int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. sz = PGSIZE-1; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, ph.vaddr + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*)ph.vaddr, ip,, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; // Allocate two pages at the next page boundary. // Make the first inaccessible. Use the second as the user stack. sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + 2*PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; proc->pstack = (uint *)sz; clearpteu(pgdir, (char*)(sz - 2*PGSIZE)); sp = sz; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp = (sp - (strlen(argv[argc]) + 1)) & ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz,s_sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. sz = PGSIZE; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*), ip, ph.offset, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; // Allocate a one-page stack one page away from USERTOP (at bottom // grow upwards) s_sz = (USERTOP - PGSIZE); if((s_sz = allocuvm(pgdir, s_sz, s_sz + PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. sp = s_sz; for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp -= strlen(argv[argc]) + 1; sp &= ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); s_sz = USERTOP - PGSIZE; // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->s_sz =s_sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); // cprintf("finish exec%d\t%d\n",sz,s_sz); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; char tmp_path[MAX_LNK_NAME]; /* A&T */ /* A&T use readlink to de-reference symbolic links */ if (k_readlink(path, tmp_path, MAX_LNK_NAME) != -1) { if((ip = namei(tmp_path)) == 0) return -1; } else { if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; } ilock(ip); //A&T checks if symlink /* for (i=0;i < 16 ; i++) { //prevents loops ,up to 16 chain links */ /* if (ip->flags & I_SYMLNK) { */ /* if((sym_ip = namei((char*)ip->addrs)) == 0) { */ /* iunlock(ip); */ /* return -1; */ /* } */ /* iunlock(ip); */ /* ip = sym_ip; */ /* ilock(ip); */ /* } else */ /* break; */ /* } */ /* if (i == 16) { */ /* panic("symbolic link exceeds 16 links "); */ /* } */ //A&T - end pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm(kalloc)) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. sz = 0; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, ph.vaddr + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*)ph.vaddr, ip,, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; // Allocate two pages at the next page boundary. // Make the first inaccessible. Use the second as the user stack. sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + 2*PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; clearpteu(pgdir, (char*)(sz - 2*PGSIZE)); sp = sz; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp = (sp - (strlen(argv[argc]) + 1)) & ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }
void trap(struct trapframe *tf) { if(tf->trapno == T_SYSCALL){ if(proc->killed) exit(); proc->tf = tf; syscall(); if(proc->killed) exit(); return; } switch(tf->trapno){ case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER: if(cpu->id == 0){ acquire(&tickslock); ticks++; wakeup(&ticks); release(&tickslock); } lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_IDE: ideintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_IDE+1: // Bochs generates spurious IDE1 interrupts. break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_KBD: kbdintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_COM1: uartintr(); lapiceoi(); break; //try again: case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_SPURIOUS: cprintf("cpu%d: spurious interrupt at %x:%x\n", cpu->id, tf->cs, tf->eip); lapiceoi(); break; default: //HERE WE GO if(tf->trapno == T_PGFLT){ cprintf("PAGE FAULT!\n"); cprintf("stack ptr: %d\tend of stack: %d\n", proc->tf->esp, proc->endOfStack); if(proc->tf->esp <= proc->endOfStack){ if(proc->tf->esp > proc->sz + PGSIZE){ // break; // } uint oldEOS = proc->endOfStack; cprintf("old EOS: %d\n", oldEOS); uint newEOS = (int)PGROUNDUP(proc->tf->esp) - PGSIZE; cprintf("new EOS: %d\n", newEOS); uint newstk = allocuvm(proc->pgdir,newEOS,oldEOS); cprintf("newstk: %d\n", newstk); if(newstk==0){ panic("dont know what to do"); } proc->endOfStack=newEOS; return; } } } //END SID EDIT if(proc == 0 || (tf->cs&3) == 0){ // In kernel, it must be our mistake. cprintf("unexpected trap %d from cpu %d eip %x (cr2=0x%x)\n", tf->trapno, cpu->id, tf->eip, rcr2()); panic("trap"); } // In user space, assume process misbehaved. cprintf("pid %d %s: trap %d err %d on cpu %d " "eip 0x%x addr 0x%x--kill proc\n", proc->pid, proc->name, tf->trapno, tf->err, cpu->id, tf->eip, rcr2()); proc->killed = 1; } // Force process exit if it has been killed and is in user space. // (If it is still executing in the kernel, let it keep running // until it gets to the regular system call return.) if(proc && proc->killed && (tf->cs&3) == DPL_USER) exit(); // Force process to give up CPU on clock tick. // If interrupts were on while locks held, would need to check nlock. if(proc && proc->state == RUNNING && tf->trapno == T_IRQ0+IRQ_TIMER) yield(); // Check if the process has been killed since we yielded if(proc && proc->killed && (tf->cs&3) == DPL_USER) exit(); }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; //// section check (either exist interp section) //// needed if (strcmp("share_main", path) == 0) { // share loader process (dummy of load //// mmap share library ( sz = 0; /////// alloc physical memory cprintf("start %d \n", sz); ph.vaddr = 0x08048000; ph.memsz = 0x031a4 + 0x00130; sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, ph.vaddr + ph.memsz); cprintf("start4 %d \n", sz); /////// map pages to physical memory = 0x0; ph.filesz = 0x21a4 + 0x00124; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*)ph.vaddr, ip,, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; cprintf("start3 %d \n", sz); iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; // Allocate two pages at the next page boundary. // Make the first inaccessible. Use the second as the user stack. sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + 2*PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; clearpteu(pgdir, (char*)(sz - 2*PGSIZE)); sp = sz; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp = (sp - (strlen(argv[argc]) + 1)) & ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->tf->eip = 0x80486d4; //.text proc->tf->esp = sp; cprintf("start2 %d \n", sz); switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; //// rewrite bss valiable. //// stay loader program for delayed load. } // Load program into memory. sz = 0; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, ph.vaddr + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*)ph.vaddr, ip,, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; // Allocate two pages at the next page boundary. // Make the first inaccessible. Use the second as the user stack. sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + 2*PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; clearpteu(pgdir, (char*)(sz - 2*PGSIZE)); sp = sz; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp = (sp - (strlen(argv[argc]) + 1)) & ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sz_stk, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. sz = PGSIZE; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*), ip, ph.offset, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); // CHANGE: Allocates the first page of the stack at the end of the user programs address space if((allocuvm(pgdir, USERTOP - PGSIZE, USERTOP)) == 0) goto bad; /* CHANGE: sets the sz_stk field equal to the top address of the stack */ sz_stk = USERTOP - PGSIZE; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. sp = USERTOP; /* CHANGE: sets the stack pointer to the botom of the user space. */ for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp -= strlen(argv[argc]) + 1; sp &= ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->sz_stk = sz_stk; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; // namei converts given path into inode begin_op(); if((ip = namei(path)) == 0){ end_op(); return -1; } ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header // if the file is smaller than the size of an elf header, // then it doesn't hold an elf header. (ERROR) if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. // do this for each section of the elf file (chunk size dlineated // by sizeof program header) // allocate user virtual memory // load program into user virtual memory // in linux, run readelf -a /bin/ls and see the the offset and size // column program section header being loaded sz = 0; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, ph.vaddr + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*)ph.vaddr, ip,, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); end_op(); ip = 0; // Allocate two pages at the next page boundary. // Make the first inaccessible. Use the second as the user stack. sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); // This is macro function that jumps to the next page boundary if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + 2*PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; // this makes the inaccessible page clearpteu(pgdir, (char*)(sz - 2*PGSIZE)); sp = sz; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. // This code is building the stack frame of the application. // since argc is not passed into this function, to find the max // num of args, we need to step through the argv string until the // item returned is NULL or the end of the string. // This means that we have found all of the arguments. // Next, we need to copy each argument into the stack and keep // references to it in a local stack. Once this is done, we can // set the stack pointer to point to the first argument on the stack. // now, we can put the return value and the total number of args onto our // local stack. Then, we must prepare local stack for the copy into the // real stack. Next, we adjust the real stack pointer to make // room for our local stack and then we copy our stack that contains // pointers to each argument onto the stack. // We need this for quick lookup of each argument -- without the poitners // we can't efficiently get the args back. we also need the // the total number of arguments to make sure that we are growing the // stack properly. // think about this: int main(int argc, char **argv); // this code defends why we need a double pointer to a char. // we are giving an array of char *. for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; // explain of ~3 in following line: // to make memory align with 4 bits, we the two lower order bit // which are the oly two bits that aren't divisibile by 4. // this is to keep the compiler aligned with the system sp = (sp - (strlen(argv[argc]) + 1)) & ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; // This is getting the real stack ready for the copy // of the local stack, ustack[] ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer // this is moving the stack pointer to the location of first argument. sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; // This is copying the ustack[] into the real stack if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // done buildng the stack frame // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip){ iunlockput(ip); end_op(); } return -1; }
void trap(struct trapframe *tf) { if(tf->trapno == T_SYSCALL){ if(proc->killed) exit(); proc->tf = tf; syscall(); if (proc->tf->trapno != T_PGFLT) { if(proc->killed) exit(); return;} } switch(tf->trapno){ case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER: if(cpu->id == 0){ acquire(&tickslock); ticks++; wakeup(&ticks); release(&tickslock); } lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_IDE: ideintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_IDE+1: // Bochs generates spurious IDE1 interrupts. break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_KBD: kbdintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_COM1: uartintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + 7: case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_SPURIOUS: cprintf("cpu%d: spurious interrupt at %x:%x\n", cpu->id, tf->cs, tf->eip); lapiceoi(); break; // TODO(byan23): Add a case for page fault. case T_PGFLT: // check range of rcr2() not in guard page // only grow one page at a time //cprintf("check: \nstack: %d\nproc->sz: %d\nrcr: %d\n", USERTOP-proc->ssz, proc->sz, rcr2()); if ((PGROUNDUP(proc->sz) + PGSIZE < USERTOP - proc->ssz) && (rcr2() >= USERTOP - proc->ssz - PGSIZE) && (rcr2() >= proc->sz + PGSIZE)) { //uint pgpos = //(rcr2() % PGSIZE == 0) ? rcr2() : (PGROUNDUP(rcr2()) - PGSIZE); uint pgpos = proc->ssz + PGSIZE; if (allocuvm(proc->pgdir, USERTOP - pgpos, USERTOP - proc->ssz) == 0) { cprintf("allocuvm failed cr2=0x%x\n", rcr2()); proc->killed = 1; break; } proc->ssz = pgpos; break; } default: if(proc == 0 || (tf->cs&3) == 0){ // In kernel, it must be our mistake. cprintf("unexpected trap %d from cpu %d eip %x (cr2=0x%x)\n", tf->trapno, cpu->id, tf->eip, rcr2()); panic("trap"); } // In user space, assume process misbehaved. cprintf("pid %d %s: trap %d err %d on cpu %d " "eip 0x%x addr 0x%x--kill proc\n", proc->pid, proc->name, tf->trapno, tf->err, cpu->id, tf->eip, rcr2()); proc->killed = 1; } // Force process exit if it has been killed and is in user space. // (If it is still executing in the kernel, let it keep running // until it gets to the regular system call return.) if(proc && proc->killed && (tf->cs&3) == DPL_USER) exit(); // Force process to give up CPU on clock tick. // If interrupts were on while locks held, would need to check nlock. if(proc && proc->state == RUNNING && tf->trapno == T_IRQ0+IRQ_TIMER) yield(); // Check if the process has been killed since we yielded if(proc && proc->killed && (tf->cs&3) == DPL_USER) exit(); }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; begin_op(); if((ip = namei(path)) == 0){ end_op(); return -1; } ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. sz = 0;//last virtual direction for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, ph.vaddr + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*)ph.vaddr, ip,, ph.filesz) < 0)//copy from disk to ram goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); end_op(); ip = 0; // Allocate two pages at the next page boundary. // Make the first inaccessible. Use the second as the user stack. sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); //aling memory, pre: sz don't reference the last address for a page. post: sz reference the last address for a page. //reserve virtual directions for kernel page + PAGSTACKPROC, and alloc only a page for stack. The follow will be alloc by request. sz = sz + (PAGSTACKPROC * PGSIZE); if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; sp = sz; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp = (sp - (strlen(argv[argc]) + 1)) & ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; //Init amount of stack page proc->stack_pages_alloked = 1; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip){ iunlockput(ip); end_op(); } return -1; }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. // Skip first page sz = PGSIZE; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*), ip, ph.offset, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; // Allocate a one-page stack at the next page boundary sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. sp = sz; for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp -= strlen(argv[argc]) + 1; sp &= ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; // Set end of shared pages address to USERTOP proc->endSP = USERTOP; proc->sz = sz; // For each shared page set the shared page count to the memory count for (i = 0; i < SHMEM_PAGES; i++) { proc->shared_count[i] = mem_count[i]; } proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { cprintf("-(%d)exec...\n",proc->pid); char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. // sx: passed Part 1 sz = PGSIZE;//PGSIZW = 4K for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*), ip, ph.offset, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; //no need to modify above///////////////////////// // Allocate a one-page stack at the next page boundary sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); /* if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + PGSIZE)) == 0) goto bad; sp = sz; */ // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. // sx:tst1///////////////// int sz_stack= 0; if((sz_stack = allocuvm(pgdir, USERTOP-PGSIZE, USERTOP))==0) panic("allocuvm sz_stack failed\n"); sp = sz_stack; ///////////////////////// cprintf("-exec: sp(%d)\n",sp); for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp -= strlen(argv[argc]) + 1; sp &= ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); cprintf("-exec:sz(%d)sp(%d)sz-sp(%d)elf.entry(%d)\n",sz,sp,USERTOP-sp,elf.entry); // Commit to the user image. oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz_stack;//current stack bottom proc->sz_stack = sz_stack-PGSIZE;//current stack top proc->sz_heap = sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); cprintf("-exec end***\n"); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }
void trap(struct trapframe *tf) { /* CHANGE: handles growing the stack */ if(tf->trapno == T_PGFLT) { uint addr = rcr2(); // grabs the address that caused the trap. if((addr >= (proc->sz_stk - PGSIZE) && addr < proc->sz_stk) && (proc->sz_stk - PGSIZE != proc->sz)) { allocuvm(proc->pgdir, proc->sz_stk - PGSIZE, proc->sz_stk); proc->sz_stk -= PGSIZE; return; } } if(tf->trapno == T_SYSCALL){ if(proc->killed) exit(); proc->tf = tf; syscall(); if(proc->killed) exit(); return; } switch(tf->trapno){ case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER: if(cpu->id == 0){ acquire(&tickslock); ticks++; wakeup(&ticks); release(&tickslock); } lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_IDE: ideintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_IDE+1: // Bochs generates spurious IDE1 interrupts. break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_KBD: kbdintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_COM1: uartintr(); lapiceoi(); break; case T_IRQ0 + 7: case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_SPURIOUS: cprintf("cpu%d: spurious interrupt at %x:%x\n", cpu->id, tf->cs, tf->eip); lapiceoi(); break; default: if(proc == 0 || (tf->cs&3) == 0){ // In kernel, it must be our mistake. cprintf("unexpected trap %d from cpu %d eip %x (cr2=0x%x)\n", tf->trapno, cpu->id, tf->eip, rcr2()); panic("trap"); } // In user space, assume process misbehaved. cprintf("pid %d %s: trap %d err %d on cpu %d " "eip 0x%x addr 0x%x--kill proc\n", proc->pid, proc->name, tf->trapno, tf->err, cpu->id, tf->eip, rcr2()); proc->killed = 1; } // Force process exit if it has been killed and is in user space. // (If it is still executing in the kernel, let it keep running // until it gets to the regular system call return.) if(proc && proc->killed && (tf->cs&3) == DPL_USER) exit(); // Force process to give up CPU on clock tick. // If interrupts were on while locks held, would need to check nlock. if(proc && proc->state == RUNNING && tf->trapno == T_IRQ0+IRQ_TIMER) yield(); // Check if the process has been killed since we yielded if(proc && proc->killed && (tf->cs&3) == DPL_USER) exit(); }
int exec(char *path, char **argv) { char *s, *last; int i, off; uint argc, sz, sp, ustack[3+MAXARG+1]; struct elfhdr elf; struct inode *ip; struct proghdr ph; pde_t *pgdir, *oldpgdir; if((ip = namei(path)) == 0) return -1; ilock(ip); pgdir = 0; // Check ELF header if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; if((pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0) goto bad; // Load program into memory. sz = PGSIZE; for(i=0, off=elf.phoff; i<elf.phnum; i++, off+=sizeof(ph)){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, off, sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, + ph.memsz)) == 0) goto bad; //cprintf("exec: size: %d, phva: %d phvamem:%d \n", sz, , ph.memsz); if(loaduvm(pgdir, (char*), ip, ph.offset, ph.filesz) < 0) goto bad; } iunlockput(ip); ip = 0; // Allocate a one-page stack at the next page boundary sz = PGROUNDUP(sz); //if((sz = allocuvm(pgdir, sz, sz + PGSIZE)) == 0) // goto bad; uint stkptr = allocuvm(pgdir, USERTOP - PGSIZE, USERTOP); if(stkptr == 0) panic("dont know wht to do"); //proc->stkptr = USERTOP-PGSIZE; //cprintf("stkptr is : %d\n", stkptr); // Push argument strings, prepare rest of stack in ustack. sp = stkptr; for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) { if(argc >= MAXARG) goto bad; sp -= strlen(argv[argc]) + 1; sp &= ~3; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, argv[argc], strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) < 0) goto bad; ustack[3+argc] = sp; //cprintf("sp value: %d\n",sp); } ustack[3+argc] = 0; ustack[0] = 0xffffffff; // fake return PC ustack[1] = argc; ustack[2] = sp - (argc+1)*4; // argv pointer sp -= (3+argc+1) * 4; if(copyout(pgdir, sp, ustack, (3+argc+1)*4) < 0) goto bad; // Save program name for debugging. for(last=s=path; *s; s++) if(*s == '/') last = s+1; safestrcpy(proc->name, last, sizeof(proc->name)); // remzi video change //uint newstk = allocuvm(pgdir, USERTOP - PGSIZE, USERTOP); //if(newstk == 0) panic("dont know wht to do"); // Commit to the user image. proc->stkptr = USERTOP - PGSIZE; //proc->grdptr = USERTOP - PGSIZE - PGSIZE; oldpgdir = proc->pgdir; proc->pgdir = pgdir; proc->sz = sz; proc->tf->eip = elf.entry; // main proc->tf->esp = sp; switchuvm(proc); freevm(oldpgdir); return 0; bad: if(pgdir) freevm(pgdir); if(ip) iunlockput(ip); return -1; }