/* animates a sphere */
void animateSphere (int id, float time)
  /* animate vertices */
  RTCGeometry geom = rtcGetGeometry(g_scene,id);
  Vertex* vertices = (Vertex*) rtcGetGeometryBufferData(geom,RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX,0);
  const float rcpNumTheta = rcp((float)numTheta);
  const float rcpNumPhi   = rcp((float)numPhi);
  const Vec3fa pos = position[id];
  const float r = radius[id];
  const float f = 2.0f*(1.0f+0.5f*sin(time));

  /* loop over all vertices */
#if 1 // enables parallel execution
  parallel_for(size_t(0),size_t(numPhi+1),[&](const range<size_t>& range) {
    const int threadIndex = (int)TaskScheduler::threadIndex();
    for (size_t i=range.begin(); i<range.end(); i++)
  for (unsigned int phi=0; phi<numPhi+1; phi++) for (int theta=0; theta<numTheta; theta++)
    Vertex* v = &vertices[phi*numTheta+theta];
    const float phif   = phi*float(pi)*rcpNumPhi;
    const float thetaf = theta*2.0f*float(pi)*rcpNumTheta;
    v->x = pos.x+r*sin(f*phif)*sin(thetaf);
    v->y = pos.y+r*cos(phif);
    v->z = pos.z+r*sin(f*phif)*cos(thetaf);

  /* commit mesh */
Example #2
/* called by the C++ code to render */
extern "C" void device_render (int* pixels,
                           const int width,
                           const int height, 
                           const float time,
                           const Vec3fa& vx, 
                           const Vec3fa& vy, 
                           const Vec3fa& vz, 
                           const Vec3fa& p)
  /* animate sphere */
  for (int i=0; i<numSpheres; i++)

  /* commit changes to scene */
#if !defined(PARALLEL_COMMIT)
  rtcCommit (g_scene);
  launch[ getNumHWThreads() ] parallelCommit(g_scene); 

  /* render all pixels */
  const int numTilesX = (width +TILE_SIZE_X-1)/TILE_SIZE_X;
  const int numTilesY = (height+TILE_SIZE_Y-1)/TILE_SIZE_Y;
/* called by the C++ code to render */
extern "C" void device_render (int* pixels,
                           const int width,
                           const int height, 
                           const float time,
                           const Vec3fa& vx, 
                           const Vec3fa& vy, 
                           const Vec3fa& vz, 
                           const Vec3fa& p)
  /* animate sphere */
  for (int i=0; i<numSpheres; i++)

  /* commit changes to scene */
  rtcCommit (g_scene);
  /* render all pixels */
  const int numTilesX = (width +TILE_SIZE_X-1)/TILE_SIZE_X;
  const int numTilesY = (height+TILE_SIZE_Y-1)/TILE_SIZE_Y;
/* called by the C++ code to render */
extern "C" void device_render (int* pixels,
                           const unsigned int width,
                           const unsigned int height,
                           const float time,
                           const ISPCCamera& camera)
  /* animate sphere */
  for (int i=0; i<numSpheres; i++)

  /* commit changes to scene */
  rtcCommitScene (g_scene);

  /* render all pixels */
  const int numTilesX = (width +TILE_SIZE_X-1)/TILE_SIZE_X;
  const int numTilesY = (height+TILE_SIZE_Y-1)/TILE_SIZE_Y;
  parallel_for(size_t(0),size_t(numTilesX*numTilesY),[&](const range<size_t>& range) {
    const int threadIndex = (int)TaskScheduler::threadIndex();
    for (size_t i=range.begin(); i<range.end(); i++)