Example #1
void sdl_mount_fbfs() {
  fs_mount_builtin("/framebuffer", fbfs_open, fbfs_read, fbfs_write, 0, fbfs_mmap);
Example #2
ReaderState* read_char(char c, ReaderState* rs) {
  Cell* cell = rs->cell;
  Cell* new_cell;

  if (!cell) {
    // make a root
    cell = alloc_nil();
    cell->next = alloc_nil();
    *rs->stack = cell;

  if (rs->state == PST_ATOM) {
    if (c==' ' || c==13 || c==10) {
      // skip whitespace
    } else if (c==';') {
      // comment
      rs->state = PST_COMMENT;
    } else if (c>='0' && c<='9') {
      rs->state = PST_NUM;
      rs->valuestate = VST_DEFAULT;
      new_cell = alloc_int(0);
      new_cell->value = c-'0';
      cell->addr = new_cell;

    } else if (c=='(') {
      // start list
      new_cell = alloc_nil();
      cell->addr = new_cell;
      *rs->stack = cell;

      cell = new_cell;
      rs->state = PST_ATOM;
    } else if (c==')') {
      // end of list
      cell = reader_end_list(cell, rs);
    } else if (c=='[') { 
      // bytes (hex notation)
      rs->state = PST_BYTES;
      rs->sym_len = 0;
      new_cell = alloc_bytes();
      cell->addr = new_cell;
    } else if (c=='"') {
      // string
      rs->state = PST_STR;
      rs->sym_len = 0;
      new_cell = alloc_string();
      cell->addr = new_cell;
    } else {
      // symbol
      rs->state = PST_SYM;
      rs->sym_len = 1;
      new_cell = alloc_sym(0);
      new_cell->addr = cell_malloc(SYM_INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);
      memset(new_cell->addr, 0, SYM_INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);
      ((char*)new_cell->addr)[0] = c;
      new_cell->size = SYM_INIT_BUFFER_SIZE; // buffer space
      cell->addr = new_cell;

  } else if (rs->state == PST_COMMENT) {
    if (c=='\n' || c=='0') {
      rs->state = PST_ATOM;
  } else if (rs->state == PST_NUM || rs->state == PST_NUM_NEG) {
    if (c>='0' && c<='9' || ((rs->valuestate == VST_HEX && c>='a' && c<='f'))) {
      // build number
      Cell* vcell = (Cell*)cell->addr;
      int mul = 10;
      if (rs->valuestate == VST_HEX) mul = 16;
      int d = 0;
      if (c>='a') {
        d = 10+(c-'a');
      } else {
        d = c-'0';
      if (rs->state == PST_NUM_NEG) {
        vcell->value = vcell->value*mul - d;
      } else {
        vcell->value = vcell->value*mul + d;
    } else if (c==' ' || c==13 || c==10) {
      cell = reader_next_list_cell(cell, rs);
    } else if (c==')') {
      cell = reader_end_list(cell, rs);
    } else if (c=='x') {
      rs->valuestate = VST_HEX;
    } else {
      rs->state = PST_ERR_UNEXP_JUNK_IN_NUMBER;
  } else if (rs->state == PST_SYM || rs->state == PST_STR) {

    int append = 0;

    if (rs->state == PST_STR) {
      if (c=='"') {
        // string is over
        Cell* vcell = (Cell*)cell->addr;
        vcell->size = (rs->sym_len);
        cell = reader_next_list_cell(cell, rs);
      } else {
        append = 1;
    else {
      if (c==')') {
        cell = reader_end_list(cell, rs);
      } else if (c==' ' || c==13 || c==10) {
        cell = reader_next_list_cell(cell, rs);
      } else if (rs->state == PST_SYM && (c>='0' && c<='9')) {
        Cell* vcell = (Cell*)cell->addr;
        // detect negative number
        if (((char*)vcell->addr)[0] == '-') {
          // we're actually not a symbol, correct the cell.
          rs->state = PST_NUM_NEG;
          vcell->tag = TAG_INT;
          vcell->value = -(c-'0');
      } else {
        append = 1;

    if (append) {
      // build symbol/string
      Cell* vcell = (Cell*)cell->addr;
      int idx = rs->sym_len;
      if (rs->sym_len>=vcell->size-1) {
        // grow buffer
        vcell->addr = cell_realloc(vcell->addr, vcell->size, 2*vcell->size);
        memset(vcell->addr+vcell->size, 0, vcell->size);
        vcell->size = 2*vcell->size;
      ((char*)vcell->addr)[idx] = c;

  } else if (rs->state == PST_BYTES) {
    if (c==']') {
      Cell* vcell = (Cell*)cell->addr;
      vcell->size = (rs->sym_len)/2;
      cell = reader_next_list_cell(cell, rs);
    } else if ((c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='a' && c<='f') || (c>='A' && c<='F')) {
      int n = c;
      if (n>='a') n-=('a'-'9'-1); // hex 'a' to 10 offset
      if (n>='A') n-=('A'-'9'-1); // hex 'a' to 10 offset
      n-='0'; // char to value

      Cell* vcell = (Cell*)cell->addr;
      int idx = rs->sym_len;
      if (rs->sym_len>=(vcell->size/2)-1) {
        // grow buffer
        vcell->addr = cell_realloc(vcell->addr, vcell->size, 2*vcell->size); // TODO: check the math
        memset(vcell->addr+vcell->size, 0, vcell->size);
        vcell->size = 2*vcell->size;
      if (idx%2==0) { // even digit
        ((byte*)vcell->addr)[idx/2] = n<<4; // high nybble
      } else { // odd digit
        ((byte*)vcell->addr)[idx/2] |= n;
    } else if (c==' ' || c==13 || c==10) {
      // skip
    } else {
      rs->state = PST_ERR_UNEXP_JUNK_IN_BYTES;
  rs->cell = cell;
  return rs;
Example #3
static void symbol_handler (zebra_image_scanner_t *iscn,
                            int x,
                            int y)
    zebra_symbol_type_t type = zebra_decoder_get_type(iscn->dcode);
    /* FIXME assert(type == ZEBRA_PARTIAL) */
    /* FIXME debug flag to save/display all PARTIALs */
    if(type <= ZEBRA_PARTIAL)

    const char *data = zebra_decoder_get_data(iscn->dcode);

    /* FIXME deprecate - instead check (x, y) inside existing polygon */
    zebra_symbol_t *sym;
    for(sym = iscn->img->syms; sym; sym = sym->next)
        if(sym->type == type &&
           !strcmp(sym->data, data)) {
            /* add new point to existing set */
            /* FIXME should be polygon */
            sym_add_point(sym, x, y);

    sym = alloc_sym(iscn, type, data);

    /* timestamp symbol */
    struct timeval abstime;
    gettimeofday(&abstime, NULL);
    sym->time = (abstime.tv_sec * 1000) + ((abstime.tv_usec / 500) + 1) / 2;

    /* initialize first point */
    sym->npts = 0;
    sym_add_point(sym, x, y);

    /* attach to current root image */
    sym->next = iscn->img->syms;
    iscn->img->syms = sym;

    if(iscn->enable_cache) {
        zebra_symbol_t *entry = cache_lookup(iscn, sym);
        if(!entry) {
            entry = alloc_sym(iscn, sym->type, sym->data);
            entry->time = sym->time - CACHE_HYSTERESIS;
            entry->cache_count = -CACHE_CONSISTENCY;
            /* add to cache */
            entry->next = iscn->cache;
            iscn->cache = entry;

        /* consistency check and hysteresis */
        uint32_t age = sym->time - entry->time;
        entry->time = sym->time;
        int near = (age < CACHE_PROXIMITY);
        int far = (age >= CACHE_HYSTERESIS);
        int dup = (entry->cache_count >= 0);
        if((!dup && !near) || far)
            entry->cache_count = -CACHE_CONSISTENCY;
        else if(dup || near)

        sym->cache_count = entry->cache_count;
        sym->cache_count = 0;

        iscn->handler(iscn->img, iscn->userdata);