Example #1
int test(){
  int ret = 0;
  write_cstr(1, ">>> test >>>\n");
  struct arr *a = arr_alloc(4);
  arr_insert(a, 0, "this", 4);
  ret |= test_print_eq(a, "this", "arr 0");
  arr_insert(a, a->c, " is", 3);
  test_print_eq(a, "this is", "arr 0.1");
  arr_insert(a, 0, "hi ", 3);
  test_print_eq(a, "hi this is", "arr 0.2");
  arr_insert(a, 0, "this is a big string being added. ", strlen("this is a big string being added. "));
  test_print_eq(a, "this is a big string being added. hi this is", "arr 1");
  struct arr *b = arr_alloc(4);
  arr_insert(b, 0, "starting:", strlen("starting:"));
  test_print_eq(b, "starting:", "arr 2");
  arr_append_int_str(b, 3);
  test_print_eq(b, "starting:3", "arr 3");
  arr_append_int_str(b, 40012);
  ret |= test_print_eq(b, "starting:340012", "arr 4");
  struct arr *c = arr_alloc(4);
  arr_append(c, "h");
  arr_append(c, "i");
  test_print_eq(c, "hi", "arr 5");
  write(1, "\n", 1);
  return ret;
Example #2
// Helper function to add an instruction/tag to
// the running operations list. This should be
// the only function that appends to that list.
void append_op(compiler_wrapper *cw, long ins, long lineno)
    lky_object *obj = lobjb_build_int(ins);
    lky_object *idx = lobjb_build_int(lineno);
    pool_add(&ast_memory_pool, obj);
    arr_append(&cw->rops, obj);
    arr_append(&cw->rindices, idx);
Example #3
void compile_iter_loop(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_loop_node *node = (ast_loop_node *)root;

    compile(cw, node->onloop);
    append_op(cw, LI_MAKE_ITER, node->lineno);

    int tagOut = next_if_tag(cw);
    int tagLoop = next_if_tag(cw);

    int start = (int)cw->rops.count;

    append_op(cw, LI_NEXT_ITER_OR_JUMP, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, tagOut, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, -1, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, -1, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, -1, node->lineno);

    append_var_info(cw, ((ast_value_node *)(node->init))->value.s, 0, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, LI_POP, node->lineno);

        append_op(cw, LI_ITER_INDEX, node->lineno);
        append_var_info(cw, ((ast_value_node *)(node->condition))->value.s, 0, node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, LI_POP, node->lineno);

    lky_object *wrapLoop = lobjb_build_int(tagLoop);    
    lky_object *wrapOut = lobjb_build_int(tagOut);
    pool_add(&ast_memory_pool, wrapLoop);
    pool_add(&ast_memory_pool, wrapOut);

    arr_append(&cw->loop_start_stack, wrapLoop);
    arr_append(&cw->loop_end_stack, wrapOut);

    compile_compound(cw, node->payload->next);

    arr_remove(&cw->loop_start_stack, NULL, cw->loop_start_stack.count - 1);
    arr_remove(&cw->loop_end_stack, NULL, cw->loop_end_stack.count - 1);

    append_op(cw, tagLoop, node->lineno);

    append_op(cw, LI_JUMP, node->lineno); // Add the jump to the start location
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, start);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

    append_op(cw, tagOut, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, LI_POP, node->lineno);

    cw->save_val = 1;
Example #4
void compile_class_decl(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_class_decl_node *node = (ast_class_decl_node *)root;

    arraylist list = arr_create(10);
    ast_node *member = node->members->next;
    for(; member; member = member->next)
        ast_class_member_node *m = (ast_class_member_node *)member;
        //append_op(cw, m->prefix);
        compile(cw, m->payload);
        arr_append(&list, member);

    int init_flag = 0;

        compile(cw, node->super);
        init_flag |= 2;
        compile(cw, ((ast_class_member_node *)node->init)->payload);
        init_flag |= 1;

    append_op(cw, LI_MAKE_CLASS, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, list.count, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, init_flag, node->lineno);
    int i;
    for(i = list.count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        ast_class_member_node *m = (ast_class_member_node *)arr_get(&list, i);
        append_op(cw, m->prefix, node->lineno);
        long idx = find_prev_name(cw, m->name);

        if(idx < 0)
            idx = cw->rnames.count;
            char *nid = malloc(strlen(m->name) + 1);
            strcpy(nid, m->name);
            arr_append(&cw->rnames, nid);

        unsigned char buf[4];
        int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);

        append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #5
// Compiles a function declaration
void compile_function(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_func_decl_node *node = (ast_func_decl_node *)root; 

    // We want to build a new compiler wrapper for building
    // the function in a new context.
    compiler_wrapper nw;
    nw.local_idx = 0;
    nw.saved_locals = hm_create(100, 1);
    nw.rnames = arr_create(10);
    nw.rindices = arr_create(100);
    nw.used_names = copy_arraylist(cw->used_names);
    nw.repl = 0;
    nw.impl_name = node->impl_name;
    // Deal with parameters
    int argc = 0;
    ast_value_node *v = (ast_value_node *)node->params;
    for(; v; v = (ast_value_node *)v->next)
        char *idf = v->value.s;

        char *nid = malloc(strlen(idf) + 1);
        strcpy(nid, idf);

        arr_append(&nw.rnames, nid);

    nw.save_val = 0;
    lky_object_code *code = compile_ast_ext(node->payload->next, &nw);

        char *refname = node->refname;
        code->refname = malloc(strlen(refname) + 1);
        strcpy(code->refname, refname);

    long idx = cw->rcon.count;
    arr_append(&cw->rcon, code);
    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_CONST, node->lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);

    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, LI_MAKE_FUNCTION, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, argc, node->lineno);
Example #6
void compile_object_simple(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_object_decl_node *node)
    int ct = 0;
    ast_node *list = node->payload;
    arraylist names = arr_create(20);
    for(; list; list = list->next)
        arr_append(&names, ((ast_value_node *)list)->value.s);
        list = list->next;
        compile(cw, list);

        compile(cw, node->obj);
        append_op(cw, LI_PUSH_NEW_OBJECT, node->lineno);

    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, ct);

    append_op(cw, LI_MAKE_OBJECT, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

    int i;
    for(i = ct - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        char *sid = arr_get(&names, i);
        char *nsid = malloc(strlen(sid) + 1);
        strcpy(nsid, sid);

        int i = find_prev_name(cw, nsid);
        if(i < 0)
            i = (int)cw->rnames.count;
            arr_append(&cw->rnames, nsid);

        unsigned char buf[4];
        int_to_byte_array(buf, i);
        append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

Example #7
// Used to compile constants and variables
void compile_value(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_value_node *node = (ast_value_node *)root;

    if(node->value_type == VVAR)
        compile_var(cw, node);

    lky_object *obj = wrapper_to_obj(node_to_wrapper(node));

    long idx = find_prev_const(cw, obj);

    if(idx < 0)
        idx = cw->rcon.count;
        arr_append(&cw->rcon, obj);

    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_CONST, node->lineno);

    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);

    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #8
void compile_set_member(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_binary_node *bin = (ast_binary_node *)root;
    ast_member_access_node *left = (ast_member_access_node *)bin->left;
    ast_node *right = bin->right;

    compile(cw, right);

    compile(cw, left->object);

    int idx = find_prev_name(cw, left->ident);

    if(idx < 0)
        idx = (int)cw->rnames.count;
        arr_append(&cw->rnames, left->ident);

    append_op(cw, LI_SAVE_MEMBER, root->lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], root->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], root->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], root->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], root->lineno);
Example #9
lky_object *stlcon_ord(lky_func_bundle *bundle)
    lky_object_seq *args = BUW_ARGS(bundle);

    lky_object *from = (lky_object *)args->value;
    char *str = lobjb_stringify(from, BUW_INTERP(bundle));
    lky_object *ret = NULL;

    size_t len = strlen(str);
    if(len == 1)
        ret = lobjb_build_int(str[0]);
        arraylist list = arr_create(len + 1);
        char *tmp = str;
            arr_append(&list, lobjb_build_int(*tmp++));

        ret = stlarr_cinit(list);


    return ret;
Example #10
char switch_to_close(compiler_wrapper *cw, char *sid, int idx)
    lky_object *o = arr_get(&cw->rops, idx);
    lky_instruction istr = OBJ_NUM_UNWRAP(o);

    if(istr == LI_LOAD_CLOSE || istr == LI_SAVE_CLOSE)
        return 0;


    cw->rops.items[idx] = lobjb_build_int(istr);
    char *nsid = malloc(strlen(sid) + 1);
    strcpy(nsid, sid);

    int i = find_prev_name(cw, nsid);
    if(i < 0)
        i = (int)cw->rnames.count;
        arr_append(&cw->rnames, nsid);

    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, i);

    cw->rops.items[idx + 1] = lobjb_build_int(buf[0]);
    cw->rops.items[idx + 2] = lobjb_build_int(buf[1]);
    cw->rops.items[idx + 3] = lobjb_build_int(buf[2]);
    cw->rops.items[idx + 4] = lobjb_build_int(buf[3]);
    return 1;
Example #11
void compile_triple_set(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *n)
    ast_triple_set_node *node = (ast_triple_set_node *)n;
    if(node->index_node->type == AINDEX)
        ast_index_node *idn = (ast_index_node *)node->index_node;
        compile(cw, idn->target);
        compile(cw, idn->indexer);
        append_op(cw, LI_DDUPLICATE, node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_INDEX, node->lineno);
        compile(cw, node->new_val);
        append_op(cw, instr_for_char(node->op), node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, LI_SINK_FIRST, node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, LI_SAVE_INDEX, node->lineno);
        ast_member_access_node *man = (ast_member_access_node *)node->index_node;
        char *name = man->ident;
        int idx = find_prev_name(cw, name);
        if(idx < 0)
            idx = (int)cw->rnames.count;
            arr_append(&cw->rnames, name);
        compile(cw, man->object);
        append_op(cw, LI_SDUPLICATE, node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_MEMBER, node->lineno);
        unsigned char buf[4];
        int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);
        append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

        compile(cw, node->new_val);
        append_op(cw, instr_for_char(node->op), node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, LI_FLIP_TWO, node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, LI_SAVE_MEMBER, node->lineno);
        int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);
        append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #12
// Compile special unit syntax
void compile_unit_value(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_unit_value_node *node = (ast_unit_value_node *)root;

    long idx = cw->rcon.count;
    arr_append(&cw->rcon, stlun_cinit(node->val, node->fmt));

    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_CONST, node->lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);

    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #13
EagleComplexType *ett_interface_type(char *name)
    EagleComplexType *et = hst_get(&type_named_table, name, NULL, NULL);
        return et;

    EagleInterfaceType *ett = malloc(sizeof(EagleInterfaceType));
    ett->names = arr_create(3);
    arr_append(&ett->names, name);
    ett->type = ETInterface;

    pool_add(&list_mempool, &ett->names);
    pool_add(&type_mempool, ett);

    return (EagleComplexType *)ett;
Example #14
// Used to compile regexes
void compile_regex(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_regex_node *node = (ast_regex_node *)root;
    lky_object *rgx = stlrgx_cinit(node->pattern, node->flags);
    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_CONST, node->lineno);

    int idx = cw->rcon.count;
    arr_append(&cw->rcon, rgx);

    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);

    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #15
void compile_load(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *n)
    ast_load_node *node = (ast_load_node *)n;

    char *f = node->name;

    int idx = find_prev_name(cw, f);

    if(idx < 0)
        idx = (int)cw->rnames.count;
        arr_append(&cw->rnames, f);

    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_MODULE, node->lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #16
void compile_member_access(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *n)
    ast_member_access_node *node = (ast_member_access_node *)n;

    char *name = node->ident;

    int idx = find_prev_name(cw, name);

    if(idx < 0)
        idx = (int)cw->rnames.count;
        arr_append(&cw->rnames, name);

    compile(cw, node->object);
    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_MEMBER, node->lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #17
void compile_var(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_value_node *node)
    append_var_info(cw, node->value.s, 1, node->lineno);

    int idx = find_prev_name(cw, node->value.s);

    if(idx < 0)
        idx = (int)cw->rnames.count;
        char *ns = malloc(strlen(node->value.s) + 1);
        strcpy(ns, node->value.s);
        arr_append(&cw->rnames, ns);

    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_CLOSE, node->lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);
Example #18
void append_var_info(compiler_wrapper *cw, char *ch, char load, int lineno)
    char needs_close = cw->repl;
    char already_defined = 0;
    arraylist list = cw->used_names;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < list.count; i++)
        name_wrapper *w = arr_get(&cw->used_names, i);
        if(strcmp(w->name, ch))

        if(w->owner != cw)
            switch_to_close(w->owner, ch, w->idx);
            needs_close = 1;
            needs_close = is_close(cw, w->idx);
            already_defined = 1;

    if(!needs_close && !already_defined && load)
        needs_close = 1;

        lky_instruction istr = load ? LI_LOAD_CLOSE : LI_SAVE_CLOSE;
        char *nsid = malloc(strlen(ch) + 1);
        strcpy(nsid, ch);

        int i = find_prev_name(cw, nsid);
        if(i < 0)
            i = (int)cw->rnames.count;
            arr_append(&cw->rnames, nsid);

        append_op(cw, istr, lineno);
        unsigned char buf[4];
        int_to_byte_array(buf, i);
        append_op(cw, buf[0], lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[1], lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[2], lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[3], lineno);


    lky_instruction istr = load ? LI_LOAD_LOCAL : LI_SAVE_LOCAL;
    hm_error_t err;
    int idx = 0;
    lky_object_builtin *o = hm_get(&cw->saved_locals, ch, &err);
    if(err == HM_KEY_NOT_FOUND)
        idx = get_next_local(cw);
        lky_object *obj = lobjb_build_int(idx);
        pool_add(&ast_memory_pool, obj);
        hm_put(&cw->saved_locals, ch, obj);
        idx = OBJ_NUM_UNWRAP(o);

    append_op(cw, istr, lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, idx);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], lineno);

    name_wrapper *wrap = malloc(sizeof(name_wrapper));
    pool_add(&ast_memory_pool, wrap);
    wrap->idx = cw->rops.count - 5;
    wrap->name = ch;
    wrap->owner = cw;
    arr_append(&cw->used_names, wrap);
Example #19
void ty_add_interface_method(char *name, char *method, EagleComplexType *ty)
    Arraylist *names = hst_get(&interface_table, name, NULL, NULL);
    arr_append(names, method);
    ty_add_method(name, method, ty);
Example #20
void compile_object(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *n)
    ast_object_decl_node *node = (ast_object_decl_node *)n;

        return compile_object_simple(cw, node);

    arraylist name_list = cw->used_names;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < name_list.count; i++)
        name_wrapper *w = arr_get(&cw->used_names, i);
        if(strcmp(w->name, node->refname))

        switch_to_close(cw, node->refname, w->idx);

    int ct = 0;
    ast_node *list = node->payload;
    arraylist names = arr_create(20);
    for(; list; list = list->next)
        arr_append(&names, ((ast_value_node *)list)->value.s);
        list = list->next;
        compile(cw, list);

    char *nsid = malloc(strlen(node->refname) + 1);
    strcpy(nsid, node->refname);

    i = find_prev_name(cw, nsid);
    if(i < 0)
        i = (int)cw->rnames.count;
        arr_append(&cw->rnames, nsid);

    append_op(cw, LI_LOAD_CLOSE, node->lineno);
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, i);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

    int_to_byte_array(buf, ct);

    append_op(cw, LI_MAKE_OBJECT, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

    for(i = ct - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        char *sid = arr_get(&names, i);
        char *nsid = malloc(strlen(sid) + 1);
        strcpy(nsid, sid);

        int i = find_prev_name(cw, nsid);
        if(i < 0)
            i = (int)cw->rnames.count;
            arr_append(&cw->rnames, nsid);

        unsigned char buf[4];
        int_to_byte_array(buf, i);
        append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
        append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

Example #21
void compile_loop(compiler_wrapper *cw, ast_node *root)
    ast_loop_node *node = (ast_loop_node *)root;

    // if(node->init && node->condition && !node->onloop)
    //    return compile_iter_loop(cw, root);

    int tagOut = next_if_tag(cw); // Prepare the exit tag
    int tagLoop = next_if_tag(cw); // Prepare the continue tag

    if(node->init) // If we have a for loop, compile the init
        char save = cw->save_val;
        cw->save_val = 0;
        compile(cw, node->init);
            append_op(cw, LI_POP, node->lineno);
        cw->save_val = save;

    int start = (int)cw->rops.count; // The start location (for loop jumps)

    compile(cw, node->condition); // Append the tag for the unknown end location
    append_op(cw, LI_JUMP_FALSE, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, tagOut, node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, -1, node->lineno); // Note that we use for bytes to represent jump locations.
    append_op(cw, -1, node->lineno); // This allows us to index locations beyond 255 in the
    append_op(cw, -1, node->lineno); // interpreter.
    lky_object *wrapLoop = lobjb_build_int(tagLoop);
    lky_object *wrapOut = lobjb_build_int(tagOut);
    pool_add(&ast_memory_pool, wrapLoop);
    pool_add(&ast_memory_pool, wrapOut);
    arr_append(&cw->loop_start_stack, wrapLoop);
    arr_append(&cw->loop_end_stack, wrapOut);

    compile_compound(cw, node->payload->next);

    arr_remove(&cw->loop_start_stack, NULL, cw->loop_start_stack.count - 1);
    arr_remove(&cw->loop_end_stack, NULL, cw->loop_end_stack.count - 1);

    append_op(cw, tagLoop, node->lineno);

    if(node->onloop) // If a for loop, compile the onloop.
        char save = cw->save_val;
        cw->save_val = 0;
        compile(cw, node->onloop);
            append_op(cw, LI_POP, node->lineno);
        cw->save_val = save;

    append_op(cw, LI_JUMP, node->lineno); // Add the jump to the start location
    unsigned char buf[4];
    int_to_byte_array(buf, start);

    append_op(cw, buf[0], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[1], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[2], node->lineno);
    append_op(cw, buf[3], node->lineno);

    append_op(cw, tagOut, node->lineno);

    cw->save_val = 1;
Example #22
void ett_composite_interface(EagleComplexType *ett, char *name)
    EagleInterfaceType *ei = (EagleInterfaceType *)ett;

    arr_append(&ei->names, name);
Example #23
void ett_struct_add(EagleComplexType *ett, EagleComplexType *ty, char *name)
    EagleStructType *e = (EagleStructType *)ett;
    arr_append(&e->types, ty);
    arr_append(&e->names, name);
Example #24
void vs_add_deferment(VarScopeStack *vs, AST *ast)
    VarScope *s = vs->scope;
    arr_append(&s->deferments, ast);