int consume_room(char *line, struct s_lem_in *lemin, int *state) { static struct s_room **forward_alloc; char **split; split = ft_strsplit(line, ' '); if (!ft_strcmp("##start", line)) forward_alloc = &lemin->start; else if (!ft_strcmp("##end", line)) forward_alloc = &lemin->end; else if (forward_alloc != 0 && arraylen(split) == 3) { *forward_alloc = alloc_room(ft_strdup(split[0])); lemin_push_room(lemin, *forward_alloc); forward_alloc = 0; } else if (arraylen(split) == 3) lemin_push_room(lemin, alloc_room(ft_strdup(split[0]))); else { *state = TUBE; consume_tube(line, lemin, state); } free_array(split); return (0); }
void TestFibonacciRecursive(CuTest *tc) { int expected[] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5}; int actual[arraylen(expected)]; int len = arraylen(expected); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { actual[i] = fibonacciRecursive(i); } CuAssertStrEquals(tc, IntArrayToString(expected, len), IntArrayToString(actual, len)); }
void TestFibonacciExponent(CuTest *tc) { int tests[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,10,40,45}; int expected[arraylen(tests)]; int actual[arraylen(expected)]; int len = arraylen(tests); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int num = tests[i]; expected[i] = fibonacciClosedForm(num); actual[i] = fibonacciExponent(num); } CuAssertStrEquals(tc, IntArrayToString(expected, len), IntArrayToString(actual, len)); }
void TestFibonacciIterative(CuTest *tc) { int tests[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,10,12}; int expected[arraylen(tests)]; int actual[arraylen(expected)]; int len = arraylen(tests); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int num = tests[i]; expected[i] = fibonacciRecursive(num); actual[i] = fibonacciIterative(num); } CuAssertStrEquals(tc, IntArrayToString(expected, len), IntArrayToString(actual, len)); }
static void post_implications(post_t *post, alloc_func_t alloc, alloc_data_t *adata, post_taglist_t **res) { impl_iterator_data_t impldata; post_taglist_t *tl; assert(post); assert(alloc); impldata.list = NULL; impldata.len = 0; impldata.weak = T_NO; impldata.callback = impl_cb; again: tl = impldata.weak ? post->weak_tags : &post->tags; while (tl) { for (int i = 0; i < arraylen(tl->tags); i++) { tag_t *tag = tl->tags[i]; if (tag && tag->implications) { impldata.tag = tag; impldata.tagvalue = tl->values[i]; impllist_iterate(tag->implications, &impldata); } } tl = tl->next; } if (!impldata.weak) { impldata.weak = T_YES; goto again; } if (!impldata.list && impldata.len) { impldata.list = malloc(sizeof(*impldata.list) * impldata.len); impldata.len = 0; impldata.weak = T_NO; goto again; } if (impldata.list) { implcomp_data_t *list = impldata.list; int len = impldata.len; sort(list, len, sizeof(*list), impl_comp, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int skip = 0; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (list[i].impl->tag == list[j].impl->tag) { skip = 1; break; } } if (!skip && list[i].impl->positive) { tag_value_t *value = list[i].impl->set_value; if (list[i].impl->inherit_value) { value = list[i].i_value; } taglist_add(&res[list[i].weak], list[i].impl->tag, value, alloc, adata); } } free(list); } }
int taglist_contains(const post_taglist_t *tl, const tag_t *tag) { while (tl) { for (int i = 0; i < arraylen(tl->tags); i++) { if (tl->tags[i] == tag) return 1; } tl = tl->next; } return 0; }
static void impllist_iterate(impllist_t *impl, impl_iterator_data_t *data) { while (impl) { for (int i = 0; i < arraylen(impl->impl); i++) { if (impl->impl[i].tag) { data->callback(&impl->impl[i], data); } } impl = impl->next; } }
HMENU CreateGraphicsWindowMenus(void) { HMENU top = CreateMenu(); HMENU m = 0; int i; int subMenu = 0; for(i = 0;[i].level >= 0; i++) { char label[100] = { '\0' }; if([i].label) { char accelbuf[40]; const char *sep = MakeAcceleratorLabel([i].accel, accelbuf) ? "\t" : ""; sprintf(label, "%s%s%s",[i].label, sep, accelbuf); } if([i].level == 0) { m = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(top, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)m, label); if(subMenu >= (int)arraylen(SubMenus)) oops(); SubMenus[subMenu] = m; subMenu++; } else if([i].level == 1) { if([i].id == GraphicsWindow::MNU_OPEN_RECENT) { RecentOpenMenu = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(m, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)RecentOpenMenu, label); } else if([i].id == GraphicsWindow::MNU_GROUP_RECENT) { RecentImportMenu = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(m, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)RecentImportMenu, label); } else if([i].label) { AppendMenu(m, MF_STRING,[i].id, label); } else { AppendMenu(m, MF_SEPARATOR,[i].id, ""); } } else oops(); } RefreshRecentMenus(); return top; }
// This code is correct void TestValid(CuTest* tc) { int actual[] = { luhn("4111111111111111"), luhn("5500000000000004"), luhn("30000000000004"), luhn("4111111112111111"), luhn("4123103910123940"), }; int expected[] = { true, true, true, false, false, }; int len = arraylen(actual); CuAssertStrEquals(tc, BoolArrayToString(expected, len), BoolArrayToString(actual, len) ); }
// Mostly the same thing as post_tag() static int post_tag_set_value(post_t *post, const tag_t *tag, truth_t weak, tag_value_t *value) { assert(post); assert(tag); post_taglist_t *tl = (weak ? post->weak_tags : &post->tags); while (tl) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < arraylen(tl->tags); i++) { if (tl->tags[i] == tag) { if (tl->values[i] == value) { return 0; } else { tl->values[i] = value; return 1; } } } tl = tl->next; } return 0; }
static int taglist_add(post_taglist_t **tlp, tag_t *tag, tag_value_t *value, alloc_func_t alloc, alloc_data_t *adata) { post_taglist_t *tl = *tlp; while (tl) { for (int i = 0; i < arraylen(tl->tags); i++) { if (!tl->tags[i]) { tl->tags[i] = tag; tl->values[i] = value; return 0; } if (tl->tags[i] == tag) return 1; } tl = tl->next; } tl = alloc(adata, sizeof(*tl)); tl->tags[0] = tag; tl->values[0] = value; tl->next = *tlp; *tlp = tl; return 0; }
int consume_tube(char *line, struct s_lem_in *lemin, int *state) { struct s_room *s1; struct s_room *s2; char **split; (void)state; (void)lemin; split = ft_strsplit(line, '-'); if (arraylen(split) == 2) { s1 = get_room(lemin, split[0]); s2 = get_room(lemin, split[1]); if (s1 && s2 && ft_strcmp(split[0], split[1])) { room_push_room(s1, s2); room_push_room(s2, s1); } } free_array(split); return (0); }
HMENU CreateGraphicsWindowMenus(void) { HMENU top = CreateMenu(); HMENU m; int i; int subMenu = 0; for(i = 0;[i].level >= 0; i++) { if([i].level == 0) { m = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(top, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)m,[i].label); if(subMenu >= arraylen(SubMenus)) oops(); SubMenus[subMenu] = m; subMenu++; } else if([i].level == 1) { if([i].label) { AppendMenu(m, MF_STRING,[i].id,[i].label); } else { AppendMenu(m, MF_SEPARATOR,[i].id, ""); } } else if([i].level == 10) { RecentOpenMenu = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(m, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)RecentOpenMenu,[i].label); } else if([i].level == 11) { RecentImportMenu = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(m, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)RecentImportMenu,[i].label); } else oops(); } RefreshRecentMenus(); return top; }
static void MenuById(int id, bool yes, bool check) { int i; int subMenu = -1; for(i = 0;[i].level >= 0; i++) { if([i].level == 0) subMenu++; if([i].id == id) { if(subMenu < 0) oops(); if(subMenu >= (int)arraylen(SubMenus)) oops(); if(check) { CheckMenuItem(SubMenus[subMenu], id, yes ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); } else { EnableMenuItem(SubMenus[subMenu], id, yes ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); } return; } } oops(); }
void GraphicsWindow::MouseLeftDown(double mx, double my) { orig.mouseDown = true; if(GraphicsEditControlIsVisible()) { orig.mouse = Point2d::From(mx, my); orig.mouseOnButtonDown = orig.mouse; HideGraphicsEditControl(); return; } SS.TW.HideEditControl(); if(SS.showToolbar) { if(ToolbarMouseDown((int)mx, (int)my)) return; } // Make sure the hover is up to date. MouseMoved(mx, my, false, false, false, false, false); orig.mouse.x = mx; orig.mouse.y = my; orig.mouseOnButtonDown = orig.mouse; // The current mouse location Vector v = offset.ScaledBy(-1); v = v.Plus(projRight.ScaledBy(mx/scale)); v = v.Plus(projUp.ScaledBy(my/scale)); hRequest hr; switch(pending.operation) { case MNU_DATUM_POINT: hr = AddRequest(Request::DATUM_POINT); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(0))->PointForceTo(v); ConstrainPointByHovered(hr.entity(0)); ClearSuper(); break; case MNU_LINE_SEGMENT: hr = AddRequest(Request::LINE_SEGMENT); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(v); ConstrainPointByHovered(hr.entity(1)); ClearSuper(); pending.operation = DRAGGING_NEW_LINE_POINT; pending.point = hr.entity(2); pending.description = "click next point of line, or press Esc"; SK.GetEntity(pending.point)->PointForceTo(v); break; case MNU_RECTANGLE: { if(!SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Error("Can't draw rectangle in 3d; select a workplane first."); ClearSuper(); break; } hRequest lns[4]; int i; SS.UndoRemember(); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lns[i] = AddRequest(Request::LINE_SEGMENT, false); } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Constraint::ConstrainCoincident( lns[i].entity(1), lns[(i+1)%4].entity(2)); SK.GetEntity(lns[i].entity(1))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(lns[i].entity(2))->PointForceTo(v); } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Constraint::Constrain( (i % 2) ? Constraint::HORIZONTAL : Constraint::VERTICAL, Entity::NO_ENTITY, Entity::NO_ENTITY, lns[i].entity(0)); } ConstrainPointByHovered(lns[2].entity(1)); pending.operation = DRAGGING_NEW_POINT; pending.point = lns[1].entity(2); pending.description = "click to place other corner of rectangle"; break; } case MNU_CIRCLE: hr = AddRequest(Request::CIRCLE); // Centered where we clicked SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(v); // Normal to the screen SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(32))->NormalForceTo( Quaternion::From(SS.GW.projRight, SS.GW.projUp)); // Initial radius zero SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(64))->DistanceForceTo(0); ConstrainPointByHovered(hr.entity(1)); ClearSuper(); pending.operation = DRAGGING_NEW_RADIUS; = hr.entity(0); pending.description = "click to set radius"; break; case MNU_ARC: { if(!SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Error("Can't draw arc in 3d; select a workplane first."); ClearPending(); break; } hr = AddRequest(Request::ARC_OF_CIRCLE); // This fudge factor stops us from immediately failing to solve // because of the arc's implicit (equal radius) tangent. Vector adj = SS.GW.projRight.WithMagnitude(2/SS.GW.scale); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(v.Minus(adj)); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(3))->PointForceTo(v); ConstrainPointByHovered(hr.entity(2)); ClearSuper(); pending.operation = DRAGGING_NEW_ARC_POINT; pending.point = hr.entity(3); pending.description = "click to place point"; break; } case MNU_CUBIC: hr = AddRequest(Request::CUBIC); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(3))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(4))->PointForceTo(v); ConstrainPointByHovered(hr.entity(1)); ClearSuper(); pending.operation = DRAGGING_NEW_CUBIC_POINT; pending.point = hr.entity(4); pending.description = "click next point of cubic, or press Esc"; break; case MNU_WORKPLANE: if(LockedInWorkplane()) { Error("Sketching in a workplane already; sketch in 3d before " "creating new workplane."); ClearSuper(); break; } hr = AddRequest(Request::WORKPLANE); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(32))->NormalForceTo( Quaternion::From(SS.GW.projRight, SS.GW.projUp)); ConstrainPointByHovered(hr.entity(1)); ClearSuper(); break; case MNU_TTF_TEXT: { if(!SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Error("Can't draw text in 3d; select a workplane first."); ClearSuper(); break; } hr = AddRequest(Request::TTF_TEXT); Request *r = SK.GetRequest(hr); r->str.strcpy("Abc"); r->font.strcpy("arial.ttf"); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2))->PointForceTo(v); pending.operation = DRAGGING_NEW_POINT; pending.point = hr.entity(2); pending.description = "click to place bottom left of text"; break; } case MNU_COMMENT: { ClearSuper(); Constraint c; ZERO(&c); = SS.GW.activeGroup; c.workplane = SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane(); c.type = Constraint::COMMENT; c.disp.offset = v; c.comment.strcpy("NEW COMMENT -- DOUBLE-CLICK TO EDIT"); Constraint::AddConstraint(&c); break; } case DRAGGING_RADIUS: case DRAGGING_NEW_POINT: // The MouseMoved event has already dragged it as desired. ClearPending(); break; case DRAGGING_NEW_ARC_POINT: ConstrainPointByHovered(pending.point); ClearPending(); break; case DRAGGING_NEW_CUBIC_POINT: { hRequest hr = pending.point.request(); Request *r = SK.GetRequest(hr); if(hover.entity.v == hr.entity(1).v && r->extraPoints >= 2) { // They want the endpoints coincident, which means a periodic // spline instead. r->type = Request::CUBIC_PERIODIC; // Remove the off-curve control points, which are no longer // needed here; so move [2,ep+1] down, skipping first pt. int i; for(i = 2; i <= r->extraPoints+1; i++) { SK.GetEntity(hr.entity((i-1)+1))->PointForceTo( SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(i+1))->PointGetNum()); } // and move ep+3 down by two, skipping both SK.GetEntity(hr.entity((r->extraPoints+1)+1))->PointForceTo( SK.GetEntity(hr.entity((r->extraPoints+3)+1))->PointGetNum()); r->extraPoints -= 2; // And we're done. SS.MarkGroupDirty(r->group); SS.ScheduleGenerateAll(); ClearPending(); break; } if(ConstrainPointByHovered(pending.point)) { ClearPending(); break; } Entity e; if(r->extraPoints >= (int)arraylen(e.point) - 4) { ClearPending(); break; } (SK.GetRequest(hr)->extraPoints)++; SS.GenerateAll(-1, -1); int ep = r->extraPoints; Vector last = SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(3+ep))->PointGetNum(); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2+ep))->PointForceTo(last); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(3+ep))->PointForceTo(v); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(4+ep))->PointForceTo(v); pending.point = hr.entity(4+ep); break; } case DRAGGING_NEW_LINE_POINT: { if(hover.entity.v) { Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(hover.entity); if(e->IsPoint()) { hRequest hrl = pending.point.request(); Entity *sp = SK.GetEntity(hrl.entity(1)); if(( e->PointGetNum()).Equals( (sp->PointGetNum()))) { // If we constrained by the hovered point, then we // would create a zero-length line segment. That's // not good, so just stop drawing. ClearPending(); break; } } } if(ConstrainPointByHovered(pending.point)) { ClearPending(); break; } // Create a new line segment, so that we continue drawing. hRequest hr = AddRequest(Request::LINE_SEGMENT); SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(1))->PointForceTo(v); // Displace the second point of the new line segment slightly, // to avoid creating zero-length edge warnings. SK.GetEntity(hr.entity(2))->PointForceTo( v.Plus(projRight.ScaledBy(0.5/scale))); // Constrain the line segments to share an endpoint Constraint::ConstrainCoincident(pending.point, hr.entity(1)); // And drag an endpoint of the new line segment pending.operation = DRAGGING_NEW_LINE_POINT; pending.point = hr.entity(2); pending.description = "click next point of line, or press Esc"; break; } case 0: default: ClearPending(); if(!hover.IsEmpty()) { hoverWasSelectedOnMousedown = IsSelected(&hover); MakeSelected(&hover); } break; } SS.ScheduleShowTW(); InvalidateGraphics(); }
int CmdVchDemod(const char *Cmd) { // Is this the entire sync pattern, or does this also include some // data bits that happen to be the same everywhere? That would be // lovely to know. static const int SyncPattern[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, }; // So first, we correlate for the sync pattern, and mark that. int bestCorrel = 0, bestPos = 0; int i; // It does us no good to find the sync pattern, with fewer than // 2048 samples after it... for (i = 0; i < (GraphTraceLen-2048); i++) { int sum = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < arraylen(SyncPattern); j++) { sum += GraphBuffer[i+j]*SyncPattern[j]; } if (sum > bestCorrel) { bestCorrel = sum; bestPos = i; } } PrintAndLog("best sync at %d [metric %d]", bestPos, bestCorrel); char bits[257]; bits[256] = '\0'; int worst = INT_MAX; int worstPos = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2048; i += 8) { int sum = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { sum += GraphBuffer[bestPos+i+j]; } if (sum < 0) { bits[i/8] = '.'; } else { bits[i/8] = '1'; } if(abs(sum) < worst) { worst = abs(sum); worstPos = i; } } PrintAndLog("bits:"); PrintAndLog("%s", bits); PrintAndLog("worst metric: %d at pos %d", worst, worstPos); if (strcmp(Cmd, "clone")==0) { GraphTraceLen = 0; char *s; for(s = bits; *s; s++) { int j; for(j = 0; j < 16; j++) { GraphBuffer[GraphTraceLen++] = (*s == '1') ? 1 : 0; } } RepaintGraphWindow(); } return 0; }
// Mode 3 int CmdHF15Demod(const char *Cmd) { // The sampling rate is 106.353 ksps/s, for T = 18.8 us int i, j; int max = 0, maxPos = 0; int skip = 4; if (GraphTraceLen < 1000) return 0; // First, correlate for SOF for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int corr = 0; for (j = 0; j < arraylen(FrameSOF); j += skip) { corr += FrameSOF[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)]; } if (corr > max) { max = corr; maxPos = i; } } PrintAndLog("SOF at %d, correlation %d", maxPos, max / (arraylen(FrameSOF) / skip)); i = maxPos + arraylen(FrameSOF) / skip; int k = 0; uint8_t outBuf[20]; memset(outBuf, 0, sizeof(outBuf)); uint8_t mask = 0x01; for (;;) { int corr0 = 0, corr1 = 0, corrEOF = 0; for (j = 0; j < arraylen(Logic0); j += skip) { corr0 += Logic0[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)]; } for (j = 0; j < arraylen(Logic1); j += skip) { corr1 += Logic1[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)]; } for (j = 0; j < arraylen(FrameEOF); j += skip) { corrEOF += FrameEOF[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)]; } // Even things out by the length of the target waveform. corr0 *= 4; corr1 *= 4; if (corrEOF > corr1 && corrEOF > corr0) { PrintAndLog("EOF at %d", i); break; } else if (corr1 > corr0) { i += arraylen(Logic1) / skip; outBuf[k] |= mask; } else { i += arraylen(Logic0) / skip; } mask <<= 1; if (mask == 0) { k++; mask = 0x01; } if ((i + (int)arraylen(FrameEOF)) >= GraphTraceLen) { PrintAndLog("ran off end!"); break; } } if (mask != 0x01) { PrintAndLog("error, uneven octet! (discard extra bits!)"); PrintAndLog(" mask=%02x", mask); } PrintAndLog("%d octets", k); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { PrintAndLog("# %2d: %02x ", i, outBuf[i]); } PrintAndLog("CRC=%04x", Iso15693Crc(outBuf, k - 2)); return 0; }
void Slvs_Solve(Slvs_System *ssys, Slvs_hGroup shg) { if(!IsInit) { InitHeaps(); IsInit = 1; } int i; for(i = 0; i < ssys->params; i++) { Slvs_Param *sp = &(ssys->param[i]); Param p; ZERO(&p); p.h.v = sp->h; p.val = sp->val; SK.param.Add(&p); if(sp->group == shg) { SYS.param.Add(&p); } } for(i = 0; i < ssys->entities; i++) { Slvs_Entity *se = &(ssys->entity[i]); EntityBase e; ZERO(&e); switch(se->type) { case SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D: e.type = Entity::POINT_IN_3D; break; case SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D: e.type = Entity::POINT_IN_2D; break; case SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_3D: e.type = Entity::NORMAL_IN_3D; break; case SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_2D: e.type = Entity::NORMAL_IN_2D; break; case SLVS_E_DISTANCE: e.type = Entity::DISTANCE; break; case SLVS_E_WORKPLANE: e.type = Entity::WORKPLANE; break; case SLVS_E_LINE_SEGMENT: e.type = Entity::LINE_SEGMENT; break; case SLVS_E_CUBIC: e.type = Entity::CUBIC; break; case SLVS_E_CIRCLE: e.type = Entity::CIRCLE; break; case SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE: e.type = Entity::ARC_OF_CIRCLE; break; default: dbp("bad entity type %d", se->type); return; } e.h.v = se->h; = se->group; e.workplane.v = se->wrkpl; e.point[0].v = se->point[0]; e.point[1].v = se->point[1]; e.point[2].v = se->point[2]; e.point[3].v = se->point[3]; e.normal.v = se->normal; e.distance.v = se->distance; e.param[0].v = se->param[0]; e.param[1].v = se->param[1]; e.param[2].v = se->param[2]; e.param[3].v = se->param[3]; SK.entity.Add(&e); } for(i = 0; i < ssys->constraints; i++) { Slvs_Constraint *sc = &(ssys->constraint[i]); ConstraintBase c; ZERO(&c); int t; switch(sc->type) { case SLVS_C_POINTS_COINCIDENT: t = Constraint::POINTS_COINCIDENT; break; case SLVS_C_PT_PT_DISTANCE: t = Constraint::PT_PT_DISTANCE; break; case SLVS_C_PT_PLANE_DISTANCE: t = Constraint::PT_PLANE_DISTANCE; break; case SLVS_C_PT_LINE_DISTANCE: t = Constraint::PT_LINE_DISTANCE; break; case SLVS_C_PT_FACE_DISTANCE: t = Constraint::PT_FACE_DISTANCE; break; case SLVS_C_PT_IN_PLANE: t = Constraint::PT_IN_PLANE; break; case SLVS_C_PT_ON_LINE: t = Constraint::PT_ON_LINE; break; case SLVS_C_PT_ON_FACE: t = Constraint::PT_ON_FACE; break; case SLVS_C_EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES: t = Constraint::EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES; break; case SLVS_C_LENGTH_RATIO: t = Constraint::LENGTH_RATIO; break; case SLVS_C_EQ_LEN_PT_LINE_D: t = Constraint::EQ_LEN_PT_LINE_D; break; case SLVS_C_EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES: t = Constraint::EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES; break; case SLVS_C_EQUAL_ANGLE: t = Constraint::EQUAL_ANGLE; break; case SLVS_C_EQUAL_LINE_ARC_LEN: t = Constraint::EQUAL_LINE_ARC_LEN; break; case SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC: t = Constraint::SYMMETRIC; break; case SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC_HORIZ: t = Constraint::SYMMETRIC_HORIZ; break; case SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC_VERT: t = Constraint::SYMMETRIC_VERT; break; case SLVS_C_SYMMETRIC_LINE: t = Constraint::SYMMETRIC_LINE; break; case SLVS_C_AT_MIDPOINT: t = Constraint::AT_MIDPOINT; break; case SLVS_C_HORIZONTAL: t = Constraint::HORIZONTAL; break; case SLVS_C_VERTICAL: t = Constraint::VERTICAL; break; case SLVS_C_DIAMETER: t = Constraint::DIAMETER; break; case SLVS_C_PT_ON_CIRCLE: t = Constraint::PT_ON_CIRCLE; break; case SLVS_C_SAME_ORIENTATION: t = Constraint::SAME_ORIENTATION; break; case SLVS_C_ANGLE: t = Constraint::ANGLE; break; case SLVS_C_PARALLEL: t = Constraint::PARALLEL; break; case SLVS_C_PERPENDICULAR: t = Constraint::PERPENDICULAR; break; case SLVS_C_ARC_LINE_TANGENT: t = Constraint::ARC_LINE_TANGENT; break; case SLVS_C_CUBIC_LINE_TANGENT: t = Constraint::CUBIC_LINE_TANGENT; break; case SLVS_C_EQUAL_RADIUS: t = Constraint::EQUAL_RADIUS; break; case SLVS_C_PROJ_PT_DISTANCE: t = Constraint::PROJ_PT_DISTANCE; break; case SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED: t = Constraint::WHERE_DRAGGED; break; case SLVS_C_CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT:t = Constraint::CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT; break; default: dbp("bad constraint type %d", sc->type); return; } c.type = t; c.h.v = sc->h; = sc->group; c.workplane.v = sc->wrkpl; c.valA = sc->valA; c.ptA.v = sc->ptA; c.ptB.v = sc->ptB; c.entityA.v = sc->entityA; c.entityB.v = sc->entityB; c.entityC.v = sc->entityC; c.entityD.v = sc->entityD; c.other = (sc->other) ? true : false; c.other2 = (sc->other2) ? true : false; SK.constraint.Add(&c); } for(i = 0; i < (int)arraylen(ssys->dragged); i++) { if(ssys->dragged[i]) { hParam hp = { ssys->dragged[i] }; SYS.dragged.Add(&hp); } } Group g; ZERO(&g); g.h.v = shg; List<hConstraint> bad; ZERO(&bad); // Now we're finally ready to solve! bool andFindBad = ssys->calculateFaileds ? true : false; int how = SYS.Solve(&g, &(ssys->dof), &bad, andFindBad, false); switch(how) { case System::SOLVED_OKAY: ssys->result = SLVS_RESULT_OKAY; break; case System::DIDNT_CONVERGE: ssys->result = SLVS_RESULT_DIDNT_CONVERGE; break; case System::SINGULAR_JACOBIAN: ssys->result = SLVS_RESULT_INCONSISTENT; break; case System::TOO_MANY_UNKNOWNS: ssys->result = SLVS_RESULT_TOO_MANY_UNKNOWNS; break; default: oops(); } // Write the new parameter values back to our caller. for(i = 0; i < ssys->params; i++) { Slvs_Param *sp = &(ssys->param[i]); hParam hp = { sp->h }; sp->val = SK.GetParam(hp)->val; } if(ssys->failed) { // Copy over any the list of problematic constraints. for(i = 0; i < ssys->faileds && i < bad.n; i++) { ssys->failed[i] = bad.elem[i].v; } ssys->faileds = bad.n; } bad.Clear(); SYS.param.Clear(); SYS.entity.Clear(); SYS.eq.Clear(); SYS.dragged.Clear(); SK.param.Clear(); SK.entity.Clear(); SK.constraint.Clear(); FreeAllTemporary(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load a TrueType font into memory. We care about the curves that define // the letter shapes, and about the mappings that determine which glyph goes // with which character. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TtfFont::LoadFontFromFile(bool nameOnly) { if(loaded) return true; int i; fh = fopen(fontFile, "rb"); if(!fh) { return false; } try { // First, load the Offset Table DWORD version = GetDWORD(); WORD numTables = GetWORD(); WORD searchRange = GetWORD(); WORD entrySelector = GetWORD(); WORD rangeShift = GetWORD(); // Now load the Table Directory; our goal in doing this will be to // find the addresses of the tables that we will need. DWORD glyfAddr = -1, glyfLen; DWORD cmapAddr = -1, cmapLen; DWORD headAddr = -1, headLen; DWORD locaAddr = -1, locaLen; DWORD maxpAddr = -1, maxpLen; DWORD nameAddr = -1, nameLen; DWORD hmtxAddr = -1, hmtxLen; DWORD hheaAddr = -1, hheaLen; for(i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { char tag[5] = "xxxx"; tag[0] = GetBYTE(); tag[1] = GetBYTE(); tag[2] = GetBYTE(); tag[3] = GetBYTE(); DWORD checksum = GetDWORD(); DWORD offset = GetDWORD(); DWORD length = GetDWORD(); if(strcmp(tag, "glyf")==0) { glyfAddr = offset; glyfLen = length; } else if(strcmp(tag, "cmap")==0) { cmapAddr = offset; cmapLen = length; } else if(strcmp(tag, "head")==0) { headAddr = offset; headLen = length; } else if(strcmp(tag, "loca")==0) { locaAddr = offset; locaLen = length; } else if(strcmp(tag, "maxp")==0) { maxpAddr = offset; maxpLen = length; } else if(strcmp(tag, "name")==0) { nameAddr = offset; nameLen = length; } else if(strcmp(tag, "hhea")==0) { hheaAddr = offset; hheaLen = length; } else if(strcmp(tag, "hmtx")==0) { hmtxAddr = offset; hmtxLen = length; } } if(glyfAddr == -1 || cmapAddr == -1 || headAddr == -1 || locaAddr == -1 || maxpAddr == -1 || hmtxAddr == -1 || nameAddr == -1 || hheaAddr == -1) { throw "missing table addr"; } // Load the name table. This gives us display names for the font, which // we need when we're giving the user a list to choose from. fseek(fh, nameAddr, SEEK_SET); WORD nameFormat = GetWORD(); WORD nameCount = GetWORD(); WORD nameStringOffset = GetWORD(); // And now we're at the name records. Go through those till we find // one that we want. int displayNameOffset, displayNameLength; for(i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { WORD platformID = GetWORD(); WORD encodingID = GetWORD(); WORD languageID = GetWORD(); WORD nameId = GetWORD(); WORD length = GetWORD(); WORD offset = GetWORD(); if(nameId == 4) { displayNameOffset = offset; displayNameLength = length; break; } } if(nameOnly && i >= nameCount) { throw "no name"; } if(nameOnly) { // Find the display name, and store it in the provided buffer. fseek(fh, nameAddr+nameStringOffset+displayNameOffset, SEEK_SET); int c = 0; for(i = 0; i < displayNameLength; i++) { BYTE b = GetBYTE(); if(b && c < (sizeof(name.str) - 2)) { name.str[c++] = b; } } name.str[c++] = '\0'; fclose(fh); return true; } // Load the head table; we need this to determine the format of the // loca table, 16- or 32-bit entries fseek(fh, headAddr, SEEK_SET); DWORD headVersion = GetDWORD(); DWORD headFontRevision = GetDWORD(); DWORD headCheckSumAdj = GetDWORD(); DWORD headMagicNumber = GetDWORD(); WORD headFlags = GetWORD(); WORD headUnitsPerEm = GetWORD(); (void)GetDWORD(); // created time (void)GetDWORD(); (void)GetDWORD(); // modified time (void)GetDWORD(); WORD headXmin = GetWORD(); WORD headYmin = GetWORD(); WORD headXmax = GetWORD(); WORD headYmax = GetWORD(); WORD headMacStyle = GetWORD(); WORD headLowestRecPPEM = GetWORD(); WORD headFontDirectionHint = GetWORD(); WORD headIndexToLocFormat = GetWORD(); WORD headGlyphDataFormat = GetWORD(); if(headMagicNumber != 0x5F0F3CF5) { throw "bad magic number"; } // Load the hhea table, which contains the number of entries in the // horizontal metrics (hmtx) table. fseek(fh, hheaAddr, SEEK_SET); DWORD hheaVersion = GetDWORD(); WORD hheaAscender = GetWORD(); WORD hheaDescender = GetWORD(); WORD hheaLineGap = GetWORD(); WORD hheaAdvanceWidthMax = GetWORD(); WORD hheaMinLsb = GetWORD(); WORD hheaMinRsb = GetWORD(); WORD hheaXMaxExtent = GetWORD(); WORD hheaCaretSlopeRise = GetWORD(); WORD hheaCaretSlopeRun = GetWORD(); WORD hheaCaretOffset = GetWORD(); (void)GetWORD(); (void)GetWORD(); (void)GetWORD(); (void)GetWORD(); WORD hheaMetricDataFormat = GetWORD(); WORD hheaNumberOfMetrics = GetWORD(); // Load the maxp table, which determines (among other things) the number // of glyphs in the font fseek(fh, maxpAddr, SEEK_SET); DWORD maxpVersion = GetDWORD(); WORD maxpNumGlyphs = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxPoints = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxContours = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxComponentPoints = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxComponentContours = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxZones = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxTwilightPoints = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxStorage = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxFunctionDefs = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxInstructionDefs = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxStackElements = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxSizeOfInstructions = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxComponentElements = GetWORD(); WORD maxpMaxComponentDepth = GetWORD(); glyphs = maxpNumGlyphs; glyph = (Glyph *)MemAlloc(glyphs*sizeof(glyph[0])); // Load the hmtx table, which gives the horizontal metrics (spacing // and advance width) of the font. fseek(fh, hmtxAddr, SEEK_SET); WORD hmtxAdvanceWidth; SWORD hmtxLsb; for(i = 0; i < min(glyphs, hheaNumberOfMetrics); i++) { hmtxAdvanceWidth = GetWORD(); hmtxLsb = (SWORD)GetWORD(); glyph[i].leftSideBearing = hmtxLsb; glyph[i].advanceWidth = hmtxAdvanceWidth; } // The last entry in the table applies to all subsequent glyphs also. for(; i < glyphs; i++) { glyph[i].leftSideBearing = hmtxLsb; glyph[i].advanceWidth = hmtxAdvanceWidth; } // Load the cmap table, which determines the mapping of characters to // glyphs. fseek(fh, cmapAddr, SEEK_SET); DWORD usedTableAddr = -1; WORD cmapVersion = GetWORD(); WORD cmapTableCount = GetWORD(); for(i = 0; i < cmapTableCount; i++) { WORD platformId = GetWORD(); WORD encodingId = GetWORD(); DWORD offset = GetDWORD(); if(platformId == 3 && encodingId == 1) { // The Windows Unicode mapping is our preference usedTableAddr = cmapAddr + offset; } } if(usedTableAddr == -1) { throw "no used table addr"; } // So we can load the desired subtable; in this case, Windows Unicode, // which is us. fseek(fh, usedTableAddr, SEEK_SET); WORD mapFormat = GetWORD(); WORD mapLength = GetWORD(); WORD mapVersion = GetWORD(); WORD mapSegCountX2 = GetWORD(); WORD mapSearchRange = GetWORD(); WORD mapEntrySelector = GetWORD(); WORD mapRangeShift = GetWORD(); if(mapFormat != 4) { // Required to use format 4 per spec throw "not format 4"; } int segCount = mapSegCountX2 / 2; WORD *endChar = (WORD *)AllocTemporary(segCount*sizeof(WORD)); WORD *startChar = (WORD *)AllocTemporary(segCount*sizeof(WORD)); WORD *idDelta = (WORD *)AllocTemporary(segCount*sizeof(WORD)); WORD *idRangeOffset = (WORD *)AllocTemporary(segCount*sizeof(WORD)); DWORD *filePos = (DWORD *)AllocTemporary(segCount*sizeof(DWORD)); for(i = 0; i < segCount; i++) { endChar[i] = GetWORD(); } WORD mapReservedPad = GetWORD(); for(i = 0; i < segCount; i++) { startChar[i] = GetWORD(); } for(i = 0; i < segCount; i++) { idDelta[i] = GetWORD(); } for(i = 0; i < segCount; i++) { filePos[i] = ftell(fh); idRangeOffset[i] = GetWORD(); } // So first, null out the glyph table in our in-memory representation // of the font; any character for which cmap does not provide a glyph // corresponds to -1 for(i = 0; i < arraylen(useGlyph); i++) { useGlyph[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < segCount; i++) { WORD v = idDelta[i]; if(idRangeOffset[i] == 0) { int j; for(j = startChar[i]; j <= endChar[i]; j++) { if(j > 0 && j < arraylen(useGlyph)) { // Don't create a reference to a glyph that we won't // store because it's bigger than the table. if((WORD)(j + v) < glyphs) { // Arithmetic is modulo 2^16 useGlyph[j] = (WORD)(j + v); } } } } else { int j; for(j = startChar[i]; j <= endChar[i]; j++) { if(j > 0 && j < arraylen(useGlyph)) { int fp = filePos[i]; fp += (j - startChar[i])*sizeof(WORD); fp += idRangeOffset[i]; fseek(fh, fp, SEEK_SET); useGlyph[j] = GetWORD(); } } } } // Load the loca table. This contains the offsets of each glyph, // relative to the beginning of the glyf table. fseek(fh, locaAddr, SEEK_SET); DWORD *glyphOffsets = (DWORD *)AllocTemporary(glyphs*sizeof(DWORD)); for(i = 0; i < glyphs; i++) { if(headIndexToLocFormat == 1) { // long offsets, 32 bits glyphOffsets[i] = GetDWORD(); } else if(headIndexToLocFormat == 0) { // short offsets, 16 bits but divided by 2 glyphOffsets[i] = GetWORD()*2; } else { throw "bad headIndexToLocFormat"; } } scale = 1024; // Load the glyf table. This contains the actual representations of the // letter forms, as piecewise linear or quadratic outlines. for(i = 0; i < glyphs; i++) { fseek(fh, glyfAddr + glyphOffsets[i], SEEK_SET); LoadGlyph(i); } } catch (char *s) { dbp("failed: '%s'", s); fclose(fh); return false; } fclose(fh); loaded = true; return true; }