status_t Thread::run(const char* name, int32_t priority, size_t stack)
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

    if (mRunning) {
        // thread already started
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    // reset status and exitPending to their default value, so we can
    // try again after an error happened (either below, or in readyToRun())
    mStatus = NO_ERROR;
    mExitPending = false;
    mThread = thread_id_t(-1);
    // hold a strong reference on ourself
    mHoldSelf = this;

    mRunning = true;

    bool res;
    if (mCanCallJava) {
        res = createThreadEtc(_threadLoop,
                this, name, priority, stack, &mThread);
    } else {
        res = androidCreateRawThreadEtc(_threadLoop,
                this, name, priority, stack, &mThread);
    if (res == false) {
        mStatus = UNKNOWN_ERROR;   // something happened!
        mRunning = false;
        mThread = thread_id_t(-1);
        mHoldSelf.clear();  // "this" may have gone away after this.

        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    // Do not refer to mStatus here: The thread is already running (may, in fact
    // already have exited with a valid mStatus result). The NO_ERROR indication
    // here merely indicates successfully starting the thread and does not
    // imply successful termination/execution.
    return NO_ERROR;

    // Exiting scope of mLock is a memory barrier and allows new thread to run
 * This is invoked from androidCreateThreadEtc() via the callback
 * set with androidSetCreateThreadFunc().
 * We need to create the new thread in such a way that it gets hooked
 * into the VM before it really starts executing.
/*static*/ int AndroidRuntime::javaCreateThreadEtc(
    android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
    void* userData,
    const char* threadName,
    int32_t threadPriority,
    size_t threadStackSize,
    android_thread_id_t* threadId)
    void** args = (void**) malloc(3 * sizeof(void*));   // javaThreadShell must free
    int result;

    assert(threadName != NULL);

    args[0] = (void*) entryFunction;
    args[1] = userData;
    args[2] = (void*) strdup(threadName);   // javaThreadShell must free

    result = androidCreateRawThreadEtc(AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell, args,
                                       threadName, threadPriority, threadStackSize, threadId);
    return result;