
			std::string str = buffer;
			if(!str.empty() && str[str.length()-1] == '\n') str.erase(str.length()-1);
			if(strcmp(str.c_str(), "b272bda9bf0c1cdcba614b5ed99c4d62") != 0)
				isValid = false;
		if(isValid && !al_fgets(file, buffer, BUF_SIZE))
			std::string str = buffer;
			if(!str.empty() && str[str.length()-1] == '\n') str.erase(str.length()-1);
			if(strcmp(str.c_str(), "0") != 0)
				isValid = false;


			for(int y = 0; y < MAP_HEIGHT; y++) for(int x = 0; x < MAP_WIDTH; x++)
				//returns bytes read, 32bits = 4 bytes
				int material = al_fread32le(file);
					currentMap->tile[x][y].materialTypeIndex = material;

			//Get actor IDs
			int actorId = al_fread32le(file);
				actorId = al_fread32le(file);
	else //no file
		for(int nWalls = 0; nWalls < ARBITRARY_NUMBER_OF_WALLS; nWalls++)
			//Manually place down some walls to run into
			int x = rng::Rand(MAP_WIDTH);
			int y = rng::Rand(MAP_HEIGHT);
			currentMap->tile[x][y].materialTypeIndex = 1;
