Example #1
void pbwtDestroy (PBWT *p)
  if (p->chrom) free (p->chrom) ;
  if (p->sites) arrayDestroy (p->sites) ;
  if (p->samples) arrayDestroy (p->samples) ;
  if (p->yz) arrayDestroy (p->yz) ;
  if (p->zz) arrayDestroy (p->zz) ;
  if (p->aFstart) free (p->aFstart) ;
  if (p->aFend) free (p->aFend) ;
  if (p->aRstart) free (p->aRstart) ;
  if (p->aRend) free (p->aRend) ;
  free (p) ;
Example #2
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	GfrEntry *currGE;
	int count;
	int countRemoved;
	int i;

	if (argc != 3) {
		usage ("%s <offsetCutoff> <minNumUniqueReads>",argv[0]);
	count = 0;
	countRemoved = 0;

	int offsetCutOff = atoi (argv[1]);
	int minNumUniqueReads = atoi (argv[2]);

	gfr_init ("-");
	puts (gfr_writeHeader ());
	while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()) {
		Array starts = arrayCreate( 100, int);
		for (i = 0; i < arrayMax( currGE->interReads ); i++) {
			int currStart = arrp(currGE->interReads, i, GfrInterRead)->readStart1 + arrp(currGE->interReads, i, GfrInterRead)->readStart2;
			array(starts, arrayMax(starts), int) = currStart; 
		arraySort( starts, (ARRAYORDERF) arrayIntcmp );
		arrayUniq( starts, NULL, (ARRAYORDERF) arrayIntcmp ) ;
		int numUniqeOffsets = arrayMax( starts );
		arrayDestroy( starts );

	if (arrayMax( currGE->readsTranscript1 ) != arrayMax( currGE->readsTranscript2 ) )
		die( "The two ends have a different number of reads");
	Texta reads = textCreate(arrayMax(currGE->readsTranscript1));
	for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(currGE->readsTranscript1); i++) {
		Stringa strA = stringCreate( strlen(textItem( currGE->readsTranscript1, i) ) * 2 + 1);
		stringAppendf( strA, textItem( currGE->readsTranscript1,i));
		stringAppendf( strA, textItem( currGE->readsTranscript2,i)); 
		textAdd( reads, string(strA));
		stringDestroy( strA );
	textUniqKeepOrder( reads );
	int numRemaining = arrayMax( reads );
	textDestroy ( reads );

	if (numRemaining <= minNumUniqueReads || numUniqeOffsets <= offsetCutOff) {
	puts (gfr_writeGfrEntry (currGE));
	gfr_deInit ();
	warn("%s_PCRFilter: offset=%d minNumUniqueReads=%d",
	     argv[0],offsetCutOff, minNumUniqueReads);
	warn("%s_numRemoved: %d",argv[0],countRemoved);
	warn("%s_numGfrEntries: %d",argv[0],count);
	return 0;
Example #3
void hashDestroy (HASH hx)
  TRUE_HASH *h = (TRUE_HASH*) hx ;
  free (h->keys) ;
  free (h->values) ;
  arrayDestroy (h->freeList) ;
  free (h) ;
  ++nDestroyed ;
Example #4
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GfrEntry *currGE;
  int count;
  int countRemoved; 
  int i, j;
  int foundEST;
  if (argc != 2) {
    usage ("%s <EST.interval>",argv[0]);
  intervalFind_addIntervalsToSearchSpace( argv[1], 0);	

  // beginFiltering
  count = 0;
  countRemoved = 0;
  gfr_init ("-");
  puts (gfr_writeHeader ());
  while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()) { // reading the gfr
    foundEST = 0;
    if( strEqual( currGE->fusionType, "cis" ) ) {
      if( ! strEqual( currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->chromosomeTranscript2 ) )
	die("The two genes are not on the same chromosomes: %s - %s",  currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->chromosomeTranscript2 );
      int start1, end1, start2, end2;
      findCoordinates( currGE, &start1, &end1, &start2, &end2 );
      Array intervals1 = arrayCopy( intervalFind_getOverlappingIntervals( currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, start1, end1 ) ); 
      Array intervals2 = intervalFind_getOverlappingIntervals( currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, start2, end2 );
      for( i=0; i<arrayMax( intervals1 ); i++ ) {
	Interval* currInterval1 = arru( intervals1, i, Interval* );
	for( j=0; j<arrayMax ( intervals2 ); j++ ) {
	  Interval* currInterval2 = arru( intervals2, j, Interval* );
	  if( currInterval1==currInterval2 ) {
	    foundEST = 1;
	    i = arrayMax( intervals1 );
	    j = arrayMax( intervals2 );
      arrayDestroy( intervals1 );
    if( foundEST )
    else {
      puts (gfr_writeGfrEntry (currGE));
  gfr_deInit ();
  warn ("%s_EST_data: %s",argv[0], argv[1]);
  warn ("%s_numRemoved: %d",argv[0], countRemoved);
  warn ("%s_numGfrEntries: %d",argv[0],count);
  return 0;
Example #5
 * \file bgrQuantifier <annotation.interval>.
 * \pre: it requires a BedGraph file from STDIN normalized by the number of mapped nucleotides
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
  Array bgrs;
  Array intervals;
  Array entries;
  int i, j, length;
  double value;
  if( argc < 2 ) {
    usage("%s <annotation.interval>\n%s requires a BedGraph from STDIN", argv[0], argv[0]);
  bgrs = arrayCreate( 1000, BedGraph );
  bgrParser_initFromFile ( "-" );
  bgrs = bgrParser_getAllEntries ();
  arraySort( bgrs, (ARRAYORDERF) bgrParser_sort );
  intervalFind_addIntervalsToSearchSpace ( argv[1], 0 );
  intervals = intervalFind_getAllIntervals ();
  for( i=0; i<arrayMax(intervals); i++ ) {
    Interval *currInterval = arrp( intervals, i, Interval );
    length = currInterval->end - currInterval->start;
    entries = bgrParser_getValuesForRegion( bgrs, currInterval->chromosome, currInterval->start, currInterval->end);
    value = 0.0;
    for( j=0; j<arrayMax( entries ); j++) 
      value += arru( entries, j, double );
    printf("%s\t%s:%d-%d\t%f\n", currInterval->name, 
	   value /= length / 1000.0 );       
    arrayDestroy( entries );
  arrayDestroy( intervals );
  return 0;
Example #6
void pbwtDestroy (PBWT *p)
  if (p->chrom) free (p->chrom) ;
  if (p->sites) arrayDestroy (p->sites) ;
  if (p->samples) arrayDestroy (p->samples) ;
  if (p->yz) arrayDestroy (p->yz) ;
  if (p->zz) arrayDestroy (p->zz) ;
  if (p->aFstart) free (p->aFstart) ;
  if (p->aFend) free (p->aFend) ;
  if (p->aRstart) free (p->aRstart) ;
  if (p->aRend) free (p->aRend) ;
  if (p->missingOffset) arrayDestroy (p->missingOffset) ;
  if (p->zMissing) arrayDestroy (p->zMissing) ;
  if (p->dosageOffset) arrayDestroy (p->dosageOffset) ;
  if (p->zDosage) arrayDestroy (p->zDosage) ;
  free (p) ;
Example #7
static void blastParser_freeQuery (BlastQuery *currBlastQuery)
    int i;
    BlastEntry *currBlastEntry;

    if (currBlastQuery == NULL) {
    hlr_free (currBlastQuery->qName);
    for (i = 0; i < arrayMax (currBlastQuery->entries); i++) {
        currBlastEntry = arrp (currBlastQuery->entries,i,BlastEntry);
        hlr_free (currBlastEntry->tName);
    arrayDestroy (currBlastQuery->entries);
    freeMem (currBlastQuery);
Example #8
static char* getBreakPointSequence (char *tileCoordinate1, char *tileCoordinate2)
	Stringa buffer;
	Stringa targetsFile;
	FILE *fp;
	Array targetSeqs;
	int i;
	Seq *currSeq;
	static Stringa sequence = NULL;

	buffer = stringCreate (100);
	targetsFile = stringCreate (100);
	stringPrintf (targetsFile,"targets_%d.txt",getpid ());
	if (!(fp = fopen (string (targetsFile),"w")) ){
		die ("Unable to open target file: %s",string (targetsFile));
	fprintf (fp,"%s\n%s",tileCoordinate1,tileCoordinate2);
	fclose (fp);

	stringPrintf (buffer,"%s %s/%s stdout -noMask -seqList=%s",
		      confp_get(Conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_TO_FA"),
		      confp_get(Conf, "BLAT_DATA_DIR"),
		      confp_get(Conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_DATA_FILENAME"),
		      string (targetsFile));
	fasta_initFromPipe (string (buffer));
	targetSeqs = fasta_readAllSequences (0);
	fasta_deInit ();
	if (arrayMax (targetSeqs) != 2) {
		die ("Expected only two target sequences");
	stringCreateClear (sequence,100);
	for (i = 0; i < arrayMax (targetSeqs); i++) {
		currSeq = arrp (targetSeqs,i,Seq);
		stringAppendf (sequence,"%s",currSeq->sequence);
		hlr_free (currSeq->name);
		hlr_free (currSeq->sequence);
	arrayDestroy (targetSeqs);
	stringPrintf (buffer,"rm -rf %s",string (targetsFile));
	hlr_system (string (buffer),0);
	stringDestroy (targetsFile);
	stringDestroy (buffer);
	return string (sequence);
Example #9
SEXP c_read_biokit_exprs (SEXP filename) {
  LineStream ls;
  char* line;
  const int MAND_NCOL=7; // the first column is the row name, and column 2-7 are mandatory
  int add_ncol=0;
  Texta it;
  Texta rnames=textCreate(128);
  Array mrpkms=arrayCreate(128, double);
  Array mreads=arrayCreate(128, int);
  Array srpkms=arrayCreate(128, double);
  Array sreads=arrayCreate(128, int);
  Array mprop=arrayCreate(128, double);
  Array allmap = arrayCreate(128, int);
  Array annos=arrayCreate(128, Texta);
  Texta anno=NULL; // must have a NULL assigned; otherwise textCreateClear leads to memory error
  Stringa str=stringCreate(8);

  SEXP R_rnames, R_mrpkms, R_mreads, R_srpkms, R_sreads, R_mprop, R_allmap, R_res;
  SEXP R_colnames, R_class;
  int nprot=0;
  int i=0;
  int j=0;
  int nrow=0;
  const char* fn=CHAR(STRING_ELT(filename, 0));
  ls = ls_createFromFile(strdup(fn));

  ls_nextLine(ls); // skip the first header line
  while(line = ls_nextLine(ls)) {
    it = textFieldtokP(line, "\t");
      error("Input file must contain no less than %d columns", MAND_NCOL);

    textAdd(rnames, textItem(it, 0));
    array(mrpkms, arrayMax(mrpkms), double)=atof(textItem(it, 1));
    array(mreads, arrayMax(mreads), int)=atoi(textItem(it, 2));
    array(srpkms, arrayMax(srpkms), double)=atof(textItem(it, 3));
    array(sreads, arrayMax(sreads), int)=atoi(textItem(it, 4));
    array(mprop, arrayMax(mprop), double)=atof(textItem(it, 5));
    array(allmap, arrayMax(allmap), int)=atoi(textItem(it, 6));

    add_ncol = max(arrayMax(it)-MAND_NCOL, add_ncol);
    textCreateClear(anno, arrayMax(it)-MAND_NCOL);
    for(i=MAND_NCOL; i<arrayMax(it);  ++i) {
      textAdd(anno, textItem(it, i));
    array(annos, arrayMax(annos), Texta)=textClone(anno);

  R_rnames=PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, nrow)); nprot++;
  R_mrpkms=PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nrow)); nprot++;
  R_mreads=PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, nrow)); nprot++;
  R_srpkms=PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nrow)); nprot++;
  R_sreads=PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, nrow)); nprot++;
  R_mprop=PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nrow)); nprot++;
  R_allmap=PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, nrow)); nprot++;

  for(i=0; i<nrow; ++i) {
    SET_STRING_ELT(R_rnames, i, mkChar(textItem(rnames, i)));
    REAL(R_mrpkms)[i]=arru(mrpkms, i, double);
    INTEGER(R_mreads)[i]=arru(mreads, i, int);
    REAL(R_srpkms)[i]=arru(srpkms, i, double);
    INTEGER(R_sreads)[i]=arru(sreads, i, int);
    REAL(R_mprop)[i]=arru(mprop, i, double);
    INTEGER(R_allmap)[i]=arru(allmap, i, int);

  R_res=PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, MAND_NCOL+add_ncol-1)); nprot++;
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_res, 0, R_mrpkms);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_res, 1, R_mreads);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_res, 2, R_srpkms);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_res, 3, R_sreads);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_res, 4, R_mprop);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_res, 5, R_allmap);
  for(i=0; i<add_ncol; ++i) {
    SEXP R_anno=NULL;
    R_anno=PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, nrow));
    for(j=0; j<nrow; ++j) {
      anno=array(annos, j, Texta);
      if(arrayMax(anno)>i) {
         SET_STRING_ELT(R_anno, j, mkChar(textItem(anno, i)));
      } else {
         SET_STRING_ELT(R_anno, j, R_NaString);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(R_res, i+MAND_NCOL-1, R_anno); // -1 because the first column is row name

  PROTECT(R_colnames=allocVector(STRSXP, MAND_NCOL+add_ncol-1)); nprot++;
  PROTECT(R_class=allocVector(STRSXP, 1)); nprot++;
  SET_STRING_ELT(R_colnames, 0, mkChar("RPKM_MultiMap"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(R_colnames, 1, mkChar("ReadCount_MultiMap"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(R_colnames, 2, mkChar("RPKM_UniqMap"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(R_colnames, 3, mkChar("ReadCount_UniqMap"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(R_colnames, 4, mkChar("MultiProp"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(R_colnames, 5, mkChar("AllMappingReads"));
  for(i=0; i<add_ncol; ++i) {
    stringPrintf(str, "Annotation%d", i+1);
    SET_STRING_ELT(R_colnames, i+MAND_NCOL-1,
  SET_STRING_ELT(R_class, 0, mkChar("data.frame"));
  setAttrib(R_res, install("names"), R_colnames);
  setAttrib(R_res, install("row.names"), R_rnames);
  setAttrib(R_res, install("class"), R_class);

  for(i=0; i<nrow; ++i) {
    textDestroy(array(annos, i, Texta));

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GfrEntry *currGE;
  BLEntry *currBLE;
  BLEntry currQuery;
  FILE *fp;
  char *line;
  int count;
  int countRemoved;
  int index;
  WordIter w;
  Array blackList = arrayCreate(20, BLEntry);

  if (argc != 2) {
    usage ("%s <blackList.txt>",argv[0]);
  fp = fopen( argv[1], "r" );
  if( !fp )  die("Unable to open file: %s", argv[1]);
  // reading blacklist file
  LineStream ls = ls_createFromFile( argv[1] );
  while( line = ls_nextLine(ls) ) {
    w = wordIterCreate( line, "\t", 1);
    currBLE = arrayp( blackList, arrayMax(blackList), BLEntry);
    currBLE->gene1 = hlr_strdup ( wordNext(w) );
    currBLE->gene2 = hlr_strdup ( wordNext(w) );    
  arraySort( blackList, (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1);

  // beginFiltering
  count = 0;
  countRemoved = 0;
  gfr_init ("-");
  puts (gfr_writeHeader ());
  while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()) { // reading the gfr
    // creating a new query to the black list
    currQuery.gene1 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1;
    currQuery.gene2 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2;
    // searching against read_1/read_2
    int res = arrayFind( blackList, &currQuery, 
			 &index,  (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1);  
    if( !res ) { // not found, then searching against read_2/read_1
      currQuery.gene1 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2;
      currQuery.gene2 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1;
      res =  arrayFind( blackList, &currQuery, 
			&index, (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1 );
      if( !res ) { // not found, write the instance to stdout, update the counts
	puts (gfr_writeGfrEntry (currGE));
      } else { // found: read2/read1
    } else { //found: read1/read2
  gfr_deInit ();
  arrayDestroy( blackList );
  warn ("%s_BlackListFilter: %s",argv[0], argv[1]);
  warn ("%s_numRemoved: %d",argv[0],countRemoved);
  warn ("%s_numGfrEntries: %d",argv[0],count);
  return 0;
void updateMagneticField(const RenderContext* context) {
	static const Vector minCellPosRel = { -48, -48, -48 };
	static const Vector maxCellPosRel = { 48, 48, 48 };
	static const int cellStep = 8;
	Vector minCellPos = vectorSum(context->camera.position, minCellPosRel);
	Vector maxCellPos = vectorSum(context->camera.position, maxCellPosRel);
	size_t i, count;

	// remove points which is too far from camera
	for (i = 0, count = arrayGetLength(_fieldPoints); i < count; ++i) {
		VectorFieldPoint* point = (VectorFieldPoint*) arrayGetAt(_fieldPoints, i);
		if (point->position.x < minCellPos.x + minCellPosRel.x || point->position.x > maxCellPos.x + maxCellPosRel.x ||
			point->position.y < minCellPos.y + minCellPosRel.y || point->position.y > maxCellPos.y + maxCellPosRel.y ||
			point->position.z < minCellPos.z + minCellPosRel.z || point->position.z > maxCellPos.z + maxCellPosRel.z) {
			arrayDestroy(_fieldPoints, i);

	// compute points
	int x, y, z;
	for (x = (int) (minCellPos.x / cellStep) * cellStep; x <= maxCellPos.x; x += cellStep) {
		for (y = (int) (minCellPos.y / cellStep) * cellStep; y <= maxCellPos.y; y += cellStep) {
			for (z = (int) (minCellPos.z / cellStep) * cellStep; z <= maxCellPos.z; z += cellStep) {
				const Vector position = { x, y, z };

				// try to find
				int pointExists = 0;
				for (i = 0, count = arrayGetLength(_fieldPoints); i < count; ++i) {
					VectorFieldPoint* point = (VectorFieldPoint*) arrayGetAt(_fieldPoints, i);
					if (point->position.x >= x && point->position.x <= x + cellStep &&
						point->position.y >= y && point->position.y <= y + cellStep &&
						point->position.z >= z && point->position.z <= z + cellStep) {
						pointExists = 1;
				if (pointExists) {

				// compute if not exist
				VectorFieldPoint* result = (VectorFieldPoint*) malloc(sizeof(VectorFieldPoint));
				result->position = position;
				result->direction = vectorZero;
				for (i = 0, count = arrayGetLength(_conductors); i < count; ++i) {
					Conductor* conductor = (Conductor*) arrayGetAt(_conductors, i);
					result->direction = vectorSum(
						calculateMagneticFieldPoint(conductor->I, conductor->permeability, conductor->l, vectorSubstract(position, conductor->position))
				arrayAppend(_fieldPoints, result);
Example #12
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GfrEntry *currGE;
  BLEntry *currBLE;
  BLEntry currQuery;
  FILE *fp;
  char *line;
  int count;
  int countRemoved;
  int index;
  WordIter w;
  Array blackList = arrayCreate(20, BLEntry);
  config *Conf;

  if ((Conf = confp_open(getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"))) == NULL) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find .fusionseqrc: %s", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"));
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( confp_get( Conf, "ANNOTATION_DIR")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find ANNOTATION_DIR in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( confp_get( Conf, "BLACKLIST_FILENAME")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLACKLIST_FILENAME in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  Stringa buffer=stringCreate( 100 );
  stringPrintf( buffer, "%s/%s", confp_get( Conf, "ANNOTATION_DIR"), confp_get( Conf, "BLACKLIST_FILENAME") );
  /*  fp = fopen( string( buffer ), "r" );
  if( !fp )  die("Unable to open file: %s", string(buffer));
  stringDestroy( buffer );
// reading blacklist file
  LineStream ls = ls_createFromFile( string(buffer) );
  while( line = ls_nextLine(ls) ) {
    w = wordIterCreate( line, "\t", 1);
    currBLE = arrayp( blackList, arrayMax(blackList), BLEntry);
    currBLE->gene1 = hlr_strdup ( wordNext(w) );
    currBLE->gene2 = hlr_strdup ( wordNext(w) );    
  ls_destroy( ls );
  stringDestroy( buffer );
  arraySort( blackList, (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1);

  // beginFiltering
  count = 0;
  countRemoved = 0;
  gfr_init ("-");
  puts (gfr_writeHeader ());
  while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()) { // reading the gfr
    if( currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1 == NULL ) {
      die("Gene symbols are not present in the GFR file. Please run gfrAddInfo before gfrBlackListFilter.");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // creating a new query to the black list
    currQuery.gene1 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1;
    currQuery.gene2 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2;
    if( strEqual( currQuery.gene1 , currQuery.gene2 ) ) {
    // searching against read_1/read_2
    int res = arrayFind( blackList, &currQuery, 
			 &index,  (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1);  
    if( !res ) { // not found, then searching against read_2/read_1
      currQuery.gene1 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2;
      currQuery.gene2 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1;
      res =  arrayFind( blackList, &currQuery, 
			&index, (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1 );
      if( !res ) { // not found, write the instance to stdout, update the counts
	puts (gfr_writeGfrEntry (currGE));
      } else { // found: read2/read1
    } else { //found: read1/read2
  gfr_deInit ();
  arrayDestroy( blackList );
  warn ("%s_BlackListFilter: %s",argv[0], confp_get( Conf, "BLACKLIST_FILENAME"));
  warn ("%s_numRemoved: %d",argv[0],countRemoved);
  warn ("%s_numGfrEntries: %d",argv[0],count);
  confp_close( Conf);
  return 0;