void ns_os_inituserinfo (const char *username) { char strbuf[ISC_STRERRORSIZE]; if (username == NULL) return; if (all_digits (username)) runas_pw = getpwuid ((uid_t) atoi (username)); else runas_pw = getpwnam (username); endpwent (); if (runas_pw == NULL) ns_main_earlyfatal ("user '%s' unknown", username); if (getuid () == 0) { if (initgroups (runas_pw->pw_name, runas_pw->pw_gid) < 0) { isc__strerror (errno, strbuf, sizeof (strbuf)); ns_main_earlyfatal ("initgroups(): %s", strbuf); } } }
object_t parse_sexp2(char **in, object_t current) { char *buf; enum kind k = next_token(in, &buf); object_t rest, s; switch(k) { case End: return current; case Left: rest = parse_sexp2(in, NIL); if(current == NULL) return rest; else if(current == NIL) current = cons(rest, NIL); else storage_append(rest, current); return parse_sexp2(in, current); case Right: return current; case Period: rest = parse_sexp2(in, NULL); set_cdr(storage_last(current), rest); return parse_sexp2(in, current); case Single: /* following are reader-macros */ return wrap(in, current, "quote"); case Back: return wrap(in, current, "quasiquote"); case Comma: return wrap(in, current, "unquote"); case Symbol: case String: if(k == Symbol) { if(all_digits(buf)) s = obj_new_number(atoi(buf)); else s = obj_new_symbol(buf); } else if(k == String) s = obj_new_string(buf); if(current == NULL) return s; else if(current == NIL) return parse_sexp2(in, cons(s, NIL)); else { storage_append(s, current); return parse_sexp2(in, current); } } return NULL; }
/*! \fn find_keyword_by_word(const struct keyword *tbl, const char *word, int dflt) * \brief takes a generic word and returns either TRUE or FALSE * \param tbl the table that contains the translation from text to boolean * \param word the word to compare against the table for the result * \param dflt the default value to be returned if the string can not be found * * Given a table of keywords and a user's word, look that word up in the * table and return the value associted with it. If the word is not found, * return the user-provide default value. * * The default-value parameter can be used for either the actual default * value of the parameter being searched for (say, LOGDEST_BOTH), or * a didn't-find-it value (say, -1) which the caller can key off of. * * NOTE: if the given word is all digits, it's parsed as a number and * returned numerically. * * \return TRUE, FALSE, or dflt depending on results of search * */ static int find_keyword_by_word(const struct keyword *tbl, const char *word, int dflt) { assert(tbl != 0); assert(word != 0); if (all_digits(word)) { return atoi(word); } for (; tbl->word; tbl++) { if (STRIMATCH(word, tbl->word)) { return tbl->value; } } return dflt; }
int process_tasks(pid_t pid, pid_t **ret_tasks, size_t *ret_n) { PROC_PID_FILE(fn, "/proc/%d/task", pid); DIR * d = opendir(fn); if (d == NULL) return -1; pid_t *tasks = NULL; size_t n = 0; size_t alloc = 0; while (1) { struct dirent entry; struct dirent *result; if (readdir_r(d, &entry, &result) != 0) { free(tasks); return -1; } if (result == NULL) break; if (result->d_type == DT_DIR && all_digits(result->d_name)) { pid_t npid = atoi(result->d_name); if (n >= alloc) { alloc = alloc > 0 ? (2 * alloc) : 8; pid_t *ntasks = realloc(tasks, sizeof(*tasks) * alloc); if (ntasks == NULL) { free(tasks); return -1; } tasks = ntasks; } if (n >= alloc) abort(); tasks[n++] = npid; } } closedir(d); *ret_tasks = tasks; *ret_n = n; return 0; }
void options_spinbox_modCB( Widget widget, XtPointer clientdata, XtPointer calldata ) { Widget spinbox = (Widget) clientdata; int mvalue, value; Display *dpy = XtDisplayOfObject(widget); char *text = XtMalloc(BUFSIZ); char *textvalue; XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct*) calldata; if (NULL == cbs->text->ptr) return; if (!all_digits(cbs->text->ptr)) { cbs->doit = FALSE; XBell(dpy, 50); } textvalue = XmTextGetString(widget); strncpy(text, textvalue, cbs->startPos); text[cbs->startPos] = '\0'; strcat(text, cbs->text->ptr); strcat(text, textvalue+cbs->endPos); XtVaGetValues(spinbox, XmNmaximumValue, &mvalue, NULL); value = (int) strtol(text, NULL, 10); if (value > mvalue) { cbs->doit = FALSE; XBell(dpy, 50); } if (NULL != text) XtFree(text); if (NULL != textvalue) XtFree(textvalue); }
unsigned long long str_to_nano_seconds(const char* str) { /* possible formats: nnnnnn - micro timer nnnn/nn/nn aa:aa:aa nnnnn - timestamp timer aa:aa:aa nnnnn - omit date part of the last two - assume zeros */ int len; if (!str) return 0; #define NEXT_DIGIT while (*str && !is_digit(*str)) str++ ; len = strlen(str) NEXT_DIGIT; /* 000000211630 */ if (len > 9 && all_digits(str)) { return atoll(str); } struct tm t = { 0 }; /* 2012/09/03 05:10:56 674869660 */ /* date? */ if (len >= 10 && str[4] == '/' && str[7] == '/') { t.tm_year = atoll_n(str+0, 4) - 1900; t.tm_mon = atoll_n(str+5, 2) - 1; t.tm_mday = atoll_n(str+8, 2); str += 10; NEXT_DIGIT; } if (len >= 8 && str[2] == ':' && str[5] == ':') { t.tm_hour = atoll_n(str+0, 2); t.tm_min = atoll_n(str+3, 2); t.tm_sec = atoll_n(str+6, 2); str += 8; NEXT_DIGIT; } return (SECOND * (timegm(&t))) + atoll_n(str, 9); }
void options_spinbox_chgCB( Widget widget, XtPointer clientdata, XtPointer calldata ) { Widget spinbox = (Widget) clientdata; int mvalue, value = (int) strtol(XmTextGetString(widget), NULL, 10); Display *dpy = XtDisplayOfObject(widget); calldata = calldata; props_changed = TRUE; if (!all_digits(XmTextGetString(widget))){ XtVaSetValues(spinbox, XmNposition, 1, NULL); XBell(dpy, 50); return; } XtVaGetValues(spinbox, XmNmaximumValue, &mvalue, NULL); if (value > mvalue) { XtVaSetValues(spinbox, XmNposition, mvalue, NULL); XBell(dpy, 50); return; } // It could never be less than the minimum value because a // '-' is an invalid entry and it would be cleared and reset // if entered. So if we made it here it is a valid entry. We // also have to reset the insertion point! Another spinbox bug // we have to work around. XtVaSetValues(spinbox, XmNposition, value, NULL); int shift = 1; while ((value /= 10) > 0) shift++; XmTextSetInsertionPosition(widget, shift); }
int validate_weight(char *input) { if (!all_digits(input)) return 0; return within(50, 500, strtol(input, NULL, 10)); }
int validate_height_feet(char *input) { if (!all_digits(input)) return 0; return within(1, 9, strtol(input, NULL, 10)); }
int validate_height_inches(char *input) { if (!all_digits(input)) return 0; return within(0, 11, strtol(input, NULL, 10)); }
int validate_year(char *input) { if (!all_digits(input)) return 0; return within(1900, 2014, strtol(input, NULL, 10)); }
int validate_month(char *input) { if (!all_digits(input)) return 0; return within(1, 12, strtol(input, NULL, 10)); }
int validate_day(char *input) { if (!all_digits(input)) return 0; return within(1, 31, strtol(input, NULL, 10)); }
int main (register int const argc, register char *const argv[]) { auto in_addr listen_addr; register int optch; auto int one = 1; register int portno = 0; register int option_errors = 0; register int server_sock; auto sockaddr_in sin; register servent *servp; auto ecb listen_ecb; register int kq; pname = strrchr (argv[0], '/'); pname = pname ? pname+1 : argv[0]; listen_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); /* Default. */ while ((optch = getopt (argc, argv, "p:")) != EOF) { switch (optch) { case 'p': if (strlen (optarg) == 0 || !all_digits (optarg)) { error ("Invalid argument for -p option: %s", optarg); option_errors++; } portno = atoi (optarg); if (portno == 0 || portno >= (1u << 16)) { error ("Invalid argument for -p option: %s", optarg); option_errors++; } break; default: error ("Invalid option: -%c", optch); option_errors++; } } if (option_errors || optind != argc) usage (); if (daemon(0,0) < 0) perror("daemon failed"); if (portno == 0) { if ((servp = getservbyname (servname, protoname)) == NULL) fatal ("Error getting port number for service `%s': %s", servname, strerror (errno)); portno = ntohs (servp->s_port); } if ((server_sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) fatal ("Error creating socket: %s", strerror (errno)); if (setsockopt(server_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof one) == -1) fatal ("Error setting SO_REUSEADDR for socket: %s", strerror (errno)); memset (&sin, 0, sizeof sin); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr = listen_addr; sin.sin_port = htons (portno); if (bind (server_sock, (const struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof sin) == -1) fatal ("Error binding socket: %s", strerror (errno)); if (listen (server_sock, 20) == -1) fatal ("Error listening to socket: %s", strerror (errno)); if ((kq = kqueue ()) == -1) fatal ("Error creating kqueue: %s", strerror (errno)); listen_ecb.do_read = do_accept; listen_ecb.buf = NULL; listen_ecb.buf = 0; ke_change (server_sock, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE, &listen_ecb); event_loop (kq); }
/** Evaluate a map * * @param[in] request the REQUEST * @param[in] modreturn the previous module return code * @param[in] depth of the recursion (only used for debugging) * @param[in] c the condition to evaluate * @return -1 on error, 0 for "no match", 1 for "match". */ int radius_evaluate_map(REQUEST *request, UNUSED int modreturn, UNUSED int depth, fr_cond_t const *c) { int rcode; char *lhs, *rhs; value_pair_map_t *map; rad_assert(c->type == COND_TYPE_MAP); map = c->data.map; rad_assert(map->dst->type != VPT_TYPE_UNKNOWN); rad_assert(map->src->type != VPT_TYPE_UNKNOWN); rad_assert(map->dst->type != VPT_TYPE_LIST); rad_assert(map->src->type != VPT_TYPE_LIST); rad_assert(map->dst->type != VPT_TYPE_REGEX); /* * Verify regexes. */ if (map->src->type == VPT_TYPE_REGEX) { rad_assert(map->op == T_OP_REG_EQ); } else { rad_assert(!((map->op == T_OP_REG_EQ) || (map->op == T_OP_REG_NE))); } /* * They're both attributes. Do attribute-specific work. * * LHS is DST. RHS is SRC <sigh> */ if (!c->cast && (map->src->type == VPT_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->dst->type == VPT_TYPE_ATTR)) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("ATTR to ATTR"); if ((radius_vpt_get_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst) < 0) || (radius_vpt_get_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src) < 0)) { return -2; } return paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); } /* * LHS is a cast. Do type-specific comparisons, as if * the LHS was a real attribute. */ if (c->cast) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp; rcode = get_cast_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst, c->cast); if (rcode < 0) { return rcode; } rad_assert(lhs_vp); /* * Get either a real VP, or parse the RHS into a * VP, and return that. */ if (map->src->type == VPT_TYPE_ATTR) { if (radius_vpt_get_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src) < 0) { return -2; } } else { rcode = get_cast_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src, c->cast); if (rcode < 0) { return rcode; } rad_assert(rhs_vp); } if (!rhs_vp) return -2; EVAL_DEBUG("CAST to ..."); rcode = paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); pairfree(&lhs_vp); if (map->src->type != VPT_TYPE_ATTR) { pairfree(&rhs_vp); } return rcode; } /* * Might be a virtual comparison */ if ((map->dst->type == VPT_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->src->type != VPT_TYPE_REGEX) && (c->pass2_fixup == PASS2_PAIRCOMPARE)) { VALUE_PAIR *rhs_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("virtual ATTR to DATA"); rcode = get_cast_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src, map->dst->da); if (rcode < 0) { return rcode; } rad_assert(rhs_vp); if (paircompare(request, request->packet->vps, rhs_vp, NULL) == 0) { return true; } return false; } rad_assert(c->pass2_fixup != PASS2_PAIRCOMPARE); /* * RHS has been pre-parsed into binary data. Go check * that. */ if ((map->dst->type == VPT_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->src->type == VPT_TYPE_DATA)) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("ATTR to DATA"); if (radius_vpt_get_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst) < 0) { return -2; } rcode = get_cast_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src, map->dst->da); if (rcode < 0) { return rcode; } rad_assert(rhs_vp); #ifdef WITH_EVAL_DEBUG debug_pair(lhs_vp); debug_pair(rhs_vp); #endif rcode = paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); pairfree(&rhs_vp); return rcode; } rad_assert(map->src->type != VPT_TYPE_DATA); rad_assert(map->dst->type != VPT_TYPE_DATA); /* * The RHS now needs to be expanded into a string. */ rcode = radius_expand_tmpl(&rhs, request, map->src); if (rcode < 0) { EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return rcode; } /* * User-Name == FOO * * Parse the RHS to be the same DA as the LHS. do * comparisons. So long as it's not a regex, which does * string comparisons. * * The LHS may be a virtual attribute, too. */ if ((map->dst->type == VPT_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->src->type != VPT_TYPE_REGEX)) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("ATTR to non-REGEX"); /* * No LHS means no match */ if (radius_vpt_get_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst) < 0) { /* * Not a real attr: might be a dynamic comparison. */ if ((map->dst->type == VPT_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->dst->da->vendor == 0) && radius_find_compare(map->dst->da)) { rhs_vp = pairalloc(request, map->dst->da); if (!pairparsevalue(rhs_vp, rhs)) { talloc_free(rhs); EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return -1; } talloc_free(rhs); rcode = (radius_callback_compare(request, NULL, rhs_vp, NULL, NULL) == 0); pairfree(&rhs_vp); return rcode; } return -2; } /* * Get VP for RHS */ rhs_vp = pairalloc(request, map->dst->da); rad_assert(rhs_vp != NULL); if (!pairparsevalue(rhs_vp, rhs)) { talloc_free(rhs); pairfree(&rhs_vp); EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return -1; } rcode = paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); talloc_free(rhs); pairfree(&rhs_vp); return rcode; } /* * The LHS is a string. Expand it. */ rcode = radius_expand_tmpl(&lhs, request, map->dst); if (rcode < 0) { EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return rcode; } EVAL_DEBUG("LHS is %s", lhs); /* * Compile the RHS to a regex, and do regex stuff */ if (map->src->type == VPT_TYPE_REGEX) { return do_regex(request, lhs, rhs, c->regex_i); } /* * Loop over the string, doing comparisons */ if (all_digits(lhs) && all_digits(rhs)) { int lint, rint; lint = strtoul(lhs, NULL, 0); rint = strtoul(rhs, NULL, 0); talloc_free(lhs); talloc_free(rhs); switch (map->op) { case T_OP_CMP_EQ: return (lint == rint); case T_OP_NE: return (lint != rint); case T_OP_LT: return (lint < rint); case T_OP_GT: return (lint > rint); case T_OP_LE: return (lint <= rint); case T_OP_GE: return (lint >= rint); default: break; } } else { rcode = strcmp(lhs, rhs); talloc_free(lhs); talloc_free(rhs); switch (map->op) { case T_OP_CMP_EQ: return (rcode == 0); case T_OP_NE: return (rcode != 0); case T_OP_LT: return (rcode < 0); case T_OP_GT: return (rcode > 0); case T_OP_LE: return (rcode <= 0); case T_OP_GE: return (rcode >= 0); default: break; } } EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return -1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { prog_name = argv[0]; int show_the_system_info = 0; int show_the_numastat_info = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, '?'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int long_option_index = 0; int opt; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "cmnp:s::vVz?", long_options, &long_option_index)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 0: printf("Unexpected long option %s", long_options[long_option_index].name); if (optarg) { printf(" with arg %s", optarg); } printf("\n"); display_usage_and_exit(); break; case 'c': compress_display = 1; break; case 'm': show_the_system_info = 1; break; case 'n': show_the_numastat_info = 1; break; case 'p': if ((optarg) && (all_digits(optarg))) { add_pid_to_list(atoi(optarg)); } else { add_pids_from_pattern_search(optarg); } break; case 's': sort_table = 1; if ((optarg) && (all_digits(optarg))) { sort_table_node = atoi(optarg); } break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'V': display_version_and_exit(); break; case 'z': show_zero_data = 0; break; default: case '?': display_usage_and_exit(); break; } } // Figure out the display width, which is used to format the tables // and limit the output columns per row screen_width = get_screen_width(); // Any remaining arguments are assumed to be additional process specifiers while (optind < argc) { if (all_digits(argv[optind])) { add_pid_to_list(atoi(argv[optind])); } else { add_pids_from_pattern_search(argv[optind]); } optind += 1; } // If there are no program options or arguments, be extremely compatible // with the old numastat perl script (which is included at the end of this // file for reference) compatibility_mode = (argc == 1); init_node_ix_map_and_header(compatibility_mode); // enumarate the NUMA nodes if (compatibility_mode) { show_numastat_info(); free_node_ix_map_and_header(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // Figure out page sizes page_size_in_bytes = (double)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); huge_page_size_in_bytes = get_huge_page_size_in_bytes(); // Display the info for the process specifiers if (num_pids > 0) { sort_pids_and_remove_duplicates(); show_process_info(); } if (pid_array != NULL) { free(pid_array); } // Display the system-wide memory usage info if (show_the_system_info) { show_system_info(); } // Display the numastat statistics info if ((show_the_numastat_info) || ((num_pids == 0) && (!show_the_system_info))) { show_numastat_info(); } free_node_ix_map_and_header(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/*! \fn main(int argc, char *argv[]) * \brief The Cactid program entry point * \param argc The number of arguments passed to the function plus one (+1) * \param argv An array of the command line arguments * * The Cactid entry point. This function performs the following tasks. * 1) Processes command line input parameters * 2) Processes the Cactid configuration file to obtain database access information * 3) Process runtime parameters from the settings table * 4) Initialize the runtime threads and mutexes for the threaded environment * 5) Initialize Net-SNMP, MySQL, and the PHP Script Server (if required) * 6) Spawns X threads in order to process hosts * 7) Loop until either all hosts have been processed or until the poller runtime * has been exceeded * 8) Close database and free variables * 9) Log poller process statistics if required * 10) Exit * * Note: Command line runtime parameters override any database settings. * * \return 0 if SUCCESS, or -1 if FAILED * */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct timeval now; char *conf_file = NULL; double begin_time, end_time, current_time; int poller_interval; int num_rows; int device_counter = 0; int poller_counter = 0; int last_active_threads = 0; long int EXTERNAL_THREAD_SLEEP = 100000; long int internal_thread_sleep; time_t nowbin; struct tm now_time; struct tm *now_ptr; pthread_t* threads = NULL; pthread_attr_t attr; int* ids = NULL; MYSQL mysql; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW mysql_row; int canexit = 0; int host_id; int i; int mutex_status = 0; int thread_status = 0; UNUSED_PARAMETER(argc); /* we operate strictly with argv */ /* establish php processes and initialize space */ php_processes = (php_t*) calloc(MAX_PHP_SERVERS, sizeof(php_t)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PHP_SERVERS; i++) { php_processes[i].php_state = PHP_BUSY; } /* set start time for cacti */ begin_time = get_time_as_double(); /* get time for poller_output table */ if (time(&nowbin) == (time_t) - 1) { die("ERROR: Could not get time of day from time()\n"); } localtime_r(&nowbin,&now_time); now_ptr = &now_time; if (strftime(start_datetime, sizeof(start_datetime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", now_ptr) == (size_t) 0) { die("ERROR: Could not get string from strftime()\n"); } /* set default verbosity */ set.log_level = POLLER_VERBOSITY_LOW; /* get static defaults for system */ config_defaults(); /*! ---------------------------------------------------------------- * PROCESS COMMAND LINE * * Run through the list of ARGV words looking for parameters we * know about. Most have two flavors (-C + --conf), and many * themselves take a parameter. * * These parameters can be structured in two ways: * * --conf=FILE both parts in one argv[] string * --conf FILE two separate argv[] strings * * We set "arg" to point to "--conf", and "opt" to point to FILE. * The helper routine * * In each loop we set "arg" to next argv[] string, then look * to see if it has an equal sign. If so, we split it in half * and point to the option separately. * * NOTE: most direction to the program is given with dash-type * parameters, but we also allow standalone numeric device IDs * in "first last" format: this is how poller.php calls this * program. */ /* initialize some global variables */ set.start_host_id = -1; set.end_host_id = -1; set.php_initialized = FALSE; set.logfile_processed = FALSE; set.parent_fork = CACTID_PARENT; for (argv++; *argv; argv++) { char *arg = *argv; char *opt = strchr(arg, '='); /* pick off the =VALUE part */ if (opt) *opt++ = '\0'; if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-f") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--first")) { if (HOSTID_DEFINED(set.start_host_id)) { die("ERROR: %s can only be used once", arg); } set.start_host_id = atoi(opt = getarg(opt, &argv)); if (!HOSTID_DEFINED(set.start_host_id)) { die("ERROR: '%s=%s' is invalid first-host ID", arg, opt); } } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-l") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--last")) { if (HOSTID_DEFINED(set.end_host_id)) { die("ERROR: %s can only be used once", arg); } set.end_host_id = atoi(opt = getarg(opt, &argv)); if (!HOSTID_DEFINED(set.end_host_id)) { die("ERROR: '%s=%s' is invalid last-host ID", arg, opt); } } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-p") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--poller")) { set.poller_id = atoi(getarg(opt, &argv)); } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-h") || STRIMATCH(arg, "-v") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--help") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--version")) { display_help(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-O") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--option")) { char *setting = getarg(opt, &argv); char *value = strchr(setting, ':'); if (*value) { *value++ = '\0'; }else{ die("ERROR: -O requires setting:value"); } set_option(setting, value); } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-R") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--readonly") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--read-only")) { set.SQL_readonly = TRUE; } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-C") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--conf")) { conf_file = strdup(getarg(opt, &argv)); } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-S") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--stdout")) { set_option("log_destination", "STDOUT"); } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-L") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--log")) { set_option("log_destination", getarg(opt, &argv)); } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "-V") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--verbosity")) { set_option("log_verbosity", getarg(opt, &argv)); } else if (STRIMATCH(arg, "--snmponly") || STRIMATCH(arg, "--snmp-only")) { set.snmponly = TRUE; } else if (!HOSTID_DEFINED(set.start_host_id) && all_digits(arg)) { set.start_host_id = atoi(arg); } else if (!HOSTID_DEFINED(set.end_host_id) && all_digits(arg)) { set.end_host_id = atoi(arg); } else { die("ERROR: %s is an unknown command-line parameter", arg); } } /* we require either both the first and last hosts, or niether host */ if (HOSTID_DEFINED(set.start_host_id) != HOSTID_DEFINED(set.end_host_id)) { die("ERROR: must provide both -f/-l, or neither"); } if (set.start_host_id > set.end_host_id) { die("ERROR: Invalid row spec; first host_id must be less than the second"); } /* read configuration file to establish local environment */ if (conf_file) { if ((read_cactid_config(conf_file)) < 0) { die("ERROR: Could not read config file: %s\n", conf_file); } }else{ if (!(conf_file = calloc(1, BUFSIZE))) { die("ERROR: Fatal malloc error: cactid.c conf_file!\n"); } for (i=0; i<CONFIG_PATHS; i++) { snprintf(conf_file, BUFSIZE-1, "%s%s", config_paths[i], DEFAULT_CONF_FILE); if (read_cactid_config(conf_file) >= 0) { break; } if (i == CONFIG_PATHS-1) { snprintf(conf_file, BUFSIZE-1, "%s%s", config_paths[0], DEFAULT_CONF_FILE); } } } /* read settings table from the database to further establish environment */ read_config_options(); /* set the poller interval for those who use less than 5 minute intervals */ if (set.poller_interval == 0) { poller_interval = 300; }else { poller_interval = set.poller_interval; } /* calculate the external_tread_sleep value */ internal_thread_sleep = EXTERNAL_THREAD_SLEEP * set.num_parent_processes / 2; if (set.log_level == POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("CACTID: Version %s starting\n", VERSION)); }else{ printf("CACTID: Version %s starting\n", VERSION); } /* connect to database */ db_connect(set.dbdb, &mysql); /* initialize SNMP */ CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("CACTID: Initializing Net-SNMP API\n")); snmp_cactid_init(); /* initialize PHP if required */ CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("CACTID: Initializing PHP Script Server\n")); /* tell cactid that it is parent, and set the poller id */ set.parent_fork = CACTID_PARENT; set.poller_id = 0; /* initialize the script server */ if (set.php_required) { php_init(PHP_INIT); set.php_initialized = TRUE; set.php_current_server = 0; } /* obtain the list of hosts to poll */ { char querybuf[256], *qp = querybuf; qp += sprintf(qp, "SELECT id FROM host"); qp += sprintf(qp, " WHERE disabled=''"); qp += append_hostrange(qp, "id"); /* AND id BETWEEN a AND b */ qp += sprintf(qp, " ORDER BY id"); result = db_query(&mysql, querybuf); } num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result) + 1; /* add 1 for host = 0 */ if (!(threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(num_rows * sizeof(pthread_t)))) { die("ERROR: Fatal malloc error: cactid.c threads!\n"); } if (!(ids = (int *)malloc(num_rows * sizeof(int)))) { die("ERROR: Fatal malloc error: cactid.c host id's!\n"); } /* initialize threads and mutexes */ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); init_mutexes(); CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("DEBUG: Initial Value of Active Threads is %i\n", active_threads)); /* tell fork processes that they are now active */ set.parent_fork = CACTID_FORK; /* loop through devices until done */ while ((device_counter < num_rows) && (canexit == 0)) { mutex_status = thread_mutex_trylock(LOCK_THREAD); switch (mutex_status) { case 0: if (last_active_threads != active_threads) { last_active_threads = active_threads; } while ((active_threads < set.threads) && (device_counter < num_rows)) { if (device_counter > 0) { mysql_row = mysql_fetch_row(result); host_id = atoi(mysql_row[0]); ids[device_counter] = host_id; }else{ ids[device_counter] = 0; } /* create child process */ thread_status = pthread_create(&threads[device_counter], &attr, child, &ids[device_counter]); switch (thread_status) { case 0: CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("DEBUG: Valid Thread to be Created\n")); device_counter++; active_threads++; CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("DEBUG: The Value of Active Threads is %i\n", active_threads)); break; case EAGAIN: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: The System Lacked the Resources to Create a Thread\n")); break; case EFAULT: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: The Thread or Attribute Was Invalid\n")); break; case EINVAL: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: The Thread Attribute is Not Initialized\n")); break; default: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Unknown Thread Creation Error\n")); break; } usleep(internal_thread_sleep); /* get current time and exit program if time limit exceeded */ if (poller_counter >= 20) { current_time = get_time_as_double(); if ((current_time - begin_time + 6) > poller_interval) { CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Cactid Timed Out While Processing Hosts Internal\n")); canexit = 1; break; } poller_counter = 0; }else{ poller_counter++; } } thread_mutex_unlock(LOCK_THREAD); break; case EDEADLK: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Deadlock Occured\n")); break; case EBUSY: break; case EINVAL: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Attempt to Unlock an Uninitialized Mutex\n")); break; case EFAULT: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Attempt to Unlock an Invalid Mutex\n")); break; default: CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Unknown Mutex Lock Error Code Returned\n")); break; } usleep(internal_thread_sleep); /* get current time and exit program if time limit exceeded */ if (poller_counter >= 20) { current_time = get_time_as_double(); if ((current_time - begin_time + 6) > poller_interval) { CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Cactid Timed Out While Processing Hosts Internal\n")); canexit = 1; break; } poller_counter = 0; }else{ poller_counter++; } } /* wait for all threads to complete */ while (canexit == 0) { if (thread_mutex_trylock(LOCK_THREAD) == 0) { if (last_active_threads != active_threads) { last_active_threads = active_threads; } if (active_threads == 0) { canexit = 1; } thread_mutex_unlock(LOCK_THREAD); } usleep(EXTERNAL_THREAD_SLEEP); /* get current time and exit program if time limit exceeded */ if (poller_counter >= 20) { current_time = get_time_as_double(); if ((current_time - begin_time + 6) > poller_interval) { CACTID_LOG(("ERROR: Cactid Timed Out While Processing Hosts Internal\n")); canexit = 1; break; } poller_counter = 0; }else{ poller_counter++; } } /* tell Cactid that it is now parent */ set.parent_fork = CACTID_PARENT; /* print out stats */ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); /* update the db for |data_time| on graphs */ db_insert(&mysql, "replace into settings (name,value) values ('date',NOW())"); db_insert(&mysql, "insert into poller_time (poller_id, start_time, end_time) values (0, NOW(), NOW())"); /* cleanup and exit program */ pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("DEBUG: Thread Cleanup Complete\n")); /* close the php script server */ if (set.php_required) { php_close(PHP_INIT); } CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("DEBUG: PHP Script Server Pipes Closed\n")); /* free malloc'd variables */ free(threads); free(ids); free(conf_file); CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("DEBUG: Allocated Variable Memory Freed\n")); /* shutdown SNMP */ snmp_cactid_close(); CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("CACTID: Net-SNMP API Shutdown Completed\n")); /* close mysql */ mysql_free_result(result); mysql_close(&mysql); CACTID_LOG_DEBUG(("DEBUG: MYSQL Free & Close Completed\n")); /* finally add some statistics to the log and exit */ end_time = TIMEVAL_TO_DOUBLE(now); CACTID_LOG_MEDIUM(("Time: %.4f s, Threads: %i, Hosts: %i\n", (end_time - begin_time), set.threads, num_rows)); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/* * *presult is "did comparison match or not" */ static int radius_do_cmp(REQUEST *request, int *presult, FR_TOKEN lt, const char *pleft, FR_TOKEN token, FR_TOKEN rt, const char *pright, int cflags, int modreturn) { int result; uint32_t lint, rint; VALUE_PAIR *vp = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H char buffer[8192]; #else cflags = cflags; /* -Wunused */ #endif rt = rt; /* -Wunused */ if (lt == T_BARE_WORD) { /* * Maybe check the last return code. */ if (token == T_OP_CMP_TRUE) { int isreturn; /* * Looks like a return code, treat is as such. */ isreturn = fr_str2int(modreturn_table, pleft, -1); if (isreturn != -1) { *presult = (modreturn == isreturn); return TRUE; } } /* * Bare words on the left can be attribute names. */ if (radius_get_vp(request, pleft, &vp)) { VALUE_PAIR myvp; /* * VP exists, and that's all we're looking for. */ if (token == T_OP_CMP_TRUE) { *presult = (vp != NULL); return TRUE; } if (!vp) { DICT_ATTR *da; /* * The attribute on the LHS may * have been a dynamically * registered callback. i.e. it * doesn't exist as a VALUE_PAIR. * If so, try looking for it. */ da = dict_attrbyname(pleft); if (da && (da->vendor == 0) && radius_find_compare(da->attr)) { VALUE_PAIR *check = pairmake(pleft, pright, token); *presult = (radius_callback_compare(request, NULL, check, NULL, NULL) == 0); RDEBUG3(" Callback returns %d", *presult); pairfree(&check); return TRUE; } RDEBUG2(" (Attribute %s was not found)", pleft); *presult = 0; return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H /* * Regex comparisons treat everything as * strings. */ if ((token == T_OP_REG_EQ) || (token == T_OP_REG_NE)) { vp_prints_value(buffer, sizeof(buffer), vp, 0); pleft = buffer; goto do_checks; } #endif memcpy(&myvp, vp, sizeof(myvp)); if (!pairparsevalue(&myvp, pright)) { RDEBUG2("Failed parsing \"%s\": %s", pright, fr_strerror()); return FALSE; } myvp.operator = token; *presult = paircmp(&myvp, vp); RDEBUG3(" paircmp -> %d", *presult); return TRUE; } /* else it's not a VP in a list */ } #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H do_checks: #endif switch (token) { case T_OP_GE: case T_OP_GT: case T_OP_LE: case T_OP_LT: if (!all_digits(pright)) { RDEBUG2(" (Right field is not a number at: %s)", pright); return FALSE; } rint = strtoul(pright, NULL, 0); if (!all_digits(pleft)) { RDEBUG2(" (Left field is not a number at: %s)", pleft); return FALSE; } lint = strtoul(pleft, NULL, 0); break; default: lint = rint = 0; /* quiet the compiler */ break; } switch (token) { case T_OP_CMP_TRUE: /* * Check for truth or falsehood. */ if (all_digits(pleft)) { lint = strtoul(pleft, NULL, 0); result = (lint != 0); } else { result = (*pleft != '\0'); } break; case T_OP_CMP_EQ: result = (strcmp(pleft, pright) == 0); break; case T_OP_NE: result = (strcmp(pleft, pright) != 0); break; case T_OP_GE: result = (lint >= rint); break; case T_OP_GT: result = (lint > rint); break; case T_OP_LE: result = (lint <= rint); break; case T_OP_LT: result = (lint < rint); break; #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H case T_OP_REG_EQ: { int i, compare; regex_t reg; regmatch_t rxmatch[REQUEST_MAX_REGEX + 1]; /* * Include substring matches. */ compare = regcomp(®, pright, cflags); if (compare != 0) { if (debug_flag) { char errbuf[128]; regerror(compare, ®, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); DEBUG("ERROR: Failed compiling regular expression: %s", errbuf); } return FALSE; } compare = regexec(®, pleft, REQUEST_MAX_REGEX + 1, rxmatch, 0); regfree(®); /* * Add new %{0}, %{1}, etc. */ if (compare == 0) for (i = 0; i <= REQUEST_MAX_REGEX; i++) { char *r; free(request_data_get(request, request, REQUEST_DATA_REGEX | i)); /* * No %{i}, skip it. * We MAY have %{2} without %{1}. */ if (rxmatch[i].rm_so == -1) continue; /* * Copy substring into allocated buffer */ r = rad_malloc(rxmatch[i].rm_eo -rxmatch[i].rm_so + 1); memcpy(r, pleft + rxmatch[i].rm_so, rxmatch[i].rm_eo - rxmatch[i].rm_so); r[rxmatch[i].rm_eo - rxmatch[i].rm_so] = '\0'; request_data_add(request, request, REQUEST_DATA_REGEX | i, r, free); } result = (compare == 0); } break; case T_OP_REG_NE: { int compare; regex_t reg; regmatch_t rxmatch[REQUEST_MAX_REGEX + 1]; /* * Include substring matches. */ compare = regcomp(®, pright, cflags); if (compare != 0) { if (debug_flag) { char errbuf[128]; regerror(compare, ®, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); DEBUG("ERROR: Failed compiling regular expression: %s", errbuf); } return FALSE; } compare = regexec(®, pleft, REQUEST_MAX_REGEX + 1, rxmatch, 0); regfree(®); result = (compare != 0); } break; #endif default: DEBUG("ERROR: Comparison operator %s is not supported", fr_token_name(token)); result = FALSE; break; } *presult = result; return TRUE; }
/** Evaluate a map * * @param[in] request the REQUEST * @param[in] modreturn the previous module return code * @param[in] depth of the recursion (only used for debugging) * @param[in] c the condition to evaluate * @return -1 on error, 0 for "no match", 1 for "match". */ int radius_evaluate_map(REQUEST *request, UNUSED int modreturn, UNUSED int depth, fr_cond_t const *c) { int rcode; char *lhs, *rhs; value_pair_map_t *map; rad_assert(c->type == COND_TYPE_MAP); map = c->data.map; rad_assert(map->dst->type != TMPL_TYPE_UNKNOWN); rad_assert(map->src->type != TMPL_TYPE_UNKNOWN); rad_assert(map->dst->type != TMPL_TYPE_LIST); rad_assert(map->src->type != TMPL_TYPE_LIST); rad_assert(map->dst->type != TMPL_TYPE_REGEX); rad_assert(map->dst->type != TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_STRUCT); EVAL_DEBUG("MAP TYPES LHS: %s, RHS: %s", fr_int2str(template_names, map->dst->type, "???"), fr_int2str(template_names, map->src->type, "???")); /* * Verify regexes. */ if ((map->src->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX) || (map->src->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_STRUCT)) { rad_assert(map->op == T_OP_REG_EQ); } else { rad_assert(!((map->op == T_OP_REG_EQ) || (map->op == T_OP_REG_NE))); } /* * They're both attributes. Do attribute-specific work. * * LHS is DST. RHS is SRC <sigh> */ if (!c->cast && (map->src->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->dst->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR)) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp, *cast_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("ATTR to ATTR"); if ((tmpl_find_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst) < 0) || (tmpl_find_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src) < 0)) return -1; if (map->dst->tmpl_da->type == map->src->tmpl_da->type) { return paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); } /* * Compare a large integer (lhs) to a small integer (rhs). * We allow this without a cast. */ rad_assert((map->dst->tmpl_da->type == PW_TYPE_INTEGER64) || (map->dst->tmpl_da->type == PW_TYPE_INTEGER) || (map->dst->tmpl_da->type == PW_TYPE_SHORT)); rad_assert((map->src->tmpl_da->type == PW_TYPE_INTEGER) || (map->src->tmpl_da->type == PW_TYPE_SHORT) || (map->src->tmpl_da->type == PW_TYPE_BYTE)); cast_vp = pairalloc(request, lhs_vp->da); if (!cast_vp) return false; /* * Copy the RHS to the casted type. */ if (do_cast_copy(cast_vp, rhs_vp) < 0) { talloc_free(cast_vp); return false; } rcode = paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, cast_vp); talloc_free(cast_vp); return rcode; } /* * LHS is a cast. Do type-specific comparisons, as if * the LHS was a real attribute. */ if (c->cast) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp; /* * Try to copy data from the VP which is being * casted, instead of printing it to a string and * then re-parsing it. */ if (map->dst->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) { VALUE_PAIR *cast_vp; if (tmpl_find_vp(&cast_vp, request, map->dst) < 0) return false; lhs_vp = pairalloc(request, c->cast); if (!lhs_vp) return -1; /* * In a separate function for clarity */ if (do_cast_copy(lhs_vp, cast_vp) < 0) { talloc_free(lhs_vp); return -1; } } else { rcode = tmpl_cast_to_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst, c->cast); if (rcode < 0) { return rcode; } } rad_assert(lhs_vp); /* * Get either a real VP, or parse the RHS into a * VP, and return that. */ if (map->src->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) { if (tmpl_find_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src) < 0) { return -2; } } else { rcode = tmpl_cast_to_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src, c->cast); if (rcode < 0) { return rcode; } rad_assert(rhs_vp); } if (!rhs_vp) return -2; EVAL_DEBUG("CAST to %s", fr_int2str(dict_attr_types, c->cast->type, "?Unknown?")); rcode = paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); pairfree(&lhs_vp); if (map->src->type != TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) { pairfree(&rhs_vp); } return rcode; } /* * Might be a virtual comparison */ if ((map->dst->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->src->type != TMPL_TYPE_REGEX) && (map->src->type != TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_STRUCT) && (c->pass2_fixup == PASS2_PAIRCOMPARE)) { int ret; VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("virtual ATTR to DATA"); rcode = tmpl_cast_to_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->src, map->dst->tmpl_da); if (rcode < 0) return rcode; rad_assert(lhs_vp); /* * paircompare requires the operator be set for the * check attribute. */ lhs_vp->op = map->op; ret = paircompare(request, request->packet->vps, lhs_vp, NULL); talloc_free(lhs_vp); if (ret == 0) { return true; } return false; } rad_assert(c->pass2_fixup != PASS2_PAIRCOMPARE); /* * RHS has been pre-parsed into binary data. Go check * that. */ if ((map->dst->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->src->type == TMPL_TYPE_DATA)) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("ATTR to DATA"); if (tmpl_find_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst) < 0) return -2; rcode = tmpl_cast_to_vp(&rhs_vp, request, map->src, map->dst->tmpl_da); if (rcode < 0) return rcode; rad_assert(rhs_vp); #ifdef WITH_EVAL_DEBUG debug_pair(lhs_vp); debug_pair(rhs_vp); #endif rcode = paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); pairfree(&rhs_vp); return rcode; } rad_assert(map->src->type != TMPL_TYPE_DATA); rad_assert(map->dst->type != TMPL_TYPE_DATA); #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H /* * Parse regular expressions. */ if ((map->src->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX) || (map->src->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_STRUCT)) { return do_regex(request, map); } #endif /* * The RHS now needs to be expanded into a string. */ rcode = radius_expand_tmpl(&rhs, request, map->src); if (rcode < 0) { EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return rcode; } rad_assert(rhs != NULL); /* * User-Name == FOO * * Parse the RHS to be the same DA as the LHS. do * comparisons. So long as it's not a regex, which does * string comparisons. * * The LHS may be a virtual attribute, too. */ if (map->dst->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) { VALUE_PAIR *lhs_vp, *rhs_vp; EVAL_DEBUG("ATTR to non-REGEX"); /* * No LHS means no match */ if (tmpl_find_vp(&lhs_vp, request, map->dst) < 0) { /* * Not a real attr: might be a dynamic comparison. */ if ((map->dst->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR) && (map->dst->tmpl_da->vendor == 0) && radius_find_compare(map->dst->tmpl_da)) { rhs_vp = pairalloc(request, map->dst->tmpl_da); rad_assert(rhs_vp != NULL); if (pairparsevalue(rhs_vp, rhs, 0) < 0) { talloc_free(rhs); EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return -1; } talloc_free(rhs); rcode = (radius_callback_compare(request, NULL, rhs_vp, NULL, NULL) == 0); pairfree(&rhs_vp); return rcode; } return -2; } /* * Get VP for RHS */ rhs_vp = pairalloc(request, map->dst->tmpl_da); rad_assert(rhs_vp != NULL); if (pairparsevalue(rhs_vp, rhs, 0) < 0) { talloc_free(rhs); pairfree(&rhs_vp); EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return -1; } rcode = paircmp_op(lhs_vp, map->op, rhs_vp); talloc_free(rhs); pairfree(&rhs_vp); return rcode; } /* * The LHS is a string. Expand it. */ rcode = radius_expand_tmpl(&lhs, request, map->dst); if (rcode < 0) { EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return rcode; } rad_assert(lhs != NULL); EVAL_DEBUG("LHS is %s", lhs); /* * Loop over the string, doing comparisons */ if (all_digits(lhs) && all_digits(rhs)) { int lint, rint; lint = strtoul(lhs, NULL, 0); rint = strtoul(rhs, NULL, 0); talloc_free(lhs); talloc_free(rhs); switch (map->op) { case T_OP_CMP_EQ: return (lint == rint); case T_OP_NE: return (lint != rint); case T_OP_LT: return (lint < rint); case T_OP_GT: return (lint > rint); case T_OP_LE: return (lint <= rint); case T_OP_GE: return (lint >= rint); default: break; } } else { rad_assert(lhs != NULL); rad_assert(rhs != NULL); rcode = strcmp(lhs, rhs); talloc_free(lhs); talloc_free(rhs); switch (map->op) { case T_OP_CMP_EQ: return (rcode == 0); case T_OP_NE: return (rcode != 0); case T_OP_LT: return (rcode < 0); case T_OP_GT: return (rcode > 0); case T_OP_LE: return (rcode <= 0); case T_OP_GE: return (rcode >= 0); default: break; } } EVAL_DEBUG("FAIL %d", __LINE__); return -1; }