Example #1
static int _StartBatch(MessageHandler *handler, char *name, char *param) {
  int (*apl)(char *);
  int rc;
  ValueStruct *val;
  char *arg;

  OpenCOBOL_Conv = NewConvOpt();
  ConvSetSize(OpenCOBOL_Conv, ThisBD->textsize, ThisBD->arraysize);
  ConvSetCodeset(OpenCOBOL_Conv, ConvCodeset(handler->conv));
  if (handler->conv != NULL) {
    OpenCOBOL_Conv->fBigEndian = handler->conv->fBigEndian;
  } else {
    Error("handler->conv is NULL");

  InitMONFUNC(OpenCOBOL_Conv, OpenCOBOL_PackValue, OpenCOBOL_UnPackValue,

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("starting [%s][%s]\n", name, param);
  if ((apl = cob_resolve(name)) != NULL) {
    val = NewValue(GL_TYPE_CHAR);
    SetValueStringWithLength(val, param, ThisBD->textsize, NULL);
    arg = StrnDup(ValueToString(val, "euc-jisx0213"), ThisBD->textsize);
    StringC2Cobol(arg, ThisBD->textsize);
    rc = apl(arg);
  } else {
    Warning("%s - %s is not found.", cob_resolve_error(), name);
    rc = -1;
  return (rc);
Example #2
/*  Fill out buffer with the compressed format Ganesh expects from a colortable
 based bitmap. [palette (colortable) + indices].

 At the moment Ganesh only supports 8bit version. If Ganesh allowed we others
 we could detect that the colortable.count is <= 16, and then repack the
 indices as nibbles to save RAM, but it would take more time (i.e. a lot
 slower than memcpy), so skipping that for now.

 Ganesh wants a full 256 palette entry, even though Skia's ctable is only as big
 as the colortable.count says it is.
static void build_compressed_data(void* buffer, const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
    SkASSERT(SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config == bitmap.config());

    SkAutoLockPixels apl(bitmap);
    if (!bitmap.readyToDraw()) {
        SkASSERT(!"bitmap not ready to draw!");

    SkColorTable* ctable = bitmap.getColorTable();
    char* dst = (char*)buffer;

    memcpy(dst, ctable->lockColors(), ctable->count() * sizeof(SkPMColor));

    // always skip a full 256 number of entries, even if we memcpy'd fewer
    dst += kGrColorTableSize;

    if (bitmap.width() == bitmap.rowBytes()) {
        memcpy(dst, bitmap.getPixels(), bitmap.getSize());
    } else {
        // need to trim off the extra bytes per row
        size_t width = bitmap.width();
        size_t rowBytes = bitmap.rowBytes();
        const char* src = (const char*)bitmap.getPixels();
        for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.height(); y++) {
            memcpy(dst, src, width);
            src += rowBytes;
            dst += width;
Example #3
static Bool _ExecuteProcess(MessageHandler *handler, ProcessNode *node) {
  int (*apl)(char *, char *, char *, char *);
  char *module;
  long start, end;
  Bool rc;

  module =
      ValueStringPointer(GetItemLongName(node->mcprec->value, "dc.module"));
  if ((apl = cob_resolve(module)) != NULL) {

    start = GetNowTime();
    (void)apl(McpData, SpaData, LinkData, ScrData);
    end = GetNowTime();
    TimerPrintf(start, end, "OpenCOBOL %s:%s:%s\n", module, node->widget,

    if (ValueInteger(GetItemLongName(node->mcprec->value, "rc")) < 0) {
      rc = FALSE;
    } else {
      rc = TRUE;
  } else {
    Warning("%s - %s is not found.", cob_resolve_error(), module);
    rc = FALSE;
  return (rc);