Example #1
v8::Handle<v8::Value> V8AdaptorFunction::invocationCallback(const v8::Arguments& args)
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapped = v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(args.Callee()->GetHiddenValue(V8HiddenPropertyName::adaptorFunctionPeer()));
    // FIXME: This can be faster if we can access underlying native callback directly.
    // We won't need this once https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108138 is addressed.
    Vector<v8::Handle<v8::Value> > argArray(args.Length());
    for (int i = 0; i < args.Length(); ++i)
    if (args.IsConstructCall())
        return wrapped->CallAsConstructor(argArray.size(), argArray.data());
    return wrapped->CallAsFunction(args.This(), argArray.size(), argArray.data());
Example #2
// function Excel4 calls always as using XLOPER12 seem problematic
int xlw::XlfFuncDesc::RegisterAs(const std::string& dllName, const std::string& suggestedHelpId, double mode_) const
    // alias arguments
    XlfArgDescList& arguments = impl_->arguments_;

    int nbargs = static_cast<int>(arguments.size());
    std::string args(returnTypeCode_);
    std::string argnames;

    // the synchronous part of an asynchronous function returns void
    if (XlfExcel::Instance().excel14() && impl_->Asynchronous_)
        args = ">";

    XlfArgDescList::const_iterator it = arguments.begin();
    while (it != arguments.end())
        argnames += (*it).GetName();
        args += (*it).GetType();
        if (it != arguments.end())
            argnames+=", ";
    // When the arguments add up to more then 255 char is problematic. the functions
    // will not register see  see BUG ID: 2834715 on sourceforge - nc
    if(argnames.length() > 255)
        argnames = "Too many arguments for Function Wizard";

    // the synchronous part of an asynchronous function have an extra 
    // bigdata xloper on the end containing the handle
    if (XlfExcel::Instance().excel14() && impl_->Asynchronous_)
        args += "X";
    if (impl_->recalcPolicy_ == xlw::XlfFuncDesc::Volatile)
    if (XlfExcel::Instance().excel12() && impl_->Threadsafe_)
    if (XlfExcel::Instance().excel14() && impl_->ClusterSafe_)
    if (impl_->MacroSheetEquivalent_)

    args+='\0'; // null termination for C string

    std::vector<LPXLOPER> argArray(10 + nbargs);
    LPXLOPER *px = &argArray[0];
    std::string functionName(GetName());

    // We need to have 2 functions exposed one for less than
    // version 14 and that it the normal function, we also need
    // the Synchronous part that returns void and takes an extra int
    // By convension this is the same as the normal function but with 
    // Sync on the end
    if (XlfExcel::Instance().excel14() && impl_->Asynchronous_)
        functionName += "Sync";

    (*px++) = XlfOper4(dllName);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(functionName);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(args);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(GetAlias());
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(argnames);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(mode_);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(impl_->category_);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(""); // shortcut
    // use best help context
    if(!helpID_.empty() && helpID_ != "auto")
        (*px++) = XlfOper4(helpID_);
        (*px++) = XlfOper4(suggestedHelpId); 
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(GetComment());
    int counter(0);
    for (it = arguments.begin(); it != arguments.end(); ++it)
        if(counter < nbargs)
            (*px++) = XlfOper4((*it).GetComment());
            // add dot space to last comment to work around known excel bug
            // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb687841.aspx
            (*px++) = XlfOper4((*it).GetComment() + ". ");

        // total number of arguments limited to 255
        // so we can't send more than 245 argument comments
        nbargs = std::min(nbargs, 245);
        // you can't send more than 30 arguments to the register function
        // in up to version 2003, so just only send help for up to the first 20 parameters
        nbargs = std::min(nbargs, 20);

    XlfOper4 res;
    int err = XlfExcel::Instance().Call4v(xlfRegister, res, 10 + nbargs, &argArray[0]);
    if(err == xlretSuccess && res.IsNumber())
        funcId_ = res.AsDouble();
        funcId_ = InvalidFunctionId;

    return err;
Example #3
Registers the command as a macro in excel.
\sa XlfExcel, XlfFuncDesc.
int xlw::XlfCmdDesc::DoRegister(const std::string& dllName, const std::string& suggestedHelpId) const
    XlfArgDescList arguments = GetArguments();

    // 2 = normal macro, 0 = hidden command
    double type = hidden_ ? 0 : 2;

    int nbargs = static_cast<int>(arguments.size());
    std::string args("A");
    std::string argnames;

    XlfArgDescList::const_iterator it = arguments.begin();
    while (it != arguments.end())
        argnames += (*it).GetName();
        args += (*it).GetType();
        if (it != arguments.end())
            argnames+=", ";

    // When the arguments add up to more then 255 char is problematic. the functions
    // will not register see  see BUG ID: 2834715 on sourceforge - nc
    if(argnames.length() > 255)
        argnames = "Too many arguments for Function Wizard";

    std::vector<LPXLOPER> argArray(10 + nbargs);
    LPXLOPER *px = &argArray[0];

    (*px++) = XlfOper4(dllName);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(GetName());
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(args);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(GetAlias());
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(argnames);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(type);
    (*px++) = XlfOper4("");
    (*px++) = XlfOper4("");
    (*px++) = XlfOper4("");
    (*px++) = XlfOper4(GetComment());
    int counter(0);
    for (it = arguments.begin(); it != arguments.end(); ++it)
        if(counter < nbargs)
            (*px++) = XlfOper4((*it).GetComment());
            // add dot space to last comment to work around known excel bug
            // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb687841.aspx
            (*px++) = XlfOper4((*it).GetComment() + ". ");

        // total number of arguments limited to 255
        // so we can't send more than 245 argument comments
        nbargs = std::min(nbargs, 245);
        // you can't send more than 30 arguments to the register function
        // in up to version 2003, so just only send help for up to the first 20 parameters
        nbargs = std::min(nbargs, 20);

    XlfOper4 res;
    int err = XlfExcel::Instance().Call4v(xlfRegister, res, 10 + nbargs, &argArray[0]);
    if(err == xlretSuccess && res.IsNumber())
        funcId_ = res.AsDouble();
        funcId_ = InvalidFunctionId;
    return err;