static bool is_screen_reader_running() { bool running = false; int ret = app_manager_is_running("org.tizen.screen-reader", &running); return (ret == APP_MANAGER_ERROR_NONE) && running; }
Eina_Bool Browser_Common_View::_launch_streaming_player(const char *url, const char *cookie) { BROWSER_LOGD("%s", __func__); if (!url || strlen(url) == 0) { BROWSER_LOGE("url is empty"); return EINA_FALSE; } bool is_running = false; if (app_manager_is_running(SEC_VT_CALL, &is_running) < 0) { BROWSER_LOGE("Fail to get app running information\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (is_running) { BROWSER_LOGE("video-call is running......\n"); show_msg_popup(BR_STRING_WARNING_VIDEO_PLAYER); return EINA_FALSE; } service_h service_handle = NULL; if (service_create(&service_handle) < 0) { BROWSER_LOGE("Fail to create service handle"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (!service_handle) { BROWSER_LOGE("service handle is NULL"); return EINA_FALSE; } BROWSER_LOGD("url=[%s]", url); if (service_add_extra_data(service_handle, "path", url) < 0) { BROWSER_LOGE("Fail to set extra data"); service_destroy(service_handle); return EINA_FALSE; } if (cookie && strlen(cookie)) { if (service_add_extra_data(service_handle, "cookie", cookie) < 0) { BROWSER_LOGE("Fail to set extra data"); service_destroy(service_handle); return EINA_FALSE; } } if (service_set_package(service_handle,SEC_STREAMING_PLAYER) < 0) { BROWSER_LOGE("Fail to set package"); service_destroy(service_handle); return EINA_FALSE; } if (service_send_launch_request(service_handle, NULL, NULL) < 0) { BROWSER_LOGE("Fail to launch service operation"); service_destroy(service_handle); return EINA_FALSE; } service_destroy(service_handle); return EINA_TRUE; }