Example #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "example_cart_move_action_client"); // name this node 
    ros::NodeHandle nh; //standard ros node handle     
    ArmMotionCommander arm_motion_commander(&nh);
    Eigen::VectorXd right_arm_joint_angles;
    Eigen::Vector3d dp_displacement;
    int rtn_val;
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_pose;
    FurtherUpdatedPclUtils cwru_pcl_utils(&nh);
    while (!cwru_pcl_utils.got_kinect_cloud())
        ROS_INFO("did not receive pointcloud");
    ROS_INFO("got a pointcloud");

    tf::StampedTransform tf_sensor_frame_to_torso_frame;  // use this to transform sensor frame to torso frame
    tf::TransformListener tf_listener;  // start a transform listener

    // let's warm up the tf_listener, to make sure it get's all the transforms it needs to avoid crashing:
    bool tferr = true;
    ROS_INFO("waiting for tf between kinect_pc_frame and torso...");
    while (tferr)
        tferr = false;
            // The direction of the transform returned will be from the target_frame to the source_frame.
            // Which if applied to data, will transform data in the source_frame into the target_frame.
            // See tf/CoordinateFrameConventions#Transform_Direction
            tf_listener.lookupTransform("torso", "kinect_pc_frame", ros::Time(0), tf_sensor_frame_to_torso_frame);
        catch (tf::TransformException &exception)
            ROS_ERROR("%s", exception.what());
            tferr = true;
            ros::Duration(0.5).sleep();  // sleep for half a second
    ROS_INFO("tf is good");  // tf-listener found a complete chain from sensor to world; ready to roll
    // convert the tf to an Eigen::Affine:
    Eigen::Affine3f A_sensor_wrt_torso;
    A_sensor_wrt_torso = cwru_pcl_utils.transformTFToEigen(tf_sensor_frame_to_torso_frame);
    // transform the kinect data to the torso frame;
    // we don't need to have it returned; cwru_pcl_utils can own it as a member var

    while (ros::ok())
        ROS_INFO("Waiting for selected points");
        if (cwru_pcl_utils.got_selected_points())
            //get tool pose
            rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_request_tool_pose_wrt_torso();
            rt_tool_pose = arm_motion_commander.get_rt_tool_pose_stamped();
            //alter the tool pose:
            ROS_INFO("Returned centroid is at (%f, %f, %f)",
                     rt_tool_pose.pose.position.x, rt_tool_pose.pose.position.y, rt_tool_pose.pose.position.z);
            // Set z frame to table height, for some reason this doesn't line up as it should?
            rt_tool_pose.pose.position.z -= .08;
            // send move plan request:
            ROS_INFO("Changed z value to %f", rt_tool_pose.pose.position.z);
            //send command to execute planned motion
            rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_request_tool_pose_wrt_torso();

            // Do wiping motion
            rt_tool_pose.pose.position.y -= .2;
            //send command to execute planned motion

            rt_tool_pose.pose.position.y += .4;
            //send command to execute planned motion

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "vision_guided_motion_action_client");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;

    // create an instance of arm commander class and cwru_pcl_utils class
    ArmMotionCommander arm_motion_commander(&nh);
    CwruPclUtils cwru_pcl_utils(&nh);

    // wait to receive point cloud
    while (!cwru_pcl_utils.got_kinect_cloud())
        ROS_INFO("did not receive pointcloud");
    ROS_INFO("got a pointcloud");

    tf::StampedTransform tf_sensor_frame_to_torso_frame;  // use this to transform sensor frame to torso frame
    tf::TransformListener tf_listener;  // start a transform listener

    // warm up the tf_listener (this is to make sure it get's all the transforms it needs to avoid crashing)
    bool tferr = true;
    ROS_INFO("waiting for tf between kinect_pc_frame and torso...");
    while (tferr)
        tferr = false;
            // The direction of the transform returned will be from the target_frame to the source_frame
            // which if applied to data, will transform data in the source_frame into the target_frame
            // See tf/CoordinateFrameConventions#Transform_Direction
            tf_listener.lookupTransform("torso", "kinect_pc_frame", ros::Time(0), tf_sensor_frame_to_torso_frame);
        catch (tf::TransformException &exception)
            ROS_ERROR("%s", exception.what());
            tferr = true;
    ROS_INFO("tf is good");  // tf_listener found a complete chain from sensor to world

    Eigen::Affine3f A_sensor_wrt_torso;
    Eigen::Affine3d Affine_des_gripper;
    Eigen::Vector3d xvec_des, yvec_des, zvec_des, origin_des;
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_pose;
    Eigen::Vector3f plane_normal, major_axis, centroid;
    Eigen::Matrix3d Rmat;
    int rtn_val;
    double plane_dist;

    // convert the tf to an Eigen::Affine
    A_sensor_wrt_torso = cwru_pcl_utils.transformTFToEigen(tf_sensor_frame_to_torso_frame);

    // send a command to plan and then execute a joint-space move to pre-defined pose
    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.plan_move_to_pre_pose();
    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();

    // repeatedly scan for a new patch of selected points
    while (ros::ok())
        if (cwru_pcl_utils.got_selected_points())
            ROS_INFO("transforming selected points");

            // fit a plane to these selected points
            cwru_pcl_utils.fit_xformed_selected_pts_to_plane(plane_normal, plane_dist);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("normal: " << plane_normal.transpose() << "\ndist = " << plane_dist);

            major_axis = cwru_pcl_utils.get_major_axis();
            centroid = cwru_pcl_utils.get_centroid();
            cwru_pcl_utils.reset_got_selected_points();  // reset the selected-points trigger

            // construct a goal affine pose
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                origin_des[i] = centroid[i];  // convert to double precision
                zvec_des[i] = -plane_normal[i];  // want tool z pointing OPPOSITE surface normal
                xvec_des[i] = major_axis[i];

            origin_des[2] += 0.02;  // raise up 2cm
            yvec_des = zvec_des.cross(xvec_des);  // construct consistent right-hand triad
            Rmat.col(0)= xvec_des;
            Rmat.col(1)= yvec_des;
            Rmat.col(2)= zvec_des;
            Affine_des_gripper.linear() = Rmat;
            Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("des origin: " << Affine_des_gripper.translation().transpose() << endl);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("orientation: " << endl);
            ROS_INFO_STREAM(Rmat << endl);

            // convert des pose from Eigen::Affine to geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
            rt_tool_pose.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);

            // send move plan request
            rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_pose);
            if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS) {
                // send command to execute planned motion
                rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();

                /* New code added to enable wiping motion */
                geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_wipe_table;
                origin_des[1] += 0.1;
                Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
                rt_tool_wipe_table.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);

                rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_wipe_table);
                if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS) {
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                } else {
                    ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");

                origin_des[1] -= 0.2;
                Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
                rt_tool_wipe_table.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);

                rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_wipe_table);
                if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS){
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                } else {
                    ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");

                origin_des[1] += 0.2;
                Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
                rt_tool_wipe_table.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);

                rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_wipe_table);
                if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS){
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                } else {
                    ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");

                origin_des[1] -= 0.1;
                Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
                rt_tool_wipe_table.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);

                rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_wipe_table);
                if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS){
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                } else {
                    ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");
                /* end of new code */
            } else {
                ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");
        ros::Duration(0.5).sleep();  // sleep for half a second

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "ps9_main");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;

    // instantiate block detection object
    Block_detection block_detection(&nh);
    // instantiate an yale hand gripper object
    Gripper baxter_gripper_control(&nh);
    // instantiate an arm motion object
    ArmMotionCommander arm_motion_commander(&nh);
    // instantiate a human hand detection object
    HumanMachineInterface human_machine_interface(&nh);

    // preparation work for yale gripper
    // open hand for usage


    // for point cloud sensor
    geometry_msgs::Pose block_pose;  // pose of the block
    int block_color;  // 1: red, 2: green, 3: blue
    double block_orientation;  // block orientation in torso frame

    ROS_INFO_STREAM("block position: " << 
        block_pose.position.x << ", " <<
        block_pose.position.y << ", " <<
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("block orientation(w): " << block_pose.orientation.w);

    // for gripper control
    // none

    // for arm motion commander
    Eigen::Affine3d Affine_des_gripper;
    Eigen::Vector3d xvec_des,yvec_des,zvec_des,origin_des;
    Eigen::Vector3f major_axis, centroid;
    zvec_des << 0,0,-1;  // pointing to the ground
    Eigen::Matrix3d Rmat;
    int rtn_val;
    double plane_dist;
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_pose_origin;  // right hand pose in the selected points
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_pose_upper;  // right hand pose upper from origin
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_pose_red_des;  // right hand destination pose for red block
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_pose_green_des;  // right hand destination pose for green block
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rt_tool_pose_blue_des;  // right hand destination pose for blue block
    // prepare the destination position for different colors
    // orientation
    xvec_des << 1,0,0;  // major direction pointing to the front
    yvec_des = zvec_des.cross(xvec_des);
    Rmat.col(0) = xvec_des;
    Rmat.col(1) = yvec_des;
    Rmat.col(2) = zvec_des;
    Affine_des_gripper.linear() = Rmat;
    // position, change the position for different colors here
    // for red
    origin_des[0] = 0.5;
    origin_des[1] = 0.3;
    origin_des[2] = 0.2;
    Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
    rt_tool_pose_red_des.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);
    // for green
    origin_des[0] = 0.45;
    origin_des[1] = 0.0;
    origin_des[2] = 0.2;
    Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
    rt_tool_pose_green_des.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);
    // for blue
    origin_des[0] = 0.5;
    origin_des[1] = -0.3;
    origin_des[2] = 0.2;
    Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
    rt_tool_pose_blue_des.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);
    // pre movement, move to pre-define pose in joint space
    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.plan_move_to_pre_pose();  // plan the path
    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();  // execute the planned path

    // for hand detection in human machine interface
    bool b_human_hand_present;  // bool value to indicate current human hand status
    bool b_continue_blocks_operation;  // bool value to indicate whether continue operation on blocks

    // THE LOOP

    while (ros::ok()) {
        // baxter should be able to recognize the following human hand signals in sequence
            // human hand signal 1: present
            // human hand signal 2: not present
        // these signals indicate a permit of performing block detection and baxter movements

        b_human_hand_present = human_machine_interface.get_human_hand();
        while (!b_human_hand_present) {
            // wait for 0.5 second and re-check
            ROS_INFO("***** msg from HMI *****");
            b_human_hand_present = human_machine_interface.get_human_hand();
            ROS_INFO("waiting for human hand");
        // if here, get an human hand presence signal
        ROS_INFO("human hand signal 1 detected");

        int time_count = 0;  // time count for hand presence
        while (b_human_hand_present && time_count<10) {
            ROS_INFO("***** msg from HMI *****");
            b_human_hand_present = human_machine_interface.get_human_hand();
            ROS_INFO("waiting for hand to be removed");
            time_count = time_count + 1;  // usually an human interaction is within 10 seconds
            // this will avoid program accidently waits here forever

        if (!b_human_hand_present) {  // the while-loop exits because hand signal is detected
            b_continue_blocks_operation = true;
            ROS_INFO("human hand signal 2 detected");
        else {  // the while-loop exits because time is out
            b_continue_blocks_operation = false;
            ROS_ERROR("time out on human hand signal 2");

        // continue operation on blocks
        if (b_continue_blocks_operation) {
            ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();  // let people walk away

            // begin trying to find the blocks
            if (block_detection.find_stool()) {
                // stool is within range
                block_color = 0;
                block_color = block_detection.find_block();  // get the color of the block
                ROS_INFO_STREAM("block color code: " << block_color);

                // if 0, no block is found
                if (block_color) {
                    ROS_INFO("stool is found, block is found");
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("color of the block: " << block_color << " (1-red, 2-green, 3-blue)");
                    block_pose = block_detection.find_pose();  // calculate block pose
                    block_pose.position.z = block_pose.position.z + z_offset;
                    block_orientation = block_pose.orientation.w;
                    block_orientation = 2 * acos(block_orientation);  // angle value
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("block position: " << 
                        block_pose.position.x << ", " <<
                        block_pose.position.y << ", " <<
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("block orientation(w): " << block_pose.orientation.w);
                    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("block orientation: " << block_orientation);

                    //setting rotations for gripper to be along block's major axis
                    xvec_des << cos(block_orientation), sin(block_orientation), 0;
                    yvec_des = zvec_des.cross(xvec_des);

                    Rmat.col(0) = xvec_des;
                    Rmat.col(1) = yvec_des;
                    Rmat.col(2) = zvec_des;// the z direction of the gripper
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("xvec_des: " << xvec_des[0] << ", " << xvec_des[1] << ", " << xvec_des[2]);
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("yvec_des: " << yvec_des[0] << ", " << yvec_des[1] << ", " << yvec_des[2]);
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("zvec_des: " << zvec_des[0] << ", " << zvec_des[1] << ", " << zvec_des[2]);
                    Affine_des_gripper.linear() = Rmat;
                    // the position
                    origin_des[0] = block_pose.position.x;
                    origin_des[1] = block_pose.position.y;
                    origin_des[2] = block_pose.position.z - 0.01;  // block height is 0.03
                    Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
                    // for rt_tool_pose_origin
                    rt_tool_pose_origin.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);
                    // for rt_tool_pose_upper
                    origin_des[2] = block_pose.position.z + 0.1;  // the upper area of block
                    Affine_des_gripper.translation() = origin_des;
                    rt_tool_pose_upper.pose = arm_motion_commander.transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);

                    // 1.move the gripper to the upper area of the block
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("");  // blank line here
                    ROS_INFO("move 1: move the gripper to the upper area of the block");
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("des pos: " << rt_tool_pose_upper.pose.position.x
                        << ", " << rt_tool_pose_upper.pose.position.y
                        << ", " << rt_tool_pose_upper.pose.position.z);
                    // send move plan request
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_pose_upper);
                    if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS) { 
                        // send command to execute planned motion
                        rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                    else {
                        ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");

                    // 2.move the gripper to the origin of the block
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("");  // blank line here
                    ROS_INFO("move 2: move the gripper to the origin of the block");
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("des pos: " << rt_tool_pose_origin.pose.position.x
                        << ", " << rt_tool_pose_origin.pose.position.y
                        << ", " << rt_tool_pose_origin.pose.position.z);
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_pose_origin);
                    if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS) { 
                        // send command to execute planned motion
                        rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                    else {
                        ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");

                    // 3.grasp the block with the gripper
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("");  // blank line here
                    ROS_INFO("move 3: grasp the block with the gripper");

                    // 4.move the gripper to the upper area of the block
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("");  // blank line here
                    ROS_INFO("move 4: move the gripper to the upper area of the block");
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("des pos: " << rt_tool_pose_upper.pose.position.x
                        << ", " << rt_tool_pose_upper.pose.position.y
                        << ", " << rt_tool_pose_upper.pose.position.z);
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_pose_upper);
                    if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS) { 
                        // send command to execute planned motion
                        rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                    else {
                        ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");

                    // 5.move the gripper to destination according to block color
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("");  // blank line here
                    ROS_INFO("move 5: move the gripper to destination according to block color");
                    // set planed motion according to block color
                    switch (block_color) {
                        case 1:  // color is red
                            rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_pose_red_des);
                            ROS_INFO_STREAM("des pos: " << rt_tool_pose_red_des.pose.position.x
                                << ", " << rt_tool_pose_red_des.pose.position.y
                                << ", " << rt_tool_pose_red_des.pose.position.z);
                        case 2:  // color is green
                            rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_pose_green_des);
                            ROS_INFO_STREAM("des pos: " << rt_tool_pose_green_des.pose.position.x
                                << ", " << rt_tool_pose_green_des.pose.position.y
                                << ", " << rt_tool_pose_green_des.pose.position.z);
                        case 3:  // color is blue                    
                            rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_plan_path_current_to_goal_pose(rt_tool_pose_blue_des);
                            ROS_INFO_STREAM("des pos: " << rt_tool_pose_blue_des.pose.position.x
                                << ", " << rt_tool_pose_blue_des.pose.position.y
                                << ", " << rt_tool_pose_blue_des.pose.position.z);
                    if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS) { 
                        // send command to execute planned motion
                        rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                    else {
                        ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");

                    // 6.release the block
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("");  // blank line here
                    ROS_INFO("move 6: release the block");

                    // 7.move the gripper to pre-pose
                    ROS_INFO_STREAM("");  // blank line here
                    ROS_INFO("move 7: move the gripper to pre-pose");
                    rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.plan_move_to_pre_pose();
                    if (rtn_val == cwru_action::cwru_baxter_cart_moveResult::SUCCESS) { 
                        // send command to execute planned motion
                        rtn_val = arm_motion_commander.rt_arm_execute_planned_path();
                    else {
                        ROS_WARN("Cartesian path to desired pose not achievable");
                else {
                    ROS_WARN("stool is found, block is not found");
            else {
                ROS_WARN("stool is not found");
                ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();  // sleep 1 second each time
        ros::spinOnce();  // let variables to update, if there is any
    return 0;