/** Generate array of name-value pairs */
APT_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) apt_pair_array_generate(const apt_pair_arr_t *arr, apt_str_t *str, apr_pool_t *pool)
	int p, v = 0;
	struct iovec vec[512];
	const apt_pair_t *pair;
	static const int MAX_VECS = sizeof(vec) / sizeof(*vec);
	static const struct iovec IOV_SEMICOLON = {";", 1};
	static const struct iovec IOV_EQUALS = {"=", 1};

	for (p = 0; p < arr->nelts; p++) {
		pair = (apt_pair_t*)arr->elts + p;
		if (!pair->name.length)
		if (v) {
			if (v >= MAX_VECS)
				return FALSE;
			vec[v++] = IOV_SEMICOLON;
		if (v + (pair->value.length ? 3 : 1) > MAX_VECS)
			return FALSE;
		vec[v++] = *((struct iovec*)&pair->name);
		if (pair->value.length) {
			vec[v++] = IOV_EQUALS;
			vec[v++] = *((struct iovec*)&pair->value);
	str->buf = apr_pstrcatv(pool, vec, v, &str->length);
	return str->buf ? TRUE : FALSE;
Example #2
const char *create_large_request_message_body(apr_pool_t *pool)
    struct iovec vecs[500];
    const int num_vecs = 500;
    int i, j;
    apr_size_t len;

    for (i = 0; i < num_vecs; i++)
        int chunk_len = 10 * (i + 1) * 3;
        char *chunk;
        char *buf;

        /* end with empty chunk */
        if (i == num_vecs - 1)
            chunk_len = 0;

        buf = apr_pcalloc(pool, chunk_len + 1);
        for (j = 0; j < chunk_len; j += 10)
            memcpy(buf + j, "0123456789", 10);

        chunk = apr_pstrcat(pool,
                            apr_psprintf(pool, "%x", chunk_len),
                            CRLF, buf, CRLF, NULL);
        vecs[i].iov_base = chunk;
        vecs[i].iov_len = strlen(chunk);

    return apr_pstrcatv(pool, vecs, num_vecs, &len);

Example #3
static const char* regen_key(apr_pool_t *p, apr_table_t *headers,
                             apr_array_header_t *varray, const char *oldkey)
    struct iovec *iov;
    int i, k;
    int nvec;
    const char *header;
    const char **elts;

    nvec = (varray->nelts * 2) + 1;
    iov = apr_palloc(p, sizeof(struct iovec) * nvec);
    elts = (const char **) varray->elts;

    /* TODO:
     *    - Handle multiple-value headers better. (sort them?)
     *    - Handle Case in-sensitive Values better.
     *        This isn't the end of the world, since it just lowers the cache
     *        hit rate, but it would be nice to fix.
     * The majority are case insenstive if they are values (encoding etc).
     * Most of rfc2616 is case insensitive on header contents.
     * So the better solution may be to identify headers which should be
     * treated case-sensitive?
     *  HTTP URI's (3.2.3) [host and scheme are insensitive]
     *  HTTP method (5.1.1)
     *  HTTP-date values (3.3.1)
     *  3.7 Media Types [exerpt]
     *     The type, subtype, and parameter attribute names are case-
     *     insensitive. Parameter values might or might not be case-sensitive,
     *     depending on the semantics of the parameter name.
     *  4.20 Except [exerpt]
     *     Comparison of expectation values is case-insensitive for unquoted
     *     tokens (including the 100-continue token), and is case-sensitive for
     *     quoted-string expectation-extensions.

    for(i=0, k=0; i < varray->nelts; i++) {
        header = apr_table_get(headers, elts[i]);
        if (!header) {
            header = "";
        iov[k].iov_base = (char*) elts[i];
        iov[k].iov_len = strlen(elts[i]);
        iov[k].iov_base = (char*) header;
        iov[k].iov_len = strlen(header);
    iov[k].iov_base = (char*) oldkey;
    iov[k].iov_len = strlen(oldkey);

    return apr_pstrcatv(p, iov, k, NULL);
// helper function used for sending prepared data to socket for authorization against dovecot auth
int send_auth_request(apr_pool_t * p, request_rec * r, int sock, const char *user, const char *pass, char *remotehost)
	struct iovec concat[4];

	size_t const up_size = strlen(user) + strlen(pass) + 2;
	if (up_size > BUFFMAX - 1024) {
		ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "Dovecot Authentication: User and pass length is over (or close) BUFFMAX=%i which is NOT allowed size=%u\n", BUFFMAX, (unsigned int)up_size);
		return 0;
	size_t const eup_size = apr_base64_encode_len(up_size);
	char * const encoded_user_pass = (char *)apr_palloc(p, sizeof(char) * eup_size);
	ap_assert(encoded_user_pass != NULL);
	// this beautifull code snippet from bellow (concat blah blah) is needed for use of apr_pstrcatv
	// as without using apr_pstrcatv apr_pstrcat  will remove \0 which we need for creating base64 encoded user_pass combination...
	concat[0].iov_base = (void *)"\0";
	concat[0].iov_len = 1;
	concat[1].iov_base = (void *)user;
	concat[1].iov_len = strlen(user);
	concat[2].iov_base = (void *)"\0";
	concat[2].iov_len = 1;
	concat[3].iov_base = (void *)pass;
	concat[3].iov_len = strlen(pass);
	char * const user_pass = apr_pstrcatv(p, concat, 4, NULL);
	ap_assert(user_pass != NULL);
	apr_base64_encode(encoded_user_pass, user_pass, up_size);
	char * const data = apr_psprintf(p, "AUTH\t1\tPLAIN\tservice=apache\tnologin"	// local ip (lip) is hardcoded as we are using local unix socket anyway...
		"\tlip=\trip=%s\tsecured\tresp=%s\n", remotehost, encoded_user_pass);
	ap_assert(data != NULL);
	size_t const d_size = strlen(data);
	if (send(sock, data, d_size, 0) > 0) {
		// scrub user credentials
		memset(user_pass, '\0', up_size);
		memset(encoded_user_pass, '\0', eup_size);
		memset(data, '\0', d_size);
		return 1;
	} else {
		return 0;
Example #5
const char *create_large_response_message(apr_pool_t *pool)
    const char *response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" CRLF
                           "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
    struct iovec vecs[500];
    const int num_vecs = 500;
    int i, j;
    apr_size_t len;

    vecs[0].iov_base = (char *)response;
    vecs[0].iov_len = strlen(response);

    for (i = 1; i < num_vecs; i++)
        int chunk_len = 10 * i * 3;
        char *chunk;
        char *buf;

        /* end with empty chunk */
        if (i == num_vecs - 1)
            chunk_len = 0;

        buf = apr_pcalloc(pool, chunk_len + 1);
        for (j = 0; j < chunk_len; j += 10)
            memcpy(buf + j, "0123456789", 10);

        chunk = apr_pstrcat(pool,
                            apr_psprintf(pool, "%x", chunk_len),
                            CRLF, buf, CRLF, NULL);
        vecs[i].iov_base = chunk;
        vecs[i].iov_len = strlen(chunk);

    return apr_pstrcatv(pool, vecs, num_vecs, &len);
Example #6
static apr_status_t put_req(const char *c, const char *orig_path,
                            parser_baton_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
    apr_status_t status;
    apr_uri_t url;

    /* Build url */
    printf("Url discovered: %s\n", c);

    status = apr_uri_parse(pool, c, &url);

    /* We got something that was minimally useful. */
    if (status == 0 && url.path) {
        const char *path, *query, *fragment;

        /* This is likely a relative URL. So, merge and hope for the
         * best.
        if (!url.hostinfo && url.path[0] != '/') {
            struct iovec vec[2];
            char *c;
            apr_size_t nbytes;

            c = strrchr(orig_path, '/');

            /* assert c */
            if (!c) {
                return APR_EGENERAL;

            vec[0].iov_base = (char*)orig_path;
            vec[0].iov_len = c - orig_path + 1;

            /* If the HTML is cute and gives us ./foo - skip the ./ */
            if (url.path[0] == '.' && url.path[1] == '/') {
                vec[1].iov_base = url.path + 2;
                vec[1].iov_len = strlen(url.path + 2);
            else if (url.path[0] == '.' && url.path[1] == '.') {
                /* FIXME We could be cute and consolidate the path; we're a
                 * toy example.  So no.
                vec[1].iov_base = url.path;
                vec[1].iov_len = strlen(url.path);
            else {
                vec[1].iov_base = url.path;
                vec[1].iov_len = strlen(url.path);

            path = apr_pstrcatv(pool, vec, 2, &nbytes);
        else {
            path = url.path;

        query = url.query;
        fragment = url.fragment;

        return create_request(url.hostinfo, path, query, fragment, ctx, pool);

    return APR_SUCCESS;
Example #7
int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
	apr_pool_t* pool = NULL;
	apr_pool_t* spool = NULL;
	int i;
	struct iovec cattext[101];
	static char const SP = ' ';
	char const* outfile;
	apr_status_t status;
	apt_dir_layout_t* dirLayout = NULL;
	mrcp_client_t* client = NULL;
	mrcp_application_t* app = NULL;
	mrcp_session_t* sess = NULL;
	mpf_stream_capabilities_t* caps = NULL;
	mpf_termination_t* term = NULL;
	mrcp_channel_t* chan = NULL;
	struct stat info;

	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("\t%s \"This is a synthetic voice.\"", argv[0]);

	/* Just detect various directory layout constellations */
	if (stat(ROOT_DIR, &info))
	if (stat(ROOT_DIR, &info))

	/* Initialize platform first */
	if (apr_initialize() != APR_SUCCESS) FAIL("Cannot initialize APR platform");
	pool = apt_pool_create();
	if (!pool) FAIL("Not enough memory");
	for (i = 0; (i < argc - 2) && (i < 50); i += 2) {
		cattext[2 * i].iov_base = (void*) argv[i + 1];
		cattext[2 * i].iov_len = strlen(argv[i + 1]);
		cattext[2 * i + 1].iov_base = (void*) &SP;
		cattext[2 * i + 1].iov_len = 1;
	cattext[2 * i].iov_base = (void*) argv[i + 1];
	cattext[2 * i].iov_len = strlen(argv[i + 1]);
	text = apr_pstrcatv(pool, cattext, 2 * i + 1, NULL);
	if (!text) FAIL("Not enough memory");
	outfile = apr_pstrcat(pool, ROOT_DIR, "/data/", PCM_OUT_FILE, NULL);
	printf("This is a sample C UniMRCP client synthesizer scenario.\n");
	printf("Use client configuration from %s/conf/unimrcpclient.xml\n", ROOT_DIR);
	printf("Use profile %s\n", MRCP_PROFILE);
	printf("Synthesize text: `%s'\n", text);
	printf("Write output to file: %s\n", outfile);
	printf("Press enter to start the session...\n");
	(void) getchar();

	apt_log_instance_create(APT_LOG_OUTPUT_NONE, APT_PRIO_DEBUG, pool);
	dirLayout = apt_default_dir_layout_create(ROOT_DIR, pool);

	/* Create and start the client in a root dir */
	client = unimrcp_client_create(dirLayout);
	if (!client) FAIL("Cannot create UniMRCP client");
	app = mrcp_application_create(UniSynthAppMsgHandler, NULL, mrcp_client_memory_pool_get(client));
	if (!app) FAIL("Cannot create MRCP application");
	if (!mrcp_client_application_register(client, app, "Sample C app"))
		FAIL("Cannot register MRCP application");
	if (!mrcp_client_start(client)) FAIL("Cannot start MRCP client");

	/* Create a session using MRCP profile MRCP_PROFILE */
	sess = mrcp_application_session_create(app, MRCP_PROFILE, NULL);
	if (!sess) FAIL("Cannot create session");
	spool = mrcp_application_session_pool_get(sess);
	/* Create audio termination with capabilities */
	caps = mpf_stream_capabilities_create(STREAM_DIRECTION_SEND, spool);
	if (!caps) FAIL("Error creating capabilities");
	if (!mpf_codec_capabilities_add(&caps->codecs, MPF_SAMPLE_RATE_8000, "LPCM"))
		FAIL("Error adding codec capabilities");
	term = mrcp_application_audio_termination_create(sess, &stream_vtable, caps, NULL);
	if (!term) FAIL("Cannot create audio termination");
	/* Add signaling channel (and start processing in OnAdd method */
	f = fopen(outfile, "wb");
	if (!f) FAIL("Cannot open output file");
	status = apr_thread_mutex_create(&mutex, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, pool);
	if (status != APR_SUCCESS) FAIL("Cannot create mutex");
	status = apr_thread_cond_create(&cond, pool);
	if (status != APR_SUCCESS) FAIL("Cannot create condition variable");
	chan = mrcp_application_channel_create(sess, MRCP_SYNTHESIZER_RESOURCE, term, NULL, NULL);
	if (!chan) FAIL("Cannot create channel");
	if (!mrcp_application_channel_add(sess, chan))
		FAIL("Cannot add channel");

	/* Now wait until the processing finishes */
	while (err < 0) apr_thread_cond_wait(cond, mutex);

	if (sess) mrcp_application_session_terminate(sess);
	if (f) fclose(f);
	if (client) mrcp_client_shutdown(client);
	if (app) mrcp_application_destroy(app);
	if (client) mrcp_client_destroy(client);
	if (pool) apr_pool_destroy(pool);
	puts("Program finished, memory released. Press any key to exit.");
	(void) getchar();
	return err;