int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rv; appSetup(argc, argv); /* never returns on error */ sortRandom(); /* close the file */ if ((rv = skStreamClose(out_rwios)) || (rv = skStreamDestroy(&out_rwios))) { skStreamPrintLastErr(out_rwios, rv, &skAppPrintErr); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } out_rwios = NULL; appExit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ }
void borExit(int reset) { #ifdef GP2X gp2x_end(); chdir("/usr/gp2x"); execl("/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu", "/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu", NULL); #else SDL_Delay(1000); #endif appExit(0); }
// // ReportWriterWindow // ReportWriterWindow::ReportWriterWindow() : QMainWindow(0, tr("OpenMFG: Report Writer"), WDestructiveClose) { setIcon(QPixmap(OpenReportsIcon_xpm)); // add the workspace QVBox * vbox = new QVBox(this); vbox->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken); ws = new QWorkspace(vbox); ws->setScrollBarsEnabled(TRUE); setCentralWidget(vbox); // setup the menubar fileExitAction = new QAction(tr("Exit"), tr("E&xit"),ALT+Key_F4,this,"file exit"); connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(appExit())); handler = new ReportHandler(this, "report handler"); #ifdef NODBSUPPORT handler->setNoDatabase(true); #endif menubar = new QMenuBar(this); int sepid = handler->populateMenuBar(menubar, fileExitAction); windowMenu = new QPopupMenu(); windowMenu->setCheckable(TRUE); connect(windowMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(sPrepareWindowMenu())); menubar->insertItem(tr("&Windows"), windowMenu, -1, menubar->indexOf(sepid)); // setup the toolbar handler->docToolBars(this); statusbar = new QStatusBar(this); setCaption(); dbTimerId = startTimer(60000); handler->setParentWindow(ws); connect(handler, SIGNAL(dbOpenClosed()), this, SLOT(setCaption())); connect(handler, SIGNAL(messageChanged(const QString &)), statusbar, SLOT(message(const QString &))); connect(handler, SIGNAL(messageCleared()), statusbar, SLOT(clear())); }
static void sigprocess(int sig) { int ii = 0; void *tracePtrs[16]; int count = backtrace(tracePtrs, 16); char **funcNames = backtrace_symbols(tracePtrs, count); for(ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) printf("%s\n", funcNames[ii]); free(funcNames); fflush(stderr); printf("##signal %d caught\n", sig); fflush(stdout); if(sig == SIGINT || sig == SIGSEGV || sig == SIGTERM) { appExit(); } exit(1); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); //QTextCodec::setCodecForTr(QTextCodec::codecForName("utf-8")); QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec::codecForName("utf-8")); appTitle = QObject::tr("凭证辅助处理系统"); QTranslator translator; //汉化标准对话框、标准上下文菜单等 translator.load("qt_zh_CN.qm","./translations"); //translator.load("i18n_zh"); //这个不行 app.installTranslator(&translator ); int errNum = appInit(); if(errNum != 0){ showErrorInfo(errNum); return errNum; } FileAppender* logFile = new FileAppender("./logs/app.log"); Logger::registerAppender(logFile); Logger::write(Logger::Must,"",0,"",""); Logger::write(Logger::Must,"",0,"", "************************************************************"); Logger::write(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), Logger::Must,"",0,"", QObject::tr("PzAssistant is starting......")); //qDebug()<<"qDebug export info!"; logLevel = AppConfig::getInstance()->getLogLevel(); logFile->setDetailsLevel(logLevel); MainWindow mainWin; mainWin.showMaximized(); mainWin.hideDockWindows(); mainWin.getMdiAreaSize(mdiAreaWidth, mdiAreaHeight); int exitCode = app.exec(); Logger::write(QDateTime::currentDateTime(),Logger::Must,"",0,"", QObject::tr("Quit PzAssistant!")); AppConfig::getInstance()->setLogLevel(logLevel); appExit(); return exitCode; }
VJoystickMainWindow::VJoystickMainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), m_ui(new Ui::VJoystickMainWindow), m_adapter(0) { m_ui->setupUi(this); connect(m_ui->pushButtonScan, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scanDevices())); connect(m_ui->pushButtonConnect, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(connectToDevices())); connect(m_ui->pushButtonDisconnect, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(disconnectFromDevices())); connect(m_ui->actionScan, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(scanDevices())); connect(m_ui->actionConnect, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(connectToDevices())); connect(m_ui->actionDisconnect, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(disconnectFromDevices())); connect(m_ui->actionExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(appExit())); connect(m_ui->actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(about())); m_ui->comboBoxSelectJoy->setDisabled(true); setJoystickInfoVisible(false); setDeviceControlVisible(false); m_ui->ballWidget->hide(); m_ui->pushButtonScan->setFocus(); }
Application::Application() { this->setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/mutter64.svg")); view = new QWebEngineView(); this->setCentralWidget(view); view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptCanAccessClipboard, true); view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true); view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, true); view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls, true); view->load(QUrl("")); trayMenu = new QMenu(this); QAction *actionShowTalky = new QAction("Show Talky", trayMenu); QAction *actionShowTest = new QAction("Show Troubleshooter", trayMenu); QAction *actionExit = new QAction("Exit", trayMenu); trayMenu->addAction(actionShowTalky); trayMenu->addAction(actionShowTest); trayMenu->addAction(actionExit); trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); trayIcon->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/mutter64.png")); trayIcon->setContextMenu(trayMenu); trayIcon->show(); blockExit = true; connect(actionShowTalky, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(appShowTalky())); connect(actionShowTest, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(appShowTest())); connect(actionExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(appExit())); connect(view->page(), SIGNAL(featurePermissionRequestCanceled(QUrl,QWebEnginePage::Feature)), this, SLOT(featurePermissionRequestCanceled(QUrl,QWebEnginePage::Feature))); connect(view->page(), SIGNAL(featurePermissionRequested(QUrl,QWebEnginePage::Feature)), this, SLOT(featurePermissionRequested(QUrl,QWebEnginePage::Feature))); debug("Application::Application()"); }
void close_app(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer user_data) { appExit(0); }
/* * sortRandom(); * * Don't make any assumptions about the input. Store the input * records in a large buffer, and sort those in-core records once * all records are processed or the buffer is full. If the buffer * fills up, store the sorted records into temporary files. Once * all records are read, use mergeFiles() above to merge-sort the * temporary files. * * Exits the application if an error occurs. */ static void sortRandom( void) { int temp_file_idx = -1; skstream_t *input_rwios = NULL; /* input stream */ uint8_t *record_buffer = NULL; /* Region of memory for records */ uint8_t *cur_node = NULL; /* Ptr into record_buffer */ uint8_t *next_node = NULL; /* Ptr into record_buffer */ uint32_t buffer_max_recs; /* max buffer size (in number of recs) */ uint32_t buffer_recs; /* current buffer size (# records) */ uint32_t buffer_chunk_recs; /* how to grow from current to max buf */ uint32_t num_chunks; /* how quickly to grow buffer */ uint32_t record_count = 0; /* Number of records read */ int rv; /* Determine the maximum number of records that will fit into the * buffer if it grows the maximum size */ buffer_max_recs = buffer_size / NODE_SIZE; TRACEMSG((("buffer_size = %" PRIu64 "\nnode_size = %" PRIu32 "\nbuffer_max_recs = %" PRIu32), buffer_size, NODE_SIZE, buffer_max_recs)); /* We will grow to the maximum size in chunks */ num_chunks = NUM_CHUNKS; if (num_chunks <= 0) { num_chunks = 1; } /* Attempt to allocate the initial chunk. If we fail, increment * the number of chunks---which will decrease the amount we * attempt to allocate at once---and try again. */ for (;;) { buffer_chunk_recs = buffer_max_recs / num_chunks; TRACEMSG((("num_chunks = %" PRIu32 "\nbuffer_chunk_recs = %" PRIu32), num_chunks, buffer_chunk_recs)); record_buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(NODE_SIZE * buffer_chunk_recs); if (record_buffer) { /* malloc was successful */ break; } else if (buffer_chunk_recs < MIN_IN_CORE_RECORDS) { /* give up at this point */ skAppPrintErr("Error allocating space for %d records", MIN_IN_CORE_RECORDS); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { /* reduce the amount we allocate at once by increasing the * number of chunks and try again */ TRACEMSG(("malloc() failed")); ++num_chunks; } } buffer_recs = buffer_chunk_recs; TRACEMSG((("buffer_recs = %" PRIu32), buffer_recs)); /* open first file */ rv = appNextInput(&input_rwios); if (rv < 0) { free(record_buffer); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } record_count = 0; cur_node = record_buffer; while (input_rwios != NULL) { /* read record */ if ((rv = skStreamReadRecord(input_rwios, (rwRec*)cur_node)) != SKSTREAM_OK) { if (rv != SKSTREAM_ERR_EOF) { skStreamPrintLastErr(input_rwios, rv, &skAppPrintErr); } /* end of file: close current and open next */ skStreamDestroy(&input_rwios); rv = appNextInput(&input_rwios); if (rv < 0) { free(record_buffer); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } continue; } ++record_count; cur_node += NODE_SIZE; if (record_count == buffer_recs) { /* Filled the current buffer */ /* If buffer not at max size, see if we can grow it */ if (buffer_recs < buffer_max_recs) { uint8_t *old_buf = record_buffer; /* add a chunk of records. if we are near the max, * set the size to the max */ buffer_recs += buffer_chunk_recs; if (buffer_recs + buffer_chunk_recs > buffer_max_recs) { buffer_recs = buffer_max_recs; } TRACEMSG((("Buffer full---attempt to grow to %" PRIu32 " records, %" PRIu32 " bytes"), buffer_recs, NODE_SIZE * buffer_recs)); /* attempt to grow */ record_buffer = (uint8_t*)realloc(record_buffer, NODE_SIZE * buffer_recs); if (record_buffer) { /* Success, make certain cur_node points into the * new buffer */ cur_node = (record_buffer + (record_count * NODE_SIZE)); } else { /* Unable to grow it */ TRACEMSG(("realloc() failed")); record_buffer = old_buf; buffer_max_recs = buffer_recs = record_count; } } /* Either buffer at maximum size or attempt to grow it * failed. */ if (record_count == buffer_max_recs) { /* Sort */ skQSort(record_buffer, record_count, NODE_SIZE, &rwrecCompare); /* Write to temp file */ if (skTempFileWriteBufferStream( tmpctx, &temp_file_idx, record_buffer, NODE_SIZE, record_count)) { skAppPrintSyserror( "Error writing sorted buffer to temporary file"); free(record_buffer); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Reset record buffer to 'empty' */ record_count = 0; cur_node = record_buffer; } } } /* Sort (and maybe store) last batch of records */ if (record_count > 0) { skQSort(record_buffer, record_count, NODE_SIZE, &rwrecCompare); if (temp_file_idx >= 0) { /* Write last batch to temp file */ if (skTempFileWriteBufferStream( tmpctx, &temp_file_idx, record_buffer, NODE_SIZE, record_count)) { skAppPrintSyserror( "Error writing sorted buffer to temporary file"); free(record_buffer); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } /* Generate the output */ if (record_count == 0 && temp_file_idx == -1) { /* No records were read at all; write the header to the output * file */ rv = skStreamWriteSilkHeader(out_rwios); if (0 != rv) { skStreamPrintLastErr(out_rwios, rv, &skAppPrintErr); } } else if (temp_file_idx == -1) { /* No temp files written, just output batch of records */ uint32_t c; TRACEMSG((("Writing %" PRIu32 " records to '%s'"), record_count, skStreamGetPathname(out_rwios))); /* get first two records from the sorted buffer */ cur_node = record_buffer; next_node = record_buffer + NODE_SIZE; for (c = 1; c < record_count; ++c, next_node += NODE_SIZE) { if (0 != rwrecCompare(cur_node, next_node)) { /* records differ. print earlier record */ rv = skStreamWriteRecord(out_rwios, (rwRec*)cur_node); if (0 != rv) { skStreamPrintLastErr(out_rwios, rv, &skAppPrintErr); if (SKSTREAM_ERROR_IS_FATAL(rv)) { free(record_buffer); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } cur_node = next_node; } /* else records are duplicates: ignore latter record */ } /* print remaining record */ rv = skStreamWriteRecord(out_rwios, (rwRec*)cur_node); if (0 != rv) { skStreamPrintLastErr(out_rwios, rv, &skAppPrintErr); if (SKSTREAM_ERROR_IS_FATAL(rv)) { free(record_buffer); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else { /* no longer have a need for the record buffer */ free(record_buffer); record_buffer = NULL; /* now merge all the temp files */ mergeFiles(temp_file_idx); } if (record_buffer) { free(record_buffer); } }
/* * mergeFiles(temp_file_idx) * * Merge the temporary files numbered from 0 to 'temp_file_idx' * inclusive into the output file 'out_ios', maintaining sorted * order. Exits the application if an error occurs. */ static void mergeFiles( int temp_file_idx) { char errbuf[2 * PATH_MAX]; skstream_t *fps[MAX_MERGE_FILES]; uint8_t recs[MAX_MERGE_FILES][NODE_SIZE]; uint8_t lowest_rec[NODE_SIZE]; int j; uint16_t open_count; uint16_t i; uint16_t lowest; uint16_t *top_heap; int tmp_idx_a; int tmp_idx_b; skstream_t *fp_intermediate = NULL; int tmp_idx_intermediate; skheap_t *heap; uint32_t heap_count; int opened_all_temps = 0; ssize_t rv; /* the index of the first temp file to the merge */ tmp_idx_a = 0; TRACEMSG(("Merging #%d through #%d to '%s'", tmp_idx_a, temp_file_idx, skStreamGetPathname(out_rwios))); heap = skHeapCreate2(compHeapNodes, MAX_MERGE_FILES, sizeof(uint16_t), NULL, recs); if (NULL == heap) { skAppPrintOutOfMemory("heap"); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* This loop repeats as long as we haven't read all of the temp * files generated in the qsort stage. */ do { assert(SKHEAP_ERR_EMPTY==skHeapPeekTop(heap,(skheapnode_t*)&top_heap)); /* the index of the list temp file to merge */ tmp_idx_b = temp_file_idx; /* open an intermediate temp file. The merge-sort will have * to write records here if there are not enough file handles * available to open all the existing tempoary files. */ fp_intermediate = skTempFileCreateStream(tmpctx, &tmp_idx_intermediate); if (fp_intermediate == NULL) { skAppPrintSyserror("Error creating new temporary file"); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* count number of files we open */ open_count = 0; /* Attempt to open up to MAX_MERGE_FILES, though we an open * may fail due to lack of resources (EMFILE or ENOMEM) */ for (j = tmp_idx_a; j <= tmp_idx_b; ++j) { fps[open_count] = skTempFileOpenStream(tmpctx, j); if (fps[open_count] == NULL) { if ((open_count > 0) && ((errno == EMFILE) || (errno == ENOMEM))) { /* We cannot open any more files. Rewind counter * by one to catch this file on the next merge */ tmp_idx_b = j - 1; TRACEMSG((("FILE limit hit--" "merging #%d through #%d into #%d: %s"), tmp_idx_a, tmp_idx_b, tmp_idx_intermediate, strerror(errno))); break; } else { skAppPrintSyserror(("Error opening existing" " temporary file '%s'"), skTempFileGetName(tmpctx, j)); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* read the first record */ rv = skStreamRead(fps[open_count], recs[open_count], NODE_SIZE); if (NODE_SIZE == rv) { /* insert the file index into the heap */ skHeapInsert(heap, &open_count); ++open_count; if (open_count == MAX_MERGE_FILES) { /* We've reached the limit for this pass. Set * tmp_idx_b to the file we just opened. */ tmp_idx_b = j; TRACEMSG((("MAX_MERGE_FILES limit hit--" "merging #%d through #%d to #%d"), tmp_idx_a, tmp_idx_b, tmp_idx_intermediate)); break; } } else if (0 == rv) { TRACEMSG(("Ignoring empty temporary file '%s'", skTempFileGetName(tmpctx, j))); skStreamDestroy(&fps[open_count]); } else { if (rv > 0) { snprintf(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), "Short read %" SK_PRIdZ "/%" PRIu32 " from '%s'", rv, NODE_SIZE, skStreamGetPathname(fps[open_count])); } else { skStreamLastErrMessage( fps[open_count], rv, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); } skAppPrintErr( "Error reading first record from temporary file: %s", errbuf); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Here, we check to see if we've opened all temp files. If * so, set a flag so we write data to final destination and * break out of the loop after we're done. */ if (tmp_idx_b == temp_file_idx) { opened_all_temps = 1; /* no longer need the intermediate temp file */ skStreamDestroy(&fp_intermediate); } else { /* we could not open all temp files, so merge all opened * temp files into the intermediate file. Add the * intermediate file to the list of files to merge */ temp_file_idx = tmp_idx_intermediate; } TRACEMSG((("Merging %" PRIu16 " temporary files"), open_count)); heap_count = skHeapGetNumberEntries(heap); assert(heap_count == open_count); /* get the index of the file with the lowest record; which is * at the top of the heap */ if (skHeapPeekTop(heap, (skheapnode_t*)&top_heap) != SKHEAP_OK) { skAppPrintErr("Unable to open and read any temporary files."); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } lowest = *top_heap; /* exit this do...while() once all records for all opened * files have been read */ do { /* lowest_rec is the record pointed to by the index at the * top of the heap */ memcpy(lowest_rec, recs[lowest], NODE_SIZE); /* write the record */ if (fp_intermediate) { /* write the record to intermediate tmp file */ rv = skStreamWrite(fp_intermediate, lowest_rec, NODE_SIZE); if (NODE_SIZE != rv) { skAppPrintSyserror( "Error writing record to temporary file '%s'", skTempFileGetName(tmpctx, tmp_idx_intermediate)); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { /* we successfully opened all (remaining) temp files, * write to record to the final destination */ rv = skStreamWriteRecord(out_rwios, (rwRec*)lowest_rec); if (0 != rv) { skStreamPrintLastErr(out_rwios, rv, &skAppPrintErr); if (SKSTREAM_ERROR_IS_FATAL(rv)) { appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } /* replace the record we just processed and loop over all * files until we get a record that is not a duplicate */ do { if ((rv = skStreamRead(fps[lowest], recs[lowest], NODE_SIZE)) != NODE_SIZE) { /* read failed. there is no more data for this * file; remove it from the heap; if the heap is * empty, exit the loop */ skHeapExtractTop(heap, NULL); --heap_count; #if TRACEMSG_LEVEL > 0 if (rv == 0) { TRACEMSG( ("Finished reading file #%u: EOF; %u files remain", (tmp_idx_a + lowest), heap_count)); } else if (rv > 0) { TRACEMSG( ("Finished reading file #%u: Short read " "%" SK_PRIdZ "/%" PRIu32 "; %u files remain", tmp_idx_a + lowest, rv, NODE_SIZE, heap_count)); } else { skStreamLastErrMessage( fps[open_count], rv, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); TRACEMSG( ("Finished reading file #%u: %s; %u files remain", (tmp_idx_a + lowest), errbuf, heap_count)); } #endif /* TRACEMSG_LEVEL */ if (0 == heap_count) { break; } } else if (rwrecCompare(lowest_rec, recs[lowest])) { /* read succeeded. new record is not a * duplicate and we insert it into the heap */ /* FIXME: This comparison reduces work when the * keys are the same, but it adds another * comparison when the keys are different; is this * an overall win or lose? */ skHeapReplaceTop(heap, &lowest, NULL); } else { /* read succeeded. record is a duplicate; ignore * the record and leave the heap unchanged */ continue; } /* get the record at the top of the heap and see if it * is a duplicate; if it is, ignore it. */ skHeapPeekTop(heap, (skheapnode_t*)&top_heap); lowest = *top_heap; } while (0 == rwrecCompare(lowest_rec, recs[lowest])); } while (heap_count > 0); TRACEMSG((("Finished processing #%d through #%d"), tmp_idx_a, tmp_idx_b)); /* Close all open temp files */ for (i = 0; i < open_count; ++i) { skStreamDestroy(&fps[i]); } /* Delete all temp files we opened (or attempted to open) this * time */ for (j = tmp_idx_a; j <= tmp_idx_b; ++j) { skTempFileRemove(tmpctx, j); } /* Close the intermediate temp file. */ if (fp_intermediate) { rv = skStreamClose(fp_intermediate); if (rv) { skStreamLastErrMessage( fp_intermediate, rv, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); skAppPrintErr("Error closing temporary file: %s", errbuf); skStreamDestroy(&fp_intermediate); appExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } skStreamDestroy(&fp_intermediate); } /* Start the next merge with the next input temp file */ tmp_idx_a = tmp_idx_b + 1; } while (!opened_all_temps); skHeapFree(heap); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { //int ret = 0; PTZControlInit(); demo_setting * ext_gSettings = NULL; // Allocate the "global" settings ext_gSettings = (demo_setting*)malloc( sizeof( demo_setting ) ); if ( NULL == ext_gSettings ) { printf( "main::out of memory!\n" ); return -1; } sig_init(); atexit(appExit); //init the setting struct Settings_Initialize( ext_gSettings ); read_Parse(ext_gSettings); //printf("video type = %d \n", ext_gSettings->video_types); // your job //close the led setled_off(); //init dma memory akuio_pmem_init(); encode_init(); printf("encode_init ok\n"); //open camera camera_open(ext_gSettings->width, ext_gSettings->height); printf("camera_open ok\n"); //encode_open T_ENC_INPUT encInput; encInput.width = ext_gSettings->width; //实际编码图像的宽度,能被4整除 encInput.height = ext_gSettings->height; //实际编码图像的长度,能被2整除 encInput.kbpsmode = ext_gSettings->kbpsmode; encInput.qpHdr = ext_gSettings->qpHdr; //初始的QP的值 encInput.iqpHdr = ext_gSettings->iqpHdr; //初始的QP的值 encInput.bitPerSecond = ext_gSettings->bitPerSecond; //目标bps encInput.minQp = ext_gSettings->minQp; encInput.maxQp = ext_gSettings->maxQp; encInput.framePerSecond = ext_gSettings->framePerSecond; encInput.video_tytes = ext_gSettings->video_types; encode_open(&encInput); printf("encode_open ok\n"); //set mux mux_input.rec_path = ext_gSettings->rec_path; mux_input.m_MediaRecType = MEDIALIB_REC_AVI_NORMAL; if (ext_gSettings->bhasAudio) { bHasAudio = 1; //mux_input.m_bCaptureAudio = 1; } else { bHasAudio = 0; //mux_input.m_bCaptureAudio = 0; } mux_input.m_bCaptureAudio = 1; //mux video if(parse.format2 == 0) { mux_input.m_eVideoType = MEDIALIB_VIDEO_H264; } else if(parse.format2 == 1) { mux_input.m_eVideoType = MEDIALIB_VIDEO_MJPEG; } mux_input.m_nWidth = parse.width2; mux_input.m_nHeight = parse.height2; //mux audio mux_input.m_eAudioType = MEDIALIB_AUDIO_AAC; mux_input.m_nSampleRate = 8000; //mux_input.abitsrate = ext_gSettings->abitsrate; printf("mux_open ok\n"); //if (ext_gSettings->bhasAudio) { T_AUDIO_INPUT audioInput; audioInput.enc_type = (AUDIO_ENCODE_TYPE_CC)ext_gSettings->audioType; audioInput.nBitsRate = ext_gSettings->abitsrate; audioInput.nBitsPerSample = 16; audioInput.nChannels = 1; audioInput.nSampleRate = ext_gSettings->aSamplerate; audio_open(&audioInput); printf("audio_open ok\n"); audio_start(); } //start ftp server //startFTPSrv(); Init_photograph(); //PTZControlInit(); //start video process video_process_start(); InitMotionDetect(); DemuxForLiveSetCallBack(); TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDB = NULL; #ifdef ACCESS_CONTROL // To implement client access control to the RTSP server, do the following: authDB = new UserAuthenticationDatabase; authDB->addUserRecord("username1", "password1"); // replace these with real strings // Repeat the above with each <username>, <password> that you wish to allow // access to the server. #endif // Create the RTSP server: RTSPServer* rtspServer = AKRTSPServer::createNew(*env, RTSPPORT, authDB); if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; appExit(); exit(1); } char const* descriptionString = "Session streamed by \"testOnDemandRTSPServer\""; // Set up each of the possible streams that can be served by the // RTSP server. Each such stream is implemented using a // "ServerMediaSession" object, plus one or more // "ServerMediaSubsession" objects for each audio/video substream. int vsIndex = 0; VIDEO_MODE vm[2] = {VIDEO_MODE_VGA,VIDEO_MODE_VGA}; const char* streamName1 = "vs1"; const char* streamName2 = "vs2"; ((AKRTSPServer*)rtspServer)->SetStreamName(streamName1, streamName2); if(ext_gSettings->video_types == 1) { if(ext_gSettings->width == 640) { vm[0] = VIDEO_MODE_VGA; } else if(ext_gSettings->width == 320) { vm[0] = VIDEO_MODE_QVGA; } else if(ext_gSettings->width == 720) { vm[0] = VIDEO_MODE_D1; } AKIPCMJPEGFramedSource* ipcMJPEGSourcecam = NULL; ServerMediaSession* smsMJPEGcam = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName1, 0, descriptionString); AKIPCMJPEGOnDemandMediaSubsession* subsMJPEGcam = AKIPCMJPEGOnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,ipcMJPEGSourcecam, ext_gSettings->width, ext_gSettings->height, vsIndex); smsMJPEGcam->addSubsession(subsMJPEGcam); subsMJPEGcam->getframefunc = video_process_get_buf; subsMJPEGcam->setledstart = setled_view_start; subsMJPEGcam->setledexit = setled_view_stop; if(bHasAudio) smsMJPEGcam->addSubsession(AKIPCAACAudioOnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,True,getAACBuf, vsIndex)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smsMJPEGcam); char* url1 = rtspServer->rtspURL(smsMJPEGcam); *env << "using url \"" << url1 <<"\"\n"; delete[] url1; } else if(ext_gSettings->video_types == 0) { if(ext_gSettings->width == 1280) { vm[0] = VIDEO_MODE_720P; } else if(ext_gSettings->width == 640) { vm[0] = VIDEO_MODE_VGA; } else if(ext_gSettings->width == 320) { vm[0] = VIDEO_MODE_QVGA; } else if(ext_gSettings->width == 720) { vm[0] = VIDEO_MODE_D1; } AKIPCH264FramedSource* ipcSourcecam = NULL; ServerMediaSession* smscam = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName1, 0, descriptionString); AKIPCH264OnDemandMediaSubsession* subscam = AKIPCH264OnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,ipcSourcecam, 0, vsIndex); smscam->addSubsession(subscam); if(bHasAudio) smscam->addSubsession(AKIPCAACAudioOnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,True,getAACBuf, vsIndex)); subscam->getframefunc = video_process_get_buf; subscam->setledstart = setled_view_start; subscam->setledexit = setled_view_stop; rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smscam); char* url1 = rtspServer->rtspURL(smscam); *env << "using url \"" << url1 <<"\"\n"; delete[] url1; } vsIndex = 1; if(parse.format2 == 0)//264 { if(parse.width2 == 1280) { vm[1] = VIDEO_MODE_720P; } else if(parse.width2 == 640) { vm[1] = VIDEO_MODE_VGA; } else if(parse.width2 == 320) { vm[1] = VIDEO_MODE_QVGA; } else if(parse.width2 == 720) { vm[1] = VIDEO_MODE_D1; } AKIPCH264FramedSource* ipcSourcecam = NULL; ServerMediaSession* smscam = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName2, 0, descriptionString); AKIPCH264OnDemandMediaSubsession* subscam = AKIPCH264OnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,ipcSourcecam, 0, vsIndex); smscam->addSubsession(subscam); if(bHasAudio) smscam->addSubsession(AKIPCAACAudioOnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,True,getAACBuf, vsIndex)); subscam->getframefunc = video_process_get_buf; subscam->setledstart = setled_view_start; subscam->setledexit = setled_view_stop; rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smscam); char* url2 = rtspServer->rtspURL(smscam); *env << "using url \"" << url2 <<"\"\n"; delete[] url2; } else if(parse.format2 == 1)//mjpeg { if(parse.width2 == 640) { vm[1] = VIDEO_MODE_VGA; } else if(parse.width2 == 320) { vm[1] = VIDEO_MODE_QVGA; } else if(parse.width2 == 720) { vm[1] = VIDEO_MODE_D1; } AKIPCMJPEGFramedSource* ipcMJPEGSourcecam = NULL; ServerMediaSession* smsMJPEGcam = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName2, 0, descriptionString); AKIPCMJPEGOnDemandMediaSubsession* subsMJPEGcam = AKIPCMJPEGOnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,ipcMJPEGSourcecam, parse.width2, parse.height2, vsIndex); smsMJPEGcam->addSubsession(subsMJPEGcam); subsMJPEGcam->getframefunc = video_process_get_buf; subsMJPEGcam->setledstart = setled_view_start; subsMJPEGcam->setledexit = setled_view_stop; if(bHasAudio) smsMJPEGcam->addSubsession(AKIPCAACAudioOnDemandMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,True,getAACBuf, vsIndex)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smsMJPEGcam); char* url2 = rtspServer->rtspURL(smsMJPEGcam); *env << "using url \"" << url2 <<"\"\n"; delete[] url2; } #if 0 if (rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(80) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8000) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8080)) { *env << "\n(We use port " << rtspServer->httpServerPortNum() << " for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling.)\n"; } else { *env << "\n(RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling is not available.)\n"; } #endif //printf("streamName:%s,Port:%d\n", streamName1, RTSPPORT); NetCtlSrvPar ncsp; memset(&ncsp, 0, sizeof(ncsp)); getDeviceID(ncsp.strDeviceID); printf("device id:**%s**\n", ncsp.strDeviceID); strcpy(ncsp.strStreamName1, streamName1); strcpy(ncsp.strStreamName2, streamName2); ncsp.vm1 = vm[0]; ncsp.vm2 = vm[1]; ncsp.nRtspPort = RTSPPORT; ncsp.nMainFps = parse.fps1; ncsp.nSubFps = parse.fps2; //start net command server startNetCtlServer(&ncsp); printf("[##]start record...\n"); auto_record_file(); printf("[##]auto_record_file() called..\n"); //at last,start rtsp loop env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return return 0; }
void PlistsGroup::createList(PlaylistWidget::ListTypes listType, QString title, quint64 hash, bool bManually, bool bLast) { QString tabIconFile; QString type; switch(listType) { case PlaylistWidget::Search: type = tr("Search"); tabIconFile = ":/icons/tab_search"; break; case PlaylistWidget::AudioLib: type = tr("Library"); tabIconFile = ":/icons/tab_library"; break; case PlaylistWidget::LocalList: type = tr("Local"); tabIconFile = ":/icons/tab_local"; break; case PlaylistWidget::Suggestions: type = tr("Suggestions"); tabIconFile = ":/icons/tab_suggestions"; break; case PlaylistWidget::DbSearch: type = tr("Discography"); tabIconFile = ":/icons/tab_db"; break; } if(title == "") m_ListsNames << type; else m_ListsNames << title; if(title == "") { if(m_ListsNames.count(type) > 1) title = QString("%0 (%1)").arg(type).arg(m_ListsNames.count(type)); else title = type; } else { if(m_ListsNames.count(title) > 1) title = QString("%0 (%1)").arg(title).arg(m_ListsNames.count(title)); } m_playLists.insert(m_playLists.end(), new Playlist(listType, title, hash)); m_widget->addList(m_playLists.last(), bManually); m_widget->setTabIcon(m_playLists.size()-1, QIcon(QPixmap(tabIconFile))); connect(m_playLists.last(), SIGNAL(message(QString,QString)), SIGNAL(message(QString,QString))); connect(m_playLists.last(), SIGNAL(playTrack(Track*)), SIGNAL(playTrack(Track*))); connect(m_playLists.last(), SIGNAL(playTrack(Track*)), SLOT(trackActivate(Track*))); connect(m_playLists.last(), SIGNAL(addQueue(Track*)), SLOT(addToQueue(Track*))); connect(m_playLists.last(), SIGNAL(active()), SLOT(setActiveList())); connect(m_playLists.last(), SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)), SLOT(setPlaylistTitle(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(shuffleChanged(bool)), m_playLists.last(), SLOT(setShuffle(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(repeatChanged(bool)), m_playLists.last(), SLOT(setRepeat(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(metaTagsChanged(bool,bool)), m_playLists.last(), SIGNAL(metaTagsChanged(bool,bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(metaTagsChanged(bool,bool)), m_playLists.last(), SLOT(setMetaTagsChanged(bool,bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(appExit()), m_playLists.last(), SLOT(onExit())); m_playLists.last()->setMetaTagsChanged(m_bLoadMeta, m_bUseMeta); if(m_repeatMode > 2) m_playLists.last()->setRepeat(true); else m_playLists.last()->setRepeat(false); if(bLast) m_LastList = m_playLists.last(); updateLocalLists(); }
void PlistsGroup::onExit() { Q_EMIT appExit(); savePlaylists(); }