struct bed *bedIntronsFromAgx(struct altGraphX *ag)
/* Produce an intron bed for every intron in the altGraphx. */
struct bed *bed = NULL, *bedList = NULL;
int i,j;
int count =0;
int vCount = ag->vertexCount;
bool **em  = altGraphXCreateEdgeMatrix(ag);
for(i=0; i<vCount; i++)
    for(j=0; j<vCount; j++)
	if(em[i][j] && altGraphXEdgeVertexType(ag, i, j) == ggSJ)
	    bed = bedForEdge(ag, em, i, j, count++);
	    if(bed != NULL)
		slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
altGraphXFreeEdgeMatrix(&em, vCount);
return bedList;
Example #2
void lookForAltSplicing(char *db, struct altGraphX *ag, struct altSpliceSite **aSpliceList, 
			int *altSpliceSites, int *altSpliceLoci, int *totalSpliceSites)
/* Walk throught the altGraphX graph and look for evidence of altSplicing. */
struct altSpliceSite *notAlt = NULL, *notAltList = NULL;
bool **em = altGraphXCreateEdgeMatrix(ag);
int vCount = ag->vertexCount;
unsigned char *vTypes = ag->vTypes;
int altSpliceSitesOrig = *altSpliceSites;
int i,j,k;
int altCount = 0;
for(i=0; i<vCount; i++)
    struct altSpliceSite *aSplice = NULL;
    for(j=0; j<vCount; j++)
	if(em[i][j] && areConsSplice(em, vCount, vTypes,i,j) && 
	   (agxEvCount(ag, i,j) >= minConfidence)) 
	    for(k=j+1; k<vCount; k++)
		if(em[i][k] && areConsSplice(em, vCount, vTypes, i, k) &&
		   (agxEvCount(ag, i,k) >= minConfidence)) 
		    if(aSplice == NULL)
			aSplice = initASplice(ag, em, i, j, k);

			addSpliceSite(ag, em, aSplice, k);
	/* Only want non alt-spliced exons for our controls.  Some of
	 these checks are historical and probably redundant....*/
	if(em[i][j] && 
	   rowSum(em[i], ag->vTypes, ag->vertexCount) == 1 &&
	   rowSum(em[j], ag->vTypes, ag->vertexCount) == 1 &&
	   colSum(em, ag->vTypes, ag->vertexCount, j) == 1 &&
	   colSum(em, ag->vTypes, ag->vertexCount, j) == 1 &&
	   altGraphXEdgeVertexType(ag, i, j) == ggExon &&
	   areHard(ag, i, j) && 
	   areConstitutive(ag, em, i, j))
	    notAlt = initASplice(ag, em, i, j, j);
	    if(altRegion != NULL) 
		outputControlExonBeds(ag, i, j);
	    slAddHead(&notAltList, notAlt);
    if(aSplice != NULL) 
	    fprintf(altLogFile, "%s\n", ag->name);
	slAddHead(aSpliceList, aSplice);
    /* If we have a simple splice classfy it and log it. */
    if(aSplice != NULL && aSplice->altCount == 2)
	logSpliceType(aSplice->spliceTypes[1], abs(aSplice->altBpEnds[1] - aSplice->altBpStarts[1]));
	if(aSplice->spliceTypes[1] == alt3Prime && (aSplice->altBpEnds[1] - aSplice->altBpStarts[1] == 3))
	    fillInSscores(db, aSplice, 1);
	if(RData != NULL)
	    outputForR(aSplice, 1, RData);
    /* Otherwise log it as altOther. Start at 1 as 0->1 is the first
     * splice, 1->2 is the first alt spliced.*/
    else if(aSplice != NULL)
	for(altCount=1; altCount<aSplice->altCount; altCount++)
for(notAlt = notAltList; notAlt != NULL; notAlt = notAlt->next)
	fillInSscores(db, notAlt, 1);
    if(RData != NULL)
	outputForR(notAlt, 1, RDataCont);
if(*altSpliceSites != altSpliceSitesOrig)
altGraphXFreeEdgeMatrix(&em, vCount);
struct bed *bedForEdge(struct altGraphX *ag, bool **em, int v1, int v2, int edgeCount)
int i;
char buff[256];
int *vPos = ag->vPositions;
int vCount = ag->vertexCount;
int pos1=0, pos2=BIGNUM;
int ev1=0, ev2=0;
struct bed *bed = NULL;
boolean found1 = FALSE, found2 = FALSE;
/* Find first exon. */
for(i=0; i<vCount; i++)
    if(em[i][v1] && altGraphXEdgeVertexType(ag, i, v1) == ggExon)
	int edgeNum = altGraphXGetEdgeNum(ag, i, v1);
	struct evidence *ev = slElementFromIx(ag->evidence, edgeNum);
	if(ev->evCount > ev1)
	    found1 = TRUE;
	    ev1 = ev->evCount;
	    pos1 = vPos[i];

/* Find second exon. */
for(i=0; i<vCount; i++)
    if(em[v2][i] && altGraphXEdgeVertexType(ag, v2, i) == ggExon)
	int edgeNum = altGraphXGetEdgeNum(ag, v2, i);
	struct evidence *ev = slElementFromIx(ag->evidence, edgeNum);
	if(ev->evCount > ev2)
	    found2 = TRUE;
	    ev2 = ev->evCount;
	    pos2 = vPos[i];
if(found1 && found2)
    safef(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s.%d", ag->name, edgeCount);
    bed->name = cloneString(buff);
    safef(bed->strand, sizeof(bed->strand), "%s", ag->strand);
    bed->chrom = cloneString(ag->tName);
    bed->chromStart = bed->thickStart = pos1;
    bed->chromEnd = bed->thickEnd = pos2;
    bed->score = (ev1 + ev2)/2;
    AllocArray(bed->chromStarts, 2);
    AllocArray(bed->blockSizes, 2);
    bed->blockCount = 2;
    bed->chromStarts[0] = pos1 - bed->chromStart;
    bed->chromStarts[1] = vPos[v2] - bed->chromStart;
    bed->blockSizes[0] =  vPos[v1] - pos1;
    bed->blockSizes[1] = pos2 - vPos[v2];
return bed;