Example #1
void QgisAppStyleSheet::buildStyleSheet( const QMap<QString, QVariant>& opts )
  QString ss = QString( "" );

  // QgisApp-wide font
  QString fontSize = opts.value( "fontPointSize" ).toString();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fontPointSize: %1" ).arg( fontSize ) );
  if ( fontSize.isEmpty() ) { return; }

  QString fontFamily = opts.value( "fontFamily" ).toString();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fontFamily: %1" ).arg( fontFamily ) );
  if ( fontFamily.isEmpty() ) { return; }

  ss += QString( "* { font: %1pt \"%2\"} " ).arg( fontSize ).arg( fontFamily );

  // QGroupBox and QgsCollapsibleGroupBox, mostly for Ubuntu and Mac
  bool gbxCustom = opts.value( "groupBoxCustom" ).toBool();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "groupBoxCustom: %1" ).arg( gbxCustom ) );
  bool gbxBoldTitle = opts.value( "groupBoxBoldTitle" ).toBool();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "groupBoxBoldTitle: %1" ).arg( gbxBoldTitle ) );
  bool sidebar = opts.value( "sidebarStyle" ).toBool();
  if ( gbxCustom || gbxBoldTitle )
    ss += "QGroupBox{";
    if ( gbxBoldTitle )
      // doesn't work for QGroupBox::title
      ss += QString( "color: rgb(%1,%1,%1);" ).arg( mMacStyle ? 25 : 60 );
      ss += "font-weight: bold;";
    if ( gbxCustom )
      ss += QString( "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,%1%);" )
            .arg( mWinOS && mStyle.startsWith( "windows" ) ? 0 : 3 );
      ss += "border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,20%);";
      ss += "border-radius: 5px;";
      ss += "margin-top: 2.5ex;";
      ss += QString( "margin-bottom: %1ex;" ).arg( mMacStyle ? 1.5 : 1 );
    ss += "} ";
    if ( gbxCustom )
      ss += "QGroupBox:flat{";
      ss += "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);";
      ss += "border: rgba(0,0,0,0);";
      ss += "} ";

      ss += "QGroupBox::title{";
      ss += "subcontrol-origin: margin;";
      ss += "subcontrol-position: top left;";
      ss += "margin-left: 6px;";
      if ( !( mWinOS && mStyle.startsWith( "windows" ) ) && !mOxyStyle )
        ss += "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);";
      ss += "} ";

  if ( sidebar )
    QString style = "QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget {"
                    "    background-color: rgb(69, 69, 69, 220);"
                    "    outline: 0;"
                    "QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget::item {"
                    "    color: white;"
                    "    padding: 3px;"
                    "QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget::item::selected {"
                    "    color: black;"
                    "    background-color:palette(Window);"
                    "    padding-right: 0px;"
    ss += style;

  //fix background issue for gnome desktop
  if ( mLinuxOS && mGtkStyle && !sidebar )
    ss += "QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget{";
    ss += "background-color: white;";
    ss += "} ";

  // Fix selection color on loosing focus (Windows)
  const QPalette palette = qApp->palette();

  ss += QString( "QTableView {"
                 "selection-background-color: %1;"
                 "selection-color: %2;"
                 "}" )
        .arg( palette.highlight().color().name() )
        .arg( palette.highlightedText().color().name() );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Stylesheet built: %1" ).arg( ss ) );

  emit appStyleSheetChanged( ss );
void QgisAppStyleSheet::buildStyleSheet( const QMap<QString, QVariant> &opts )
  QString ss;

  // QgisApp-wide font
  QString fontSize = opts.value( QStringLiteral( "fontPointSize" ) ).toString();
  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "fontPointSize: %1" ).arg( fontSize ) );
  if ( fontSize.isEmpty() ) { return; }

  QString fontFamily = opts.value( QStringLiteral( "fontFamily" ) ).toString();
  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "fontFamily: %1" ).arg( fontFamily ) );
  if ( fontFamily.isEmpty() ) { return; }

  const QString defaultSize = QString::number( mDefaultFont.pointSize() );
  const QString defaultFamily = mDefaultFont.family();
  if ( fontSize != defaultSize || fontFamily != defaultFamily )
    ss += QStringLiteral( "* { font: %1pt \"%2\"} " ).arg( fontSize, fontFamily );

  // Fix for macOS Qt 5.9+, where close boxes do not show on document mode tab bar tabs
  // See: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-61092
  //      https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-61742
  // Setting any stylesheet makes the default close button disappear.
  // Specifically setting a custom close button temporarily works around issue.
  // TODO: Remove when regression is fixed (Qt 5.9.3 or 5.10?); though hard to tell,
  //       since we are overriding the default close button image now.
  if ( mMacStyle )
    ss += QLatin1String( "QTabBar::close-button{ image: url(:/images/themes/default/mIconCloseTab.svg); }" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "QTabBar::close-button:hover{ image: url(:/images/themes/default/mIconCloseTabHover.svg); }" );

  // QGroupBox and QgsCollapsibleGroupBox, mostly for Ubuntu and Mac
  bool gbxCustom = opts.value( QStringLiteral( "groupBoxCustom" ) ).toBool();
  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "groupBoxCustom: %1" ).arg( gbxCustom ) );

  ss += QLatin1String( "QGroupBox{" );
  // doesn't work for QGroupBox::title
  ss += QStringLiteral( "color: rgb(%1,%1,%1);" ).arg( mMacStyle ? 25 : 60 );
  ss += QLatin1String( "font-weight: bold;" );

  if ( gbxCustom )
    ss += QStringLiteral( "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,%1%);" )
          .arg( mWinOS && mStyle.startsWith( QLatin1String( "windows" ) ) ? 0 : 3 );
    ss += QLatin1String( "border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,20%);" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "border-radius: 5px;" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "margin-top: 2.5ex;" );
    ss += QStringLiteral( "margin-bottom: %1ex;" ).arg( mMacStyle ? 1.5 : 1 );
  ss += QLatin1String( "} " );
  if ( gbxCustom )
    ss += QLatin1String( "QGroupBox:flat{" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "border: rgba(0,0,0,0);" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "} " );

    ss += QLatin1String( "QGroupBox::title{" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "subcontrol-origin: margin;" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "subcontrol-position: top left;" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "margin-left: 6px;" );
    if ( !( mWinOS && mStyle.startsWith( QLatin1String( "windows" ) ) ) && !mOxyStyle )
      ss += QLatin1String( "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);" );
    ss += QLatin1String( "} " );

  //sidebar style
  QString style = "QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget {"
                  "    background-color: rgb(69, 69, 69, 0);"
                  "    outline: 0;"
                  "QFrame#mOptionsListFrame {"
                  "    background-color: rgb(69, 69, 69, 220);"
                  "QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget::item {"
                  "    color: white;"
                  "    padding: 3px;"
                  "QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget::item::selected {"
                  "    color: black;"
                  "    background-color:palette(Window);"
                  "    padding-right: 0px;"
  ss += style;

  // Fix selection color on losing focus (Windows)
  const QPalette palette = qApp->palette();

  ss += QString( "QTableView {"
                 "selection-background-color: %1;"
                 "selection-color: %2;"
                 "}" )
        .arg( palette.highlight().color().name(),
              palette.highlightedText().color().name() );

  QString toolbarSpacing = opts.value( QStringLiteral( "toolbarSpacing" ), QString() ).toString();
  if ( !toolbarSpacing.isEmpty() )
    bool ok = false;
    int toolbarSpacingInt = toolbarSpacing.toInt( &ok );
    if ( ok )
      ss += QStringLiteral( "QToolBar > QToolButton { padding: %1px; } " ).arg( toolbarSpacingInt );

  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Stylesheet built: %1" ).arg( ss ) );

  emit appStyleSheetChanged( ss );