static int check_bin4(as_record * rec, scan_check * check)
	as_val * bin = (as_val *) as_record_get(rec, "bin4");
	if ( !bin ) {
		error("Expected a value in bin('%s'), but got null", "bin4");
		return !(check->failed = true);

	as_list * list = as_list_fromval(bin);
	if ( !list ) {
		error("Expected a list in bin('%s'), but got type %d", "bin4", as_val_type(bin));
		return !(check->failed = true);

	int sz = as_list_size(list);
	if ( sz < 3 ) {
		error("Expected list size of %d, but got %d", 3, sz);
		return !(check->failed = true);

	for ( int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) {
		as_val * val = as_list_get(list, i);
		if ( !val ) {
			error("Expecting value at %d, but got null", i);
			return !(check->failed = true);

		as_integer * ival = as_integer_fromval(val);
		if ( !ival ) {
			error("Expecting integer at %d, but got type %d", i, as_val_type(val));
			return !(check->failed = true);

	return !(check->failed = false);
Example #2
static int get(lua_State *L){
	aerospike* as = lua_touserdata(L, 1);
	const char* nameSpace = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	const char* set = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
	const char* keyString = luaL_checkstring(L, 4);
	//printf("key-:%s\n", keyString);
	as_record* rec = NULL;
	as_key key;
	as_error err;
	as_key_init(&key, nameSpace, set, keyString);

	// Read the test record from the database.
	aerospike_key_get(as, &err, NULL, &key, &rec);

	// Push the error code
	lua_pushnumber(L, err.code);

	// Push the error message
	lua_pushstring(L, err.message);

	// Create an new table and push it
	if ( err.code == AEROSPIKE_OK){
		lua_newtable(L); /* create table to hold Bins read */
		 * iterate through bin and add the bin name
		 * and value to the table
		as_record_iterator it;
		as_record_iterator_init(&it, rec);

		while (as_record_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
		    as_bin *bin        = as_record_iterator_next(&it);
		    as_val *value      = (as_val*)as_bin_get_value(bin);
            char * binName = as_bin_get_name(bin);
		    int bin_type = as_val_type(value); //Bin Type

		    switch (bin_type){
		    case AS_INTEGER:
		    	//printf("--integer-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	lua_pushnumber(L, as_integer_get(as_integer_fromval(value)));
		    case AS_DOUBLE:
		    	//printf("--double-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	lua_pushnumber(L, as_double_get(as_double_fromval(value)));
		    case AS_STRING:
		    	//printf("--string-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	lua_pushstring(L, as_val_tostring(value));
		    case AS_LIST:
		    	//printf("--list-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	// Iterate through arraylist populating table
		    	as_list* p_list = as_list_fromval(value);
		    	as_arraylist_iterator it;
		    	as_arraylist_iterator_init(&it, (const as_arraylist*)p_list);
                // create a Lua inner table table for the "List"
		    	int count = 0;
		    	// See if the elements match what we expect.
		    	while (as_arraylist_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
		    		const as_val* p_val = as_arraylist_iterator_next(&it);
		    		//Assume string
		    		char* p_str = as_val_tostring(p_val);
                    lua_pushnumber(L, count); // table[i]
			    	lua_pushstring(L, p_str); //Value
                    //printf("%d => %s\n", count, p_str);
			    	lua_settable(L, -3);
		    lua_settable(L, -3);
	return 3;
Example #3
 *	Get specified bin's value as an as_list.
 *	as_list * value = as_record_get_list(rec, "bin");
 *	@param rec 	- the record containing the bin
 *	@param name 	- the name of the bin
 *	@return the value if it exists, otherwise NULL.
as_list * as_record_get_list(const as_record * rec, const as_bin_name name) 
	return as_list_fromval((as_val *) as_record_get(rec, name));