// Hook called whenever a macro definition is seen.
PPCallbacksTracker::MacroDefined(const clang::Token &MacroNameTok,
                                 const clang::MacroDirective *MacroDirective) {
  appendArgument("MacroNameTok", MacroNameTok);
  appendArgument("MacroDirective", MacroDirective);
// Hook called whenever a macro #undef is seen.
void PPCallbacksTracker::MacroUndefined(
    const clang::Token &MacroNameTok,
    const clang::MacroDefinition &MacroDefinition) {
  appendArgument("MacroNameTok", MacroNameTok);
  appendArgument("MacroDefinition", MacroDefinition);
// Callback invoked when start reading any pragma directive.
PPCallbacksTracker::PragmaDirective(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
                                    clang::PragmaIntroducerKind Introducer) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("Introducer", Introducer, PragmaIntroducerKindStrings);
// Append an IdentifierInfo argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        const clang::IdentifierInfo *Value) {
  if (!Value) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(null)");
  appendArgument(Name, Value->getName().str().c_str());
// Append a SourceLocation argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        clang::SourceLocation Value) {
  if (Value.isInvalid()) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(invalid)");
  appendArgument(Name, getSourceLocationString(PP, Value).c_str());
// Callback invoked when a #pragma detect_mismatch directive is
// read.
void PPCallbacksTracker::PragmaDetectMismatch(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
                                              llvm::StringRef Name,
                                              llvm::StringRef Value) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("Name", Name);
  appendArgument("Value", Value);
// Callback invoked when a #pragma comment directive is read.
void PPCallbacksTracker::PragmaComment(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
                                       const clang::IdentifierInfo *Kind,
                                       llvm::StringRef Str) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("Kind", Kind);
  appendArgument("Str", Str);
// Callback invoked whenever there was an explicit module-import
// syntax.
void PPCallbacksTracker::moduleImport(clang::SourceLocation ImportLoc,
                                      clang::ModuleIdPath Path,
                                      const clang::Module *Imported) {
  appendArgument("ImportLoc", ImportLoc);
  appendArgument("Path", Path);
  appendArgument("Imported", Imported);
// Append a Module argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        const clang::Module *Value) {
  if (!Value) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(null)");
  appendArgument(Name, Value->Name.c_str());
// Append a CharSourceRange argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        clang::CharSourceRange Value) {
  if (Value.isInvalid()) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(invalid)");
  appendArgument(Name, getSourceString(Value).str().c_str());
// Append a MacroDirective argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        const clang::MacroDirective *Value) {
  if (!Value) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(null)");
  appendArgument(Name, MacroDirectiveKindStrings[Value->getKind()]);
// Hook called whenever an #ifndef is seen.
void PPCallbacksTracker::Ifndef(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
                                const clang::Token &MacroNameTok,
                                const clang::MacroDefinition &MacroDefinition) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("MacroNameTok", MacroNameTok);
  appendArgument("MacroDefinition", MacroDefinition);
// Hook called whenever an #if is seen.
void PPCallbacksTracker::If(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
                            clang::SourceRange ConditionRange,
                            ConditionValueKind ConditionValue) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("ConditionRange", ConditionRange);
  appendArgument("ConditionValue", ConditionValue, ConditionValueKindStrings);
// Hook called whenever the 'defined' operator is seen.
void PPCallbacksTracker::Defined(const clang::Token &MacroNameTok,
                                 const clang::MacroDefinition &MacroDefinition,
                                 clang::SourceRange Range) {
  appendArgument("MacroNameTok", MacroNameTok);
  appendArgument("MacroDefinition", MacroDefinition);
  appendArgument("Range", Range);
// Callback invoked whenever a source file is skipped as the result
// of header guard optimization.
PPCallbacksTracker::FileSkipped(const clang::FileEntry &SkippedFile,
                                const clang::Token &FilenameTok,
                                clang::SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType) {
  appendArgument("ParentFile", &SkippedFile);
  appendArgument("FilenameTok", FilenameTok);
  appendArgument("FileType", FileType, CharacteristicKindStrings);
// Callback invoked when a #pragma message directive is read.
void PPCallbacksTracker::PragmaMessage(
    clang::SourceLocation Loc, llvm::StringRef Namespace,
    clang::PPCallbacks::PragmaMessageKind Kind, llvm::StringRef Str) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("Namespace", Namespace);
  appendArgument("Kind", Kind, PragmaMessageKindStrings);
  appendArgument("Str", Str);
// Called when an OpenCL extension is either disabled or
// enabled with a pragma.
void PPCallbacksTracker::PragmaOpenCLExtension(
    clang::SourceLocation NameLoc, const clang::IdentifierInfo *Name,
    clang::SourceLocation StateLoc, unsigned State) {
  appendArgument("NameLoc", NameLoc);
  appendArgument("Name", Name);
  appendArgument("StateLoc", StateLoc);
  appendArgument("State", (int)State);
// Callback invoked whenever a source file is entered or exited.
void PPCallbacksTracker::FileChanged(
    clang::SourceLocation Loc, clang::PPCallbacks::FileChangeReason Reason,
    clang::SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType, clang::FileID PrevFID) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("Reason", Reason, FileChangeReasonStrings);
  appendArgument("FileType", FileType, CharacteristicKindStrings);
  appendArgument("PrevFID", PrevFID);
// Callback invoked when a #pragma gcc dianostic directive is read.
void PPCallbacksTracker::PragmaDiagnostic(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
                                          llvm::StringRef Namespace,
                                          clang::diag::Severity Mapping,
                                          llvm::StringRef Str) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("Namespace", Namespace);
  appendArgument("Mapping", (unsigned)Mapping, MappingStrings);
  appendArgument("Str", Str);
// Called by Preprocessor::HandleMacroExpandedIdentifier when a
// macro invocation is found.
PPCallbacksTracker::MacroExpands(const clang::Token &MacroNameTok,
                                 const clang::MacroDefinition &MacroDefinition,
                                 clang::SourceRange Range,
                                 const clang::MacroArgs *Args) {
  appendArgument("MacroNameTok", MacroNameTok);
  appendArgument("MacroDefinition", MacroDefinition);
  appendArgument("Range", Range);
  appendArgument("Args", Args);
// Append a FileID argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name, clang::FileID Value) {
  if (Value.isInvalid()) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(invalid)");
  const clang::FileEntry *FileEntry =
  if (!FileEntry) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(getFileEntryForID failed)");
  appendFilePathArgument(Name, FileEntry->getName());
// Append a SourceRange argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        clang::SourceRange Value) {
  if (DisableTrace)
  if (Value.isInvalid()) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(invalid)");
  std::string Str;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream SS(Str);
  SS << "[" << getSourceLocationString(PP, Value.getBegin()) << ", "
     << getSourceLocationString(PP, Value.getEnd()) << "]";
  appendArgument(Name, SS.str());
// Append a double-quoted argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendQuotedArgument(const char *Name,
                                              const std::string &Value) {
  std::string Str;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream SS(Str);
  SS << "\"" << Value << "\"";
  appendArgument(Name, SS.str());
// Callback invoked whenever an inclusion directive of
// any kind (#include, #import, etc.) has been processed, regardless
// of whether the inclusion will actually result in an inclusion.
void PPCallbacksTracker::InclusionDirective(
    clang::SourceLocation HashLoc, const clang::Token &IncludeTok,
    llvm::StringRef FileName, bool IsAngled,
    clang::CharSourceRange FilenameRange, const clang::FileEntry *File,
    llvm::StringRef SearchPath, llvm::StringRef RelativePath,
    const clang::Module *Imported) {
  appendArgument("IncludeTok", IncludeTok);
  appendFilePathArgument("FileName", FileName);
  appendArgument("IsAngled", IsAngled);
  appendArgument("FilenameRange", FilenameRange);
  appendArgument("File", File);
  appendFilePathArgument("SearchPath", SearchPath);
  appendFilePathArgument("RelativePath", RelativePath);
  appendArgument("Imported", Imported);
// Append a FileEntry argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        const clang::FileEntry *Value) {
  if (!Value) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(null)");
  appendFilePathArgument(Name, Value->getName());
// Callback invoked when a #pragma warning directive is read.
void PPCallbacksTracker::PragmaWarning(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
                                       llvm::StringRef WarningSpec,
                                       llvm::ArrayRef<int> Ids) {
  appendArgument("Loc", Loc);
  appendArgument("WarningSpec", WarningSpec);

  std::string Str;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream SS(Str);
  SS << "[";
  for (int i = 0, e = Ids.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (i)
      SS << ", ";
    SS << Ids[i];
  SS << "]";
  appendArgument("Ids", SS.str());
Example #27
void ArgList_TokenData::copyArguments(ArgList_TokenData *other)
    foreach (Subprogram_TokenData *p, marguments)
        delete p;
    if (!other)
    foreach (Subprogram_TokenData *p, other->marguments)
Example #28
void ArgList_TokenData::deserialize(const QByteArray &data)
    QVariantMap m = BeQt::deserialize(data).toMap();
    foreach (Subprogram_TokenData *p, marguments)
        delete p;
    QVariantList list = m.value("arguments").toList();
    foreach (const QVariant &v, list) {
        Subprogram_TokenData sp(Token::Subprogram_Token);
// Append a MacroArgs argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        const clang::MacroArgs *Value) {
  if (!Value) {
    appendArgument(Name, "(null)");
  std::string Str;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream SS(Str);
  SS << "[";
  // The argument tokens might include end tokens, so we reflect how
  // how getUnexpArgument provides the arguments.
  for (int I = 0, E = Value->getNumArguments(); I < E; ++I) {
    const clang::Token *Current = Value->getUnexpArgument(I);
    int TokenCount = Value->getArgLength(Current) + 1; // include EOF
    E -= TokenCount;
    if (I)
      SS << ", ";
    // We're assuming tokens are contiguous, as otherwise we have no
    // other way to get at them.
    for (int TokenIndex = 0; TokenIndex < TokenCount; ++TokenIndex, ++Current) {
      if (TokenIndex)
        SS << " ";
      // We need to be careful here because the arguments might not be legal in
      // YAML, so we use the token name for anything but identifiers and
      // numeric literals.
      if (Current->isAnyIdentifier() ||
          Current->is(clang::tok::numeric_constant)) {
        SS << PP.getSpelling(*Current);
      } else {
        SS << "<" << Current->getName() << ">";
  SS << "]";
  appendArgument(Name, SS.str());
// Append a MacroDefinition argument to the top trace item.
void PPCallbacksTracker::appendArgument(const char *Name,
                                        const clang::MacroDefinition &Value) {
  std::string Str;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream SS(Str);
  SS << "[";
  bool Any = false;
  if (Value.getLocalDirective()) {
    SS << "(local)";
    Any = true;
  for (auto *MM : Value.getModuleMacros()) {
    if (Any) SS << ", ";
    SS << MM->getOwningModule()->getFullModuleName();
  SS << "]";
  appendArgument(Name, SS.str());