Example #1
void dump_record(const as_record* p_rec)
	if (! p_rec) {
		info("  null as_record object");

	if (p_rec->key.valuep) {
		char* key_val_as_str = as_val_tostring(p_rec->key.valuep);

		info("  key: %s", key_val_as_str);


	uint16_t num_bins = as_record_numbins(p_rec);

	info("  generation %u, ttl %u, %u bin%s", p_rec->gen, p_rec->ttl, num_bins,
			num_bins == 0 ? "s" : (num_bins == 1 ? ":" : "s:"));

	as_record_iterator it;
	as_record_iterator_init(&it, p_rec);

	while (as_record_iterator_has_next(&it)) {

static void
as_get_callback1(as_error* err, as_record* rec, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop)
	assert_success_async(&monitor, err, udata);
    assert_int_eq_async(&monitor, as_record_numbins(rec), 1);
    assert_int_eq_async(&monitor, as_record_get_int64(rec, "a", 0), 123);
example_dump_record(const as_record* p_rec)
	if (! p_rec) {
		LOG("  null as_record object");

	uint16_t num_bins = as_record_numbins(p_rec);

	LOG("  generation %u, ttl %u, %u bin%s:", p_rec->gen, p_rec->ttl, num_bins,
			num_bins == 1 ? "" : "s");

	as_record_iterator it;
	as_record_iterator_init(&it, p_rec);

	while (as_record_iterator_has_next(&it)) {

static uint16_t as_record_rec_numbins(const as_rec * r) 
	return r ? as_record_numbins((as_record *) r) : 0;
static bool scan_check_callback(const as_val * val, void * udata) 
	int i;

	if ( !val ) {
		return false;
	scan_check * check = (scan_check *) udata;

	as_record * rec = as_record_fromval(val);
	if ( !rec ) {
		error("Expected a record, but got type %d", as_val_type(val));
		return !(check->failed = true);

	const char * set = rec->key.set[0] == '\0' ? NULL : rec->key.set;

	// Find the number of unique threads spawned under the hood.
	// Note that the scan callback will be called in the thread context.
	// As the number of threads is same as node count, they will be limited.
	// A linear search is good enough for this.
	pthread_t cur_thread = pthread_self();
	for (i=0; i<check->unique_tcount; i++) {
		if (check->threadids[i] == cur_thread) {
	// Found a new thread
	if (i == check->unique_tcount) {
		check->threadids[check->unique_tcount] = cur_thread;

	// Check if we are getting the results only from the set the scan is triggered for
	// If scan is called with NULL set, all the recs will come. So, no checks in this case.
	if ( check->set ) {
		// Do the check only if the rec also have a setname
		if ( !set ) {
			error("Expected set '%s', but got set NULL", check->set);
			return !(check->failed = true);
		else if ( strcmp(check->set, set) != 0) {
			error("Expected set '%s', but got set '%s'", check->set, set);
			return !(check->failed = true);

	// Check that we got the right number of bins
	int numbins = as_record_numbins(rec);

	if ( check->nobindata ) {
		if ( numbins != 0 ) {
			error("Expected 0 bins, but got %d", numbins);
			return !(check->failed = true);
		return !(check->failed = false);

	// only validate data if in sb_set1 or sb_set2
	if ( check->set && strcmp(set, SET1) != 0 && strcmp(set, SET2) != 0 ) {
		return !(check->failed = false);

	// validate bins
	int nbins = sizeof(check->bins) / sizeof(char *);
	for( int i = 0; check->bins[i] && i < nbins; i++ ) {
		char * bin = check->bins[i];
		if ( strcmp(bin, "bin1") == 0 ) {
			if ( !check_bin1(rec, check) ) {
				error("Failed check of bin1");
				return !(check->failed = true);
		else if ( strcmp(bin, "bin2") == 0 ) {
			if ( !check_bin2(rec, check) ) {
				error("Failed check of bin2");
				return !(check->failed = true);
		else if ( strcmp(bin, "bin3") == 0 ) {
			if ( !check_bin3(rec, check) ) {
				error("Failed check of bin3");
				return !(check->failed = true);
		else if ( strcmp(bin, "bin4") == 0 ) {
			if ( !check_bin4(rec, check) ) {
				error("Failed check of bin4");
				return !(check->failed = true);
		else {
			error("Unknown bin %s", bin);
			return !(check->failed = true);

	return !(check->failed = false);