Example #1
//: Convert a mesh entity to a single point
//: in cartesian coordinates (x,y,z)
void GeomDecomp::entity_to_point (const mesh::Entity            & entity,
                               const VectorField & nodeCoord,
                               std::vector<double>           & coor)
  compute_entity_centroid(entity, nodeCoord, coor);
  apply_rotation (coor);
Example #2
Rotates the tetrimino to the left (counterclockwise)
void rotate_counterclockwise()
    Tetrimino copy = *in_play;
    copy.rotation = (copy.rotation + 3) % 4; //3 is -1 % 4
Example #3
/** @brief Extract keypoint feature vector
 * ----INPUT----
 * @param x_key
 * @param y_key
 * @param sigma_key
 * @param theta_key      keypoint coordinates.
 * @param imX
 * @param imX          precomputed gradient relative to the nearest scale.
 * ----PARAM----
 * @param lambda_descr   (=6)
 *                       - The gaussian window has a standard deviation of lambda_descr X=* sigma_key
 *                       - The patch P^descr is ( 2 * lambda_descr * sigma_key * (1+1/Nhist) wide
 * @param Nhist          (=4) number of histograms in each of the two directions,
 * @param Nbins          (=8) number of bins covering the range [0,2pi]
 * ----OUTPUT----
 * @output descr
 * ----RETURN----
 * @return count         number of sample contributing to the descriptor
void sift_extract_feature_vector(float x_key, float y_key, float sigma_key,
                                 float theta_key,
                                 const float* imX, const float* imY,
                                 int w, int h,
                                 int Nhist,
                                 int Nbins,
                                 float lambda_descr,
                                 float* descr)
    // Initialize descr tab
    for(int i = 0; i < Nhist*Nhist*Nbins; i++){descr[i] = 0.0;}
    // Contributing pixels are inside a patch [siMin;siMax]X[sjMin;sjMax] of
    // width 2*lambda_descr*sigma_key*(nhist+1)/nhist
    float R =  (1+1/(float)Nhist)*lambda_descr*sigma_key;
    float Rp =  M_SQRT2*R;
    int siMin = MAX(0, (int)(x_key - Rp +0.5));
    int sjMin = MAX(0, (int)(y_key - Rp +0.5));
    int siMax = MIN((int)(x_key + Rp +0.5), h-1);
    int sjMax = MIN((int)(y_key + Rp +0.5), w-1);
    /// For each pixel inside the patch.
    for(int si = siMin; si < siMax; si++){
        for(int sj = sjMin; sj < sjMax; sj++){
            // Compute pixel coordinates (sX,sY) on keypoint's invariant referential.
            float X = si - x_key;
            float Y = sj - y_key;
            apply_rotation(X, Y, &X, &Y, -theta_key);
            // Does this sample fall inside the descriptor area ?
            if (MAX(ABS(X),ABS(Y)) < R) {
                // Compute the gradient orientation (theta) on keypoint referential.
                double dx = imX[si*w+sj];
                double dy = imY[si*w+sj];
                float ori = atan2(dy, dx) - theta_key;
                ori = modulus(ori, 2*M_PI);
                // Compute the gradient magnitude and apply a Gaussian weighing to give less emphasis to distant sample
                double t = lambda_descr*sigma_key;
                double M = hypot(dx, dy) * exp(-(X*X+Y*Y)/(2*t*t));

                // bin indices, Compute the (tri)linear weightings ...
                float alpha = X/(2*lambda_descr*sigma_key/Nhist) + (Nhist-1.0)/2.0;
                float beta  = Y/(2*lambda_descr*sigma_key/Nhist) + (Nhist-1.0)/2.0;
                float gamma = ori/(2*M_PI)*Nbins;
                //    ...and add contributions to respective bins in different histograms.
                // a loop with 1 or two elements
                int i0 = floor(alpha);
                int j0 = floor(beta);
                for(int i = MAX(0,i0);i<=MIN(i0+1,Nhist-1);i++){
                    for(int j = MAX(0,j0);j<=MIN(j0+1,Nhist-1);j++){ // looping through all surrounding histograms.

                        int k;
                        // Contribution to left bin.
                        k = ((int)gamma+Nbins)%Nbins;
                        descr[i*Nhist*Nbins+j*Nbins+k] += (1.-(gamma-floor(gamma)))

                        // Contribution to right bin.
                        k = ((int)gamma+1+Nbins)%Nbins;
                        descr[i*Nhist*Nbins+j*Nbins+k] += (1.0-(floor(gamma)+1-gamma))

Example #4
Rotates the tetrimino to the right (clockwise)
void rotate_clockwise()
    Tetrimino copy = *in_play;
    copy.rotation = (copy.rotation + 1) % 4;