Example #1
ERROR_CODE _encode_type(struct type_t *type, struct string_buffer_t *string_buffer) {
    char *buffer;
    struct type_t key;
    struct type_t *current;
    struct iterator_t *iterator;
    struct hash_map_element_t *element;

    switch(type->type) {
        case INTEGER_TYPE:
            buffer = MALLOC(16);
            SPRINTF(buffer, 16, "%d", type->value.value_int);

            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "i");
            _append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) buffer);
            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "e");


        case STRING_TYPE:
            buffer = MALLOC(16);
            SPRINTF(buffer, 16, "%lu", (long unsigned int) type->size);

            _append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) buffer);
            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) ":");
                (unsigned char *) type->value.value_string,


        case LIST_TYPE:
            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "l");

            create_iterator_linked_list(type->value.value_list, &iterator);

            while(TRUE) {
                get_next_iterator(iterator, (void **) &current);
                if(current == NULL) { break; }
                _encode_type(current, string_buffer);

            delete_iterator_linked_list(type->value.value_list, iterator);

            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "e");


        case MAP_TYPE:
            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "d");

            create_element_iterator_hash_map(type->value.value_map, &iterator);

            while(TRUE) {
                get_next_iterator(iterator, (void **) &element);
                if(element == NULL) { break; }
                key = string_type((char *) element->key_string);
                _encode_type(&key, string_buffer);
                _encode_type((struct type_t *) element->value, string_buffer);

            delete_iterator_hash_map(type->value.value_map, iterator);

            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "e");


        case SORT_MAP_TYPE:
            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "d");

            create_element_iterator_sort_map(type->value.value_sort_map, &iterator);

            while(TRUE) {
                get_next_iterator(iterator, (void **) &element);
                if(element == NULL) { break; }
                key = string_type((char *) element->key_string);
                _encode_type(&key, string_buffer);
                _encode_type((struct type_t *) element->value, string_buffer);

            delete_iterator_sort_map(type->value.value_sort_map, iterator);

            append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "e");



    /* raises no error */
Example #2
ERROR_CODE parameters_http(struct hash_map_t *hash_map, unsigned char **buffer_pointer, size_t *buffer_length_pointer) {
    /* allocates space for an iterator object for an hash map element
    and for the string buffer to be used to collect all the partial
    strings that compose the complete url parameters string */
    struct iterator_t *iterator;
    struct hash_map_element_t *element;
    struct string_buffer_t *string_buffer;

    /* allocates space for the string structure to hold the value of
    the element for the string value reference for the joined string,
    for the buffer string from the element and for the corresponding
    string lengths for both cases */
    struct string_t *string;
    unsigned char *string_value;
    unsigned char *_buffer;
    size_t string_length;
    size_t _length;

    /* allocates and sets the initial value on the flag that controls
    if the iteratio to generate key values is the first one */
    char is_first = 1;

    /* creates a new string buffer and a new hash map
    iterator, these structures are going to be used to
    handle the string from the hash map and to iterate
    over the hash map elements */
    create_element_iterator_hash_map(hash_map, &iterator);

    /* iterates continuously arround the hash map element
    the iterator is going to stop the iteration */
    while(TRUE) {
        /* retrieves the next element from the iterator
        and in case such element is invalid breaks the loop */
        get_next_iterator(iterator, (void **) &element);
        if(element == NULL) { break; }

        /* checks if this is the first loop in the iteration
        in it's not emits the and character */
        if(is_first) { is_first = 0; }
        else { append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "&"); }

        /* retrieves the current element value as a string structure
        then encodes that value using the url encoding (percent encoding)
        and resets the string reference to contain the new buffer as it'
        own contents (avoids extra memory usage) */
        string = (struct string_t *) element->value;
        url_encode(string->buffer, string->length, &_buffer, &_length);
        string->buffer = _buffer;
        string->length = _length;

        /* adds the various elements for the value to the string buffer
        first the key the the attribution operator and then the value */
        append_string_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) element->key_string);
        append_string_l_buffer(string_buffer, (unsigned char *) "=", sizeof("=") - 1);
        _append_string_t_buffer(string_buffer, string);

    /* "joins" the string buffer values into a single
    value (from the internal string list) and then
    retrieves the length of the string buffer */
    join_string_buffer(string_buffer, &string_value);
    string_length = string_buffer->string_length;

    /* deletes the hash map iterator and string buffer
    structures, to avoid memory leak */
    delete_iterator_hash_map(hash_map, iterator);

    /* updates the buffer pointer reference and the
    buffer length pointer reference with the string
    value and the string length values */
    *buffer_pointer = string_value;
    *buffer_length_pointer = string_length;

    /* raises no error */